How to replace dll files in program files by cmd/bat - dll

I'm trying to do bat file which replaces some dll files under program files\file...
I just can't find solution to do this. I have some win xp and windows 7 computers to run this bat and I'm using xcopy command.
My file copy command is working correctly if destination is something else than under program files.
Does somebody knows the solution for this, please?

Your batch file needs to run elevated. In older windows versions you can also use the runas command to run it as administrator.


How can i make standalone .exe file using node-webkit?

I'm developed window application from node-webkit, and I make it to .exe file.
i try
copy /b nw.exe+myapp.nw
and i try to build use nw-builder but it same result.
To perform this .exe file, it need some files(nw.pak, some Dlls).
I want to excute this exe file standalone.
Please let me know any method to excute .exe file standalone
I solved this issue.
i found packaging program Enigma Vitual Box and this program help packaging .exe file, nw.pak and other files.
You can use Inno Script App to make an installer for the .exe file. I do use it and it makes sense.

How to access file with unacceptable file name

I don't know is this site a good place to ask this question... A long time ago, my operating system was linux. On linux I made a file with name \/:*?"<>|. Then I installed windows instead of linux, but now I cannot access or delete this file. I tried to delete it using Unlocker, ProceXP, Command Prompt and many other programs, but I couldn't. Also, I tried all commands in Command Prompt which can be used for deleting undeletable files, but this file is still here. If I try to rename it, process explorer.exe crashes. Then I installed linux again and this file become accessable.
Now I have windows and another file with name \/:*?"<>|. Is it possible to access this file without installing linux? Is there a way to access place on filesystem where this file name is stored and manualy change it to any acceptable file name? If yes, can you explain which program is best for it?
Try using DeleteDoctor. I've used it under similar situations as yours with great success. You can download a copy here:

running yiic from commandline fails after necessairy steps have been taken

I'm trying to install a Yii application with the latest framework to date on wampserver2.2.
I edited the .bat file to match the directory of my php /bin folder and added this as a value to the path variable.
However I seem to be unable to run yiic from the commandline. Im trying this on a windows 7 professional OS but to no avail. If i fire up yiic.php it opens the file in a notepad window. If I try to run the .bat file, the cmdline returns that it can not open the input file c:\wamp\framework\yiic
What should I do to make yiic run from the commandline? I think I completed all the necessairy steps but could be easily overlooking something.
If someone could come up with an answer that would be great.
Two things:
Make sure you are running yiic.bat, and not just yiic (which is the Linux shell script). There are two files in the directory, and your error (can not open the input file c:\wamp\framework\yiic) looks like you are using just yiic, the Bash script.
As #schmunk mentioned in the comment on the question, you can just call yiic.php directly with the PHP CLI. That is what the yiic.bat script is doing for you. :)
C:\wamp\framework> php yiic.php webapp C:\wamp\htdocs\myproject
I answered a similar question here that covers the same stuff:

How to resolve Notepad++ "Writing error summary to C:\Program Files(x86)\ ...\HTMLTIDY.ERR" on Vista?

How to resolve Notepad++ "Writing error summary to C:\Program Files(x86)\ ...\HTMLTIDY.ERR" on Vista pc?
I have the latest version of notepad++ (just updated it two days ago).
When I try to run TextFX htmltidy, I get the above error reported by windows vista.
I've set permissions on the file htmltidy.err to allow everyone to modify/read/write/etc.
I do not understand file permissions in Win Visa.
2nd issue: I also have to click 'Allow' whenever I click to launch notepad++ even though I granted the program exe admin rights. UAC says it is an unidentified program.
Do I need to reboot to make these changes effective? What am I missing?
This is not an error, simply a message:
Any errors found in the HTML codes are being written to this file.
For example:
line 1 column 1 - Warning: missing declaration
This is a Windows 7 restriction. Programs should not write into Program Files folder. Instead it should use a temporary folder like %TEMP% or/and %APPDATA%.
Another possible solution is to install Notepad++ outside Program Files folder, in that way you can hanle file and folder permissions by yourself.

Changing target directory for a pre-build command in VS 2005

I'm programming in VB using Visual Studio 2005 Professional.
I have a code munger perl script that generates some of the *.vb files that I want to compile. The script and the associated files are in my project directory, and when I run the script from the OS command prompt, it writes the files in the same directory, which is what I want.
Rather than do this, I want to invoke the perl script as a pre-build event. I've gotten it to work ... almost. The only issue now is that the files are now deposited in TargetDir (/bin/Release e.g.) instead of ProjectDir. I could just change TargetDir to be ProjectDir, but that seems like I'm asking for trouble.
Is there a way to separately specify the target directory for pre-build commands? Or change it to ProjectDir, then change it back after I'm done with the pre-build? Or maybe I just need to write a command that moves the files back where I want?
Thanks in advance!
You can simply prepend a cd command to your command:
cd ProjectDir
Your custom build step will be written out as a batch file by Visual Studio and run with cmd.exe, so cd commands will work just fine.