Is Susy SEMANTIC? - semantics

There are many Grid frameworks. However there are just a few, which are responsive and at the same time semantic.
The Semantic Grid System is one these Grid systems.
I just wonder if Susy is also SEMANTIC?

Yes, Susy is just as semantic as The Semantic Grid System.
That said, the term "semantic grid system" is misleading. No grid system is semantic, because grids are only about layout, applied to HTML markup. Your HTML markup can be semantic, but that's all up to you and your grid system cannot turn non-semantic HTML into semantic HTML. What people call "a semantic grid system" is only a grid system that does not require you to add additional non-semantic classes to your HTML markup.


Vega visualization custom html

Is there a way to include custom HTML on the visualization of a vega object ( ?
In certain scenarios we'd need to embed custom html together with the visual chart/graph.
Not right now because Vega supports both Canvas and SVG renders as well as rendering to images and so embedding HTML won't be possible in general. We might add support for some kind of "foreign embedded object" in the future but there are no concrete plans.

What is the point of getEl() in extjs4

I have a listener that is called when a tab is activated.
, listeners: {
activate: function(tab){
var first = tab.down('input'), // will be null
firstEl = tab.getEl().down('input'); // will contain first input element
I'm not having a lot of luck understanding the relationship between tab and tab.getEl(). If this was jquery, $(tab) would give me a jquery element which would largely expand on my set of options. extjs seems to be almost backwards in this regards, or at least more complicated.
I'm trying to understand when and why I need getEl() so that it is less of a development crapshoot about what will and won't work. In other places I do things like:
showFieldHelpOnBlur = function(ctrl) {
without the getEl(). In this case form is an element tag just like input (above), but I don't need the getEl() before I use it. In general the two sets of functionality that share the same names but don't work the same are frustrating, and the docs don't seem to give any clue as to why there are multiple methods with the same names that do different things, or do similar things in a different way.
Found some similar issues with focus(), but those might make more sense if I just understood why are there are 2 seemingly parallel sets of methods for what are essentially DOM elements wrapped in additional functionality.
I think at the core of your confusion is how you approach the development using ExtJS vs JQuery.
JQuery is all about DOM manipulation and low level API. ExtJS approach is very different, it wants you to think of your page structure as a hierarchy of ExtJS components that are responsible for rendering appropriate HTML. So ExtJS is essentially saying: "Don't worry about html, we'll take care of it - you focus on the larger components, layouts, events, etc. "
You will say "Whoa Nelly! What do you mean don't worry about html? I want control!" And ExtJS will respond OK - we have a wrapper object called Element (!/api/Ext.dom.Element) you can use it to do DOM manipulation just like you are used to with JQuery .. but be cautious. Because if you manage your own HTML we can't be responsible for what happens to your layouts and components that are not managed by the framework.
My advice is this - when in Rome do like Romans do :)
If you are going to be using ExtJS to build apps - embrace the way ExtJS is designed to work. Learn the different layout mechanics and numerous component types available to you out of the box. Use the MVC development pattern to beautifully organize your code. Use the examples to your advantage. Study the architecture and component guides - these are very useful. Understanding ComponentQuery class is a must (all those up/down methods and query).
At the end, when you have gained comfort using ExtJS components and their style of development you will be very efficient at building your UI compositions and can build much more complex applications than before.
Good Luck!
Pro Tip: Do yourself a favor and get Illuminations for Developers plugin for Firebug - it will open your eyes to see things using component structure rather than HTML elements.

What HTML5 Tag Should be Used for a "Call to Action" Div?

I am new to HTML5 and am wondering which HTML5 tag should be used on a Call to Action div that sits in a column next to the main content on the home page.
Option 1:
//call to action
Option 2:
//call to action
The reason I ask is because I don't see either option as being a perfect fit. Perhaps I am missing something. Thanks!
My HTML for the Call to Action:
<section class="box">
<h1 class="side">Call Now</h1>
<h2 class="side">To Schedule a Free Pick-Up!</h2>
<ul class="center">
<h3 class="side no-bottom">(781) 729-2213</h3>
<h4 class="side no-top no-bottom">Ask for Bob!</h4>
<img class="responsive" src="img/satisfaction-guarantee.png" alt="100% Satisfaction Guarantee">
<p class="side">We guarantee you will be thrilled with our services or your money back!</p>
This is a box on the right column of a three column layout. The content in the large middle column gives a summary of the company's services. If you wanted to use those services, you would have to schedule a pick-up, hence the call to action.
Does anyone object to this use of HTML5, or have a better way?
My take is that the best practices for the new HTML5 structural elements are still being worked out, and the forgiving nature of the new HTML5 economy means that you can establish the conventions that make the most sense for your application.
In my applications, I have separate considerations for markup that reflects the layout of the view (that is, the template that creates the overall consistency from page to page) versus the content itself (usually any function or query results that receive additional markup before being inserted into the various regions in the layout). The distinction matters because the layout element semantics (like header, footer, and aside) don't really help with differentiation of the content during search since that markup is usually repeated from page to page. I particularly favor using the semantic distinctions in HTML5 to describe the content the user is actually searching on. For example I generally use article to wrap the primary content and nav to wrap any associated list of links. Widget wrappers are usually tied to the page layout, so I'd go with the convention of the template for that guideline.
Whenever I have to decide on semantic vs generic names, my general heuristic is:
If there is a possible precedent already in the page template, follow that precedent;
If the element in question is new part of the page layout (vs a content query that is rendered into a region in the layout) and there is no guiding pattern in the template already, div is fine for associating that page layout behavior to;
If the content is created dynamically (that is, anything that gets instanced into the layout at request time--posts, navigation, most widgets), wrap it in a semantic wrapper that best describes what that item is (vs how you think it should appear)
Whenever authoring or generating content, use semantic HTML5 markup as appropriate within that content (hgroup to bracket hierarchical headings, section to organize chunks within the article, etc.). This is future-proof enrichment for search.
According to all this, div would be fine as a wrapper for your widget unless your page template already establishes a different widget wrapper. Also, your use of heading elements for creating large, bold appearance within the widget is using markup for appearance rather than for semantics. Since your particular usage is appearance-motivated, it would be better to use divs or spans with CSS classes that can let you specify sizes, spacing, and other adornments as needed for that non-specific text rather than having to override the browser defaults for the heading elements. I'd save the heading elements for the page heading, for widget headings, and for headings within the primary content region of the page. There can be SEO ranking issues for misuse of headings that are not part of the main content.
I hope these ideas help in your consideration of HTML5 markup usage.
So far as the semantics of the markup go, Don's advice makes sense. (As you said your CTA was visually beside the main content and secondary to that content, I would favor aside, but there's no single correct answer.)
However, you've tagged your question with "seo," so I take it you're interested in the SEO benefits of using the right markup. At this time, Google doesn't give special weight to having nice, semantic markup---they don't care about the difference between things like aside, section, and div. This may be partly because the meaning of these tags is still being defined (by the practice of Web devs), but they even seem to ignore tags that are clearly relevant search results (like nav, which will almost always be irrelevant to a page's description in the search results).
Instead, they heavily favor using microdata for marking up rich semantics. In the short term, marking your page up using the WebPage microdata will likely provide greater benefit. You can mark your CTA as a relatedLink or significantLink, and keep it outside the mainContent of the page. If you're looking to optimize your page for search, this is a great way to do it---in my experience, Google very rarely shows text outside of your mainContent block in the search results description.
Proper markup depends on the actual content, which you have not provided.
That said, wrapping everything in a div is fine (although perhaps unnecessary) no matter what your content is as the <div> tag has no semantic value. Your two examples are probably not correct, unless your "call to action" is literally an entire article (which I doubt is the case).
The call to action might occur within an <aside>, but it's not likely that the call to action is the aside itself. Once again, that depends on the content (what it is) and context (where it is in relation to other content).
Typically "call to action" is a link somewhere, so the obvious answer to me is using an anchor, <a>.
It's just a link to another page. Use a div.

Dojo Grid Template

In the DataGrid supports templates. You can provide your own template and have the grid fill the data in your template.
With Dojo Grid, it seems like I can't make my own template outside of the the rigid simplistic cell style grid that Dojo provides.
Does anyone know a way to use a custom template with Dojo Grid? Specifically, with Dojo you're forced to use a cell that corresponds to a data item. I'm looking to use a table as a template with any styling that I choose (rows,columns,rowspans,colspans, more than one data items in a single cell, etc).
Any clues please?
Firstly, it sounds like everything you want is available by customizing the grid. You can do nesting of cells and even have things like Filtering Selects in rows. Unfortunately the docs on this are not awesome so it takes Googling and trial and error if you want very customized features.
Secondly, because of the OO nature of Dojo you can always use inheritance to create mixes of various widgets. Specifically the _templated class allows you to specify an HTML template for your widget, which themselves can included templated widgets.
If that sounds non-trivial, you're right, which is why I would suggest digging deeper into the Enhanced grid and probably open up the code before trying to write something yourself.
I can tell you that I struggled getting it working correctly, but I have hence been pleasantly surprised by features that I needed that I thought I would need to build myself but were built into the grid.

XAML tag list reference

As the question suggests I'm simply looking for a XAML tag list reference. I've banged the obvious queries in Google/SO but not found what I am looking for yet. Any useful links welcome.
There's a WPF Binding Cheatsheet and another XAML for WPF Cheatsheet which might help, but really the "tags" in XAML are just the properties of the classes.
There isn't such a thing as a xaml tag list.
XAML is just a declarative way to instantiate .Net classes. Class names are elements in XAML and properties on the class are attributes or attribute elements using dot notation.
Tags in XAML only mirror the types in one or more assemblies that are bound to a particular XAML namespace.
There are however a specific set of elements that are specific to XAML in itself and are not related to any particular .Net assembly, those are usually in the x: namespace, more info here: XAML Namespace (x:).
There is no such thing as the XAML tag list since XAML is an open system.
There are, however, standard vocabularies. Rob Relyea's Blog is a good place to keep track of the standardization around these vocabluaries. For example, this is an entry for the Silverlight XAML vocabulary.
With WPF the XAML elements map to the classes like StackPanel. MSDN seems to give XAML examples for many of the controls.
There are XAML-specific conventions about representing things like complex properties and bindings. However, there is no definitive list of XAML tags. XAML tags are actually mapped to WPF objects. For example, <Button> is just a XAML representation of the System.Windows.Controls.Button class and the attributes allowed on the <Button> tag are the public properties of the Button class.
There should be several WPF cheatsheets available soon on (since around September 2011) ... You can download it there, and also buy printed versions with more detailed information on them (not all content fits in publicly available pdf, because pdf would not be readable if printed on paper without high quality print ... that is why we also decided to sell high quality laminated cheatsheet prints in addition to their free versions)