Struts controller/porccessor monitoring/log utility - struts

I'm looking for some kind of monitoring tool to visualize/log all internal struts forwards together with all http headers, parameters, request and session attributes values.
The intend is to understand the full flow of certain request in struts 1.x application.
Thanks a lot.

Use MaintainJ to monitor all calls and methods in java web application... And in firefox install 'firebug' run it select net tag... Under this tag you can see every server call and response of that call... Chrome too have this feature...


Difference between REST Client and browser

I wonder what is the difference between REST Client like Postman and browser? I want to make API calls but I dont understand why I have to use a REST Client instead of a browser.
A browser permits to create simple GET calls, you invoke a url and obtain the response.
A REST Client permits more possibilities like:
to construct every type of REST/HTTP call such as POST,PUT and DELETE,
add headers to the calls,
build a body for the calls (a json/xml or whatever of want one).
It's a tool more sophisticated.
You can install a standalone one like:
or install a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome like:
Disclaimer: I'm the creator and maintainer of Resting

I have a Master API exposed which calls microservice A and A then called a third party microservice B. I want to mock Service B [duplicate]

I am exploring Karate API double (mocking) for the integration test. For the below scenarios, I'm not getting the expected mocking response. Your help will be appreciated.
My Setup :
1. Karate Mock Server up with pathMatches rules on port 8001: http://localhost:8001 ( working, validated against "/cat" and some test calls)
2. My own Application is up from docker on port 8080. From Docker exposed 8001 port as well.
Mocking Case:
1. My application REST call exposed to all users http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser. This exposed API, underlying calling other REST call http://dev-STG/userservice/v1/findUser which actually giving JSON response. So, I want to mock underlying API call and validate my API behavior accordingly.
Steps tried:
1. Now, in my application config, m replacing actual underlying API call to Karate mock server(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser). Then did build & up my application docker.
In Karate, I defined test e.g "testIntgrtn.feature" which calling my application API "http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser" and Karate mock server up and set with pathmatch "/userservice/v1/findUser".
After executing "testIntgrtn.feature" karate not mocking for an underlying call(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser).
Now, in "testIntgrtn.feature" file I changed my-application URL to underlying REST URL i.e (http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser) then mocking will work like charm.
I'm not understanding why underlying API call not getting mocked here? Did I miss something here?
Also, in Karate can we monitor all REST calls (like cypress mocking).
Thanks for this wonderful framework. Which is intuitive for writing automation cases.
Karate cannot automatically intercept calls.
The recommended approach is when you boot the application running at localhost:8080 you change the configuration so that instead of calling http://dev-stg/userservice/v1/findUser it calls something like http://localhost:8001/v1/findUser. This is what most teams do, and is easy because you should anyway be defining external URL-s as (or equivalent) as a best-practice.
It is very easy to over-ride an application property in Spring Boot for example, you can do this via the command-line:
If you want, you can dynamically provision a port for the mock. So your unit test can first start a mock, get the port, and then start the server. You can find details in the Karate documentation.
All this said, if you are able to change the (system) HTTP proxy before the app at localhost:8080 starts, you may be able to do this without modifying the configuration. (But it is tricky, so I recommend the approach explained above.) So in this case, Karate can actually "intercept" the outgoing HTTP calls that the app at localhost:8080 makes.
See the second-last row (5a) in the table here:

In Karate API mocking not working as expected for me

I am exploring Karate API double (mocking) for the integration test. For the below scenarios, I'm not getting the expected mocking response. Your help will be appreciated.
My Setup :
1. Karate Mock Server up with pathMatches rules on port 8001: http://localhost:8001 ( working, validated against "/cat" and some test calls)
2. My own Application is up from docker on port 8080. From Docker exposed 8001 port as well.
Mocking Case:
1. My application REST call exposed to all users http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser. This exposed API, underlying calling other REST call http://dev-STG/userservice/v1/findUser which actually giving JSON response. So, I want to mock underlying API call and validate my API behavior accordingly.
Steps tried:
1. Now, in my application config, m replacing actual underlying API call to Karate mock server(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser). Then did build & up my application docker.
In Karate, I defined test e.g "testIntgrtn.feature" which calling my application API "http://localhost:8080/service/v1/findUser" and Karate mock server up and set with pathmatch "/userservice/v1/findUser".
After executing "testIntgrtn.feature" karate not mocking for an underlying call(http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser).
Now, in "testIntgrtn.feature" file I changed my-application URL to underlying REST URL i.e (http://localhost:8001/userservice/v1/findUser) then mocking will work like charm.
I'm not understanding why underlying API call not getting mocked here? Did I miss something here?
Also, in Karate can we monitor all REST calls (like cypress mocking).
Thanks for this wonderful framework. Which is intuitive for writing automation cases.
Karate cannot automatically intercept calls.
The recommended approach is when you boot the application running at localhost:8080 you change the configuration so that instead of calling http://dev-stg/userservice/v1/findUser it calls something like http://localhost:8001/v1/findUser. This is what most teams do, and is easy because you should anyway be defining external URL-s as (or equivalent) as a best-practice.
It is very easy to over-ride an application property in Spring Boot for example, you can do this via the command-line:
If you want, you can dynamically provision a port for the mock. So your unit test can first start a mock, get the port, and then start the server. You can find details in the Karate documentation.
All this said, if you are able to change the (system) HTTP proxy before the app at localhost:8080 starts, you may be able to do this without modifying the configuration. (But it is tricky, so I recommend the approach explained above.) So in this case, Karate can actually "intercept" the outgoing HTTP calls that the app at localhost:8080 makes.
See the second-last row (5a) in the table here:

FLOWABLE: Authenticating flowable-task from another application via rest call

So, I am creating an application which will be using flowable.
We can say that once my application starts, it's gonna start a particular process deployed on flowable, proceed ahead accordingly.
So, in a way there will be lot of talking between flowable and other application, but for now suppose I just want to call flowable applications from POSTMAN (outside FLOWABLE).
I have used 3 modules: flowable-idm, flowable-modeler, flowable-task in my application.
Everything works fine when I am starting my deployed process from UI of flowable task, problems come when I want to start the processInstance using REST endpoint.
In flowable-task application, there is already a REST endpoint to start the process deployed: http://localhost:8080/flowable-task/app/rest/process-instances.
Now, if I call this from Swagger of flowable-task application, it works fine.
But it doesn't work when I try to call it from another application or POSTMAN for now (once POSTMAN call works, I can make the same arrangement in code), where I'm doing a basic auth and providing what's required in body.
Also, there is no error or exception displayed on console, I believe that is because of something catching that error or exception and not displaying anything.
However, to overcome the problem of starting process from POSTMAN, I can use REST endpoint http://localhost:9999/flowable-task/process-api/runtime/process-instances, but this is just a workaround, in future if I create new endpoints I would have to figure out a way to call those endpoints.
I saw this post and I guess this guy was also trying to achieve something similar but for flowable-modeler.
It's been suggested to make changes in of flowable-task-conf module for my case, but I haven't done such changes before so not exactly sure where to start and how to proceed.
So, my question is how to talk to flowable-applications from outside flowable applications.
Forum post about getting exception when imported flowable-rest module in workspace
The flowable-task UI Application is an example application that exposes non public REST API for the UI. However, the application also exposes the full REST API of Flowable.
There is also the flowable-rest application that has the Swagger doc and exposes the full REST API without a UI.
You would want to communicate with those REST endpoints.
The endpoints are under the following contexts:
process-api for the Process Engine
cmmn-api for the CMMN Engine
dmn-api for the DMN Engine
idm-api for the IDM Engine
form-api for the Form Engine
content-api for the Content Engine
For your example you would need to use POST to /process-api/runtime/process-instances for Starting a Process Instance

Retrieve response object after UI action?

so I've created several service tests where I validate the response object, normally using the requests library or http library to send a POST request for example.
This time however I'm doing an end-to-end test. Through the UI progressing through a workflow, one stage involves uploading a document, behind the scenes this will call a separate service, the response of which will contain some information that could be useful to me for further verification.
Is there a way to merge these? After the UI action can I 'listen' for the response object somehow?
I do NOT wish to call the endpoint directly as I want to prove the workflow is as intended, the endpoint is verified directly in service level tests already.
Integrate Selenium tests with BrowserMob Proxy and you will be able to 'listen' for the responses using HAR file:
Java repo where the feature is implemented: