Can't fetch certain types of nested objects in Ebean - orm

I'm trying to fetch nested objects in Ebean, but it isn't working. I get the User. It has Addresses. The Addresses each have a House. But the House only has an id. All other properties are null. I read on this other forum that there may be a bug in Ebean, but it was from 2011. Is there a way to make this work?
Note: Address and House have a OneToOne relationship.
Note: I left out #Entity and #Id for simplicity.
public class User {
public List<Address> addresses;
public static Finder<String, User> find = new Finder(String.class, User.class);
// This is my query
public static Event find(Long id) {
return find.fetch("addresses").fetch("").where().eq("id", id).findUnique();
public class Address {
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "address")
public House house;
public class House {
public Address address;
public String somePropertyThatIsNullWhenIUseMyQuery;

Ebean.find(User.class).fetch("", new FetchConfig().query())
works for me. If you still dont see it, u might want to use
Sometimes when u just pass the object to JSON f.e. properties shown as null :(


What is a correct way of designing REST API's for SpringBoot

As I know about designing of REST-API's in SpringBoot we will design API's for User like
For ADD User = /v1/users (Add a single object into a user collection)
For GET/UPDATE/DELETE user = /v1/users/{userId} (for get/update/delete
a single object from users collection)
Now We also design an API's for User Address like
For Add Address = /v1/users/{userId}/addresses (Add a single object
into addresses of user followed by userId)
For GET/UPDATE/DELETE = /v1/users/{userId}/addresses/{addressId}
(get/update /delete of address from addresses for a user of given
So, I have created API's like this but for add/get/update/delete I can direct addresses into Address table via RestController -> Services -> Repository -> DB
Now for Address CRUD I'm never used {userId} which is provided in API
Sample for Add/Update address
public Address addAddress(Address address) {
address =;
return address;
Is there I'm doing something wrong in code or my concept about rest is not cleared.
Thank you in advance.
I think first you should come up with the structure of relationship between user and address.
Like ADDRESS CANT EXISTS WITHOUT USER and USER CAN HAVE MANY ADDRESSES or CAN HAVE ONLY ONE ADDRESS that is basically the cardinality of the relationship.
See the accepted anwer.
Once that done and you come up with the CASCADE TYPE and USE THE HELPER method persist the parent along with child.
Here is the good example.
Will try to upload code for your example.
Let me know of this:)
public class User {
private Long id;
private String userName;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "user", orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();
public void addAddress(Address address) {
public void removeAddress(Address address) {
public class Address {
private Long id;
private String address;
private User user;
public class Service
public void saveAddressForUser(#RequestBody AddressForUser address)
User user=getUserFromDatabase(userId);
Repository.persist(user);//it will also persist address as cascade type is all.

How do I create an Entity Framework DbSet with data from 2 tables

Before I start my question, I will point out that this is for an assignment in a programming course I am doing, and I'm afraid the code needs to be in VB.
We are writing an app to help manage a veterinary clinic. There is a legacy MySQL database which cannot be changed. Information relating to pets and their owners are stored in two separate tables ("pets" table and "owners" table, and the tables are linked by the FK of CustomerId. We are able to use our choice of data access technologies and ORMs, and I have chosen to use EF to take advantage of the Change Tracking (I'd prefer to not have to write this code).
What I need to do is create an Entity Framework DbSet that contains information from both the pet and owner tables. I have looked at Table splitting in EF, but the two "entities" of pet and owner do not have the same primary key (which as I understand Table Splitting is required).
I have reviewed the following articles, and they have not helped:
Entity Framework and DbSets
DbSet in Entity Framework
Return data from two tables with Entity Framework
I am using EF6 and the "Code First from existing Database" workflow.
My Pet class looks like (I've removed the auto generated data annotations for brevity):
Partial Public Class Pet
Public Sub New()
bookings = New HashSet(Of Booking)()
stays = New HashSet(Of Stay)()
End Sub
Public Property petID As Integer
Public Property petName As String
Public Property species As String
Public Property breed As String
Public Property DOB As Date?
Public Property gender As String
Public Property weight As Single?
Public Property customerID As Integer?
Public Overridable Property bookings As ICollection(Of Booking)
Public Overridable Property customer As Customer
Public Overridable Property stays As ICollection(Of Stay)
End Class
My Customer class:
Partial Public Class Customer
Public Sub New()
pets = New HashSet(Of Pet)()
End Sub
Public Property customerID As Integer
Public Property title As String
Public Property firstName As String
Public Property lastName As String
Public Property gender As String
Public Property DOB As Date?
Public Property email As String
Public Property phone1 As String
Public Property phone2 As String
Public Property street1 As String
Public Property street2 As String
Public Property suburb As String
Public Property state As String
Public Property postcode As String
Public Overridable Property state1 As State
Public Overridable Property pets As ICollection(Of Pet)
Public ReadOnly Property FullName() As String
Return $"{Me.lastName}, {Me.firstName}"
End Get
End Property
End Class
I also have a PetInfo class that does NOT map to the DB:
Public Class PetInfoModel
Public Property PetID As Integer
Public Property PetName As String
Public Property Species As String
Public Property Breed As String
Public Property DOB As Date
Public Property Gender As String
Public Property Weight As Decimal
Public Property OwnerFirstName As String
Public Property OwnerLastName As String
Public ReadOnly Property OwnerName() As String
Return $"{OwnerLastName}, {OwnerFirstName}"
End Get
End Property
End Class
Now for the hard part: I would like to be able to use the PetInfoModel as a DbSet in my context to take advantage of the EF change tracking.
If it makes any difference (I don't think it should), I am using WPF MVVM and Caliburn.Micro for the UI. The ultimate goal is to get a List bound to a WPF datagrid.
Any assistance or suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks for your time and efforts.
Steve Teece
I'm not very familiar with VB, so I'll have to write the answer in C#, I think you get the gist.
So you have DbSet<Pet> Pets and DbSet<Customer> Customers and you want to create something that acts as if it was a DbSet<PetInfoModel> PetInfoModels.
Are you sure you want something that acts like a DbSet? You want to be able to Add / Find / Attach / Remove PetInfoModels? Or do you only want to query data?
Problems with PetInfoModel
It seems to me that you get into troubles, if you want to Add a new PetInfoModel with a zero PetId, and the name of an existing Customer:
Add(new PetInfoModel
PetId = 0;
PetName = "Felix"
OwnerFirstName = "John",
OwnerLastName = "Doe",
Species = "Cat",
Add(new PetInfoModel
PetId = 0;
PetName = "Nero"
OwnerFirstName = "John", // NOTE: Same owner name
OwnerLastName = "Doe",
Species = "Dog",
Do we have one Customer with two Pets: a Cat and a Dog? Or do we have two Customers, with the same name, each with one Pet?
If you want more than just query PetInfoModels (Add / Update / Remove), you'll need to find a solution for this. I think most problems will be solved if you add a CustomerId. But then again: your PetInfoModel would just be a subset of the properties of a "Pet with his Owner", making it a bit useless to create the idea of a PetInfoModel
Anyway: let's assume you've defined a proper PetInfoModel and you really want to be able to Create / Retrieve / Update / Delete (CRUD) PetInfoModels as if you have a database table of PetInfoModels.
Database versus Repository
You should realize what your DbContext represents. It represents your database. The DbSet<...> properties of your DbContext represent the tables in your database. Your database does not have a table with PetInfoModels, hence your DbContext should not have this table.
On the other hand: Quite often you'll see a wrapper class around your DbContext that represents the things that can be stored in your Repository. This class is usually called a Repository.
In fact, a Repository only tells you that your data is stored, not how it is stored: it can be a CSV-file, or a database with a table structure different than the data sequences that can be handled by your repository.
IMHO I think it is wise to let your DbContext represent your database and create a Repository class that represents the stored data in a format that users of your database want.
As a minimum, I think a Repository should be able to Create / Retrieve / Update / Delete (CRUD) Customers and Pets. Later we'll add CRUD functions for PetInfoModels.
Customers and Pets
A RepositoryItem is something that can be stored / queried / removed from the repository. Every RepositoryItem can be identified by a primary key
interface IRepositoryItem<TRepositoryItem> : IQueryable<TRepositoryItem>
where TRepositoryItem : class
TRepositoryItem Add(TRepositoryItem item);
TRepositoryItem Find (params object[] keyValues);
void Remove(TRepositoryItem item);
To guarantee this primary key, I created an interface IID and let all my DbSet classes implement this interface. This enhances Find and Remove:
interface IID
int Id {get; }
class Student : IId
public int Id {get; set;}
interface IRepositoryItem<TRepositoryItem> : IQueryable<TRepositoryItem>
where TRepositoryItem : IID
TRepositoryItem Add(TRepositoryItem item);
TRepositoryItem Find (int id);
void Remove(TRepositoryItem item);
// or remove the item with primary key:
void Remove(int id);
If we have a DbSet the implementation of an IRespositoryItem is easy:
class RepositoryDbSet<TRepositoryItem> : IRepositoryItem<TRepositoryItem>
where TRepositoryItem : class
public IDbSet<TRepositoryItem> DbSet {get; set;}
public TRepositoryItem Add(TRepositoryItem item)
return this.DbSet.Add(item);
public TRepositoryItem Find (params object[] keyValues)
return this.DbSet.Find(keyValues);
public void Remove(TRepositoryItem item)
return this.DbSet.Remove(item);
public void Remove(TRepository
// implementation of IQueryable / IEnumerable is similar: use this.DbSet
If you defined interface IID:
public TRrepositoryItem Find(int id)
return this.DbSet.Find(id);
public void Remove(int id)
TRepositoryItem itemToRemove = this.Find(id);
Now that we've defined the class that represents a set in the Repository, we can start creating the Repository itself.
class VetRepository : IDisposable
public VetRepository(...)
this.dbContext = new DbContext(...);
this.customers = new RepositoryItem<Customer> {DbSet = this.dbContext.Customers};
this.pets = new RepositoryItm<Pet> {DbSet = this.dbContext.Pets};
private readonly DbContext dbContext; // the old database
private readonly IRepositoryItem<Customer> customers;
private readonly IRepositoryItem<Pet> pets;
// TODO IDisposable: Dispose the dbcontext
// Customers and Pets:
public IRepositoryItem<Customer> Customers => this.customers;
public IRepositoryItem<Pet> Pets => this.pets;
IRepositoryItem<PetInfoModel> PetInfoModels = // TODO
public void SaveChanges()
// TODO: SaveChangesAsync
We still have to create a repository class that represents the PetInfoModels. This class should implement IRepositoryItem. This way users of the repository won't notice that the database doesn't have a table with PetInfoModels
class RepositoryPetInfoModel : IRepositoryItem<PetInfoModel>
// this class needs both Customers and Pets:
public IDbSet<Customer> Customers {get; set;}
public IDbSet<Pet> Pets {get; set;}
public PetInfoModel Add(PetInfoModel petInfo)
// check the input, reject if problems
// decide whether we have a new Pet for new customer
// or a new pet for existing customer
// what to do with missing fields?
// what to do if Customer exists, but his name is incorrect?
Pet petToAdd = ... // extract the fields from the petInfo
Customer customerToAdd = ... // or: customerToUpdate?
// Add the Pet,
// Add or Update the Customer
Hm, do you see how much troubles your PetInfoModel encounters if you really want to CRUD?
Retrieve is easy: just create a Query that joins the Pet and his Owner and select the fields for a PetInfoModel. For example
IQueryable<PetInfoModel> CreateQuery()
// Get all Customers with their Pets
return this.Customers.Join(this.Pets
customer => customer.Id, // from every Customer take the primary key
pet => pet.CustomerId, // from every Pet take the foreign key
// Result selector: take every Customer with a matching Pet
// to make a new PetInfoModel
(customer, pet) => new PetInfoModel
CustomerId = customer.Id,
OwnerFirstName = customer.FirstName,
PetId = pet.Id,
PetName = pet.Name,
Update is also fairly easy: PetId and CustomerId should exist. Fetch the Pet and Customer and update the fields with the corresponding fields from PetInfoModel
Delete will lead to problems again: what if the Owner has a 2nd Pet? Delete only the Pet but not the Owner? Or Delete the Owner and all hist Pets, inclusive the Pets you didn't mention?
If you only want to query data, then it won't be a problem to introduce a PetInfoModel.
To really CRUD PetInfoModels, you'll encounter several problems, especially with the concept of Owners with two Pets, and Owners having the same name. I would advise not to CRUD for PetInfoModels, only query them.
A proper separation between your database and the concept of "stored data" (Repository) is advisable, because it allows you to have a database that differs from the model that users of your Repository see.

Am I breaking the "Law of Demeter"?

I just recently became aware of the Law of Demeter.
Like a lot of things, I realized that it was something that I was already doing but did not have a name for. There are a few places though that I seem to violate it.
For example...
I might have an Address object:
public class Address : IAddress
public string StreetAddress { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public int Zip { get; set; }
and a Customer object:
public class Customer : ICustomer
private IAddress address;
Address = null;
public string Name { get; set; }
public IAddress
if (address == null)
address = new Address();
return address;
address = value;
Ok, this is fake code so you probably do not have to jump on me to use IoC to eliminate the new Address() or anything but it is pretty much an example of what I am doing. I did not include the interfaces as I am hoping they are obvious.
I would then use it in my code for stuff like int zip = customer.Address.Zip; and customer.Address.City = "Vancouver";
As I understand it, I am violating the Law of Demeter by manipulating details of Address from Customer.
Then again, it seems like the framework does as well. After all, wouldn't address.City.Length be a violation? Should I be adding methods to Address to handle accessing string properties? Probably not. So, why clutter up Address?
I cannot really just add methods to Address that relate only to customer. I have Member, Employee, Dependent, Vendor, Employer, etc. objects that all have addresses too.
Is there a better way to handle this? What kinds of problems am I risking if I use Address the way I am now?
For the Java folks, the Address class might look something more like the following if it helps:
public class Address extends AddressInterface
private String m_city;
public String getCity() { return m_city; }
public void setCity(String city) { m_city = city; }
I must admit that customer.getAddress().setCity("Vancouver"); rings more alarms than customer.Address.City = "Vancouver"; did for me. Maybe I should switch to Java for a while.
This article: has a great explanation of the issues you are discussing.
As he notes it's not a dot counting exercise, it's a coupling issue. Currently your Customer and Address classes are too tightly coupled. For starters, Customer shouldn't be making new addresses, perhaps pass an Address in using a constructor. As to whether you should be using multiple dots to access parts of the address, read the article ...
Martin Fowler: "I'd prefer it to be called the Occasionally Useful Suggestion of Demeter."
Violations of the Law of Demeter are instances of a code smell named Inappropriate Intimacy. To remove this smell, you can refactor your code by hiding the internals of address and implementing methods in Customer that delegate to address. This way, you respect the encapsulation on the address inside the Customer.
public class Customer extends ICustomer{
private Address address;
public void setCity(String city){
public String getCity(){
return address.getCity();
Hope this helps.
The problem here is that Address is a ValueObject. You would never change the city without changing the zip.
public class Customer extends ICustomer{
private Address address;
public void setAddress(String street, String city, int zip){
address =, city, zip);
// or even better but i'm not sure if it's valid C#
public void setAddress(int zip){
address = Address.lookup(zip);

How to map an interface in nhibernate?

I'm using two class NiceCustomer & RoughCustomer which implment the interface ICustomer.
The ICustomer has four properties. They are:
Property Id() As Integer
Property Name() As String
Property IsNiceCustomer() As Boolean
ReadOnly Property AddressFullText() As String
I don't know how to map the interface ICustomer, to the database.
I get an error like this in the inner exception.
An association refers to an unmapped class: ICustomer
I'm using Fluent and NHibernate.
You can map directly to interfaces in NHibernate, by plugging in an EmptyInterceptor during the configuration stage. The job of this interceptor would be to provide implementations to the interfaces you are defining in your mapping files.
public class ProxyInterceptor : EmptyInterceptor
public ProxyInterceptor(ITypeHandler typeHandler) {
// TypeHandler is a custom class that defines all Interface/Poco relationships
// Should be written to match your system
// Swaps Interfaces for Implementations
public override object Instantiate(string clazz, EntityMode entityMode, object id)
var handler = TypeHandler.GetByInterface(clazz);
if (handler == null || !handler.Interface.IsInterface) return base.Instantiate(clazz, entityMode, id);
var poco = handler.Poco;
if (poco == null) return base.Instantiate(clazz, entityMode, id);
// Return Poco for Interface
var instance = FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(poco);
SessionFactory.GetClassMetadata(clazz).SetIdentifier(instance, id, entityMode);
return instance;
After this, all relationships and mappings can be defined as interfaces.
public Parent : IParent {
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public IChild Child { get; set; }
public Child : IChild {
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ParentMap : ClassMap<IParent>
public ParentMap()
Id(x => x.ID).GeneratedBy.Identity().UnsavedValue(0);
Map(x => x.Name)
This type of technique is great if you want to achieve true decoupling of your ORM, placing all configuration/mappings in a seperate project and only referencing interfaces. Your domain layer is then not being polluted with ORM, and you can then replace it at a later stage if you need to.
how are you querying? If you're using HQL you need to import the interface's namespace with an HBM file with this line:
<import class=", Customers" />
If you're using Criteria you should just be able to query for ICustomer and it'll return both customer types.
If you're mapping a class that has a customer on it either through a HasMany, HasManyToMany or References then you need to use the generic form:
If you want it to cope with either, you'll need to make them subclasses
In which case I think you'll need the base class Customer and use that for the generic type parameter in the outer class:
Regardless, you shouldn't change your domain model to cope with this, it should still have an ICustomer on the outer class.
I'm not sure if the 1.0RTM has the Generic form working for References but a quick scan of the changes should show the change, which I think is a two line addition.
It is not possible to map an interface in nhibernate. If your goal is to be able to query using a common type to retrieve both types of customers you can use a polymorphic query. Simply have both your classes implement the interface and map the classes normally. See this reference: (section 11.6)

(Fluent) NHibernate - Inhertiance on object level but not on table level

I have the following idea:
Business object implemented as interface or abstract class with certain properties as read only to all layers except the DAL layer. I also want my business objects in another assembly than the DAL (for testing purposes), so marking the properties is not an option for me.
Examples could be one to one relationships or other properties.
I have almost solved the issue by doing the following
abstract class User
public virtual long UserId {get; protected set;}
public virtual string Password {get; protected set;}
In the DAL:
public class DbUser : User
internal virtual void SetPassword(string password) {...}
I then map this using fluent as
ClassMap<User> {...}
SubclassMap<DbUser> {...}
The problem I get is that fluent tries to create a table named DbUser.
If I skip the SubclassMap and creates a DbUser object and tries to save it I get an "No persister for this object" error.
Is it possible to solve?
You could probably override what is done with Fluent
public class DbUser: IAutoMappingOverride<DbUser>
public void Override(AutoMapping<DbUser> mapping)
//tell it to do nothing now, probably tell it not to map to table,
// not 100% on how you'd do this here.
Or you could have an attribute
public class DoNotAutoPersistAttribute : Attribute
And in AutoPersistenceModelGenerator read for attribute in Where clause to exclude it.
Check would be something like
private static bool CheckPeristance(Type t) {
var attributes = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DoNotAutoPersistAttribute), true);
Check.Ensure(attributes.Length<=1, "The number of DoNotAutoPersistAttribute can only be less than or equal to 1");
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return false;
var persist = attributes[0] as DoNotAutoPersistAttribute;
return persist == null;
Then it kind of depends how you're adding entities but you're probably adding via assembly so this might do it for you:
private static bool GetAutoMappingFilter(Type t)
return t.GetInterfaces().Any(x => CheckPeristance(x)); //you'd probably have a few filters here