developing your own RESTful API - api

in developing your own RESTful API. does it necessarilly needed to use the four different http methods? GET POST PUT & DELETE?
i was checking the Twitter REST API and saw that they are just using the common methods (GET & POST)

Short answer: No
Long Answer:
REST is not specific to any one protocol, instead it is a style of programming. This is helpful to keep in mind because a RESTful endpoint should be thought of as having specific goals. Your job is to expose the web service in the most RESTful way possible.
When you're making a RESTful API you are not required to use any specific HTTP methods. Instead, REST can be embodied in this guiding principal: That you must expose individually identifiable resources; these resources must be manipulable in their exposed form. Oh and use self descriptive messages.
I'm sure this is a leaky explanation. Try to see, though, that REST becomes much more clear when you have the key idea in mind. RESTful practices expose resources in a way that allows us work with state in a sane manner. The technical details of how to implement a RESTful API can be learned by reading this:
After that, read something specific to your language. Fast track: find some RESTful API written in your language and clone it/play with it.

You should use whatever HTTP methods are appropriate for the operations you expose.
For example, you should accept HTTP DELETE requests only for operations that delete things.
If your API does not allow callers to delete things (eg, a traffic or weather API), you should not accept the DELETE verb.

Only if you are going to support those logical operations:
GET - fetch a resource
PUT - update (or create) a resource
DELETE - delete a resource
POST - several uses: create a new resource in a collection, perform some operation that will alter a resource in some one (as opposed to PUTting an entirely new version of a resource)
Most APIs will want to to provide those operations, and will use all those methods. And don't forget HEAD - fetch information about a resource (but not the resource itself).


RESTful / Crud based approach to controlling an entity behavior that is typically implicit

I am modifying a CakePHP application to have an API available on it. My intention is to try to keep keep the endpoints as close to being RESTful / Crud oriented as possible. Although I have a use case that that I am unsure of.
I have the following requests for adding and editing tasks:
PUT /tasks
PATCH /tasks/:id
One of the behaviors of task entity in the system I am working on is that they send emails to the effected users associated with the task, when a save or edit is performed. This allows the various parties surrounding the task to be updated on the status of the particular task.
However the the one issue is that in some uncommon cases the end user will need to be able to toggle if they want an email to be sent on the front end.
What is the proper RESTful / Crud oriented approach to flag the task endpoints to not fire the email in the API request?
There is no record of the email in the application's database and it is nice to have to functionality tied into the task life cycle hooks and called implicitly. So I am not crazy about doing something like creating an /emailTask set of endpoints. It seems like an optional flag in the task request would be cleaner, but might not be maintainable if we begin to have similar needs for other behaviors associated with tasks.
Thanks in advance for the help!
PUT /tasks
If you're intending to use this for adding tasks, use POST instead. PUT /tasks implies that you are overwriting all tasks.
As for side-effects, this to me feels like a decent use-case for a custom HTTP header. Perhaps something like Suppress-Notifications: ?1 ?
Why ?1 as a value? This is going to be the future default for new HTTP headers that specify a boolean:

Can we pass parameters to HTTP DELETE api

I have an API that will delete a resource (DELETE /resources/{resourceId})
THE above API can only tell us to delete the resource. Now I want to extend the API for other use cases like taking a backup of that resource before deleting or delete other dependant resources of this resource etc.
I want to extend the delete API to this (DELETE /resources/{resourceId}?backupBeforeDelete=true...)
Is the above-mentioned extension API good/recommended?
According to the HTTP Specification, any HTTP message can bear an optional body and/or header part, which means, that you can control in your back-end - what to do (e.g. see what your server receives and conventionally perform your operation), in case of any HTTP Method; however, if you're talking about RESTful API design, DELETE, or any other operation should refer to REST API endpoint resource, which is mapped to controller's DELETE method, and server should then perform the operation, based on the logic in your method.
DELETE /resources/{resourceId} HTTP/1.1
should be OK.
Is the above-mentioned extension API good/recommended?
Probably not.
HTTP is (among other things) an agreement about message semantics: a uniform agreement about what the messages mean.
The basic goal is that, since everybody has the same understanding about what messages mean, we can use a lot of general purpose components (browsers, reverse proxies, etc).
When we start trying to finesse the messages in non standard ways, we lose the benefits of the common interface.
As far as DELETE is concerned, your use case runs into a problem, which is that HTTP does not define a parameterized DELETE.
The usual place to put parameters in an HTTP message is within the message body. Unfortunately...
A payload within a DELETE request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a DELETE request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request
In other words, you can't count on general purpose components doing the right thing here, because the request body is out of bounds.
On the other hand
DELETE /resources/{resourceId}?backupBeforeDelete=true
This has the problem that general purpose components will not recognize that /resources/{resourceId}?backupBeforeDelete=true is the same resource as /resources/{resourceId}. The identifiers for the two are different, and messages sent to one are not understood to affect the other.
The right answer, for your use case, is to change your method token; the correct standard method for what you are trying to do here is POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding, 2009
You should use the "real" URI for the resource (the same one that is used in a GET request), and stick any parameters that you need into the payload.
POST /resources/{resourceId}
Assuming you are using POST for other "not worth standardizing" actions, there will need to be enough context in the request that the server can distinguish the different use cases. On the web, we would normally collect the parameters via an HTML form, the usual answer is to include a request token in the body
POST /resources/{resourceId}
On the other hand, if you think you are working on an action that is worth standardizing, then the right thing to do is set to defining a new method token with the semantics that you want, and pushing for adoption
MAGIC_NEW_DELETE /resources/{resourceId}
This is, after all, where PATCH comes from; Dusseault et al recognized that patch semantics could be useful for all resources, created a document that described the semantics that they wanted, and shepherded that document through the standardization process.

Is there any issue will rise if am going to use post HTTP method for all CRUD operations

Is there any issue will rise if am going to use post method for all CRUD operations in Akka HTTP services. why we need to use separate HTTP method for CRUD operations.
There will not be any "issues" (e.g. failures, exceptions, etc.) that will arise within akka-http if you restrict all http methods to be POST. However, it does violate the definition of RESTful services.
Also, you do give up a useful organization technique. If you organize all read paths inside of GET and all write paths inside of POST, then you can add things like access control (read-only vs. read-write) at the method level.
You therefore lose a level of abstraction for no obvious reason except simplicity.

What is the difference between a cornice.Service and cornice.resource in Cornice?

I have read through the documentation many times over and search all over for the answer to this question but have come up short. Specifically I've looked at Defining the service and the Cornice API for a service and at Defining resource for resource.
I'm currently building a REST API that will have a similar structure to this:
GET /clients # Gets a list of clients
GET /clients/{id} # Gets a specific client
GET /clients/{id}/users # Gets a specific clients users
What would be the best way to go about this? Should I use a service or a resource or both? And, if both, how?
Resources are high-level convenience, services offer lower level control.
I am just learning cornice myself. Looking at the source code, a Resource creates Services internally, one for the item and one for the collection (if a collection path is specified). The resource also adds views to the services for each method defined with an http verb as the name or in the form collection_[verb].
So there is little difference except that resources are a neat, structured way to define services.
The resource decorator uses a url for the collection, as well as a url pattern for an object.
The resource decorator is best used in view classes where you can use get/put/post/delete methods on the objects, as well as collection_get, collection_put, etc. on the collection. I have some examples here:
Since I make heavy use of the resource decorator and view classes, I haven't found a need for the service function, but it allows you to create get,put,post decorators that wrap view callable functions.
If you are using backbone.js on the client side, the resource decorator and url examples work well with the Backbone collections and models.

WCF Rest - what are the best practices?

Just started my first WCF rest project and would like some help on what are the best practices for using REST.
I have seen a number of tutorials and there seems to be a number of ways to do things...for example if doing a POST, I have seen some tutorials which are setting HttpStatusCodes (OK/Errors etc), and other tutorials where they are just returning strings which contain result of the operation.
At the end of the day, there are 4 operations and surely there must be a guide that says if you are doing a GET, do it this way, etc and with a POST, do this...
Any help would be appreciated.
OK I left the comment REST best practices: dont use WCF REST. Just avoid it like a plague and I feel like I have to explain it.
One of the fundamental flaws of the WCF is that it is concerned only with the Payload. For example Foo and Bar are the payloads here.
public Foo Do(Bar bar)
This is one of the tenants of WCF so that no matter what the transport is, we get the payload over to you.
But what it ignore is the context/envelope of the call which in many cases transport specific - so a lot of the context get's lost. In fact, HTTP's power lies in its context not payload and back in the earlier versions of WCF, there was no way to get the client's IP Address in netTcpBinding and WCF team were adamant that they cannot provide it. I cannot find the page now but remember reading the comments and the MS guys just said this is not supported.
Using WCF REST, you lose the flexibility of HTTP in expressing yourself clearly (and they had to budge it later) in terms of:
HTTP Status code
HTTP media types
ETag, ...
The new Web API, Glenn Block is working addresses this issue by encapsulating the payload in the context:
public HttpResponse<Foo> Do(HttpRequest<Bar> bar) // PSEUDOCODE
But to my test this is not perfect and I personally prefer to use frameworks such as Nancy or even plain ASP NET MVC to expose web API.
There are some basic rules when using the different HTTP verbs that come from the HTTP specification
GET: This is a pure read operation. Invocation must not cause state change in the service. The response to a GET may be delivered from cache (local, proxy, etc) depending on caching headers
DELETE: Used to delete a resource
There is sometimes some confusion around PUT and POST - which should be used when? To answer that you have to consider idempotency - whether the operation can be repeated without affecting service state - so for example setting a customer's name to a value can be repeated multiple times without further state change; however, if I am incrementing a customer's bank balance this cannot be safely be repeated without further state change on the service. The first is said to be idempotent the second is not
PUT: Non-delete state changes that are idempotent
POST: Non-delete state changes that are not idempotent
REST embraces HTTP - therefore failures should be communicated using HTTP status codes. 200 for success, 201 for creation and the service should return a URI for the new resource using the HTTP location header, 4xx are failures due to the nature of the client request (so can be fixed by the client changing what they are doing), 5xx are server errors that can only be resolved server side
There's something missing here that needs to be said.
WCF Rest may not be able to provide all functionality of REST protocol, but it is able to facilitate REST protocol for existing WCF services. So if you decide to provide some sort of REST support on top of the current SOAP/Named pipe protocol, it's the way to go if the ROI is low.
Hand rolling full blown REST protocol maybe ideal, but not always economical. In 90% of my projects, REST api is an afterthought. Wcf comes in quite handy in that regard.