.htaccess point specific domain home to internal page - apache

Okay...i am doing something kinda strange and out of the ordinary. I will try to explain...
I have several domain names pointed to the same root directory on my webserver. I can access the entire website using any of the domain names (I know this is bad for SEO, but there are reasons). Additionally, none of the "pages" really exist...as they are all being built dynamically...so i have some mod rewrite rules set up to point all incoming queries to view.php and passing in variables to generate the page content...anyway...
What i want to do is set ONLY THE HOME PAGE of two of my domains to (invisibly) use content of an existing sub page. Here is an example:
These all are the same page:
which is really doing something like: view.php?page=process/
I want this page to display for www.domain2.com (and still also be accessible at domain2.com/process)
Essentially, there is a sub page of the site that i want to serve as the "HOME" page for domain2.com and domain3.com but if domain1.com should still use the default (index.php) HOME page.
I am sure i will need to post clarifications to this once replies start coming in...but here is what i have at the moment:
# special rules to set other domain names default homepage as specific internal page
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain2.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.+)?$ /view.php?page=process/ [NC,L]
Currently this is sending ALL traffic to domain2.com to the "process/" page...so it is blocking out all other pages. I need to know how to have this rule ONLY apply to the base domain without any extra query string or url path. The key is that i DO NOT want to affect other pages within the domain...so i shoudl still be able to browse the whole site using this domain name...i just get started on a different view.

To only match the homepage, i.e. http://domain2com/ you need to match the empty path (as mod_Rewrite removes the leading /.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain2.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ /view.php?page=process/ [NC,L]


htaccess rewrites url on the address bar

I have a blog (not a Wordpress one, just a very simple html/css blog) on a hosting provider.
I recently moved my blog from the root folder to an internal folder /www/dist.
Since the blog has many referral links on the web, I'd want the url to my blog posts stay the same, as if I never moved the blog to that folder.
Let's take as an example one of my posts: "forza 4 in c".
Before moving the blog, here it was the url to access the blog post:
Right now, to access the same blog post, I have to go to:
I want to keep the url the same, so:
To achieve that, that's how I configured the htaccess file on the root. Basically I'm telling apache to redirect all the requests to /www/dist.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^gianlucaghettini\.net$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.gianlucaghettini\.net$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !www/dist/
RewriteRule (.*) /www/dist/$1 [L]
I hoped that wouldn't change the address bar but that's not the case, I can see the address bar with the extra /www/dist part on the url.
Now, shouldn't the RewriteRule suppose to keep the url the same? Why I see such behavior?
I'm being told by the hosting team that the url update happens on my pc only. I tried to open the link from different clients, even from a different ip address but I still see the url being updated.
It looks like everything works fine if I add a final slash / to all the links. In this case the url in the address bar is not changed.

Simple url masking via htaccess doesn't work

i'm trying to achieve the following:
I have domain.it and domain.fr
domain.it contains a website localized in multiple languages, so for example if you go to www.domain.it/fr/somecontent.php it shows that content in french language. This works. This website is hosted on a dedicated server.
In domain.fr i have an empty space with only an .htaccess. What i want is that when the user go to www.domain.fr/somecontent.php the browser shows the content from www.domain.it/fr/somecontent.php but keeping www.domain.fr/somecontent.php in the URL. So basically www.domain.fr/* should show the content from www.domain.it/fr/* but keeping www.domain.fr/* in the browser address bar.
Using an iframe is not an option because is not good for the SEO.
I'm using the following code inside the .htaccess on domain.fr (which is hosted on an OVH shared hosting):
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.domain.fr$
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://www.domain.it/fr/$1 [P]
But when i open www.domain.fr or www.domain.fr/somecontent.php in the browser it says "Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /somecontent.php on this server."
Instead, if i place [L] or [L,R=302] in place of the [P] in the last line of .htaccess, it correctly redirect to the www.domain.it/fr/somecontent.php showing it contents, but it shows the destination url (the it domain) in the browser bar.
So i think the rules are correct, but for some reason when i use the [P] flag which as far as i know is needed to mask the url, it doesn't work.
Have you any clues ?
Thank you!

apache - DirectoryIndex - php page with arguments

I've got a single tikiwiki instance and several domain names. I want domain-1.com to have a homepage at domain-1.com/tiki-index.php?page-1. And then I want domain-2.com to have a homepage at domain-2.com/tiki-index.php?page-2. Both will internally map to the same tikiwiki instance.
I.e. I want several domains to point to the same tikiwiki instance. But coming from different domains should land you at different home pages. And then user could manually navigate from domain-1.com/tiki-index.php?page-1 (hompage) to domain-1.com/tiki-index.php?page-2
I tried to do this by setting DirectoryIndex but looks like it ignores all page arguments, i.e. ?page-1.
Any clues how to make an index page with arguments?
did it mylsef
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/$"
RewriteRule ^(.*) "http://domain-1.com/tiki-index.php?page=page-1"
The key here is to set rewrite condition to match empty URI, that is the default address - http://domain-1.com

.htaccess Rewrite without changing URL

I have a site that's coded mainly in PHP, but I'm trying to rewrite my dynamic php URL's into static HTML URL's.
But I want the address bar to still remain as the static HTML link.
I'm trying to accomplish this through .htaccess (I have no access to httpd.conf as I'm hosted on a shared account). Here is what's written in my .httaccess file:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^inventory-search-([^.]+)-by-([^.]+).html$ http://www.pianostudiosandshowcase.com/inventory.php?search=$1&by=$2 [R]
But I can't get the address bar to remain as the static HTML link.
Here is a link to show you what I mean:
What am I missing?
You need to remove both the R flag in your rewrite rule as well as the protocol/domain name:
RewriteRule ^inventory-search-([^.]+)-by-([^.]+).html$ /inventory.php?search=$1&by=$2 [L]
Both will cause the server to externally redirect the browser, telling it "what you were looking for is not at that URL, you need to go to this entirely different URL". The forces the browser to display the new location in its address bar.
If you internally rewrite it, the browser has no idea the URI that it sent as a request had been changed, therefore the address bar remains unchanged.

SEO URLs with ColdFusion controller?

quick ref: area = portal type page.
I would like old urls http://domain.com/long/rubbish/url/blah/blah/index.cfm?id=12345
to redirect to http://domain.com/area/12345-short-title
http://domain.com/area/12345-short-title should display the content.
I have worked out so far to do this I could use apache to write all URLs to
The index.cfm will either server the content or apply a permanent redirect, but it will need to get the title and area information from the database first.
There are 50,000 pages on this website. I also have other ideas for subdomain redirects, and permanent subdomains and controlling how they act through the index.cfm.
Infrastructure are keen to do as much through Apache rewrite as possible, we suspect it would be faster. However I'm not sure we have that choice if we need to get the area and title information for each page.
Has anyone got some experience with this that can provide input?
Something to note, I'm assuming we'll have to keep all the internal URLs used on the website in the old format. It would be a mega job to change them all.
This means all internal URLs will have to use a permanent redirect every time.
Rather than redirecting both groups of URLs to the same script, why not simply send them to two distinct scripts?
Simply like this:
RewriteCond ${REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteRule ^\w+/\d+-[\w-]+$ /content.cfm/$0 [L]
RewriteCond ${REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteRule ^.* /redirect.cfm/$0 [L,QSA]
Then, the redirect.cfm can lookup the replacement URL and do the 301 redirect, whilst content.cfm simply serves the content.
(You haven't specified how your CF is setup; you may need to update the Jrun/Tomcat/other config to support /content.cfm/* and /redirect.cfm/* - it'll be done the same as it's done for index.cfm)
For performance reasons, you still want to avoid the database hits for redirecting if you can, and you can do that by generating rewrite rules for each page that performs the 301 redirect on the Apache side. This can be as simple as appending a line to the .htaccess file, like so:
<cfset NewLine = 'RewriteRule #ReEscape(OldUrl)# #NewUrl# [L,QSA,R=301]' />
<cffile action="append" file="./.htaccess" output=#NewLine# />
(Where OldUrl and NewUrl have been looked-up from the database.)
You might also want to investigate using mod_alias redirect instead of mod_rewrite RewriteRule, where the syntax would be Redirect permanent #OldUrl# #NewUrl# - since the OldUrl is an exact path match it would likely be faster.
Note that these rules will need to be checked before the above redirect.cfm redirect is done - if they are in the same .htaccess you can't simply do an append, but if they are in the site's general Apache config files then the .htaccess rules will be checked first.
Also, as per Sharon's comment, you should verify if your Apache will handle 50k rules - whilst I've seen it reported that "thousands" of regex-based Apache rewrites are perfectly fine, there may well be some limit (or at least the need to split across multiple files).
Using apache rewrites would only be faster if they were static rewrites, or if they all followed some rule that you could write in regex within the .htaccess file. If you're having to touch the database for these redirects, then it may not make sense to do it in .htaccess.
Another approach is the one used by most CMSs for handling virtual directories and redirects. An index.cfm file at the root of the site handles all incoming requests and returns the correct pages and pathing. MURA CMS uses this approach (as well as Joomla and most of the others.)
Basically you're using the CGI.path_info variable on an incoming request, searching for it in your DB, and doing a redirect to the new path. As usual, Ben Nadel has a good write-up of how to use this approach: Ben Nadel: Using IIS URL Rewriting And CGI.PATH_INFO With IIS MOD-Rewrite
You can, however, use the .htaccess to remove the "index.cfm" from the url string entirely if you want by redirecting all incoming requests to the root URL with something that looks like this in your .htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,})/([a-zA-Z0-9/-]+)$ /$1/index.cfm/$2 [PT]
Basically this would redirect something like http://www.yourdomain.com/your-new-url/ to http://www.yourdomain.com/index.cfm/your-new-url/ where it could be processed as described by the blog post above. The user would never see the index.cfm.