Adding custom data type (geometry) in Doctrine 2.1.7. Method canRequireSQLConversion() is not called - orm

I am trying to add Geometry type to Doctrine. My Doctrine DBAL version and ORM versions are 2.1.7.
I tried to follow the instructions here:
Doctrine 2 Types - Custom Mapping Types.
I successfully created the new datatype, but I have problems with convertToPHPValueSQL method. I want function ST_AsText(' .. ') to always be called when getting the geometry column from database (database is PostgreSQL 9.1 + PostGIS 2.0.0).
Doctrine DBAL 2.1 documentation says like this:
The job of Doctrine-DBAL is to transform your type into SQL
declaration. You can modify the SQL declaration Doctrine will produce.
At first, you must to enable this feature by overriding the
canRequireSQLConversion method:
public function canRequireSQLConversion()
return true;
Then you override the methods convertToPhpValueSQL and
convertToDatabaseValueSQL :
public function convertToPHPValueSQL($sqlExpr, $platform)
return 'MyMoneyFunction(\''.$sqlExpr.'\') ';
public function convertToDatabaseValueSQL($sqlExpr, AbstractPlatform $platform)
return 'MyFunction('.$sqlExpr.')';
Now we have to register this type with the Doctrine Type system and
hook it into the database platform:
Type::addType('money', 'My\Project\Types\MoneyType');
$conn->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('MyMoney', 'money');
I did like this (lot of code is placeholder code, but if I did something stupid, all advice is welcome):
namespace Minupeenrad\Types;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
* Class for database column "geometry".
* #author Rauni Lillemets
class GeometryType extends Type {
const GEOMETRY = 'geometry';
const SRID = 3301;
public function getSqlDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return 'geometry';
//Should create WKT object from WKT string. (or leave as WKT string)
public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return $value; //+
//Should create WKT string from WKT object. (or leave as WKT string)
public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return $value; //+
public function getName() {
return self::GEOMETRY;
public function canRequireSQLConversion() {
return true;
//Should give WKT
public function convertToPHPValueSQL($sqlExpr, $platform) {
return 'ST_AsText(\''.$sqlExpr.'\') '; //+
//Should create WKB
public function convertToDatabaseValueSQL($sqlExpr, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return 'ST_GeomFromText(\''.$sqlExpr.'\', '.self::SRID.')'; //+
Now I added Entity that uses this column:
namespace Minupeenrad\Entities;
* Field
* #author Rauni Lillemets
* #Entity
* #Table(name="myfields.fields")
class Field extends GeometryObject {
* #Id
* #Column(type="integer")
* #GeneratedValue
private $id;
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="User")
private $user;
* #Column(type = "string", length = "40")
private $fieldNumber;
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
public function getUser() {
return $this->user;
public function setUser($user) {
$this->user = $user;
public function getFieldNumber() {
return $this->fieldNumber;
public function setFieldNumber($fieldNumber) {
$this->fieldNumber = $fieldNumber;
But if I do like this:
$entity = $em->find('\Minupeenrad\Entities\Field', 1);
Doctrine does SQL request to database like this:
SELECT AS id1, t0.fieldNumber AS fieldnumber2, t0.geometry AS geometry3, t0.user_id AS user_id4
FROM myfields.fields t0
Doctrine does not use my convertToPHPValueSQL method, although canRequireSQLConversion() returns true. Furthermore, I added some debug code to see if canRequireSQLConversion() is even called, and it is not called. What am I doing wrong?
PS: I tried to search Stack Overflow, but I only came up with GIS extension for Doctrine 2, which links to Doctrine 2.1.x manual that I already read.
EDIT: I will read here:
EDIT2: Fixed function getSqlDeclaration(), that was wrong in my code. Added comments.
It seems like a more complete tutorial.

Found the answer.
In Doctrine 2.1.7, if I used $em->find(), eventually BasicEntityPersister()_getSelectColumnSQL() was called. It has following code: (taken from
* Gets the SQL snippet of a qualified column name for the given field name.
* #param string $field The field name.
* #param ClassMetadata $class The class that declares this field. The table this class is
* mapped to must own the column for the given field.
* #param string $alias
protected function _getSelectColumnSQL($field, ClassMetadata $class, $alias = 'r')
$columnName = $class->columnNames[$field];
$sql = $this->_getSQLTableAlias($class->name, $alias == 'r' ? '' : $alias) . '.' . $class->getQuotedColumnName($field, $this->_platform);
$columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnName . $this->_sqlAliasCounter++);
$this->_rsm->addFieldResult($alias, $columnAlias, $field);
return "$sql AS $columnAlias";
This code obviously does not respect method "canRequireSQLConversion"
In latest Doctrine version, 2.3.1 (see
* Gets the SQL snippet of a qualified column name for the given field name.
* #param string $field The field name.
* #param ClassMetadata $class The class that declares this field. The table this class is
* mapped to must own the column for the given field.
* #param string $alias
protected function _getSelectColumnSQL($field, ClassMetadata $class, $alias = 'r')
$sql = $this->_getSQLTableAlias($class->name, $alias == 'r' ? '' : $alias)
. '.' . $this->quoteStrategy->getColumnName($field, $class, $this->_platform);
$columnAlias = $this->getSQLColumnAlias($class->columnNames[$field]);
$this->_rsm->addFieldResult($alias, $columnAlias, $field);
if (isset($class->fieldMappings[$field]['requireSQLConversion'])) {
$type = Type::getType($class->getTypeOfField($field));
$sql = $type->convertToPHPValueSQL($sql, $this->_platform);
return $sql . ' AS ' . $columnAlias;
So the answer is to update my ORM.


Phalcon DB Criteria in Model ORM

In Phalcon model is there a way to use SQL "IN" condition and other database criteria? For example, i want to execute this query in phalcon
SELECT user_fullname, user_email FROM tbl_users WHERE user_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)
I know you can use query builder but I want it to be ORM. I want a method in my model getUsersByIds($userIds, $columnsToSelect) that will accept an array of userids and columns that you want to fetch in the table.
See my model below
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
class User extends Model
* #var integer
public $user_id;
* #var string
public $user_email;
* #var string
public user_phone;
* #var string
public user_fullname;
public function initialize()
{ $this->hasMany('user_id','Store\Bag','user_id');
public function getSource()
return "tbl_user";
public function find($parameters = null)
return parent::find($parameters);
public function findFirst($parameters = null)
return parent::findFirst($parameters);
* I want to execute this query in my model
* SELECT user_fullname,user_email from tbl_user where user_id IN (1,2,3,4,5);
public function getUsersByIds($ids=array(), $columns=array())
$ids = array($ids);
$columns = array($columns);
There are two ways of doing this:
Method 1: inWhere('columnName', array('columnValues'))
public function getUsersByIds(array $userIds, $columnsToSelect = '') {
return self::query()
->inWhere('id', $userIds)
->columns($columnsToSelect ?: '*')
This one goes in your User model
Method 2: conditions => 'id IN ({ids:array})
User::find(['id IN ({ids:array})',
'columns' => $columnsToSelect,
'bind' => array('ids' => $userIds)]);
I am typing on my mobile, so there might be a typo in there.

Create sql query in sonata admin

I use sonata admin in my project. i created two admin classes exam and student. i want to create an action in exam class that shows all students that should pass the exam after creating a new exam, this is the sql query that i want:
"Select * from student,exam where student.codeAdministration=exam.codeAdministration"
namespace Exam\ExamBundle\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Validator\ErrorElement;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Show\ShowMapper;
class ExamAdmin extends Admin
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagridMapper)
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
protected function configureShowField(ShowMapper $showMapper)
i tried this query without putting the condition of WHERE but it does not work:
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
$query = $this->modelManager->getEntityManager()->createQuery('SELECT s FROM Exam\ExamBundle\Entity\student s');
->add('student', 'sonata_type_model', array('required' => true, 'query' => $query))
How can i create this action with this query??
namespace Exam\ExamBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
class Exam
* #var integer
private $idExam
* #var \Examens\ExamensBundle\Entity\Administration
private $codeAdministration;
public function getIdExam()
return $this->idExam;
public function setCodeAdministration(\Exam\ExamBundle\Entity\Administration $codeAdministration = null)
$this->codeAdministration = $codeAdministration;
return $this;
* Get codeAdministration
* #return \Exam\ExamBundle\Entity\Administration
public function getCodeAdministration()
return $this->codeAdministration;

How to extend Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder

I'm planning to have a function that will store the sql statement on the Cache using the given second parameter on remember() as the key and whenever the sql statement changes it will run against the database again and overwrite the stored sql, also the cached result, and if not it will take the default cached result by the remember() function.
So I am planning to have something like this on Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
* Execute the query based on the cached query
* #param array $columns
* #return array|static[]
public function getCacheByQuery($columns = array('*'))
if ( ! is_null($this->cacheMinutes))
list($key, $minutes) = $this->getCacheInfo();
// if the stored sql is the same with the new one then get the cached
// if not, remove the cached query before calling the getCached
$oldSql = self::flag($key);
$newSql = $this->toSql().implode(',', $this->bindings);
if ($newSql!==$oldSql)
// remove the cache
// update the stored sql
self::updateFlag($key, $newSql);
return $this->getCached($columns);
return $this->getFresh($columns);
public static function updateFlag($flag, $value)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
$flags[$flag] = $value;
\Cache::put(t().'databaseFlags', $flags, USER_SESSION_EXPIRATION);
public static function flag($flag)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
return #$flags[$flag] ?: false;
But the thing is, I don't want to put this directly on Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder since it is just my need for the current application I am working. I'm trying to extend Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder, but the problem is it does not detect the my extension class.
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::getCachedByQuery()
My Extension Class
<?php namespace Lukaserat\Traits;
class QueryBuilder extends \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {
* Execute the query based on the caced query
* #param array $columns
* #return array|static[]
public function getCachedByQuery($columns = array('*'))
if ( ! is_null($this->cacheMinutes))
list($key, $minutes) = $this->getCacheInfo();
// if the stored sql is the same with the new one then get the cached
// if not, remove the cached query before calling the getCached
$oldSql = self::flag($key);
$newSql = $this->toSql().implode(',', $this->bindings);
if ($newSql!==$oldSql)
// remove the cache
// update the stored sql
self::updateFlag($key, $newSql);
return $this->getCached($columns);
return $this->getFresh($columns);
public static function updateFlag($flag, $value)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
$flags[$flag] = $value;
\Cache::put(t().'databaseFlags', $flags, USER_SESSION_EXPIRATION);
public static function flag($flag)
$flags = \Cache::get(t().'databaseFlags', []);
return #$flags[$flag] ?: false;
Implementing on..
use LaravelBook\Ardent\Ardent;
use Lukaserat\Traits\DataTable;
use Lukaserat\Traits\QueryBuilder as QueryBuilder;
use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag as MessageBag;
class ArdentBase extends Ardent implements InterfaceArdentBase{
use DataTable;
Am I missing something?
Is it correct that I overwrite the get() method on the Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder by renaming the function I made in my extension class from getCachedByQuery to get since I just extending the routine of the get.
I changed
public function getCachedByQuery($columns = array('*'))
public function get()
on my Lukaserat\Traits\QueryBuilder
and it is now working as I expected..

TYPO3 - extending an extbase extension with new fields and using these in fluid templates

I'm trying to extend powermail (version 2) with the possibility to add a note for each input field. So far I have created a new extension using extension builder and with a few modifications to ext_tables.php the field show up in the backend. The new field is called 'note' and I thought I could just do something like {field.note} in the fluid template input.html, but that does not work. My model includes the setter and getter:
class Tx_Formnotes_Domain_Model_Powermailnotes extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity {
* note
* #var string
protected $note;
* Returns the note
* #return string $note
public function getNote() {
return $this->note;
* Sets the note
* #param string $note
* #return void
public function setNote($note) {
$this->note = $note;
What else is needed?
Info: I'm using TYPO3 4.7
You could map the powermail model like
config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
Tx_Formnotes_Domain_Model_Powermailnotes {
mapping {
tableName = powermailTableName
columns {
exampleMedia.mapOnProperty = media
after that you should extend your TCA with these properties. At least you can write setter and getter for each property and use them in your fluid template.

Zend Framework 2 - Service method require as parameter InputFilter

I have a bit OOD question.
I have service:
namespace Front\Service\Course;
use Front\ORM\EntityManagerAwareInterface;
use Zend\Http\Request;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter;
use Front\InputFilter\Course\CreateFilter;
class Create implements EntityManagerAwareInterface
* #var \Doctrine\Orm\EntityManager
protected $entityManager = null;
public function create(CreateFilter $createFilter)
if (!$createFilter->isValid()) return false;
/* #var $courseRepository \Front\Repositories\CourseRepository */
$courseRepository = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Front\Entities\Course');
$course = $courseRepository->findByName($createFilter->getCourse());
/* (non-PHPdoc)
* #see \Front\ORM\EntityManagerAwareInterface::getEntityManager()
public function getEntityManager()
return $this->entityManager;
/* (non-PHPdoc)
* #see \Front\ORM\EntityManagerAwareInterface::setEntityManager()
public function setEntityManager(\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
return $this;
And controller :
class CreateController extends \Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController
public function onDispatch(MvcEvent $e)
$jsonModel = new JsonModel();
/* #var $courseCreateService \Front\Service\Course\Create */
$courseCreateService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Front\Service\Course\Create');
$courseCreateFilter = new CreateFilter();
if (!$courseCreateFilter->isValid()) {
$jsonModel->setVariable('status', 0);
$jsonModel->setVariable('message', $courseCreateFilter->getMessages());
By service method declaration :
public function create(CreateFilter $createFilter)
i force user of the Service to use CreateFilter container which derived from Zend/InputFilter every time when he want to create new Course.
My question is: Might it be better when i will send to the service layer not the Typed object but simple value?
On example in my case it is might looks like:
public function create($courseName)
My CreateFilter looks like:
class CreateFilter extends InputFilter
public function __construct()
$input = new Input('name');
$validatorChain = new ValidatorChain();
$validatorChain->addValidator(new StringLength(array('max'=>60)))
->addValidator(new NotEmpty());
* #return string | null
public function getCourse()
return $this->getValue('name');
If you provide a concrete class name as you're doing now, you're forever tied to a concrete implementation of the class or one derived from it. If you decide later that you want to use a different class entirely, you have to refactor your service class code, whereas with an interface, you only need to implement it in your new class and your service will continue to work without any changes.
Without any interface at all, your service class would have to do extra checks to first see if it's an object and then if it implements the method you're expecting before it can even begin doing its job. By requiring an interface you remove the uncertainty, and negate the need for checks.
By providing an interface you create a contract between your methods and the classes they're expecting as arguments without restricting which classes may enter into the contract. All in all, contract by interface is preferable to contract by class name, but both are preferable to no contract at all.
I usually bind my entities to my form, so they are populated with the data from the form. This way, you inject the entity to your service and imho that's much cleaner. The service should not be aware of how you got your data.
My "admin" controller for an entity Bar usually is injected with three objects: the repository (to query objects), the service (to persist/update/delete objects) and the form (to modify objects for the user). A standard controller is then very CRUD based and only pushes entities to the service layer:
namespace Foo\Controller;
use Foo\Repository\Bar as Repository;
use Foo\Form\Bar as Form;
use Foo\Service\Bar as Service;
use Foo\Entity\Bar as Entity;
use Foo\Options\ModuleOptions;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
class BarController extends AbstractActionController
* #var Repository
protected $repository;
* #var Service
protected $service;
* #var Form
protected $form;
* #var ModuleOptions
protected $options;
public function __construct(Repository $repository, Service $service, Form $form, ModuleOptions $options = null)
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->service = $service;
$this->form = $form;
if (null !== $options) {
$this->options = $options;
public function getService()
return $this->service;
public function getRepository()
return $this->repository;
public function getForm()
return $this->form;
public function getOptions()
if (null === $this->options) {
$this->options = new ModuleOptions;
return $this->options;
public function indexAction()
$bars = $this->getRepository()->findAll();
return array(
'bars' => $bars,
public function viewAction()
$bar = $this->getBar();
return array(
'bar' => $bar,
public function createAction()
$bar = $this->getBar(true);
$form = $this->getForm();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid()) {
// Bar is populated with form data
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('bar/view', array(
'bar' => $bar->getId(),
return array(
'form' => $form,
public function updateAction()
$bar = $this->getBar();
$form = $this->getForm();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('bar/view', array(
'bar' => $bar->getId(),
return array(
'bar' => $bar,
'form' => $form,
public function deleteAction()
if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$bar = $this->getBar();
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('bar');
protected function getBar($create = false)
if (true === $create) {
$bar = new Entity;
return $bar;
$id = $this->params('bar');
$bar = $this->getRepository()->find($id);
if (null === $bar) {
throw new Exception\BarNotFoundException(sprintf(
'Bar with id "%s" not found', $id
return $bar;
I made a gist file on Github with this full code (it's better readable) and the service. The service relies on the interface, so you can even swap out the entity object by another one having the same interface.
Check the full thing out here:
Thanks all for answering, owing to answers and analyzing, i have reached conclusion which most applicable for my situation. I agree that Service in my case should not wait concrete object, it is should wait an abstraction with getCourse method.
And i completely agree with "Crisp" answer:
All in all, contract by interface is preferable to contract by class name, but both are preferable to no contract at all.
So i need to extract Interface with one method
, and remove
if (!$createFilter->isValid()) return false;
so Interface:
interface CourseInterface
* #return String
public function getName();
and Service:
class Create implements EntityManagerAwareInterface
* #var \Doctrine\Orm\EntityManager
protected $entityManager = null;
* #param CourseInterface $course
* #param UserInterface $creator
public function create(CourseInterface $course)
$courseEntity = new Course();
Thanks all.