Arithmetic calculations and decimals - sql

Please have a look at the code below and explain to me why there is a deviance in the final results. Note that the difference is the introduction of the brackets in the second calculation. Thanks!
DECLARE #A decimal(38,19) = 7958011.98
DECLARE #B decimal(38,19) = 10409029441
DECLARE #C decimal(38,19) = 10000000000
DECLARE #Z1 decimal(38,19)
DECLARE #Z2 decimal(38,19)
SET #Z1 = #A * #B / #C
SET #Z2 = #A * (#B / #C)
SELECT #Z1 AS [Correct],
#Z2 AS [Wrong]
Correct = 8283518.0991650000000000000
Wrong = 8283510.5860060000000000000

The intermediate datatypes are different because of this MSDN article
That is, (#B / #C) evaluated first, follows rules like this. The intermediate datatype then affects the multiplication by #A
You can see the intermediate and final types here (before assigning to a decimal(38,19) type
#A * #B, -- decimal (x, 6)
#A * #B / #C, -- decimal (x, 6)
(#B / #C), -- decimal (x, 6)
#A * (#B / #C) -- decimal (x, 6)
So, instead of 1.0409029441 you get 1.040902 for your 2nd math
Note, your 1st is wrong too. It is actually 8283518.099165070318


Sql server convertion to real data type

I have 2 registers transfer from PLC (modbus) to sql server, each 16 bit. I want to combine this 2 integers, and to convert to a Real sql datatype
declare #int1, #int2 integer
declare #result real
Select #int1 = 18196
, #int2 = 28800
Select #result = #int1 * 65536 + #int2 //-- this result is not wanted
I need the same result as in my Plc, the result is 38000.5
How do I convert to the real data type in sql???
My head hurts, of searching the net, thanks for help
The other way around is
select #result = 38000.5
Select convert(integer, substring(convert(varbinary, #result),1,2) //18196
Select convert(integer, substring(convert(varbinary, #result),3,2) //28800
declare #result real
declare #first int, #second int
set #result=38000.5
set #first = convert(integer, substring(convert(varbinary, #result),1,2)) --18196
set #second = convert(integer, substring(convert(varbinary, #result),3,2)) --28800
print #first
print #second
declare #binaryfloat varbinary(4)=convert(varbinary(2),#first)+convert(varbinary(2),#second);
* (1.0 + (CAST(#BinaryFloat AS INT) & 0x007FFFFF) * POWER(CAST(2 AS REAL), -23))
* POWER(CAST(2 AS REAL), (CAST(#BinaryFloat AS INT) & 0x7f800000) / 0x00800000 - 127)
But as #honeybadger wrote, why not use normal types?

SQL str() vs round() function

While working with str() function I found that in some cases it rounds wrong while round() function works as expected. Please look at the example:
declare #v decimal(18,2) = 29.95
select str(#v, 18, 1)
select round(#v, 1)
set #v = 39.95
select str(#v, 18, 1)
select round(#v, 1)
Can anyone explain why it happens?
I tested different workarounds with the following base code:
declare #v decimal(18,2) = 9.95
declare #r varchar(100)
declare #c int = 1000000
declare #ms int
declare #dt datetime2
set #dt = sysdatetime()
while #c > 0
set #r = --different roundings
set #c = #c - 1
set #ms = DATEDIFF(ms, #dt, sysdatetime())
select #ms, #r
Option 1 (the original one, rounds wrongly in some cases):
str(#v, 18, 1)
Option 2 (slightly modified but rounds correctly):
str(round(#v, 1), 18, 1)
Option 3 (double conversion and rounding):
convert(varchar(20), convert(decimal(18,1), round(#v, 1)))
Option 4 (only double conversion):
convert(varchar(20), convert(decimal(18,1), #v))
Option 1 and 2 are roughly 2 times slower than the last two but the result is right-justified. The fastest is Option 4.
The parameter to str() is a float so your decimal value is implicitly converted to a float(53) that is then converted to a string. So you see a floating point rounding error.
Do a slight modification to your query and you can see what is happening in the actual execution plan.
declare #v decimal(18,2) = 29.95
select top(1) str(#v, 18, 1)
<ScalarOperator ScalarString="str(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(float(53),[#v],0),(18),(1))">
Syntax of STR(); STR ( float_expression [ , length [ , decimal ] ] ) clearly says that the number is a float_expression. Therefore whatever the number you give it will be first converted to a FLOAT(n) where default value of n = 53.
SELECT STR(4.65,5,1), SELECT STR(3.65,5,1)
Equal to:
SELECT STR(CAST(4.65 AS FLOAT(53)),5,1) , STR(CAST(3.65 AS FLOAT(53)),5,1)
If you specify n, say n = 4 it will give the answer you are expecting (ie; 4.7 and 3.7)
SELECT STR(CAST(4.65 AS FLOAT(4)),5,1) , STR(CAST(3.65 AS FLOAT(4)),5,1)
--4.7, 3.7

What's the simple expression to get bigger number from two with T-SQL?

Suppose I have two number, #n1, #n2, I want to get bigger one in one simple expression like Max(#n1,#n2). How to write the expression for T-SQL?
#n1 INT = 2,
#n2 INT = 3
SELECT MAX(n) FROM (VALUES(#n1), (#n2)) t(n)
CASE WHEN #n1 > #n2 THEN #n1 ELSE #n2 END
DECLARE #a int = 45, #b int = 40;
SELECT IIF ( #a > #b, #a, #b ) AS Result;

Microsoft SQL rounding off to whole number, need to 1 decimal place [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Truncate (not round) decimal places in SQL Server
Can't figure this out. I need 1 decimal place returned while SQL is rounding to whole numbers.
I read that integers divided by integers give integers in SQL, but I need the one truncated decimal place for value of output in the temp table.
I don't mind if 35.0 comes back as 35 but 35.17 should come back as 35.1. Sorry just edited. Need to truncate the last number, not round up.
create table #blah(output decimal(9,1))
DECLARE #a money
DECLARE #b money
DECLARE #intinterval decimal(9,1)
SET #a = 5
SET #b = 2
SET #intinterval = (#b / 1000.0) * (86400.0 / #a)
INSERT INTO #blah (output) VALUES (#intinterval)
SELECT * from #blah
drop table #blah
The above equation should give (2 / 1000) * (86400 / 5) = (0.002 * 17280) = 34.56
The 34.56 should truncate to 34.5
SET #intinterval = cast(10 * (#b / 1000.0) * (86400.0 / #a) as int) / 10.0
SET #intinterval = cast(#b * 864.0 / #a as int) / 10.0
What about Round((#b / 1000.0) * (86400.0 / #a), 1, 1), where last 1 saying to truncate instead of round.
try this with no special functions...
a = 5 then output = 34.5 (34.56)
a = 7 output = 24.6 (24.69)
a = 11 output = 15.7 (15.71)
create table #blah(output decimal(9,1))
DECLARE #a money
DECLARE #b money
DECLARE #intinterval decimal(9,2)
declare #rounded decimal(9,1)
declare #diff decimal(9,2)
declare #finalvalue decimal(9,1)
SET #a = 5
SET #b = 2
SET #intinterval = (#b / 1000.0) * (86400.0 / #a)
set #rounded = #intinterval -- gets the rounded value
set #diff = #intinterval - #rounded -- gets the difference whether to round off or not
if #diff >= 0 -- if differnce is >= 0 then get the rounded value .. eg. 34.31 = 34.3
set #finalvalue = #rounded
else -- else subtract 0.1 and get the rounded value e.g. 34.56 - 0.1 = 34.46 -> rounded value of 34.5
set #finalvalue = #intinterval - 0.1
INSERT INTO #blah (output) VALUES (#finalvalue )
SELECT * from #blah
drop table #blah

SQL calculation not showing in correct format

I have the following SQL query that comes out at 700
declare #a decimal(10,0)
declare #b decimal(10,0)
set #a = 100 - 2
set #a = #a / 14
set #a = #a * 100
set #a = ((100 - 2) / 14) * 100
select #a
What i am looking for it do is return 85.714285 etc...
Not quite sure where i going wrong.
Your declaration is wrong:
declare #a decimal(10,0)
declare #b decimal(10,0)
You have specified the length, however not the number of decimals, which is done by using the second value.
700 is the correct result.
Please check again!
((100 - 2) / 14) * 100 = 700
You calculated that
100 - 2 / 14 * 100 = 85,...
You want to use this sql query.
set #a = 100 - 2.0 / 14 * 100
Add a .0 to the end of your last line, since if you use all integers SQL will implicitly cast the result as an int.
set #a = ((100 - 2) / 14) * 100.0
change your declarations to include decimal places:
declare #a decimal(10,5)
declare #b decimal(10,5)
set #a = 100 - 2
set #a = #a / 14
set #a = #a * 100
set #a = ((100 - 2) / 14) * 100
select #a
Since your declaration is set to 10,0 then you will get no decimal places.
if you want the answer to be 85.714... then you need to change your SQL to:
declare #a decimal(10,5)
set #a = 100.0 - 2.0
set #a = #a / 14.0
set #a = #a * 100.0
set #a = 100.0 - ((2.0 / 14.0) * 100.0)
select #a
To get the result you are looking for you need to add a . to the other values (2, 14, etc) and you will get the value you want, you also need to make sure that your parentheses are in the correct location.
Results - 85.71430