UISearchBar doesn't work in an IOS 6 Popover - objective-c

The app has a UIView with a table view and a UISearchbar on it. The searchbar delegate methods are in the view controller for the UIView. Everything appears to be hooked up correctly.
This searchbar works correctly in iOS 5, but not in iOS6. When touched, the searchbar brings up the keyboard, but typing on the keyboard has no affect; the textDidChange delegate method is never called.
This occurs only when running on an iPad. The difference between the view on an iPad versus the iPhone is that the UIView with the UITableView and UISearchbar runs in a popover on the iPad. On an iPhone, it runs as a separate view. In both cases, once the view is opened, a UINavigationController manages the view. All the navigation up and down the nav controller works fine in both devices; the only difference is that the UISearchBar does not work running in the popover.
Obviously, something has changed between iOS 5 and iOS 6, but I haven't been able to figure out what, or how to make the searchbar work in an iOS 6 popover.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

rokjarc is right. I have same problem. In my app'SearchBar Display Controller, SearchBar is not respond to keypad typing in ios6. But it is fine in ios5 simulater, ios6 simulater, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4.
In MainWindow.xib,
1. Click "Window" icon in "objects" Box.
2. Show Attribute inspector
3. Expend window attribute.
4. Check "Visible at Launch" and "Full Screen at Launch"
5. Clean build and run.
6. Good. OK?

I just got the answer on my original problem. I discovered that the same thing was occurring in UITextFields and UITextViews. I sent the whole thing off to Apple Tech Support.
Turns out that you have to include this line of code:
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
in the application's delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. When I added this line, the problems went away.
Hope this helps.


Dont display a alertview in a viewcontroller that it have been called from actionsheet

I have a problem in iOS 7. In my project, I have a UIViewController that contains an actionsheet with same options, selected one and app loads new UIViewController from navitationbar (push).
I want display a alertview in this new UIViewController but I cant do it. I have same tests and I have concluded that the problem is the actionsheet becouse I delete it from app , alertview displays in screen.
Log Error (when I try display an alertview):
2013-10-24 08:40:02.078 app1[17406:a0b] Warning: Attempt to present <_UIModalItemsPresentingViewController: 0x17c19ea0> on <_UIModalItemAppViewController: 0x1667a1c0> which is already presenting <_UIModalItemsPresentingViewController: 0x15395af0>
In iOS 6 works always.
It would say it's a bug that this works on iOS6 which has been fixed in iOS7. Since both UIActionSheet and UIAlertView are modal view controllers displaying them simultaneously introduces airspace issues.
I think you've got no choice but to dismiss the UIActionSheet before displaying the UIAlertView which makes sense.

Autorotation in ios 5 vs. ios 6 issues

I have an iPad app that must support iOS 5.0 and later. I have a bug that behaves differently in 5.0/5.1 than it does in 6.0. The issue is a view controller in a tabbarcontroller that pushes a modal view, which in turn pushes a full-screen view via navigationController. The problem is, when in the full-screen view, if the iPad is rotated, the underlying viewcontroller (one in the tabbarcontroller) doesn't rotate. Now let me break down the differences in iOS versions:
First of all, this viewController in question implements shouldAutoRotateToInterfaceOrientation (returns YES) as well as willRotateToInterfaceOrientation and willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation.
In iOS 6.0, I noticed that the rotation methods (willRotate... & willAnimate...) were not being called, so I registered it to receive the UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification notification and execute the code from the two Rotate methods if I received that notification and the other methods hadn't executed. That fixed the issue in iOS 6.0.
Problem is, in 5.0/5.1 the rotation methods (willRotate... & willAnimate...) ARE being executed, but the view is not rotating. If the "full-screen view" is not presented over top of this view controller and the iPad is rotated, these two methods execute and the views rotate accordingly.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Things I've tried other than that stated above.
I've tried checking the UIDeviceOrientation and converting it to a UIInterfaceOrientation and calling [self shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:xxx]; The view still displays wrong.
When the two rotation methods are being executed, do the CAAffineTransformation for your view. when you are back to normal, again do the same with -90 degree.

UIBarButtonItem sent action works on iOS 6 but not iOS 5

I am going to tear my hair out because I cannot think of a logical reason why this occurs on 5 but not 6. So basically, I have a view presented in modal fashion with a navigation bar and a Cancel button (UIBarButtonItem - no custom anything on it, just a standard button) in the navigation bar. When this Cancel button is tapped, I want the modal view to disappear. This works just fine in iOS 6. But for iOS 5 it refuses to work for 2 out of 3 places I have it in my code. What's odd to me is that it works on one but not the other two.
Using storyboards, I right click the button, click on "selector" under Sent Actions, and drag over to the appropriate IBAction method in my view controller's .h file. The link is successfully confirmed with the little blinking animation in Xcode. When I run the app on iOS 6 (simulator or device doesn't matter), the method is successfully executed upon button tap and my modal view dismissed. However, on iOS 5, the method is never even called (I set breakpoints inside the method to see if they would be hit). I've even tried switching the argument in my IBAction method from id to UIBarButtonItem *. No cigar, though.
I've also tried programmatically (in viewDidLoad) setting the cancel button's action to a selector. I've even set the target to the VC. No cigar again. Here is a screenshots of my current setup:
Please note the IBAction methods.
Is there some magical clause in the documentation that I missed? Something awfully special I need to do in order to get it to work in iOS 5? It sure seems like a bug to me, but I'm still fairly new to this stuff so what do I know.
I am using Xcode 4.5.2 and storyboards, and targeting iOS 5 and iOS 6 for the release.
Your help is appreciated, thank you.
I think there may be problem of using GestureRecognizer please comment that code and try it...
I added a separate UIView that resides under my textfields and button and below the navigation bar/title. I added the tap gesture to that programmatically, and that seems to recognize both my tap and the cancel button's action. I still would like to know why the tap gesture swallows up the UIBarButtonItem's action if the gesture is on the root view. This question helped me figure this out. Thanks.
you can exclude view/control from gesture recognizer using following delegate method.
// UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch
// exclude your view from gesture recognizer
if(yourView == touch.view)
return NO;
return YES;

Buttons working in ios6 stopped working in ios5

I load two buttons in one view from the NIB.
I set this view as self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem in current viewController
I set actions for these buttons
Buttons work under ios6 - both simulator and device and not working on ios5 device.
Any idea to fix it?
I fixed it by set "Autosizing" in "Size inspector".
(in my case, the problem came from resize iPhone5 to iPhone4)
The problem is now solved. This was caused by setting UIViews objects in IB and then setting its class to UIButton. It should have no effect on buttons behaviour, but it had. The more wired was that it did work on iOS 6 and did not in iOS 5.

UIScrollView not functioning correctly after Modal view controller displayed in iOS 5.1

I have a strange problem when using a UIScrollView controller combined with iPhone 4 and iOS 5.1.
I have a UIScrollView which has a content size of 640x480 (double screen effectively) and in addition to the swipe to switch between the two "screens" I also permit the user to tap the screen in response to which I call something like...
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:(CGRectMake 320,0,320,480) animated:YES];
the first 320 would be 0 if the tap occurred whilst the right hand side of the scroll view was displayed (note the scroll view has paging enabled so it can only come to rest either fully left or fully right).
I also have a situation where I sometimes display an additional view controller modally using presentModalViewController over this view controller containing the scroll view.
Everything works perfectly until the modal view controller is presented and subsequently dismissed after which the scrollRectToVisible method will no longer work if animated is set to YES (if I change animated to NO then it works as expected). Note, the tap is still being registered and the scrollRectToVisible being called, it just doesn't do anything when animated is set to YES).
Here's the kicker, this bug only occurs on an iPhone 4 runnings iOS 5.x.
It works perfectly (even after the modal view controller has been displayed) on my:
iPhone 3G running 4.x,
iPhone 3GS running 3.x,
iPod touch (2nd Gen) running 4.x
and most surprisingly the simulator running 5.x.
I wondered if this was a bug in the animation system so disabled the animation on the modal view controller presentation and dismiss and this had no effect, problem still occurred on the iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.
Anyone got any ideas as to what might be causing this and how I might work around it?
Finally tracked this down. what a pig...
I'm embedding a view from a view controller as a subview of another view controllers view. So my scroll view contains a view which also has an associated view controller.
Prior to iOS 5.x the methods viewWillAppear, viewWillDisappear, viewDidAppear and viewWillDisappear are never called on the sub views view controllers, only the main view controller. Already knowing this I set up my main view controller to manually call the sub views view controllers methods when these events happen.
However it appears that in iOS 5.x this issue has been "fixed" so where I was manually passing the call to viewWillAppear to my sub view controller I no longer need do this under 5.x as the method automatically gets called under 5.x - as a result it's now being called twice under 5.x but still only once when running on a 4.x or earlier device.
As a result, under 5.x my NSTimer used to call my updateUI method is being created twice, but because in viewDidDisappear I only destroy the timer if it is non nil it only gets destroyed once - therefore I'm leaking NSTimers under 5.x through double allocation where I'm not under 4.x.
As a result of multiple NSTimers hanging around all repeatedly calling my updateUI method is that the constant updating of the UI is killing the animation system and so the animation for the scrollView fails when running on an actual device. I guess it continued working OK on the simulator running 5.x as the CPU in the Mac is more than capable of handling the extra workload and still performing the animations correctly.
A simple check in my viewWillAppear method to ensure the NSTimer hasn't already been created has fixed the problem and has kept compatibility with 4.x and earlier.
I frustratingly run up against these kinds of issues every time Apple update their iOS by major versions... The morale of this story is don't assume that long standing classes still exhibit the same behaviour under different revisions of the OS.
I had the same problem. I realized that after modalViewController is dismissed my UIScrollerView shifts downs by 20px, which is the same height as status bar. So, it means when my UIViewController is loaded and UIScrollView is created, UIScrollView thinks there is no status bar, when actually it is there.
So I tried to put in viewDidLoad:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO];
Now my UIScrollView always stays under status bar, with Y position 20px. It never shifts down.
I finally managed to get this working on an iPhone4 running 5.1. Ensuring the bounces horizontally property for the scroll view is set fixed the problem, though why having this unchecked should cause the problem in the first place is beyond me - I'm pretty certain this is a bug in iOS.