Writing to an offset in Java? - file-io

Hmmm, so I already know how to read an offset in Java. My question is, how do you write to one?
Basically, I have a dat file like "test.dat"
In it, I have found a certain offset value, which I have been able to 'get'. I now have to be able to 'set' it, but am unsure how.

To write into a random position or offset into a file, you can use a RandomAccessFile, which internally uses a FileChannel, but provides a more easy to use interface.
Once you create a RandomAccessFile instance, you can positionate the file pointer (the offset from where to write/read) using the seek method. After that, all calls made to the object's methods will be using that offset as starting point, and will update the file pointer accordingly.


From a ByteBuddy-generated method, how do I set a (public) instance field in an object received as an argument to the return value of a MethodCall?

I am generating a class in ByteBuddy.
As part of one method implementation, I would like to set a (let's just say) public instance field in another object to the return value of a MethodCall invocation. (Keeping the example public means that access checks etc. are irrelevant.)
I thought I could use MethodCall#setsField(FieldDescription) to do this.
But from my prior question related to this I learned that MethodCall#setsField(FieldDescription) is intended to work only on fields of the instrumented type, and, looking at it now, I'm not entirely sure why or how I thought it was ever going to work.
So: is there a way for a ByteBuddy-generated method implementation to set an instance field of another object to the return value of a method invocation?
If it matters, the "instrumented method" (in ByteBuddy's terminology) accepts the object whose field I want to set as an argument. Naïvely I'd expect to be able to do something like:
There may be problems here that I am not seeing but I was slightly surprised not to see this DSL option. (It may not exist for perfectly good reasons; I just don't know what they would be.)
This is not possible as of Byte Buddy 1.10.18, the mechanism was originally created to support getters/setters when defining beans, for example. That said, it would not be difficult to add; I think it would even be easiest to allow any custom byte code to be dispatched as a consumer of the method call.
I will look into how this can be done, but as a new feature, this will take some time before I find the empty space to do so. The change is tracked on GitHub.

How to use dexlib2 to instrument certain methods, especially allocating registers to add new instructions?

I'm using dexlib2 to programmatically instrument some methods in a dex file, for example, if I find some instructions like this:
invoke-virtual {v8, v9, v10}, Ljava/lang/Class;->getMethod(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
I'd like to insert an instruction before it, and therefore at runtime I can know the exact arguments of Class.getMethod().
However, now I run into some questions about how to allocate registers to be used in my inserted monitoring instruction?
I know of two ways, but either way has its problems:
I can use DexRewriter to increase the registerCount of this method (e.g from .register 6 to .register 9), so that I can have extra (3) registers to be used. But first this is restricted by 16 registers; second when I increase the registerCount, the parameters will be passed into the last ones, and therefore I have to rewrite all instructions in this method that use parameters, which is tiring.
Or I can reuse registers. This way I have to analysis the liveness of every registers, while dexlib2 seems does not have existing API to construct CFG and def-use chain, which means I have to write it myself.
Besides, I doubt whether by this way I can get enough available registers.
So am I understanding this problem right? are there any existing tools/algorithms to do this? Or any advice that I can do it in a better way?
A few points:
You're not limited to 16 registers in the method. Most instructions can only address the first 16 registers, but there are mov instructions that can can use to swap values out with higher registers
If you can get away with not having to allocate any new registers, your life will be much easier. One approach is to create a new static method with your instrumented logic, and then add a call to that static method with the appropriate values from the target method.
One approach I've seen used is to increase the register count, and then add a series of move instructions at the beginning of the method to move all the parameter registers back down to the same registers they were in before you incremented the register count. This makes it so that you don't have to rewrite all the existing instructions, and guarantees that the new registers at the end of the range are unused. The main annoyance with this approach is when the new registers are v16 or higher, you'll have to do some swaps before and after the point at where they're used to get the value back down into a low register, and then restore whatever was in that register afterward.
You may code like this:
if (it.opcode == Opcode.INVOKE_VIRTUAL || it.opcode == Opcode.INVOKE_STATIC) { logger.warn("${it.opcode.name} ${(it as DexBackedInstruction35c).reference}") }
Format of Opcode.INVOKE_VIRTUAL is Format35c, so the type of instruction is DexBackedInstruction35c.

Where in the VB6/VBA project references do Array(), LBound(), and UBound() come from..?

Where in the VB6/VBA project references do Array(), LBound(), and UBound() come from..? When I'm typing in code, they don't appear in the Autocomplete list (ctrl+space), they don't get autocompleted, and they must be typed out completely before the text editor recognizes them. And only when a left-parenthesis is typed will ToolTipText pop up with the command syntax. Also, they do not appear anywhere in Object Explorer.
There's probably a basic concept in play here that I'm not aware of. And it makes me wonder, what other commands/statements/keywords are hidden in the same way..? Is there a list somewhere..? I googled for info but didn't find anything, probably because I don't know what I'm looking for and using the wrong search terms.
I ask these questions because I have the habit of prefixing many VB6 built-in functions like this: VBA.Left(), VBA.Len, VBA.Instr(), and so on. But I can't figure out what reference prefeix to use with Array(), LBound(), and UBound(), or perhaps they're so basic to VB6 that they don't have one.
I do this prefixing because years ago I was working on a large project, and there were functions I was trying to use with the same name in different reference libraries. I was a newbie and it took me a while to figure out, and it was causing tremendous problems since the functions were just NOT working the way I thought they were supposed to. It was then that I developed the prefixing habit after I figured it out. It's just easier that way, and always ensures the expected functions are being used.
The reason that they don't appear as IntelliSense options (and also why they don't appear in the Object Browser) is that they aren't declared in the VBE7.dll typelib for some reason that's beyond me. The Array function is implemented in the .dll as rtcArray. The utility of knowing that is dubious, in that its sole argument is a ParamArray, which means that if you called it directly from VBE7.dll you would need to create an array to have it feed you back the same array... This partially explains why it isn't on the typelib - a COM call would need to do the same thing, and the marshaling would basically be doing the same thing as what you'd expect the function to return.
LBound and UBound don't even appear as functions in the export table, so my guess is that they are handled more like "keywords" than first class functions internally. This makes some sense, in that it's fairly trivial to check the bounds of a SAFEARRAY if you have a pointer to the automation struct (you just index into the rgsabound array at the end of it and read the cElements and lLbound from it. Again a guess, but I'd assume that this allows for flexibility in letting LBound and UBound function with both fixed length and variable length arrays. In the fixed case, the array is basically managed as a block of memory with an indexer (more like a VT_CARRAY than a VT_SAFEARRAY). I'd imagine that handling this internally was easier or more convenient than providing first-class functions.
You won't find Debug in the Object Browser either, nor its methods Assert and Print.
You won't find Statements that are used like methods, like Open, Close, Get and Put, which is why you don't get any Intellisense when you use those statements, and the syntax must be memorized.
You will find Load and Unload as members of VBA.Global, but it's not clear what they belong to otherwise, and their arguments are late-bound Objects. The VBA documentation states that Load and Unload are Statements, even though the Object Browser shows them as Methods.
Keep in mind that you can move the order of references and it will make a difference. Try moving VBA to the top or near the top of your list of references. I believe that if something else also defines a BASIC keyword, it steals it, in a sense. I once had Right disappear and because I was not aware of the order of references, had to change all references of Right to VBA.Right. It's possibly the same with the ubound, lbound, or array.

Is there a way in elisp to make variable access trigger a function call?

I am programming in elisp, and I would like to associate a symbol with a function such that an attempt to access the variable instead calls the function. In particular, I want to trigger a special error message when lisp code attempts to access a certain variable. Is there a way to do this?
Example: suppose I want the variable current-time to evaluate to whatever (current-time-string) evaluates to at the time the variable is accessed. Is this possible?
Note that I do not control the code that attempts to access the variable, so that code could be compiled, so walking the tree and manually replacing variable accesses with function calls is not really an option.
You are looking for the Common Lisp define-symbol-macro.
Emacs Lisp lacks this feature, you cannot accomplish what you are trying to do.
However, not all is lost if you just want an error on accessing a variable.
Just makunbound it and access will error out (unless, of course, someone else nds it first).
I don't think you can do that.
As Sam says, define-symbol-macro would be the closest thing in Lisp (tho you make it sound like the accesses might be compiled beforehand, in which case even define-symbol-macro would be powerless). The closest thing in Elisp would be cl-symbol-macrolet, but that is even more limiting than define-symbol-macro since it has to be placed lexically around the accesses.

IJVM using a local variable for GOTO statement

I am working with IJVM and trying to use the GOTO instruction using a local variable in place of a static offset (or label). It won't work. I suppose it is simply treating the variable name as a label and trying to branch to it, but no such label exists. Is there any way I can force it to read the contents of the variable (which contains an offset), or some other solution?
Thanks in advance.
For security reasons, JVM bytecode doesn't let you jump to arbitrary instructions based on the contents of a variable. This restriction makes it possible for the JVM to verify various security properties of the bytecode by statically enumerating all control paths through a particular method. If you were able to jump anywhere, the static analyzer couldn't prove that all necessary program invariants held.
If you do need to jump to an arbitrary index, consider looking into the tableswitch or lookupswitch instructions, which would let you enumerate possible destinations in advance. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but to the best of my knowledge the sort of arbitrary jump you're trying to make isn't possible in JVM bytecode.
Hope this helps!
The GOTO instruction is implemented in MIC1. It interprets the 2 bytes after the opcode as an offset to the PC at the start of the instruction.
I think that the assignment must be asking you to write a new GOTO in MIC1 that interprets the byte after the opcode as the offset to a local variable that contains the branch offset.