How to SELECT the UTC offset from a DateTimeOffset object? - sql

I am currently using:
However, it returns the offset in minutes. I would like to preserve the format of '-05:00' instead of '-300'
Thank you.

In MS SQL Server you can also use
which will return a nvarchar with the offset
screenshot of the excecution result

If you want to extract the exact string '-05:00' at the end of a datetimeoffset variable, you can use SQL Server string manipulation. I do not think it is possible to do this using the built-in SQL DateTime functions. You can use the CAST function, which I believe defaults to ISO 8601 format:
declare #timeStr nvarchar(50) = CAST(SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() as nvarchar(50))
select right(#timeStr, 6)
If you want to be more explicit, you can use the CONVERT function with a format type of 126, explicitly telling SQL Server to use ISO 8601:
declare #timeStr nvarchar(50) = CONVERT(nvarchar(50), SYSDATETIMEOFFSET(), 126)
select right(#timeStr, 6)
Both of these approaches in my time zone return:
For more information about CAST and CONVERT see here.


SQL How to format M/DD/YYYY (1/31/1960) to DD/MM/YYYY (31/01/1969)

I have a column that has date and time mixed together i.e. 1/31/1960 12:00:00AM and I would like to convert them into two-column through SQL function:
(a) DD/MM/YYYY i.e 31/01/1969
(b) HH:MM i.e 12:00
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at the CONVERT() function, specifically the style for datetime. Additionally, we can CAST() the DATETIME as a TIME data type to extract the time.
Assuming your original column is a DATETIME data type, you can run
,CAST({DateField} AS TIME)
If it is string, you can cast it then convert
CONVERT(NVARCHAR(24),CAST('1960-01-31' AS DATETIME),103) AS ReportingDate
,CAST(CAST('1960-01-31' AS DATETIME) AS TIME) AS ReportingTime
If you're on a sufficiently recent version of SQL Server, the FORMAT() function is your friend.
SELECT FORMAT(#d, 'dd/MM/yyyy');
Note, that second argument is a .NET formatting string, so you should be able to use whatever is available from the Framework.

How to get datepart from datetime in a Column

I want to convert the column (EXECUTION_LOCAL_DATE_TIME) which has datetime format as (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnn) to format (YYYY-MM-DD). Ho do i get this. I am working on SQL server management studio
If your intention is to just get the DATE part of a DATETIME then you can just convert the format to DATE (note that this will return a 'Date' datatype, not specifically formatted to a string 'YYYY-MM-DD'.)
DECLARE #Dt DATETIME = '2019-01-25T12:00:00'
Will return '2019-01-25'
You want the CAST() function:
Ideally you should return the datetime format from your query and let your presentation layer handle formatting.
However if you are using SQL server 2012 or higher then you can use the Format() function. See the below answer:
Convert Date format into DD/MMM/YYYY format in SQL Server
If you're using SQL Server 2012 or higher you can use the FORMAT() function.
In your case you'd need
You can find additional info here
Here Is the Code Worked For me
SELECT convert(varchar, EXECUTION_LOCAL_DATE_TIME, 111) from Tablename
The Execution_Local_Date_Time will be Converted to yyyy/mm/dd format.

Convert datetime string in datetime format in SQL server

I'm using MS SQL server and I have a date field of type text. The dates stored there are in this format
I'm trying to convert this field in a datetime field but I fail. I have tried
CONVERT(datetimeoffset,date, 127)
CONVERT(datetime,date, 127)
CONVERT(datetime2,date, 127)
but I keep getting
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character
I think the problem is that according to ISO8601 the time offset must be in the format hh:mm while mine is hhmm. I don't mind keeping only the date (yyyy-mm-dd) if it is more easy.
I have read similar question but none matches exactly my case and I can't figure out the solution.
Try this
Declare #dt varchar(50)
set #dt = '2017-03-01T18:23:02+0700'
select convert(datetime, replace(LEFT(#dt, LEN(#dt) - 1), '+', '.'), 126)
If you need only date part then you can use below query
SELECT CAST(LEFT('2017-03-01T18:23:02+0700',10) as DATE)
Use Below query to convert datetime :
For DATE only use below query :
SELECT CONVERT(DATE,REPLACE(REPLACE('2017-03-01T18:23:02+010','T','
It doesn't seem to work in both ways (both raise error):
SELECT CONVERT(datetime,'2017-03-01T18:23:02+0700',127)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime,'2017-03-01T18:23:02+07:00',127)
It seems that it works only specifying Z as time zone:
SELECT CONVERT(datetime,'2017-03-01T18:23:02Z',127)

Convert varchar in format mon-yy to datetime in SQL server

Is there a simple way to convert a date stored in a varchar in the format mon-yy (e.g. "Feb-09") to a datetime which will convert any invalid values to null.
I'm currently using string manipulation combined with a case statement but it's rather cumbersome.
For valid values you can just put a day on it and it's a complete date:
convert(datetime,'01-' + 'Feb-09',120)
This will do it.
SELECT convert(datetime,'01-' + 'Feb-09',120)
CONVERT( DATETIME, "Feb-09", 64, 7 )

how to convert nvarchar to time ,not datetime?

DECLARE #DateNow smalldatetime
SET #DateNow='12:30'
select #DateNow
select CAST( '12:30' as datetime )
Result: 1900-01-01 12:30:00.000 (i don't want this)
But i need this result in time format not string not datetime?
Result: 12:30 (i want this)
Like José said, you can use CONVERT to display a datetime as date. MSDN has a list of all possible formats. For example format 8 is hh:mi:ss:
select convert(varchar(32),getdate(),8)
Now, you can cut the seconds off by specifying less characters:
select convert(varchar(5),getdate(),8)
Another often used format is 121, yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h):
select convert(varchar(32),getdate(),121)
2009-05-08 12:51:21.987
Where you can pick the time part like:
select substring(convert(varchar(32),getdate(),121),12,5)
Or to combine the string trickeries:
select right(convert(varchar(16),getdate(),121),5)
Right? Right!
There's a TIME type in SQL Server 2008, but in previous versions, you can represent it as a varchar for display.
This is how you can retrieve the time portion of a DATETIME field in the format you want.
DECLARE #DateNow smalldatetime
SET #DateNow = GETDATE() -- 2009-05-08 12:58:02.680
-- this returns the time portion as 12:58
You can use the CONVERT function.
By the way, there's no "TIME" datatype in SQL Server. So, the converted result will always be a STRING.
EDIT: There's no "TIME" datatype in SQL Server versions < SQL Server 2008.
If you need to compare, add and/or subtract time (only) values, think about the possibility to use a INT to store the "TIME" value and then to CONVERT it to CHAR when displaying the result.