Setting App Icon depending on build configuration for WinRT - windows-8

I have built a WinRT app.
When i run it using Debug, i would like it to have a different icon for when i run it in release.
Can this be done?

One option is a pre-build step. Let's say you set up your assets directory like:
logo.png // debug version of logo
logo.png // release version of logo
logo.png // location of logo provided in app manifest
in a pre-build step (via the Properties of the project) you could then use the following command:
copy "$(ProjectDir)Assets\$(ConfigurationName)\logo.png" "$(ProjectDir)Assets" /Y

This also looks like a viable option, and could prove more powerful, not only will i be able to change the images, but i will also be able to manipulate the package name (for side by side loading) and also anything else in the manifest (small things like background colour).
Example: How to Change Manifest Information by Using a Post-Build Event
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Bundle Resource Images Into One Exe?

I'm new to resources with coding. I just want to create a standalone exe that has a couple of png images bundled inside of it.
Is there a way to do this? I have tried setting the build action of the images to embedded resource but when the program is compiled there seems to be no exe at all. I'm sure there's a simple way that this is done.
Use My.Resources. Don't add the image files to the project in the Solution Explorer yourself. Open the project properties and add the files on the Resources page. If you add Image1.png and Image2.png then you can access them in code using My.Resources.Image1 and My.Resources.Image2. You don't have to do anything extra.

Qt icons from resource file do not display

I made a user interface using Qt Designer qith Qt 5.0.1, and I used icons from a resource file. After compiling, the executable runs perfectly fine, and the icons are displayed as expected. However, when I run the programme on a different computer, they mysteriously disappear, and I am not able to get them back.
What can be the reason for this? I thought that the resources where hard-coded in the executable after compilation, but that may be wrong. In any case, I find it very peculiar that wherever I move the executable, it displays the icons on my own computer, but not on another one's.
I think you're missing some plugins. If you're using Windows and your icons are .ico type files, you need to copy the qico.dll file from the imageformats folder located somewhere in your Qt folder (something like C:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\5.0.1\mingw47_32\plugins\imageformats) to a subdir called imageformats that you create inside the directory that contains your deployed .exe file.

Moving .lproj file inside Resources

I'm trying to begin localization on a project, and I've already got an English version of Localizable.strings going. I'm now trying to add French to that file, which is creating an fr.lproj folder, as I'd expect. However, it's putting it in my project root, and I'd like it inside my project's Resources directory.
Xcode seems to have no interest in letting me move the file, and if I move it in Finder, it goes red in Xcode as expected, but doesn't let me click to locate the file.
I've tried moving it in Finder, then editing project.pbxproj in a text editor to add Resources/ in front of the only line in there that mentions fr.lproj/Localizable.strings, and that has worked, but after doing that, the project's targets also turned red in Xcode, and building the app doesn't change that fact. Very odd.. any idea what could be going on, or how to get this going?
This can be a real pain. I even had XCode crash on me when trying to correct unwanted file locations. I found that the best way is to create the localized file (be it .strings or .xib) as a copy of the source language version outside of XCode, then drag and drop it into XCode. If you do this then XCode will display it correctly and your targets' Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources settings will include it with its correct location. I don't know why your targets are displayed in red, perhaps you could look under Copy Bundle Resources in case anything is wrong there, or also select your project and click Validate Settings in case you haven't already done so.
Also, if you have been testing in the simulator beware of how XCode does not clean up the files in your app bundle--you may want to delete the app and run it again to make sure it's working with your new location.

Build and Debug application outside the default package

If I try to build an application with the application class outside the default package, so the application file path is /app/AppClass.mxml instead of /AppClass.mxml (as would normally be the case), Flash builder cannot launch the application for debugging because it is looking for the SWF in debug/app/AppClass.swf and the SWF is being output to debug/AppClass.swf instead. Changing the output folder to debug/app makes it put the swf in debug/app, but then it puts the application configuration file "AppClass-app.xml" in /debug/app/app and then that can't be found.
Is there a way to change only the SWF output folder, or the location of the xml configuration file in the run-configuration?
You may use symbolic link to created swf file -
for example for Windows :
cd project/path/bin-debug/package/path/
MKLINK ClassName.swf project/path/bin-debug/ClassName.swf
and it's work
or you can use symbolic link for folder:
cd project/path/bin-debug/package/
MKLINK path project/path/bin-debug/ /D
I think I remember this worked for me. But it was long time ago. And, yes, it is a known problem, I also recall Adobe people mentioning it as a limitation of FB.
In my Ant script, you'll need to do the adjustments to reflect your actual file names and directory structure. Also note that it will make it more cumbersome to debug it from FB. You'll need to use the debugging target in Ant, and then connect the debugger to the running application (so that some info, especially on the startup) will be lost. The only way you would be able to debug it, though I've never tried it, is with the commandline tools (I'm not sure of adl syntax for breakpoints / printing / stack frames, so idk how to do it.
Also, for the released application you will probably want to change the signing mechanism.

Get resource file inside the application

i was wondering if i could access a folder inside the Resources folder of the application?
i would make it to eliminate the use of the debug directory in storing files and to use the clickonce deployment.
I need your advices and suggestions. Thank you.
You can change where the project outputs it's build to. Right click on the Project's name and click properties then go to Build and down near the bottom it tells you where it will output the build to. If you're building it in debug, it usually goes to bin\Debug, release goes to \bin\Release, etc.
You can look here for information on the ClickOnce deployment.