Error loading .xib - application crash - objective-c

I am banging my head against a brick wall. I am trying to push a view onto a UINavigationController in the usual manner:
[[self navigationController]pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
When I do this the app crashes with the following error:
__CFStringEncodeByteStream + 17
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2,address=xxxxx)
Now, I have replaced the ViewController in question with a template provided by XCode and I do not get the error so the issue must be with my UIViewController class. Furthermore, if I replace the nib name with that of the template UIViewController class it works .i.e.
MyViewController *myVc = [[MyViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"XCodeViewController" bundle:nil];
This leads me to think that the issue is actually with the nib and not the class itself. I have checked through all the connections and there are no errors or warnings.
Hopefully somebody can help.

I was dealing with a very frustrating bug similar to yours, and everything was in place.
The newly created xib was added to the Bundle resources, no nil pointers or released pointer, NSZombieEnabled was set. The File's Owner was set to the correct ViewController as well
After sitting down with my senior for 30 minutes, we finally realized what was wrong -
In the newly created Xib, even after you assign the File's Owner to the ViewController there is an additional step which you need to take.
You need to have the main View's referencing Outlet set to the File's owner as well. The easiest way to do this is to Drag the "+" sign on the referencing outlet(From the Connections inspector) to the "File's Owner" in the Document Outline. After this you just need to click on "view" which pops up and you should be good.
Hope that helps you or anyone else facing the same problem

Need more info to answer, I can give few possibilities.
Check if the class name is mapped properly in your identity inspector.
And check your connections too. If your view is mapped in xib., etc.
If your running the app in OS below 6.0 & built with features such as Auto layout, it leads to crash.
There are multiple possibilities.
Hope this gives an insight.

Check if your nib is added to the application bundle. You can do that by selection you project file->Build Phases->Copy Bundle Resources.
If it is not there, add it.
I had the same issue yesterday and this was the problem.
I hope it helps.


subclass of UIViewController is unable to call loadView method

i have a subclass of UIViewController, and when it is called from another class the app just freezes - i used the Xcode debugger and figured that when I'm trying to access the class's view property the app freeze. another weird thing is that when i type in the debugger control panel: "po objectOfTheProblematicClass.view" the debugger stops responding.
the code I used was similar to this:
UIStoryboard *sb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"Main" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
WTStickyViewController *stickyVC = [sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"WTStickyViewController"];
stickyVC.sticky = sticky;
// Setup view controller containment:
[self.parentViewController addChildViewController:stickyVC];
self.containerView = self.parentViewController.view;
[self.containerView addSubview:stickyVC.view];
WTStickyViewController is the subclass of UIViewController. the app freezes when it reaches
[self.containerView addSubview:stickyVC.view];
but it's because this is the first time that stickyVC.view is called.
if for example i would put somewhere in the code
UIView *viewForExample = stickyVC.view;
the app would freeze there.
the exact same app works fine when compiled on a device with iOS 8 but has this problem with iOS 9.
if anyone knows why is this happening and if there is a solution it will be great. thank you.
I was having a similar issue and it was absolutely maddening. The CPU went to around 100% in the resource monitor during debug as the app deadlocked. Printing to console or just generally accessing the view controller's view property caused this behavior. Ultimately, what 'fixed' it for me was removing it from the base localization file. I know that doesn't make sense, but I'll elaborate as best as I can.
I'm maintaining a legacy universal app that has 2 'main' storyboards called Main_iPhone and Main_iPad, which as you can probably guess are the loaded dynamically based on what device you're launching on. I noticed that only the iPhone nib view was deadlocking as described, and iPad was loading fine. The only thing I could tell as that the iPhone storyboard had localization enabled while the iPad storyboard had not. So here's the steps I took loosely to remove it from base localization (you may want to do this in a separate branch/sandbox to make sure this works before deleting project references):
Right click the problematic view and/or storyboard in question, show in finder. For me it was inside the Base.lproj folder as expected.
[Re]move the file to a different directory so Xcode can not find the link the project (file goes red in file browser). Press delete to remove the file from the project file's reference from the project itself.
Add the file back at the new location in your repository/project structure so Xcode picks it up as a new file. Ensure all of your references to the file are updated to the new location.
Verify your storyboard/xib file is not localized anymore, clean project, re-run and see if the issue is still there (see image).
You can also just update the file location using the update location button in the file properties view on the right side (see other image).
Don't know if this will fix it, but I thought I'd share what helped me in the chance that it helps others as well.
A bug report was sent to apple and hopefully it will be fixed soon - the problem is indeed with Xcode 7.
If you are encountering a similar problem, it can be solved by doing one of the following:
1) Use Xcode 6.4, at least until apple fixes this bug.
2) Rebuild the problematic view in the storyboard.
I will post the radar link once I got a chance to speak with my manager about it...

How do I use a RootViewController when making an app without a ViewController?

I am trying to make a simple app from a tutorial that does not have a viewController at all. All the code is in the AppDelegate. I am on xcode 4.2 and I am getting this error:
Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
I'm not sure how to deal with this. There are some blogs out there with fixes but none of them are working for me and I really would like to understand what is going on here. And, how to fix it.
I do have a view that contains some buttons and labels. But I have no "ViewController". The files contained in my project are: AppDelegate.h, AppDelegate.m, and Window.xib only. There is no ViewController.h, ViewController.m
** edit **
I ended up making the app from a 'view based application' instead and just moving all the logic from the app delegate to the view controller. So, I didn't really solve the problem per se. The app works now though. Thanks for the help
It's not possible to have an iOS app that doesn't have a view controller. You can always create a trivial view controller, i.e.,
[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds].rootViewController =
[[[UIViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
It sounds like you're looking at an old tutorial. UIWindow got a rooViewController property in iOS4. I believe it became required in iOS5 to help keep controller hierarchies and view hierarchies in sync with the addition of custom container controllers (and to fix a corner case where replacing the "root controller" of a UIWindow could stop orientation changes from propagating). There was a WWDC presentation in 2011 that explained this in some detail. I think it was Session 102, Implementing UIViewController Containment.
At then end of the day, there's no good reason not to have a root view controller. Apple wants to be able to assume it's there in their APIs going forward. If the tutorial you're looking at doesn't account for that, it's broken.
While I agree that there may be workarounds, another question to address is: why do you want an app without a view? Even if it's designed to run in the background and present no visual interface, at least make a simple view showing the application name and version, a largeish icon and perhaps a status. This kind of idle screen uses very little system resources, especially when the app is backgrounded, but improves the overall experience of the app.
If you set your deployment target to 4.3 and run on the iPhone 4.3 simulator, you won't get the warning.
To install the iOS 4.3 simulator, go to Xcode > Preferences > Downloads.

Made a change in Interface Builder, Xcode is not showing it

So here is what my interface looks like at the moment:
Here is what I have changed it to in Interface Builder:
This is what is shown after I run it in Xcode:
Obviously the two programs are not communicating - if someone could point me in the right direction it would be great.
Thanks heaps!
If stuff isn't in sync, try cleaning your build. Product>Clean should do the trick.
The programs communicate through the NIB/XIB files. Make sure you have saved your changes from Interface Builder before rebuilding in XCode (this does not happen automatically). Also double check that the file Interface Builder is editing is the exact same file (not a copy) of the one in your XCode project.
Hope this helps.
This happens if you rename a nib but forget to change name of nib name passed in to a ViewController in its initWithNibName: bundle initialiser.
For example. If I have a nib named ViewOne.xib which I'm passing in to a ViewController like this:
ExampleViewController *exampleViewController = [[ExampleViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewOne" bundle:nil];
And I change the name of the nib to ViewTwo, Xcode isn't smart enough to amend this reference in the initialiser, so now a xib that noi longer exists is being passed in to the ViewController. For reasons that I cannot fathom, despite the fact there is no longer a nib called ViewOne.xib, Xcode maintains some sort of ghost of the file and you won't get an error because of the missing nib. Cleaning and deleting derived data did not get rid of this ghost reference, at least in my case.
The fix is easy - just amend the nib name in the initialiser to your new name:
ExampleViewController *exampleViewController = [[ExampleViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewTwo" bundle:nil];

NSCFString or UIViewController?

I am using UIViewController (a subclass of course) with a text field which sends an action when the contents changed (to the contentsChanged: selector of the ViewController). It is done by sending contentsChanged: to file's owner in IB.
But when I test it, it says : "-[NSCFString contentsChanged:] : unrecognised selector sent to instance " and the instance pointer in hex.
I am guessing that for some reason the view controller gets moved to another pointer and a string gets allocated there, but I cannot figure why.
Any ideas ?
Sounds like a classic case. Read up on NSZombieEnabled for how to track this sort of problem down.
I have the exact same problem with a subclass of UIViewController and this piece of innocuous code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
NSLog(#"%# %s %#", [self class], _cmd, answerButton);
[self.answerButton addTarget:self
Yes, answerButton is connected (it's an IBOutlet), yes, - (IBAction)getAnswerToQuestion:(id)sender; is a proper method, but no joy. When I commented out the viewDidLoad and made the connection in IB, it showed in the crash report that the failure happens on [UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:] resulting in
objc_msgSend() selector name: performSelector:withObject:withObject:
I can't prove it, but I suspect there's a bug somewhere in the UIKit that translates the bindings and addTarget to a call to performSelector. I'm planning to upgrade to iOS 4.01 first to see if that won't solve the problem.
I'm not sure anymore that my problem really is similar to Alexandre Cassagne's but in the interest of sharing information I will not delete it just yet. I solved my problem, as so often, when I started to make an example project in order to file a bug report. Yes, clicking made answerButton call getAnswerToQuestion: like a good little object and all was fine.
The difference between the subclassed UIViewController of the example project and that of my real project was that the first also functioned as the xib's File's Owner while the second was just one of several view controller. When I moved getAnswerToQuestion: to the File's Owner in my real project, clicking answerButton worked as expected. So, my hunch that the problem lay somewhere in the translation from binding to performSelector wasn't that far off: the problem lies in the Responder Chain. I would think that establishing the Action-Target link either programmatically or in IB would bypass the Responder Chain, but apparently not.
The problem now, of course, is that Alexandre states in his question that his contentsChanged: method already is part of the File's Owner, which makes my answer irrelevant to the question.
without looking at the code, it looks like you are calling contentsChanged: on the text field's text, instead of the UIViewController subclass.
you should consider using the UITextFieldDelegate protocol to get called back when the text of a UITextField changes. I have not looked, but this is the thing I would do off the top of my head.

What are some reasons that application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method could get skipped?

My iPad app was working fine until I opened up IB and started editing the interface. Now, my application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions isn't getting called. I understand it's an optional function and it gets skipped if it doesn't exist, but in my case it does. What are some reasons that application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method could get skipped?
I should note that I'm building with the iPhone OS 3.2 SDK.
Thanks in advance for your help!
UPDATE: I fixed it, please see my answer below
Are you sure that class has been set as the application delegate of the app?
And also make sure the "File's Owner"'s delegate has been linked to "App Delegate".
Well it turns out, for an unknown reason, I had a "view" view object as a child of my RootViewController in IB that didn't serve any purpose except to hold my a TableView view object and a DatePicker view object. I thought it was harmless, but when I removed it in IB and programmatically added the TableView object and and DatePicker object, suddenly this problem went away. If anyone has any ideas why this is, I'd would love to understand it.
Thanks, everyone!