how to remove time from datetime - sql

The field DATE in the database has the following format:
2012-11-12 00:00:00
I would like to remove the time from the date and return the date like this:

First thing's first, if your dates are in varchar format change that, store dates as dates it will save you a lot of headaches and it is something that is best done sooner rather than later. The problem will only get worse.
Secondly, once you have a date DO NOT convert the date to a varchar! Keep it in date format and use formatting on the application side to get the required date format.
There are various methods to do this depending on your DBMS:
SQL-Server 2008 and later:
SQL-Server 2005 and Earlier
If you need to use culture specific formatting in your report you can either explicitly state the format of the receiving text box (e.g. dd/MM/yyyy), or you can set the language so that it shows the relevant date format for that language.
Either way this is much better handled outside of SQL as converting to varchar within SQL will impact any sorting you may do in your report.
If you cannot/will not change the datatype to DATETIME, then still convert it to a date within SQL (e.g. CONVERT(DATETIME, yourField)) before sending to report services and handle it as described above.

just use, (in TSQL)
SELECT convert(varchar, columnName, 101)
in MySQL
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(columnName, '%m/%d/%Y')

I found this method to be quite useful. However it will convert your date/time format to just date but never the less it does the job for what I need it for. (I just needed to display the date on a report, the time was irrelevant).
CAST(start_date AS DATE)
(Bear in mind I'm a trainee ;))
I figured an easier way to do this IF YOU'RE USING SSRS.
It's easier to actually change the textbox properties where the field is located in the report. Right click field>Number>Date and select the appropriate format!

SELECT DATE('2012-11-12 00:00:00');

Personally, I'd return the full, native datetime value and format this in the client code.
That way, you can use the user's locale setting to give the correct meaning to that user.
"11/12" is ambiguous. Is it:
12th November
11th December

For more info refer this: SQL Server Date Formats
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), cast(dt_col as date), 101) from tbl
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), cast(dt_col as date), 103) from tbl
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In mysql at least, you can use DATE(theDate).

You may try the following:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),yourdate,101);
or this:
select cast(floor(cast(urdate as float)) as datetime);

Use this SQL:
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_column_here,'%d/%m/%Y') FROM table_name;


Date format dd/mm in SQL Server

I use SQL Server and I need to display a datetime data type in the following format:
day-month without the year, which is the most effective way?
Use 103 style in convert function and remove the year
SELECT LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(15), Getdate(), 103), 5) --11/03
You'll find this site really helpful I think:
From that link, you can see this as a quick way to get DD/MM:

Sybase date comparison - Correct format?

I'm pretty new to Sybase and am writing a query to return results after a specified date, and also before a specified date. MM/DD/YYYY format
At the moment im doing..
From aTable
WHERE afterDate >= 08/07/2013
AND beforeDate <= 08/08/2013
I'm getting records back, but as I'm a Sybase newbie, I want to be sure Sybase is interpreting these dates correctly..
Their online doc is pretty bad for basic explanations on things like this!
Anyone able to confirm if what I have works, or does it need some formatting round the dates?
You'll need to convert the dates into DATETIME and tell sybase what the format is to be sure.
According to this documentation the code for MM/DD/YYYY is 101, so something like this:
FROM aTable
WHERE afterDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME,'08/07/2013',101)
AND beforeDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME,'08/08/2013',101)
You can see the difference by running the following select statements:
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,'08/07/2013',101) --MM/DD/YYYY (2013-08-07 00:00:00.000)
SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,'08/07/2013',103) --DD/MM/YYYY (2013-07-08 00:00:00.000)
For any date-time field in sybase, instead of going through the convert function, there is a more direct approach.
From aTable
WHERE afterDate >= '2013-08-07'
AND beforeDate <= '2013-08-08'
The date has to be in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD'
If you want to add a time, it can be included along with the date. The date and the time have to be separated by a T.
Any date time field can be directly used using the format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS'
Using the functions is too lengthy. Noone needs a bazooka to shoot a squirrel! :)
CAST( '2000-10-31' AS DATE )
will convert from text to date format....
I am assuming that your two fields (afterDate and beforeDate) are in Date format.
Your example would be:
From aTable
WHERE afterDate >= CAST( '08/07/2013' AS DATE )
AND beforeDate <= CAST( '08/08/2013' AS DATE )
Also, usually (but not always) a date range is on the SAME field. As I said, that is not true all the time and you may have a good reason for that.
The best approach is to use the ANSI standard which does not require any conversion: yyyymmdd (you can also include hh:mm:ss) for instance:
DateField1 >= "20150101" and DateFile1 <= "20150102"
You should decide which Input-Strings the user is going to use as parameter and then convert them and concatenate them like you want, unless it is Datetime it is not important which initial format it had, you can use it in a between-condition.
E. g. the user is from Europe and uses "DD.MM.YY" and "hh:mm" as an input parameter, I would convert and concatenate like this:
WHERE dateCol between convert(DATETIME,
convert(DATETIME, '01.06.14', 4), 16) || ' ' || '00:00', 8)
convert(DATETIME, '01.07.14', 4), 16) || ' ' || '16:00', 8)

how to use like and between in where clause in same statement?

Im trying to find a set of results in a database based on dates. The dates are stored as varchars in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.
What i would like to do is search for all dates within a range of specified dates.
For example i tried:
SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE fromDate BETWEEN LIKE '%12/06/2012%' AND LIKE '%16/06/2012%'
Is something like this possible or is there a better way of doing this type of statement, because so far i have had little success?
I'm using Microsoft SQL server 2008.
Since your date values also include time, you can't use BETWEEN. The only safe way to do this is:
SELECT <cols> FROM dbo.table_name
WHERE CONVERT(DATE, fromDate, 103) >= '20120612'
AND CONVERT(DATE, fromDate, 103) < '20120617';
But as Martin noticed, you'll never be able to use an index on that column, so this will always perform a full table scan.
If you really, really want to use BETWEEN, converting to DATE is the only safe way to do so (well, or trimming the time off in other, less efficient ways):
SELECT <cols> FROM dbo.table_name
WHERE CONVERT(DATE, fromDate, 103) BETWEEN '20120612' AND '20120616';
But for consistency reasons I recommend against between even in that case.
Try This
SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE Convert(Date,fromDate,103)
BETWEEN '20120612' AND '20120616'
The best solution is to store your varchars as DateTime in the database.
Second best is to convert then to dates in the select (as the other answers just indicates so I am not going to give the example)
The following works fine for me. Try this:
FROM [MABH-Desi-Dera].[dbo].[Order]
WHERE (CONVERT(nvarchar,[Order_ID]) BETWEEN '200622%' AND '200623%')
Here the Order_IDs start with some Date:
hi man this is not a rocket science bro
just make a logic like
SELECT * FROM table_name
WHERE fromDate BETWEEN '2021-05-01 12:00:00' AND '2021-05-01 23:59:00'
it will work I stuck too but it helps. i was also trying make a logic like u

Date without the time

I'm working with SQL Server 2005.
I have a column called purchase_time of type datetime. How do I select this column with the time part - just the date.
Would it be safe to get the datetime and split it via Python on the first space, or is this format locale dependant?
In versions < 2008 (which, based on other comments to some of the answers, I believe you are running), the most efficient way is to keep it as a datetime type and use date math to avoid string conversions.
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '20000101', purchase_time), '20000101')
FROM dbo.table;
If you want the date only for display purposes, not for calculations or grouping, that is probably best handled at the client. You can do it in SQL simply by saying:
SELECT dt = CONVERT(CHAR(10), purchase_time, 120)
FROM dbo.table;
In SQL Server 2008 you can use the newly added date type:
select convert(date, purchase_time) from TableName
In versions prior to SQL 2008, I used the following solution for this problem:
select convert(datetime, convert(int, convert(float, purchase_time)))
from TableName

Oracle to SQL server Date conversion

I would like to convert an Oracle SQL query into SQL server query.
But I encountered a problem with the following line :
AND to_date(to_char(M_DATE,'DD-MM-YYYY')) = '27/01/12'
I use
in order to get their data like that : DD-MM-YYYY 00:00:00.000 (data are stocked like : 25/02/12 15:32:06.578)
So I searched on the Internet, but I didn't find any available solution. But I'm not an experienced SQL user, so if anybody know the solution..
In general when removing any time values from a date I would use Date functions rather than converting to string
instead of
Although the end result is the same you are maintaining date format and while I have no specific results sets to prove it conclusively I have found this to be much quicker when dealing with large quantities of data.
In Oracle, I would remove the time element of a datetime using trunc - like so:
AND trunc(M_DATE) = ...
In SQLServer, I would convert to a date - like so:
AND convert(date,M_DATE) = ...
You could just do:
AND convert(varchar(8), M_DATE, 3) = '27/01/12'
Of course, that won't work if you have dates from other centuries.
I'm not sure what you mean by "data are stocked like"; be aware that the Microsoft SQL Server DATE type only has a precision of one day. If you want to have the time as well as the day, you should use the DATETIME2 type