ios Muliplayer strategy: Sending packets with ARC, (no structures) - objective-c

I'm starting a multiplayer game, but the examples show passing a NSData object that was created using a structure. With ARC though, I can't use C structures. (correct?) It seems that I'm supposed to use objects instead of C structures using ARC. But how do I send NSData packets of objects?
I guess I could hard code a big byte array, but it seems like there should be an easier way.
Also, if it is possible to send an object, how do I send multiple objects and be able to differentiate between the ones I send?

ARC does not block you from using C structures, you just need to work a bit around the auto deallocation.
Also, if you want the quick and dirty way of handling it, you could disable ARC on your multiplayer manager, using this method.
Please describe which code you are following, and which ones are giving you problems.

The answer to my question was to use a NSKeyedArchiver. It allows one to pack an object (or anything) into a NSData object.


Cocoa Deep Copy Containers

I am tying to understand the example in the apple docs for deep copying an array of dictionaries Here.
In Listing 3 A true deep copy
The example shows
NSArray* trueDeepCopyArray = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:oldArray]];
Notice there is no copy, mutable copy , or autorelease operators, so I am struggling to understand how this is a copy and how it gets released. In fact, if I release my implementation, it will crash. It does however work as expected, and there does not appear to be any abandoned memory using it as the example shows.
I looked the the NSUnarchiver class reference and it mentions that the unarchiveObjectWithData method creates a temporary copy of the object(s)?
Does this mean the proper implementation then is to allocate and init the new array rather than just assigning the pointer so it can be released?
Thanks in advance.
They are doing a deep copy by doing a full archival pass on the object graph. Using NSArchiver enables things like automatic cyclic reference management and the objects can choose not to encode things like their delegate or they can hook stuff back up on unarchival.
For all intents and purposes, it is archival by saving something to disk and then reading it back in as a new document. Only, instead of the disk, it is just stored in memory all the time.
It is slow, very expensive, and totally inappropriate for anything but when you very occasionally need to duplicate a complex object graph completely.
unarchiveObjectWithData: returns an auto-released object. If you using MRC, you need to retain it if you want to keep it. But, a better solution would be to move to ARC.
You are crashing on retain (or shortly after) because you did not respect Apple's stated memory management rules, which can be found here:
Did you get the object from a method that contains alloc, new, copy or deepCopy in its name? No, then it is not your responsibility to release it.
Do you want to hold on to this object? If so, it is your responsibility to retain it.
As to why this code snippet results in a deep copy, you should read again what the archiver classes do. They don't deal with your objects, they deal with "descriptions of the contents of your objects". You might just as easily have done a "json import of the result of a json export" or an "xml import of an xml export".

Purpose of pointers

I have just started using Objective C and although I am doing okay with the pace and learning curve (I have no C background) - I don't understand one concept which is also part of C++ - Pointers!
OK - I understand that pointers point to the physical location of the actual variable rather then the value for the variable itself. When on earth can that come in handy?
Also, when to use them and when not to?
I have Googled enough but every guide I come across seems to assume that I am a PhD in rocket science.
Can someone please explain this with a simple example?
Although they are C pointers of course, I strongly suggest to understand them als references to objects.
You either create an object or receive it from somewhere and store a reference to the object in a varialbe.
When you hand the reference to the object to some function or method then this method can access the very object that you handed over. It does not nesessarily have to work with a copy of the data. If it makes changes to the ojects' properties (as far as allowed by means of the poperty declaration and stuff) then the very object is changed that your reference is referring to.
You can of course copy it and continue working with that copy when ever you think it is suitable. In that case the original object remains unchanged.
When you really come into a situation where you have to work with c-style pointers then you better step back and understand C. I donnot think it is wise understanding c-style pointers while coming from an Objecive-C background. Clear your mind and learn C from scratch and after that make use of the new know how in that very very rare situations where you have to deal with these basic data types in Objective-C projects.
One of the main reasons that pointers are used is to save memory. For example if you are passing an array to a function, it would be better to send the address in memory to the function rather than sending the values.
If you go on to do c or other lower level languages, then you will see that arrays and pointers are almost interchangeable. (C-style arrays, not NSMutableArrays in objc or vectors in c++ or lists in c# etc)
Here is a simple reason:
Imagine you have a really big object. - When you pass it to a function do you really want to copy & duplicate the entire object? - This would take a lot of CPU and memory.
By using pointers you do not have to copy the original object every time you pass it around. (Ofcourse the flipside is that if you change the object in the function it will change the original object as well).

Is it possible to replace malloc on iOS?

I'd like to use a custom malloc and free for some allocations in an iOS app, including those made by classes like NSMutableData.
Is this possible?
If so, how do I do it?
What I'd actually like to do is zero out certain data after I've used it, in order to guarantee forward security (in case the device is lost or stolen) as much as possible. If there's an easier way to do this that doesn't involve replacing malloc then that's great.
I believe I need to replace malloc in order to do this because the sensitive data is stored in the keychain --- and I have no option other than to use NSDictionary, NSString and NSData in order to access this data (I can't even use the mutable versions).
Instead of overwriting generic memory management functions you can use custom allocators on the sensitive objects.
The keychain services API is written in C and uses Core Foundation objects, like CFDictionary, CFData and CFString. While it's true that these objects are "toll free" bridged to their Objective-C counterparts and are usually interchangeable they have some abilities not available from Objective-C. One of these features is using custom allocators.
CFDictionaryCreate for example takes an argument of type CFAllocatorRef which, in turn, can be created using CFAllocatorCreate. The allocator holds pointers to functions for allocation and deallocation, among others. You can use custom functions to overwrite the sensible data.
Why do you need to go so low-level about it? I'd just overwrite the data in the NSMutableData instance with zeroes instead. If you really need to mess with malloc - I'd probably write a category on NSObject and override the memory-handling functions.
Disclaimer: I have no iOS experience, but I understand that it uses GCC. Assuming that is correct...
I have done this, albeit with GCC on the PlayStation3. I don't know how much of this is transferable to your case. I used the GCC objcopy utility with --weaken-symbol. (You may need to use nm to list the symbols in your library.
Once you've "weakened" the library's malloc, you just write your own, which is then used instead of the original when linked (rather than giving you a link error). To delegate to the original you may have to give it another name somehow (can't remember -- presumably doable with one of the binutils or else there's both a malloc and a _malloc in the library -- sorry, it's been a while.)
Hope that helps.
I'd encourage you to use the Objective-C memory management system based on ownership (retain/release). Memory Management Programming Guide
Another option would be to use C structures with C memory management rules like malloc.
NSMutableData methods like dataWithBytes:length use calloc / bzero internally already. Is that good enough for you?

Objective-C Multithreading and Data Containers

I have sort of a simple question. I am writing an Objective-C program with some multithreading. I have a global NSArray, and I add objects into that NSArray from a method that is called in a new thread. If the objects I add into that NSArray are new objects created in that method (local), will that create memory access and/or other issues or will the garbage collector be smart enough to keep those objects around until they have no more references? Also, if I want to an object into that NSArray, will that object be passed by reference or by value?
Can you add objects in NSArray? I guess you mean NSMutableArray.
NSMutableArray is NOT thread safe. So you may need to acquire a lock before trying to modify it. Though this will mostly dependent on how your threads are working on shared data.
NSArray or NSMutableArray will retain the objects that they contains. So after adding you can release the local copy.
The array will store the reference.
Hope it helps. In general multithreading is much more difficult than a single thread app. Please check Threading Programming Guide for the details. It may save you from many hazards.
There should be no problems with the design you're describing. All of your threads share the same memory space, so everything will work just fine. The memory management system will do "the right thing", but I recommend learning the retain/release method - there's nothing better than actually understanding what your program is doing.
Objective-C is pass-by-value only, just like C. That said, objects are only ever passed around by pointers in Objective-C, so you can think of it as always pass-by-reference in that sense.

How do I copy objects into ivars for later use?

Objective c | xcode | iphone question
Im building a model(data) class for a monetary transaction and have kind of a basic/noob question regarding pointers and object copying. The Transaction class I'm creating contains 4 or 5 ivars/properties that represent object type variables. now when I get the user entered data from the view controller to populate these ivars is it safe to use pointers or do i need to make a copy of the object and then assign that to the ivar?
Because I'll need to store these transactions after the user exits the program I'm assuming that any references I made to pointers in a previous session will be essentially broken links. Am i wrong here, any explanation and maybe some code examples would be appreciated.
If you have any suggestions as far as how to store the data while the app is not in use that would also be helpful.
Thanks so much,
I would suggest re-reading the intro guides as you seem to be a bit off the rails here; over-thinking the basics. No big deal, we've all been there (still are there when faced with new stuff, often!).
First, for any string value, copy it. In terms of properties, which you should use, you would want:
#property(copy) NSString *myString;
Make sure you -release myString in your -dealloc method.
For other kinds of values, it is really context dependent. Copying is often the safe route. NSDate and NSNumber instances happen to be immutable so copies are irrelevant, but free.
As far as saving data, you are semi-correct. Pointers do not remain valid/same across running sessions with your application. If you need to save data, you explicitly do so through any of a number of common mechanisms. For dead-simple data in an entirely non-document based, app specific, role, user defaults might be enough. Otherwise, see the documentation regarding archiving data.