Matplotlib:subplots fonts overlap - matplotlib

I want to make 21 subplots using the matplotlib. In some of the plots, fonts of axis are overlapping on the X-axis but X-axis labels are OK. For example, X-axis of one plot has value of (0,10,2) and adjoining plot has value of (0.001,0.010,0.002) so in subplots, 10 (on first X-axis) is overlap with 0.001 (X-axis of adjoining plot). If any one know about it then please reply me.
Many thanks

A few things you can try:
Adjust subplots so that there is more wspace and hspace
Adjust xlim/ylim manually to make sure there's no overlap (tricky)
Use tight_layout (see this question)


Setting matplotlib ticks

I'm having some issues in setting the ticks in my plots using matplotlib. What I need is to set the ticks inwards, so inside the figure (but the labels must stay outside), and at the same time I need to have ticks on all four boundaries. Do you know a simple way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
Just because it can be useful for other people, I post here the simple solution I found after looking for some time in the documentation, as suggested by cfort:
ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(direction='in', which='both', labelsize=16)
ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(direction='in', which='both', labelsize=16)
these lines of code set the tick inwards on both sides (e.g. for the x axis they are placed at top and bottom of the figure), set the label size and add the minorticks, which will point in the inward direction as well.

subplot with shared axis but different ticks and labels

I make a plot with different subplots (using gridspec.GridSpec). Two subplots share the same x-axis (sharex=ax1 in the definition of the second subplot).
However, as one subplot shows the indices of the chronologically sorted data, and the second subplot shows the corresponding decades, I want seperate ticks and labels for the x-axes of both plots. This seems not possible, a unique set of labels and ticks are assigned to both subplots. Until now, I can only:
use different x-axes and thus assign two sets of ticks and labels.
In that case, the axes are not alligned although
ax1.set_xlim([start, stop]) are similarly defined for both subplots
use a common x-axis and one set of ticks and labels
I do not find a solution for this on the internet. Is someone able to help? Thank you in advance!

Matplotlib's Figure and Axes explanation

I am really pretty new to matplotlib, though I know that it can be very powerful.
I've been reading number of tutorials and examples and it's a real hassle to understand how does matplotlib's Figure and Axes work. I am illustrating, what I am trying to understand, with the attached figure.
I know how to create a figure instance of certain size in inches. However, what bothers me is how can I create subplots and then axes, within each subplot, with relative coordinates (bottom=0,left=0,top=1,right=1) as illustrated.
So, for example I want to create a "parent" plot area (say (6in,10in)). Then, I want to create two subplot areas, each with size (3in,3in), with 1in space from the top, 2in space between the two vertical subplot areas and 1in from bottom. Then, 1in space on the left and 2in space on the write. In the same time, I would like to be able to get the coordinates of the subplot areas with respect to the main plot area.
Then, inside the first subplot area, I'd like to create 2 axis instances, with Axis 1, having coordinates with respect to Subplot Area1 (0.1,0.7,0.7,0.2) and Axes 2 (0.1,0.2,0.7,0.5). And then of course I'd like to be able to plot on these axes e.g., ax1.plot()....
If you could provide a sample code to achieve that, then I can study it.
Your help will be very much appreciated!
a subplot and an Axes object are really the same thing. There is not really a "subplot" as you describe it in matplotlib. You can just create your three Axes objects using gridspec without the need to put them in your "subplots".
There are a few different ways to create Axes instances within your figure.
fig.add_axes will create an Axes instance at the position given to it (you give it [left,bottom,width,height] in figure coordinates (i.e. 0,0 is bottom left, 1,1 is top right).
fig.add_subplot will also create an Axes instance. In this case, rather than giving it a rectangle to be created in, you give it the number of rows and columns of subplots you would like, and then the plot_number, where plot_number starts at 1, increments across rows first and has a maximum of nrows * ncols.
For example, to create the top-left Axes in a grid of 2 row and 2 columns, you could do the following:
or the shorthand
There are some more customisable ways to create Axes as well, for example gridspec and subplot2grid which allow for easy creation of many subplots of different shapes and sizes.

Matplotlib tick labels

Is there a way to render the tick labels just right inside the axes, i.e, something like the direction property there is on the ticks themself?
Right now I'm setting the x property to a positive value on the ticklabels to draw them inside of the axis, i.e.,
ax2.set_yticklabels(['0', '2500', '5000', '7500'], minor=False, x=0.05)
But this doesn't really work on resizable plots, as the 0.05 figure is absolute (and too big on big plots).
Any ideas?
I'm assuming that ax2 is constructed as ax2 = ax.twinx(), which is to say that it is on the right side of the axes.
You could do something like the following:
ax2.set_yticklabels(['0', '2500', '5000', '7500'], minor=False, horizontalalignment='right')
for tick in ax2.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
If you want the left side axis on the inside too, then you'd simply switch the horizontal alignment to 'left' and change the pad from -8 to -25.
The two numbers might not be exact and could depend on other matplotlib settings you might have (e.g. length of major ticks) so you may want to increase or decrease those values slightly.

matplotlib one centered axis label for two diagrams

I'd like to have one axis label centered over two axes in matplotlib.
For example, I set up the axes as follows:
figure = pyplot.figure(figsize=10,10))
diagram1 = figure.add_axes([0.01,0.62,0.90,0.30])
diagram2 = figure.add_axes([0.01,0.32,0.90,0.30])
This will generate two diagrams on top of each other. How can i now define one axis label for the y axis centered on both diagrams.
I think this can be done with subplots, but I prefer to set every diagram individually, as shown above.
You can manually change the y-coordinate of the label.
diagram1.set_ylabel('y label').set_y(0)
# Alternatively you can use
# diagram2.set_ylabel('y label').set_y(1)
The coordinate is in the axes coordinate space, meaning 0 is the bottom and 1 is the top of the Axes.
Seeing how your Axes are placed at x=0.01, you can make the label appear at the right side of the plots as well