what is the purpose of wcf ConcurrencyMode - wcf

i am very new in WCF. so often gaze for wcf code & article. after viewing many code i often stuck for very basic things and got no elaborate discussion for the below question. so here are my few basic question....and looking for details discussion with sample situation and with sample code.
what is ConcurrencyMode ??
actually what ConcurrencyMode does.....what it determines??
there are few ConcurrencyMode available and those
are Multiple,Reentrant and Single
which concurrent mode one should use in what kind of situation.
what will be the best choice. thanks

It depends on what you need. If you need a single instance of your service to be instantiated for the life time of the application you might want to use single. You might do this for instance if instantiating that service was extremely expensive for some reason and it was not called very often so you weren't concerned about multiple threads hitting it at the same time.
[ServiceBehavior(Namespace = "http://somenamespace", InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
public sealed class ServiceWithExpensiveDictionary : IServiceWithExpensiveDictionary, IDisposable
private DataCacheFactory factory;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, DataCache> dataCacheDictionary;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public ServiceWithExpensiveDictionary()
factory = new DataCacheFactory();
dataCacheDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string,DataCache>();
In the code above, I want the ConcurrentDictionary instance to be around for all callers of the service as I'm putting expensive objects into it.
You might use session if you were intending users to have stateful long-running conversations with your api.
You might use per call if your services were stateless and service instantiation was cheap.
It really depends on what you want to do.
There is also a nice question related to this here. It also touches on throttling which you might also be interested in:-
WCF ConcurrencyMode Single and InstanceContextMode PerCall


ASP.NET, WCF and per-operation static variables - how to use them safely?

I have a WCF service and I have the following (simplified) class:
public class PerOperationSingleton : IDisposable
private static bool _hasInstance = false;
public PerOperationSingleton()
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot have multiple instances during a single WCF operation");
_hasInstance = true;
public void Dispose()
_hasInstance = false;
I guess, it's pretty self explanatory piece of code. I don't need a singleton for entire WCF service but only during a single operation call. If one instance of the PerOperationSingleton is disposed, it should be safe to create a new instance during the same WCF operation.
The problem is that I don't know how to make the _hasInstance variable to be effective only for one WCF operation. I know about [ThreadStatic], but I've heard that ASP.NET and WCF do not guarantee that an operation will be executed on a single thread - it might be transferred to another thread.
I definitely don't want my _hasInstance = true to move to thread pool and get incorrectly detected if some other operation picks that thread from the pool.
If WCF operation moves to another thread, I would like the _hasInstance variable to keep the "true" value if it was set.
And I don't want to change some global settings for my WCF service to avoid affecting the performance or get into some problems which will be hard to debug and solve later (I don't feel proficient enough in advanced ASP.NET and WCF topics).
I cannot store _hasInstance in session either because my client requested to disable .NET sessions for various reasons.
I would like the class PerOperationSingleton actually to be environment agnostic. It shouldn't really know anything about WCF or ASP.NET.
How do I make _hasInstance variable static during entire call of my WCF operation and don't affect other WCF operations?
I would consider using OperationContext to make you data "static" during the operation call.
Here is a similar discussion Where to store data for current WCF call? Is ThreadStatic safe?

Utilizing multiple service contracts over the same WCF channel or session

I'm in the process of writing a duplex WCF service using NetTcpBinding, and I've run into an architecture question that I think I know the answer to, but hope that I'm wrong.
Our service is stateful, and we've selected NetTcpBinding with PerSession InstanceContextMode. For various reasons, this is something that we require. I'm trying to break up our larger interface (where large blocks of the operations would not apply to many clients) into multiple smaller interfaces with the operations logically grouped. While it's simple enough to have a single service implementation implement all of the contracts, I'm not sure if it's possible to have multiple service contracts share a single channel (or, more to my requirement, a single session), and I'd definitely need to be able to do that in order to make this work.
I could, of course, include everything on one contract and throw FaultExceptions when an invalid operation is performed, but I'd really like to be able to break these up and not even add an endpoint for inapplicable contracts. Is what I'm looking for possible?
TL;DR Version:
I need to be able to do this:
public interface IServiceA
void Foo();
public interface IServiceB
void Bar();
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession)]
public class Service : IServiceA, IServiceB
And be able to establish one session from the client to the service but use both IServiceA and IServiceB.
The default instance provider over a sessionful channel will give you an instance per connection in your case. You can however extend the instance provider to pick up an existing object from your own cache and return the same object.
How you correlate instances will be upto you using some special message header etc. The underlying channel/Connection will be different for each proxy and also use differnt buffers / concurrency models but you can allow service model to use the same instance.

WCF Multiple Interface

i am really wanting to get my head around this WCF technology and it seems the last months of information cramming has somewhat distorted my overall concept of how i should build my client/server application.
If someone out there could shed some light on the best practises when developing my app and implementing a Duplex WCF service with multiple interfaces.
General outline: I am wanting to develop an app where users connect to a server and lets say'.. add contacts to an sql database. I have discovered many ways of doing this but would ultimatly like to know im heading down the right path when it comes time to developing the app further.
Some models i have discovered are...
Client has its own LINQ to SQL classes and handles all data to and from data.... BAD. really slow. overheads with LINQ and SQL connections amongst poor implementation of Linq Select command.
Another model was the develop the service to implement the linq to sql commands which are used for CRUD operations however this still doesnt provide live data updates to other clients connected to the service.
So i made a basic app that when a client logs in the to the service there Callback Channel gets added to the Callback List. When a client feeds in a new contact to the service, it invokes a callback to all channel clients with the new contact and the client side function takes care of adding the contact to the right spot.
So now i want to implement a User object and perhaps 2 more other business objects say Project and Item and lets say Item... my idea is to create my service like this
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single,
InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public class Project: IProject
public int projectID;
public int Insert(objSubItem _objSubItem)
// code here
etc and
Name = "Project",
Namespace = "",
SessionMode = SessionMode.Required,
CallbackContract = typeof(IProjectCallback))]
public interface IProject
/// <summary>
/// Inserting a Project record to the database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_project">Project from Client</param>
/// <return>ProjectID back to the client if -1 then fail</return>
int Insert(Project _project);
public interface IProjectCallback
/// <summary>
/// Notifies the clients that a Project has been added
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_project">Inserted Project</param>
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void NotifyProjectInserted(Project _project);
obviously i have other crud functions and functions to ensure that both client and server data records are read only when being editited.
now if i have multi objects what is it the best way to lay it out.
Im thinking to create a servce.cs and an Iservice.cs and an IserviceCallback to negotiate the client channel population.. sould i also use partial classes of the service to implement the Iproject and IUser to properly ivoke the service callbacks aswell as invoking the objects insert.
would i do it like this
[ServiceContract(Name = "Service",
Namespace = "",
SessionMode = SessionMode.Required,
CallbackContract = typeof(IServiceCallBack))]
public interface IService
// code here
and also
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single,
InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public partial class Service : IUser
public int Insert(User _User)
public partial class Service : IProject
public int Insert(Project _project)
// code here
public partial class Service : IService
// functions here
if feels as though the approach feels right if it was for one interface but feel that i need some "Best Practice" assistance.
Many thanks in advance,,
Chris Leach
Hi Richard,
I appreciate your response. As you see this is my first post and third ever on any forum related to programming. I have lived my programming life very close to google as shown by my google autofill history but its time to start asking questions of my own so i thank-you for your assistance so far. I am really wanting to understand an overall approach to how best managing data consistency amongst a distributed client/service application. I am looking into Telerik ORM and also Entity Framework as a solution and exposing the entities through a WCF service but i lack the understanding to implement data consistency amongst the clients. i have managed to develop a netDualTcp chat application and have used a list of client callback context to send join/leave and chat functions. I lack the overall picture however it seems that if i have a in memory (static) version of all of the tables in my sql database and either have the clients bind directly to these lists if this is possible or it seems best for my custom user controls to handle the connections so the server is aware of who has that particular user control open and can direct changes to those clients who are registered to the callback contract. that way the clients arent having to load the entire project every time they wish to open the application. I am thinking of a multi purpose application such as a contact/grant application program where users will be using different parts of the application and do not always need to access all of the information at one time. When the user first logs in i am hoping that the service will attach a callback contract for the client and several bits of information are loaded back to the client on authentaction such as a basic state i.e if they are an admin they get notifications etc. once they are logged in they are presented with a blank canvas but then begin to load custom user controls into a docking panel type interface. i guess this is where i become a little stuck about how to best manage concurrency and consistency whilst minimizing load/data transfer times to the client and freeing up cpu proccess time on both client. I know in programming there are multiple ways of doing this but i would like to know from the people on this forum what they feel the best approach to this type of soultion is. I understand its a deep topic but i feel i have come this far and a guiding hand would be appreciated. Thanks again
Generally I find taking a non-abstract view of a service gets me to the right place. What is it that consumers of my service are going to need to do?
I obviously have internal domain objects that are used by my business layer to create and manipulate the data. However, the way the business layer does tings isn;t necessarily the best way to partition functionality for my service.
So for example, if any project should have at least one user in it then when you create the project you should send over at least one user at the same time. The service operations need to encapsulate all of the data required to carry out a self contained business transaction.
Similarly, the death knell of many distributed systems is latency - they require lots of round trips to complete something. So, for example, you want to be able to add a user to a project; in reality you probably want to add a number of users to as project. Therefore, you should model the operation to accept a list of users not a single one which must be invoked multiple times
So a project service should allow you to do all the things related to a project, or projects, through a service contract. If users can live independently of projects then also have a user service. If they cannot then don;t have a user service as everything needs to be project focussed.
Business transactions are often more than straight forward CRUD operations on domain entities and the service should model them rather than reflecting the data model

Concurrency of thread

I have a WCF application (vb) which works fine but when a user requests information while the server is doing a call to another user, everybody hangs!
When you configure your service, there are two things you need to configure:
InstanceContextMode - which determines how many service instances are created to service the client requests, try use PerCall/PerSession if possible as they allows for the most concurrency.
ConcurrencyMode - which determines if each service instance is single-threaded or multi-threaded.
Based on the information you've provided so far, I'd recommend changing these two settings and see if it solves your problem:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall,
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
public class MyService : IMyService { ... }
I put a blog post together of the things I learnt whilst doing some performance work on our WCF services a little while back, maybe it'd be of help:

WCF data persistence between sessions

We are developing a WCF based system. In the process we are trying to lock some data from being modified by more than one users. So we decided to have a data structure that will contain the necessary information for the locking logic to execute (by for example storing the ID of the locked objects)
The problem we are having is persisting that data between sessions. Is there anyway we can avoid executing expensive database calls?
I am not sure how can we do that in WCF since it can only persist data (in memory) during an open session.
Static members of the service implementing class are shared between sessions & calls.
One option would be to use static members as Jimmy McNulty said. I have a WCF service that opens network connections based on a user-specified IP address. My service is configured for PerCall service instance mode. In each session, I check a static data structure to see if a network connection is already opened for the specified IP address. Here's an example.
public interface IMyService
void Start(IPAddress address);
public class MyService : IMyService
private static readonly List<IPAddress> _addresses = new List<IPAddress>();
public void Start(IPAddress address)
if (!_addresses.Contains(address)
// Open the connection here and then store the address.
As configured, each call to Start() happens within its own service instance, and each instance has access to the static collection. Since each service instance operates within a separate thread, access to the collection must be synchonized.
As with all synchronization done in multithreaded programming, be sure to minimize the amount of time spent in the lock. In the example shown, once the first caller grabs the lock, all other callers must wait until the lock is released. This works in my situation, but may not work in yours.
Another option would be to use the Single service instance mode as opposed to the PerCall service instance mode.
public class MyService : IMyService
{ ... }
From everything I've read, though, the PerCall seems more flexible.
You can follow this link for differences between the two.
And don't forget that the class that implements your service is just that - a class. It works like all C# classes do. You can add a static constructor, properties, event handlers, implement additional interfaces, etc.
Perhaps a caching framework like velocity help you out.
Create a second class and set its InstanceContextMode to single and move all the expensive methods there, then in your original class use that methods.