How to give link to Button without changing button-shape? - extjs4

I trying to create button in extJs 4 .But due to adding property href and hrefTarget its changing its shape.What should I have to do give link to my Button without making my button as anchor tag ? Actualy I want to open new tab on button click..
var startButton = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
id: 'startButton',
href : '',
hrefTarget: '_blank',
baseCls:'deviceAuthenticationButtonCls button-link',
handler : function() {
console.log("Form ",form.getForm().getValues());
{id:'First', value: "0006660767C7"},
{id:'Second', value: "00066607644D"}
var data = form.getForm().getValues();
console.log("Data To Send :- ",data);
url: './mmaGlove/',
params : {
deviceAuthenticationData: JSON.stringify(data)
success: function(){
window.location = "";
failure : function(){
alert('Got Error..');

Maybe you can redirect in the function handler:
function() { window.location = "" }
... for instance. In this case you don't set the href propety so the button doesn't become an <a></a> label.


How to Use Dialog variable created in another JS file in Current JS file in dojo tool kit

I have created Dialog in AddButtonEntryPoint.js file and I want to access that variable in Form.js file to hide the dialog after click on Submit button So, How can i call.
Here is the code which i have written
var w = new Form({});
var d = new Dialog({
id: 'FormDialog',
title: "Bridge Form",
style: "width: 270px; height: 270px;",
content: w,
onHide: function() {
// To prevent destroying the dialog before the animation ends
setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, 'destroyRecursive'), 0);
return declare( "mypackage.MyForm", Form, {
repotextbox: new TextBox({
name: "text",
placeHolder: "Enter text here."
} , dojo.doc.createElement('input')),
DFMtextbox: new TextBox({
name: "text",
placeHolder: "Enter text here."
} , dojo.doc.createElement('input')),
submitButton: new Button({
type: "submit",
label: "Submit"
constructor: function(args) {
declare.safeMixin(this, args);
onSubmit: function() {
var repositoryID = this.repotextbox.get('value');
// The URL of the request
method: "GET",
handleAs: "json",
alert(data.success + " " + JSON.stringify(data));
alert( "Your message could not be sent, please try again.");
In form.js file, Under onSubmit function I have to hide the dialog created in AddButtonEntryPoint.js when the user click on Submit button.
In Form.js you have to add a property that will reference the Dialog instance
return declare( "mypackage.MyForm", Form, {
myDialog: null,
// etc
Then in AddButtonEntryPoint you can either set this property when you initialize w if you put it after:
var d = new Dialog({
id: 'FormDialog',
title: "Bridge Form",
style: "width: 270px; height: 270px;",
content: w,
onHide: function() {
// To prevent destroying the dialog before the animation ends
setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, 'destroyRecursive'), 0);
var w = new Form({
myDialog: d
or you can keep it as it is and call w.set("myDialog", d); later - but in this case any code in postCreate that requires the dialog will not run.
Hope this helps!

dojo How to dynamically change the title of the tab in tabContainer?

If I have made to the tab through the dojo,
var tab=new dijit.layout.ContentPane({
closable: true,
return confirm('Relly want to remove?');
After the tab is created, i want to change the tab title dynamically through dijit/Dialog.
but I don't know how it should be implemented,Please advise me
The best way to achieve this is to create your own widget and extend from dijit/layout/ContentPane, for example:
declare([ ContentPane ], {
Then you can add stuff to show a dialog, for example:
declare([ ContentPane ], {
btn: domConstruct.create("button", {
innerHTML: "Change title",
_createButton: function() {, this.domNode);
on(this.btn, "click", lang.hitch(this, this._showDialog));
postCreate: function() {
The postCreate function is a part of the widget lifecycle in Dojo and is automatically executed when the widget is loaded. So, we use that to add a "Change title" button to the contentpane that, when being clicked calls a function this._showDialog() (that's what you can see in this._createButton()).
Of course, you also need to create a dijit/Dialog before you can actuall show one, so you could do something like:
declare([ ContentPane ], {
/** ... */
dialog: null,
editField: null,
okBtn: null,
_showDialog: function() {
this.editField.value = this.title;;
_createDialog: function() {
var div = domConstruct.create("div");, this.domNode);
this.dialog = new Dialog({
title: "Change title",
content: ""
}, div);
this.editField = domConstruct.create("input", {
type: "text"
this.okBtn = domConstruct.create("button", {
innerHTML: "OK"
});, this.dialog.containerNode);, this.dialog.containerNode);
on(this.okBtn, "click", lang.hitch(this, this._saveTitle));
/** .. */
What happens here is that we create a dialog with a simple textfield and a button (the OK button), all of that can be found in this._createDialog().
In this._showDialog() you can see that I'm first changing the value of the textfield into the title of the contentpane. Then I show the dialog we made earlier.
Now all you have to do is read that value when the OK button is pressed:
declare([ ContentPane ], {
/** ... */
_saveTitle: function() {
this.set("title", this.editField.value);
/** ... */
That's all you really need. You can find a working example on JSFiddle:

how to make browser back close magnific-popup

I have the popup working but sometimes a user clicks the back button on their browser to close the popup.
How can I make the browser back button close a 'magnific-popup' that is already open?
After some digging found history.js and then the following
var magnificPopup = null;
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var $img = $(".img-link");
if ($img.length) {
type: 'image',
preloader: true,
closeOnContentClick: true,
enableEscapeKey: false,
showCloseBtn: true,
removalDelay: 100,
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
tClose: '',
callbacks: {
open: function () {
History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', closePopup);
History.pushState({ url: document.location.href }, document.title, "?large");
$(window).on('resize', closePopup);
magnificPopup = this;
close: function () {
$(window).unbind('statechange', closePopup)
.off('resize', closePopup);
var State = History.getState();
History.replaceState(null, document.title,["url"]);
magnificPopup = null;
function closePopup () {
if (magnificPopup != null)
I'm using this solution:
callbacks: {
open: function() {
location.href = location.href.split('#')[0] + "#gal";
,close: function() {
if (location.hash) history.go(-1);
And this code:
$(window).on('hashchange',function() {
if(location.href.indexOf("#gal")<0) {
So, on gallery open I add #gal hash. When user closes I virtually click back button to remove it. If user clicks back button - everything works fine olso.
This solution does not break back button behavior and does no require any additional plugins.
Comments are welcome.
Just to add to your answer, these are the meaningful lines that I got to work for me.
open: ->
History.pushState({ url: document.location.href }, null, "?dialogOpen")
History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', attemptToCloseDialog)
close: ->
$(window).unbind('statechange', attemptToCloseDialog)
History.replaceState(null, null, History.getState().data['url'])
With attempt being:
attemptToCloseDialog = ->
$.magnificPopup.close() if $.magnificPopup.instance

One view and multiple controller actions for the same button in EXTJS

Am having a delete button in my EXTJS Application. On clicking the button, am opening a confirmation form, asking the user are they sure to delete the item. The delete button is a part of many forms in my Application. And irrespective of the form being used, am opening the confirmation window.
And on clicking the yes button in the confirmation window, i want to do some action. But these actions have to be specific to the form that was opened first.So, am confused about how to use the same view, the same button, but different actions depending upon the first form that was opened.
View: This is the window that opens on clicking the delete button in any of the forms
Ext.define('app.view.GenMessageWin', {
extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel',
alias : 'widget.genmessagewin',
var fp = {
xtype : 'panel',
itemId : 'MSGPANEL',
width : Width,
height : 150,
cls : 'msg effect1',
layout : 'form',
border : false,
items : [{
xtype : 'panel',
//cls : 'winTitle',
html : msgTxt,
border : 0
}, {
xtype : 'form',
itemId : 'MSGFORM',
border : false,
title : '',
buttonAlign : 'center',
fieldDefaults : {
msgTarget : 'side',
labelWidth : 110,
size : 30
buttons : [{
text : LANG.BTYES,
iconCls : 'icon-tick-tb',
iconAlign : 'right',
cls : 'tip-btn',
action : 'delete',
id : 'BTYES'
}, {
text : LANG.BTNO,
iconCls : 'icon-cross-tb',
iconAlign : 'right',
cls : 'tip-btn',
action : 'notDelete',
id : 'BTNO'
} ]
init : function() {
'button[action = delete]' : {
click : this.delete
'button[action = notDelete]' : {
click : this.notDelete
So, in the delete action, we have to determine which form has been opened in the first place, and then delete the data accordingly.
You have 3 options:
1) Make the selector more specific:
'form1 button[action=delete]': {
click: this.form1Delete
form1Delete: function(){
this.showMsg(function() {
// form 1 delete
2) Traverse back up the component hierarchy and find the open form
onDelete: function(btn) {
var form = btn.up('form'); // find an xtype form or subclass
if (form.someCondition) {
} else {
3) As suggested by Dmitry. You'll need to convert it over to 'MVC style'.
Ext.define('ConfirmButton', {
extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
title: '',
msg: '',
requires: ['Ext.window.MessageBox'],
initComponent: function(){
this.on('click', this.handleClick, this);
handleClick: function(){
Ext.MessageBox.confirm(this.title, this.msg, this.checkResponse, this);
checkResponse: function(btn){
if (btn == 'yes') {
this.fireEvent('confirm', this);
var btn = new ConfirmButton({
renderTo: document.body,
text: 'Foo',
title: 'Should I',
msg: 'Are you sure'
btn.on('confirm', function(){
console.log('Do something');
I am doing something similar; I simply use the native Ext.Msg class
Controller code
,onDelete: function() {
var me = this;{
title:'Really shure?',
msg: 'Really wanna do this?',
buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
icon: Ext.Msg.QUESTION,
closable: false,
fn: function(btn) {
if (btn == 'yes') {
scope: me
,deleteRecord: function() {
var me = this,
store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup('datastore');
I would recommend you to keep all logic concerning this within the controller. I your case it'seems that's no problem, cause you just catching the button-events. You problem may be that all controllers catch these, if you are using totally the same window.
You can solve this for example by creating the action property value dynamically when creating the window. Like action='onDeleteCar'
I think you should embed the 'confirmation' functionality inside the button, i.e. create your own ConfirmButton class that would first fire a dialog upon pressing and executing the passed handler only if the dialog exited with "yes".
Here is the example implementation:
Ext.define('My.ConfirmButton', {
extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
alias: 'widget.confirmbutton',
dlgConf: {
title: 'Are you sure?',
msg: 'Are you sure you want to delete this?',
buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO,
closable: false
initComponent: function() {
// remember the originally passed handler
this.origHandler = this.handler;
this.origScrope = this.scope;
// override current handler to fire confirmation box first
this.handler = this.confirmHandler;
this.scope = this;
confirmHandler: function(me, e) {
// show dialog and call the original handler only on 'yes'{
fn: function(buttonId) {
if(buttonId == 'yes') {
me.origHandler && || me, me, e)
scope: me
}, this.dlgConf))
// Method used to dynamically reassign button handler
setHandler: function(handler, scope) {
// remember the originally passed handler
this.origHandler = this.handler;
this.origScrope = this.scope;
// override current handler to fire confirmation box first
this.handler = this.confirmHandler;
this.scope = this;
return this;
Here is the sample usage:
Ext.create('My.ConfirmButton', {
text: 'Delete me',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
handler: function() {
alert('Aww, you deleted something! :(')
As you see, the confirmation logic is hidden from the outside world, you use this button exactly like you would use a regular Ext.Button (by passing a handler to it). Also, you can override the configuration of the dialog that the button fires (you may want to adjust it to your needs, e.g. allow passing record name to the dialog for a friendlier UI).
Note that the code isn't thoroughly tested, some cases might be left uncovered.
UPD. You need to add an alias (former xtype) to the component class definition so you can use it in ComponentQuery in your controller code, e.g.
'confirmbutton[action = delete]' : {
click : this.delete
'confirmbutton[action = notDelete]' : {
click : this.notDelete
The final solution that i used was to declare variables using the global namespace so that they can be accessed from anywhere. On opening the first form, i get the data from the form using the record variable, and assign them a global name like
App1.Var1 =;
And, on opening the delete window, these variables can be accessed by App1.Var1 when the buttons are clicked.

Add a custom button in column header dropdown menus {EXTJS 4}

I want a button in column header dropdown menu of grid in extjs4.
so that i can add or delete columns which are linked in database.
Any help will be appreciated...
Couple of months ago I had the same problem. I've managed to solve it by extending Ext.grid.header.Container (I've overrided getMenuItems method). However, recently, I've found another solution which requires less coding: just add menu item manualy after grid widget is created.
I'll post the second solution here:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
// ...
listeners: {
afterrender: function() {
var menu = this.headerCt.getMenu();
text: 'Custom Item',
handler: function() {
var columnDataIndex = menu.activeHeader.dataIndex;
alert('custom item for column "'+columnDataIndex+'" was pressed');
Here is demo.​
Here is demo for ExtJs4.1.
From what I have been seeing, you should avoid the afterrender event.
The application I am building uses a store with a dynamic model. I want my grid to have a customizable model that is fetched from the server (So I can have customizable columns for my customizable grid).
Since the header wasn't available to be modified (since the store gets reloaded and destroys the existing menu that I modified - using the example above). An alternate solution that has the same effect can be executed as such:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
// ...
initComponent: function () {
// renders the header and header menu
// now you have access to the header - set an event on the header itself
this.headerCt.on('menucreate', function (cmp, menu, eOpts) {
}, this);
createHeaderMenu: function (menu) {
// { custom item here }
// { custom item here }
// { custom item here }
// { custom item here }
For people who would like to have not just one "standard" column menu but have an individual columnwise like me, may use the following
initComponent: function ()
// renders the header and header menu
// now you have access to the header - set an event on the header itself
this.headerCt.on('menucreate', function (cmp, menu, eOpts) {
menu.on('beforeshow', this.showHeaderMenu);
}, this);
showHeaderMenu: function (menu, eOpts)
//define array to store added compoents in
if(this.myAddedComponents === undefined)
this.myAddedComponents = new Array();
var columnDataIndex = menu.activeHeader.dataIndex,
customMenuComponents = this.myAddedComponents.length;
//remove components if any added
if(customMenuComponents > 0)
for(var i = 0; i < customMenuComponents; i++)
this.myAddedComponents.splice(0, customMenuComponents);
//add components by column index
case 'xyz': this.myAddedComponents.push(menu.add([{
text: 'Custom Item'}]));
I took #nobbler's answer an created a plugin for this:
Ext.define('Ext.grid.CustomGridColumnMenu', {
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
init: function (component) {
var me = this;
me.customMenuItemsCache = [];
component.headerCt.on('menucreate', function (cmp, menu) {
menu.on('beforeshow', me.showHeaderMenu, me);
}, me);
showHeaderMenu: function (menu) {
var me = this;
removeCustomMenuItems: function (menu) {
var me = this,
while (menuItem = me.customMenuItemsCache.pop()) {
menu.remove(menuItem.getItemId(), false);
addCustomMenuitems: function (menu) {
var me = this,
var menuItems = menu.activeHeader.customMenu || [];
if (menuItems.length > 0) {
if (menu.activeHeader.renderedCustomMenuItems === undefined) {
renderedItems = menu.add(menuItems);
menu.activeHeader.renderedCustomMenuItems = renderedItems;
} else {
renderedItems = menu.activeHeader.renderedCustomMenuItems;
Ext.each(renderedItems, function (renderedMenuItem) {
This is the way you use it (customMenu in the column config let you define your menu):
Ext.define('MyGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
plugins: ['Ext.grid.CustomGridColumnMenu'],
columns: [
dataIndex: 'name',
customMenu: [
text: 'My menu item',
menu: [
text: 'My submenu item'
The way this plugin works also solves an issue, that the other implementations ran into. Since the custom menu items are created only once for each column (caching of the already rendered version) it will not forget if it was checked before or not.