Possible to fetch full hierarchical requirements in single portfolio item web service call? - rally

I'm trying to aggregate some information about the kanban states of my user stories. If query a PifTeam item, I get a summarized collection of UserStories associated with it.
Example query:
However I then have to run a loop on the UserStories collection, individually querying each one to get at the information I need. This potentially results in a lot of web service calls.
Is there a way to return the full hierarchical requirement information in the original pifteam query so that there is only one webservice call which returns all sub-objects? I read the webservice api and was trying to play with the fetch parameter but had no success.

This functionality will be disabled in WSAPI 2.0 but will continue to be available in the 1.x versions. That said, you should be able to use a fetch the fields on story that you need like this:
Fetch will hydrate the fields specified on sub objects even if the root object type doesn't have those fields. So by fetching UserStories the returned collection will populated with stories, each having the FormattedID, Name, PlanEstimate and KanbanState fields included.

There is no way to do it from Rally's standard Web Services API (WSAPI) but you can from the new Lookback API (LBAPI). The query would look something like this:
Fill in the ObjectIDs for your Workspace and PortfolioItem. The _ItemHierarchy field will cross work item type boundaries and goes all the way from PortfolioItems down through the Story hierarchy down to Defects and even Tasks, so I added _TypeHierarchy:"HierarchicalRequirement" to limit it to Stories. I have specified Children:null which means you'll only get back leaf Stories. The __At:"current" clause get's the current tree and values. Remember, it's the "Lookback" API, so you can retrieve the state of the object at any moment in history. __At:"current" says to get the current values and tree.
Note, the LBAPI is delayed from current values in the system by anywhere from seconds to minutes. Typically it's about 30 seconds behind. You can see how far behind it is by checking the ETLDate field in the response.
Details about the LBAPI can be found here. Note, that the LBAPI is available in preview now for almost all Rally customers. There are still a number of customers where it is not yet turned on. The best way to tell if it's working for your subscription is to try the query.


How to Collect dijit/form/combobox Selected Values in Repeat Control

An XPage is used to display the number of points a person has collected, and the number of points remaining (see below).
I have a repeat control which gets a collection of documents meeting a specific criteria. The last column in the control contains 5 digit/form/comboboxes, which are displayed or hidden, according to the number of fields on each document that contain data.
The layout contains gift cards worth a certain amount of points, and the person can select how many of each gift card they want. eg.
Company Available in Values of Points Required Quantity Requested
The Quantity Requested column contains the digit/form/comboboxes. As the person selects values in the checkbox, I want the number of points remaining to be recalculated.
The onChange event of the digit/form/comboboxes calls a function in an Output Script which calls an RPC, which in turn calls an SSJS function. The SSJS function cycles through the documents displayed in the repeat control, gathering the points required information. I then wanted it to also grab the Quantity Requested. I understand from a previous posting that because of the way the digit/form/combox is rendered, I can only get the value using CSJS with dijit.byId and perhaps putting the value in a hidden field and retrieving it from there.
I can't seem to wrap my head around how I will do this when the repeat control will make it possible for there to be many combobox1 and combobox2, etc.
The XPage is not bound to a form, because all the items are just calculated on the fly and then discarded.
What is the best way to do this?
The JSON RPC service can't interact with any changes made in the browser, see https://www.intec.co.uk/json-rpc-service-component-tree-manipulation-openlog/. This could be the cause of your problems.
You may be able to get around it by triggering a partial refresh (POST) before calling the JSON RPC. In theory that might work, because the component tree (server-side map of the XPage) would get updated by the partialRefreshPost and the updates picked up by the JSON RPC. It's possible though that the Restore View picks up a version of the XPage other than the one for the browser, I don't know. I've never investigated that.
It's been a while since I've worked with server java script, I have been doing it the managed bean way with ActionListeners. If you have the data in the UI, then can you avoid server side processing and do it client side?
You can also use the DOM XSP Object like XSP.setSubmittedValue to have a key value pair sent with your post request to the server side, you can only have one... it can be JSON or any other value you set it to from the client side javascript.
I figured out how to do this. If anyone wants the code, let me know and I'll provide it.

What's the optimal way to filter a set of entities in a lookup?

I've got a lookup field on Account entity called something. Each such Something has a reference to an account. When my users click the magnifying glass, I want them to see a list of available Something records but filtered to view only such instances that link to the currently treated entity.
Also, I'll need to design such a filtration for Contact instances to only show the Something records that are related to the account that the currently regarded contact is a member of.
I can't decide between a plugin on Retrieve and some JS in OnLoad registering a fetchXML. All such operations will be done client-side. The solution needs only to work in CRM13 (and if possible apply some cool functionality in that version).
JavaScript & FetchXml are your best option here as with a Retrieve plugin you're taking the performance hit of executing on every retrieve regardless of whether the entity is being retrieved for the lookup. A filtered lookup in JS only applies for those scenarios that require a change to the field on Account.
Another other good reason for using a filtered lookup in Js is they are now a supported feature in CRM 2013 as opposed to the "hack" that was required in 2011.
Some more info on addPreSearch and addCustomFilter can be found on MSDN and there's a decent blog post providing examples here.

How can I get a list of items in a Rally instance via the REST API?

I want to get the list of items in the view lookup..but i just cant find what to query for that..i have tries everything but i just dont seem to get how to do it
I have even tried using
but that only fetches me the worspace and projects
I am not sure what you mean by view lookup. In any case, it is not possible to query on all work items in a subscription. Here is an example of a query on all defects in a workspace, when Name,FormattedID,State are being fetched:
All queries on work items are workspace scoped. You do not have to provide workspace explicitly as in the example above. If you are currently logged in to Rally in another tab of the same browser the context is already set, and this endpoint will work too:
You may want to narrow a scope by using a query parameter, e.g.
https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/defect?&query=(State = Open)&fetch=Name,FormattedID
Also, v2.0 removed the ability to return child collections in the same response for performance reasons. Now fetching a collection will return an object with the count and the url from which to get the collection data:
where 7777 is OID of the subscription.
If you want to replicate a query in a custom view in Rally UI, open the view to determine the conditions and then build a similar query. Here is an example of a query that imitates a custom view below:
https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/hierarchicalrequirement?query=((Blocked = true) AND (Owner.UserName = nick01#test.com))

Rally SDK 2: how to get PortfolioItem/Initiative from user story

I want to query for user stories and the Initiative that each story falls under. My fetch property looks like:
model: 'UserStory',
fetch: ['Name', 'PortfolioItem', 'Parent'],
This fetches the PortfolioItem/Feature object, PortfolioItem/FeatureGroup object but not the PortfolioItem/Initiative. The FeatureGroup object does not show a 'Parent' property.
In short, how can I fetch the parent's parent without querying separately for Initiatives and comparing the '_ref' or something like that?
For server performance reasons the hierarchical relationships will only be populated for one level with each request. You'll have to make subsequent requests to build the remaining tiers.
If you hit the new Lookback API (unreleased when Kyle first answered, now in open preview), the snapshots returned include a field _ItemHierarchy which will include the ObjectID of all ancestors including all the way up through Portfolio Items.
You can find information on the LBAPI here. There is support for querying it in the App SDK 2.0's SnapshotStore. Note that SDK 2.0p6 (releasing soon) has some improvements.
Old, old question. But I recently did the same thing for the entire tree. I didn't use the lookback api. I created a model and stored the data and went through the parentage of each portfolio item.
Perhaps not the most efficient way, but it works.

Specify items per page

I'm trying to query Picasa Web Albums to pull album/photo data (obviously!) however initially I only need to pull the first 4 photos. Is there any way to limit a particular field or specify the items per page?
I've already accomplished something similar with Facebook's Graph API however I'm unable to find anything similar for Picasa. The only items I can find related to limiting the response is specifying which fields, but nothing related to the number of rows.
Use max-results argument. See doc here.