fisrt frame appears green when i write movie with UIImages using AVAssetWriter - objective-c

I Am writing a video using UIImages. I can successfully write movie.
The problem is that when i play the video it show first few frames as green.
Could any one of you help me. I am new to ios.
Thank You

I think the fps (frame per second) of your video will be low. In this case, I think you need not to call CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer. This calling makes the first empty frame and the base green screen is shown.
for(UIImage * img in imageArray)
buffer = [self pixelBufferFromCGImage:[img CGImage] andSize:size];
if( frameCount == 0 ) {
// Please comment out the following line
// CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer (NULL, adaptor.pixelBufferPool, &buffer);
BOOL append_ok = NO;
int j = 0;
while (!append_ok && j < 30)
if (adaptor.assetWriterInput.readyForMoreMediaData)


Get Depth from detected face using Vision and ARKit iOS

I am trying to achieve something like this using Vision and ARKit, so my idea is to get landmark points from Vision and deploy node using those points. I am using this demo as a reference. To date, I have been able to find the landmark points of the face using Vision. Now to use those points in ARKit to add nodes to the scene. I am unable to get the depth, which is essential for the node's position.
After searching SO, I found this post to convert CGPoint to SCNVector3, but here I am having an issue as I don't having any reference plane which is can use to get depth by hit testing against.
So, how can I get the perfect depth using CGPoints, other than using hitTest, or is there any other way I can achieve those result shown in video.
Here is the code which is implemented
CGPoint faceRectCenter = (CGPoint){
}; // faceRect is detected face bounding box
__block NSMutableArray<ARHitTestResult* >* testResults = [NSMutableArray new];
void(^hitTest)(void) = ^{
NSArray<ARHitTestResult* >* hitTestResults = [self.sceneView hitTest:faceRectCenter types:ARHitTestResultTypeFeaturePoint];
if(hitTestResults.count > 0){
//get the first
ARHitTestResult* firstResult = nil;
for (ARHitTestResult* result in hitTestResults) {
if (result.distance > 0.10) {
firstResult = result;
[testResults addObject:firstResult];
for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
if(testResults.count > 0){
NSLog(#"%#", testResults);
SCNVector3 postion = averagePostion([testResults copy]);
__block SCNNode* textNode = [ARTextNode nodeWithText:name Position:postion];
SCNVector3 plane = [self.sceneView projectPoint:textNode.position];
float projectedDepth = plane.z;
NSLog(#"projectedDepth: %f",projectedDepth);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.sceneView.scene.rootNode addChildNode:textNode];
[textNode show];
// NSLog(#"HitTest invalid");
Any help will be great!!

Remove old tileMap - SpriteKit - Objective C

this code loads a map1.tmx tileMap when player reaches the "door". When the player enters the door it loads a new map2.tmx file. Problem is when the new map2.tmx file is loaded, the old map1.tmx is running behind map.2.tmx and using all of map.1.tmx wall collisions AND ignoring map2.tmx wall collisions. Is there a way to do an opposite of addObject like removeObject and add map2.tmx as the new map? I would like to make map.2 run when the players enters the door.
I have tried removeAllActions, removeAllChildren, removeTileAtCoord: and other approaches but I lack of SpriteKit experience. Any help is appreciated.
- (void)handleDoorCollisions:(Player *)player
if (self.doorOver) return;
NSInteger indices[8] = {7, 1, 3, 5, 0, 2, 6, 8};
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
NSInteger tileIndex = indices[i];
CGRect playerRect = [player collisionBoundingBox];
CGPoint playerCoord = [self.doors coordForPoint:player.desiredPosition];
NSInteger tileColumn = tileIndex % 3;
NSInteger tileRow = tileIndex / 3;
CGPoint tileCoord = CGPointMake(playerCoord.x + (tileColumn - 1), playerCoord.y + (tileRow - 1));
NSInteger gid = [self tileGIDAtTileCoord:tileCoord forLayer:self.doors];
if (gid != 0) {
CGRect tileRect = [self tileRectFromTileCoords:tileCoord];
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(playerRect, tileRect)) {
[self.doors removeTileAtCoord:tileCoord];
// add new map2.tmx = [JSTileMap mapNamed:#"map2.tmx"];
[self removeObject:????]
I had the same issue. My solution was/is on map load I collect all collision data in a List<> and check any collisions against this list.
When the player enters a different map the list is beeing cleared and reinitialized with the data from the new map.
I use this approach for some other things as well like objects the player can interact with or areas that trigger some actions.

sprite kit - objective c: slow fps when I create a lot nodes

I wanted to create a space background so I make a for loop to create the stars. Here is the code:
for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
SKShapeNode *star= [SKShapeNode shapeNodeWithPath:Path.CGPath];
star.fillColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
star.physicsBody = nil;
int xposition = arc4random()%960;
int yposition = arc4random()%640;
star.position = CGPointMake(xposition, yposition);
float size = (arc4random()%3 + 1)/10.0;
star.xScale = size;
star.yScale = size;
star.alpha = (arc4random()%10 + 1 )/ 10.0;
star.zPosition = -2;
[self addChild:star];
But it takes a lot from my cpu. when the code is activated the cpu at top 78%.(I check the code in the iPhone simulator);
Somebody know how to fix it? thanks.
Your physics bodies continue to calculate even when off of the screen. You will need to remove them once they go out of the frame, otherwise everything will slow to a crawl. (And to echo what others have stated you will eventually need a real device).
From this document: Jumping Into Sprite Kit
You can implement the "Did Simulate Physics" method to get rid of the stars that fell from the bottom of the screen like so:
[self enumerateChildNodesWithName:#"star" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {
if (node.position.y < 0)
[node removeFromParent];
Note that you will first need to set the name of your star shapes by using the name property like so: = "star"

cocos2d Generating multiple of the same sprites with velocity

I'm pretty new to iOS and cocos2d and I'm having a problem trying to create what I want the code to do. Let me give you the rundown first then i'll show what I've got.
What I got so far is a giant sprite in the middle and when that is touched, I want to have say 2000 of a different sprite generate from the center position and like a particle system, shoot off in all directions.
First off, I tried coding implementing the velocity code (written in Objective-c) over to Cocos2d and that didn't work. -code-
-(void)ccTouchBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if(CGRectContainsPoint([[self getChildByTag:1] boundingBox], location))
for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
CCSprite *ballGuySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"ball.png"];
[self addChild:ballGuySprite z:7];
ballGuySprite.position = ccp(((s.width + i *10) /2), (s.height + i *10) /2);
What that does is when I touch the first sprite, 100 of the other sprites are on top of each other leading to the top right corner.
The velocity code that I used when as followed and when I try to apply it to the sprite nothing happens. - Velocity code -
-(void) checkCollisionWithScreenEdges
if(ballGuysRect.origin.x <= 0)
ballVelocity.x = abs(ballVelocity.x);
if(ballGuysRect.origin.x >= VIEW_WIDTH - GUY_SIZE)
ballVelocity.x = -1 * abs(ballVelocity.x);
if(ballGuysRect.origin.y <= 0)
ballVelocity.y = abs(ballVelocity.y);
if(ballGuysRect.origin.y >= VIEW_HEIGHT - GUY_SIZE)
ballVelocity.y = -1 * abs(ballVelocity.y);
-(void) updateModelWithTime:(CFTimeInterval)timestamp
if(lastTime == 0.0)
lastTime = timestamp;
timeDelta = timestamp - lastTime;
lastTime = timestamp;
ballGuysRect.origin.x += ballVelocity.x * timeDelta;
ballGuysRect.origin.y += ballVelocity.y * timeDelta;
[self checkCollisionWithScreenEdges];
When I attach that code to the sprite, nothing happen.
I also tried adding a CCParticleExplosion which did do what I wanted but I still want to add a touch function to each individual sprite that's generated and they tend to just fade away.
So again, I'm still fairly new to this and if anyone could give any advice that would be great.
Thanks for your patients and time to read this.
Your code looks good to me, but you never seem to update the position of your sprites. Somewhere in updateModelWithTime I would expect you to set ballGuySprite.position = ballGuysRect.origin plus half of its height or width, respectively.
Also, I don't see how updateModelWithTime can control 100 different sprites. I see only one instance of ballGuysRect here. You will need a ballGuysRect for each sprite, e.g. an array.
Finally, I'd say that you don't really need ballGuysRect, ballVelocity, and the sprite. Ball could be a subclass of CCSprite, including a velocity vector. Then all you need to do is keep an array of Balls and manage those.
I am not sure what version of cocos2d you are using but a few things look a bit odd.
Your first problem appears to be that you are just using the same sprite over and over again.
Since you want so many different sprites shooting away, I would recommend that you use a CCSpriteBatchNode, as this should simplify things and speed things up.
The following code should help you get that set up and move them offscreen with CCMoveTo:
//in your header file:
CCSpriteBatchNode *batch;
//in your init method
batch = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:#"ball.png"];
//Then in your ccTouches method
for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
CCSprite *ballGuySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"ball.png"];
[batch addChild:ballGuySprite z:7 tag:0];
ballGuySprite.position = ccp(where-ever the center image is located);
id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:actualDuration
position:ccp(random off screen location)];
[ballGuySprite runAction:actionMove];
Also usually your update method looks something like the following:
//check for sprites that have moved off screen and disable them.
Hope this helps.

How to get the on-screen location of an NSStatusItem

I have a question about the NSStatusItem for cocoa in mac osx. If you look at the mac app called snippets (see the movie at you will see that once you clicked your statusbar icon that a perfectly aligned view / panel or maybe even windows appears just below the icon.
My question is ... How to calculate the position to where to place your NSWindow just like this app does?
I have tried the following:
Subclass NSMenu
Set the view popery for the first item of the menu (Worked but enough)
Using addSubview instead of icon to NSStatusItem this worked but could not get higher then 20px
Give the NSStatusItem a view, then get the frame of that view's window. This technically counts as UndocumentedGoodness, so don't be surprised if it breaks someday (e.g., if they start keeping the window offscreen instead).
I don't know what you mean by “could not get heigher then 20px”.
To do this without the hassle of a custom view, I tried the following (that works). In the method that is set as the action for the status item i.e. the method that is called when the user clicks the status item, the frame of the status item can be retrieved by:
[[[NSApp currentEvent] window] frame]
Works a treat for me
Given an NSMenuItem and an NSWindow, you can get the point that centers your window right below the menu item like this:
fileprivate var centerBelowMenuItem: CGPoint {
guard let window = window, let barButton = statusItem.button else { return .zero }
let rectInWindow = barButton.convert(barButton.bounds, to: nil)
let screenRect = barButton.window?.convertToScreen(rectInWindow) ?? .zero
// We now have the menu item rect on the screen.
// Let's do some basic math to center our window to this point.
let centerX = screenRect.origin.x-(window.frame.size.width-barButton.bounds.width)/2
return CGPoint(x: centerX, y: screenRect.origin.y)
No need for undocumented API's.
Maybe another solution which works for me (swift 4.1) :
let yourStatusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
let frameOrigin = yourStatusItem.button?.window?.frame.origin
let yourPoint = CGPoint(x: (frameOrigin?.x)!, y: (frameOrigin?.y)! - 22)
It seems that this app uses Matt's MAAttachedWindow. There's an sample application with the same layout & position.
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS, at least not for the purpose of locating an NSStatusItem.
Back when I posted this, this crazy image matching technique was the only way to solve this problem without undocumented API. Now, you should use Oskar's solution.
If you're willing to use image analysis to find the status item on a menu bar, here's a category for NSScreen which does exactly that.
It might seem crazy to do it this way, but it's fast, relatively small, and it's the only way of finding a status item without undocumented API.
If you pass in the current image for the status item, this method should find it.
#implementation NSScreen (LTStatusItemLocator)
// Find the location of IMG on the screen's status bar.
// If the image is not found, returns NSZeroPoint
- (NSPoint)originOfStatusItemWithImage:(NSImage *)IMG
CGColorSpaceRef csK = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
NSPoint ret = NSZeroPoint;
CGDirectDisplayID screenID = 0;
CGImageRef displayImg = NULL;
CGImageRef compareImg = NULL;
CGRect screenRect = CGRectZero;
CGRect barRect = CGRectZero;
uint8_t *bm_bar = NULL;
uint8_t *bm_bar_ptr;
uint8_t *bm_compare = NULL;
uint8_t *bm_compare_ptr;
size_t bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h;
BOOL inverted = NO;
int numberOfScanLines = 0;
CGFloat *meanValues = NULL;
int presumptiveMatchIdx = -1;
CGFloat presumptiveMatchMeanVal = 999;
// If the computer is set to Dark Mode, set the "inverted" flag
NSDictionary *globalPrefs = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain];
id style = globalPrefs[#"AppleInterfaceStyle"];
if ([style isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
inverted = (NSOrderedSame == [style caseInsensitiveCompare:#"dark"]);
screenID = (CGDirectDisplayID)[self.deviceDescription[#"NSScreenNumber"] integerValue];
screenRect = CGDisplayBounds(screenID);
// Get the menubar rect
barRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, screenRect.size.width, 22);
displayImg = CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(screenID, barRect);
if (!displayImg) {
NSLog(#"Unable to create image from display");
return ret; // I would normally use goto(bail) here, but this is public code so let's not ruffle any feathers
size_t bar_w = CGImageGetWidth(displayImg);
size_t bar_h = CGImageGetHeight(displayImg);
// Determine scale factor based on the CGImageRef we got back from the display
CGFloat scaleFactor = (CGFloat)bar_h / (CGFloat)22;
// Greyscale bitmap for menu bar
bm_bar = malloc(1 * bar_w * bar_h);
CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_bar, bar_w, bar_h, 8, 1 * bar_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
// Draw the menu bar in grey
CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0, 0, bar_w, bar_h), displayImg);
uint8_t minVal = 0xff;
uint8_t maxVal = 0x00;
// Walk the bitmap
uint64_t running = 0;
for (int yi = bar_h / 2; yi == bar_h / 2; yi++)
bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar + (bar_w * yi);
for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
uint8_t v = *bm_bar_ptr++;
if (v < minVal) minVal = v;
if (v > maxVal) maxVal = v;
running += v;
running /= bar_w;
uint8_t threshold = minVal + ((maxVal - minVal) / 2);
//threshold = running;
// Walk the bitmap
bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar;
for (int yi = 0; yi < bar_h; yi++)
for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
// Threshold all the pixels. Values > 50% go white, values <= 50% go black
// (opposite if Dark Mode)
// Could unroll this loop as an optimization, but probably not worthwhile
*bm_bar_ptr = (*bm_bar_ptr > threshold) ? (inverted?0x00:0xff) : (inverted?0xff:0x00);
displayImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);
CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
CGImageRef img_cg = NULL;
bm_compare_w = scaleFactor * IMG.size.width;
bm_compare_h = scaleFactor * 22;
// Create out comparison bitmap - the image that was passed in
bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
CGContextSetBlendMode(bmCxt, kCGBlendModeNormal);
NSRect imgRect_og = NSMakeRect(0,0,IMG.size.width,IMG.size.height);
NSRect imgRect = imgRect_og;
img_cg = [IMG CGImageForProposedRect:&imgRect context:nil hints:nil];
CGContextClearRect(bmCxt, imgRect);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor whiteColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,9999,9999));
CGContextScaleCTM(bmCxt, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
CGContextTranslateCTM(bmCxt, 0, (22. - IMG.size.height) / 2.);
// Draw the image in grey
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor blackColor].CGColor);
CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, imgRect, img_cg);
compareImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);
// We start at the right of the menu bar, and scan left until we find a good match
int numberOfScanLines = barRect.size.width - IMG.size.width;
bm_compare = malloc(1 * bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h);
// We use the meanValues buffer to keep track of how well the image matched for each point in the scan
meanValues = calloc(sizeof(CGFloat), numberOfScanLines);
// Walk the menubar image from right to left, pixel by pixel
for (int scanx = 0; scanx < numberOfScanLines; scanx++)
// Optimization, if we recently found a really good match, bail on the loop and return it
if ((presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) && (scanx > (presumptiveMatchIdx + 5))) {
CGFloat xOffset = numberOfScanLines - scanx;
CGRect displayRect = CGRectMake(xOffset * scaleFactor, 0, IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor);
CGImageRef displayCrop = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(displayImg, displayRect);
CGContextRef compareCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_compare, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeCopy);
// Draw the image from our menubar
CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), displayCrop);
// Blend mode difference is like an XOR
CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeDifference);
// Draw the test image. Because of blend mode, if we end up with a black image we matched perfectly
CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), compareImg);
// Walk through the result image, to determine overall blackness
bm_compare_ptr = bm_compare;
for (int i = 0; i < bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h; i++)
meanValues[scanx] += (CGFloat)(*bm_compare_ptr);
meanValues[scanx] /= (255. * (CGFloat)(bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h));
// If the image is very dark, it matched well. If the average pixel value is < 0.07, we consider this
// a presumptive match. Mark it as such, but continue looking to see if there's an even better match.
if (meanValues[scanx] < 0.07) {
if (meanValues[scanx] < presumptiveMatchMeanVal) {
presumptiveMatchMeanVal = meanValues[scanx];
presumptiveMatchIdx = scanx;
// After we're done scanning the whole menubar (or we bailed because we found a good match),
// return the origin point.
// If we didn't match well enough, return NSZeroPoint
if (presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) {
ret = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.frame), CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame));
ret.x -= (IMG.size.width + presumptiveMatchIdx);
ret.y -= 22;
if (bm_bar) free(bm_bar);
if (bm_compare) free(bm_compare);
if (meanValues) free(meanValues);
return ret;
From the Apple NSStatusItem Class Reference:
Setting a custom view overrides all the other appearance and behavior settings defined by NSStatusItem. The custom view is responsible for drawing itself and providing its own behaviors, such as processing mouse clicks and sending action messages.