How to find all (group-based) rows containing MIN/MAX values for a particular column in SQL Server? - sql

I have temporary table (#TempPackages) which looks like this:
EntryId (PK) PackageId SubProductID SubProductSequence
1 1111 17 3
2 1111 28 4
3 1111 33 1
4 1111 67 5
5 1111 122 2
6 2222 18 4
7 2222 29 5
8 2222 33 9
9 2222 103 7
10 2222 99 11
11 3333 256 5
12 3333 333 6
13 3333 789 3
14 3333 1023 2
15 3333 9845 1
I need a query which will give me the rows with the minimum/maximum SubProductSequence value for each unique PackageId. For the table above, the query would return this:
EntryId (PK) PackageId SubProductID SubProductSequence
3 1111 33 1
4 1111 67 5
6 2222 18 4
10 2222 99 11
12 3333 333 6
15 3333 9845 1
The EntryId column was something that I added while trying to solve this, as it gives me a unique column to join the same table on to (to ensure I still only end up with 15 rows in my joined table).
I tried this - just to get the MIN():
#TempPackages p1
#TempPackages p2 ON p1.EntryId = p2.EntryId
AND p1.SubProductSequence = (
Obviously this is wrong, because the INNER JOIN is superfluous and the SELECT MIN() clause is wrong as it selects the rows with the minimum overall sequence numbers, not the minimum sequence numbers per package.
Any suggestions about the best way to do this?

One way is to use the ROW_NUMBER() function:
, PackageId
, SubProductID
, SubProductSequence
, PackageId
, SubProductID
, SubProductSequence
ORDER BY SubProductSequence ASC)
AS rna
ORDER BY SubProductSequence DESC)
AS rnd
) AS tmp
rna = 1
OR rnd = 1 ;
ROW_NUMBER() is a ranking function that is used with OVER clause. What it basically does in this case, is it groups the rows with same PackageId (that is done with the PARTITION BY PackageId), then orders them by SubProductSequence (ascending or descending) and assigns a row_number, starting from 1 for each packageId.
So, the subquery would return this, if it was run alone:
EntryId (PK) PackageId SubProductID SubProductSequence rna rnd
3 1111 33 1 1 5
5 1111 122 2 2 4
1 1111 17 3 3 3
2 1111 28 4 4 2
4 1111 67 5 5 1
6 2222 18 4 1 5
7 2222 29 5 2 4
9 2222 103 7 3 3
8 2222 33 9 4 2
10 2222 99 11 5 1
15 3333 9845 1 1 5
14 3333 1023 2 2 4
13 3333 789 3 3 3
11 3333 256 5 4 2
12 3333 333 6 5 1
The WHERE condition added in the external query is obvious afterwards.

Improving on Bohemian's idea -
(SELECT PackageId ,
MIN(SubProductSequence) [Min],
MAX(SubProductSequence) [Max]
FROM #TempPackages
GROUP BY PackageId )
SELECT EntryId, SubProductSequence, TP.PackageId, SubProductID FROM #TempPkges TP
INNER JOIN MinMax MM ON TP.PackageId = MM.PackageId
AND (SubProductSequence = MM.[Min] OR SubProductSequence = MM.[Max])
And then, you can add your own ORDER BY

(SELECT PackageId,MIN(SubProductSequence) minm,MAX(SubProductSequence) maxm
FROM ##TempPackages
SELECT pk.EntryId, pk.PackageId,pk.SubProductID, pk.SubProductSequence
FROM ##TempPackages pk INNER JOIN t1
ON pk.PackageId = t1.PackageId
WHERE pk.SubProductSequence = t1.minm OR
pk.SubProductSequence = t1.maxm


How to display total count in descending order but group by id

i have the following codes which displays the following result
select distinct
sum(itemcount) over (partition by srccharname, itemname)
as total_count,
sum(price) over(partition by srccharname, itemname)
as total_price
action = 6
and logtime >='2023-02-13'
order by
total_count desc,
the result is as follows
srcaccountid srccharid srccharname action itemname total_count total_price
1 21 abc 6 dog 2222 231
2 22 sdd 6 cat 1234 122
1 21 abc 6 cat 324 77
1 21 abc 6 mouse 122 32
2 22 sdd 6 mouse 12 3
i will like the result to show as follow
srcaccountid srccharid srccharname action itemname total_count
1 21 abc 6 dog 2222 231
1 21 abc 6 cat 324 77
1 21 abc 6 mouse 122 32
2 22 sdd 6 cat 1234 122
2 22 sdd 6 mouse 12 3
i cant seem to be able to show the highest sales amount while grouping the ids together and not splitting them up
Change the order by. Put the srcaccountid first.
order by
total_count desc

SQL Temp table Array to perfrom rolling caluclations

I wish to use some sort of SQL array to subtract values from a certain row (QTYOnHand) that decreases that row value every time and throws it into a rolling calculation for the other rows. I've been thinking of some sort of Self Join/Temp Table solution, but not sure how to formulate. Also, All the results will be partitioned by the ItemID below. Help would be appreciated.
Here's some data, If I do a simple row by row subtraction I will get this: 17-3 = 14, 17-5 = 12 and so on.
(Item_ID) (ItemQty) (QTYOnHand) (QtyOnHand - ItemQty)
123 3 17 14
123 5 17 12
123 4 17 13
456 7 12 5
456 8 12 4
456 2 12 10
456 3 12 9
789 2 6 4
789 2 6 4
789 2 6 4
These are the results that I want, where I subtract every next value from the new QTYOnHand-ItemQty column value. Looks like 17-3 then 14 -5 then 9 -4 for Item_ID (123):
(Item_ID) (ItemQty) (QTYOnHand) (QtyOnHand - ItemQty)
123 3 17 14
123 5 17 9
123 4 17 5
456 7 12 5
456 8 12 -3
456 2 12 -5
456 3 12 -8
789 2 6 4
789 2 6 2
789 2 6 0
try the following:
;with cte as
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Item_ID order by Item_ID) rn
from YourTable
, cte2 as
select Item_ID, ItemQty, QTYOnHand, Case when rn = 1 then QTYOnHand else 0 end - ItemQty as calc, rn
from cte
select Item_ID, ItemQty, QTYOnHand, sum(calc) over (partition by Item_ID order by rn) as [QtyOnHand - ItemQty]
from cte2 t1
Please find the db<>fiddle here.

How To Arrange Table Data in Parent_Id And Child_Id Wise Via Sql-Server Query

How To Arrange Table Data in Parent_Id And Child_Id Wise Via Sql-Server Query?
My Query
select CLevel_Id,Category_Name,Parent_Id,Child_Id,Level_Id from Category_Level
order by Parent_Id asc
Current Output
CLevel_Id Category_Name Parent_Id Child_Id Level_Id
12 Jewelry 1 0 1
14 Rings 2 1 2
15 Men-Rings 3 2 3
17 Women-Rings 4 2 3
18 Earrings 5 1 2
20 Women-Earings 6 5 3
1013 Metal-Fashion 7 3 4
1015 Diamond-Fashion 8 4 4
1016 Semi-Set 9 6 4
Expected Output
CLevel_Id Category_Name Parent_Id Child_Id Level_Id
12 Jewelry 1 0 1
14 Rings 2 1 2
15 Men-Rings 3 2 3
1013 Metal-Fashion 7 3 4
17 Women-Rings 4 2 3
1015 Diamond-Fashion 8 4 4
18 Earrings 5 1 2
20 Women-Earings 6 5 3
1016 Semi-Set 9 6 4
please help me
use a Recursive CTE.
Assuming you have max 9 per level. Using single digit as the seq level. If you have more than 9, you will need to use 2 digits like 01, 02 etc
; with
rcte as
-- Anchor member, seq = 1
select *, seq = convert(varchar(100), '1')
from Category_Level
where Child_Id = 0
union all
-- recursive member, concatenate to the seq
select c.*, seq = convert(varchar(100),
+ convert(varchar(10), row_number() over (partition by r.seq
order by c.Child_Id)))
from Category_Level c
inner join rcte r on c.Child_Id = r.Parent_Id
select *
from rcte
order by seq
CLevel_Id Category_Name Parent_Id Child_Id Level_Id seq
----------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------
12 Jewelry 1 0 1 1
14 Rings 2 1 2 11
15 Men-Rings 3 2 3 111
1013 Metal-Fashion 7 3 4 1111
17 Women-Rings 4 2 3 112
1015 Diamond-Fashion 8 4 4 1121
18 Earrings 5 1 2 12
20 Women-Earings 6 5 3 121
1016 Semi-Set 9 6 4 1211
(9 rows affected)

count of a column in the result set on which distinct is already applied

Consider the table Property.
1 12 1234
1 12 1234
1 44 1234
1 12 1234
1 56 1234
2 12 4567
3 12 6789
3 56 6789
3 12 6789
4 44 3434
5 12 4444
6 44 9999
6 44 9999
It contains property num associated with each id num.But it contains duplicates.
I applied distinct to avoid duplicates.
select distinct KeyIdNum,Property,IdNum from Property.
So i got the result as :
KeyIdNum |Property |IdNum
1 12 1234
1 44 1234
1 56 1234
2 12 4567
3 12 6789
3 56 6789
4 44 3434
5 12 4444
6 44 9999
But now I want to `select( after applying distinct) ,the KeyIdNum (or IdNum) which are coming more than one time in the distinct result set shown above.
Please help me on this.I am not able to find a way to get the count of a column in the distinct result set using a single query.
Below query will result of KeyidNum , its number of row count.
select KeyIdNum,count(KeyIdNum)
From (
select distinct KeyIdNum,Property,IdNum from Property )
group by KeyIdNum
select KeyIdNum,count(KeyIdNum) as count
From (
select distinct KeyIdNum,Property,IdNum from Table19 )A
group by KeyIdNum
KeyIdNum count
1 3
2 1
3 2
4 1
5 1
6 1
This answer uses t-sql:
rn = rownumber() OVER ( PARTITION BY keyidnum, idnum
ORDER BY keyidnum, idnum )
FROM tblProperty
) x
WHERE rn > 1

Running total of rows by ID

I have a list of IDs, transactions, and the date of those transactions. I want to create a count of each transaction within each ID.
The starting table I have is looks something like this:
id trxn_dt trxn_amt
1 10/31/2014 58
1 11/9/2014 34
1 12/10/2014 12
2 7/8/2014 78
2 11/20/2014 99
3 1/5/2014 120
4 2/17/2014 588
4 2/18/2014 8
4 3/9/2014 65
4 4/25/2014 74
and I want the end result to look something like this:
id trxn_dt trxn_amt trxn_count
1 10/31/2014 58 1
1 11/9/2014 34 2
1 12/10/2014 12 3
2 7/8/2014 78 1
2 11/20/2014 99 2
3 1/5/2014 120 1
4 2/17/2014 588 1
4 2/18/2014 8 2
4 3/9/2014 65 3
4 4/25/2014 74 4
Count(distinct(id)) would only give me the overall number of distinct IDs and not a running total by each ID that restarts at each new ID.
Thank you!
In SQL-Server you can use ROW_NUMBER in following:
FROM StarningTable
In MySQL you can do in following:
#cur:= IF(id=#id, #cur+1, 1) AS RowNumber,
#id := id
StarningTable t
(SELECT #id:=(SELECT MIN(id) FROM StarningTable t), #cur:=0) AS init
using Row_number we can achieve this
Select *,
from Transactions