Force fit column of flexgrid - vba

What is best way to force fit the columns of msflexgrid in vb6?
so, that all columns are visible and they occupies maximum width of grid!
I've tried this code but it does not properly fit last column inside the grid, can anyone suggest what could be problem?
Public Sub **FlexGrid_AutoSizeColumns (** ByRef pGrid As MSHFlexGrid, _
ByRef pForm As Form, _
Optional ByVal pIncludeHeaderRows As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal pAllowShrink As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal pMinCol As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal pMaxCol As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal pBorderSize As Long = 8, _
Optional fitToScreen As Boolean = False **)**
Dim lngMinCol As Long, lngMaxCol As Long, lngCurrRow As Long
Dim lngMinRow As Long, lngMaxRow As Long, lngCurrCol As Long
Dim lngMaxWidth As Long, lngCurrWidth As Long
Dim fntFormFont As StdFont
Dim totalWidth As Integer
totalWidth = 0
Set fntFormFont = New StdFont
Call CopyFont(pForm.Font, fntFormFont)
Call CopyFont(pGrid.Font, pForm.Font)
With pGrid
lngMinCol = pMinCol
lngMaxCol = IIf(pMaxCol = -1, .Cols - 1, pMaxCol)
lngMinRow = IIf(pIncludeHeaderRows, 0, .FixedRows)
lngMaxRow = .Rows - 1
For lngCurrCol = lngMinCol To lngMaxCol
lngMaxWidth = IIf(pAllowShrink, 0, pForm.ScaleX(.ColWidth(lngCurrCol), vbTwips, pForm.ScaleMode))
For lngCurrRow = lngMinRow To lngMaxRow '..find widest text (in scalemode of the form)
lngCurrWidth = pForm.TextWidth(Trim(.TextMatrix(lngCurrRow, lngCurrCol)))
If lngMaxWidth < lngCurrWidth Then lngMaxWidth = lngCurrWidth
Next lngCurrRow
lngMaxWidth = pForm.ScaleX(lngMaxWidth, pForm.ScaleMode, vbTwips)
.ColWidth(lngCurrCol) = lngMaxWidth + (pBorderSize * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
totalWidth = .ColWidth(lngCurrCol) + totalWidth
Next lngCurrCol
End With
Call CopyFont(fntFormFont, pForm.Font)
If fitToScreen = True Then
Dim i As Integer
Dim gridWidth As Long
gridWidth = pGrid.Width
For i = 0 To pGrid.Cols - 1
pGrid.ColWidth(i) = Int(gridWidth * pGrid.ColWidth(i) / totalWidth)
End If
End Sub

One way I could think is to resize your columns (with visibility) to fit into the max width found in a column (text). The function returns either 0 or a double value. As long as the returned max column width is not zero, we may adjust the current grid column width accordingly. If zero then it remains the same.
Dim i, j, as Integer
Dim maxWidth as Double
For i = 0 to MsFlexGrid1.Rows - 1
For j = 0 to MsFlexGrid1.Cols - 1
maxWidth = maxColWidth(j)
If maxWidth > 0 then
MsFlexGrid.ColWidth(j) = maxWidth
End If
Next j
Next i
Private Function maxColWidth(coNum as Integer) as Double
Dim i, Max as Integer
Max = 0
With MsFlexGrid1
For i = .FixedRows to .Rows-1
If TextWidth(.TextMatrix(i, colNum)) > Max Then
Max = TextWidth(.TextMatrix(i, colNum))
End If
Next i
maxColWidth = Max
End With
End Function

to distribute the remaining space over the columns, divide it by the number of columns and add it to each column
'1 form with :
' 1 msflexgrid : name=MSFlexGrid1
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim intCol As Integer
'example form and grid configuration
Move 0, 0, 10000, 5000
With MSFlexGrid1
.FixedRows = 0
.FixedCols = 0
.Rows = 10
.Cols = 10
For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
.ColWidth(intCol) = (intCol + 1) * 107
Next intCol
End With 'MSFlexGrid1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
MSFlexGrid1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub DistributeWidth()
Dim intCol As Integer, intColSel As Integer
Dim lngWidth As Long
Dim lngRemaining As Long
Dim lngExpand As Long
With MSFlexGrid1
intColSel = .Col 'remember selected column
.Col = 0 'select first column to ...
lngWidth = .Width - .CellLeft * 2 '... take flexgrid-borders into account
.Col = intColSel 'select column again
lngRemaining = lngWidth - InUse 'calculate the remaining space
If lngRemaining > 0 Then
lngExpand = lngRemaining \ .Cols 'distribute the remaining space over the columns
For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
.ColWidth(intCol) = .ColWidth(intCol) + lngExpand
Next intCol
lngExpand = lngRemaining Mod .Cols
.ColWidth(.Cols - 1) = .ColWidth(.Cols - 1) + lngExpand 'since we are working with longs, apply the remaining fraction to the last column
'what to do with lack of space? Shrink columns or expand grid or nothing?
End If
End With 'MSFlexGrid1
End Sub
Private Function InUse() As Long
'calculate how much of the gridwidth is already in use by the columns
Dim intCol As Integer
Dim lngInUse As Long
With MSFlexGrid1
lngInUse = 0
For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
lngInUse = lngInUse + .ColWidth(intCol)
Next intCol
End With 'MSFlexGrid1
InUse = lngInUse
End Function
The above example somehow does not always fill the area completely, although i think the logic is correct and i can't see anything missing ...
i guess this gives a similar result to what you have? or is it slightly better?


VBA: Isolate a decimal number from a string so that I can add or subtract from it

I'm attempting to write a program that involves finding strings with numerical values that are +1 and -1 from the numerical value located within another string. (The rest of the program is fine, it's just this section that I'm having a difficult time with).
For example:
If I have the parent string: name[CE18.2]-abritraryinfo
I need to find a way to isolate that 18.2 so that I can add 1 to it and subtract 1 from it to create two new numerical values of 19.2 and 17.2
I need to be able to do this in such a way that I can find this number in strings whose 'name' section and whose number after CE vary according to the different parent strings.
What I've tried already is this:
Result = Empty 'Resets the value of the result after it changes to the next name
f = InStr(c, "CE") 'Finds at which position in the string CE is located. The position is the C of CE
z = Mid(c, f, 8) 'Pulls 8 units from the string starting at the position dictated by f
stringLength = Len(z) 'Gives the Length of the section pulled by Z
For i = 1 To stringLength 'From the first position to the final position
If IsNumeric(Mid(z, i, 1)) Then
Result = Result & Mid(z, i, 1) 'Gives the numbers in the string section pulled by Z
End If
Next i
but it doesn't work as it ignores the decimal point.
Any advice would be incredibly helpful! Thanks in advance!
One of the simple solution is:
Sub test1()
inputS = "name[CE18.2]-abritraryinfo"
pos = InStr(inputS, "[CE")
If pos > 0 Then
x = Val(Mid(inputS, pos + 3))
Debug.Print x, x - 1, x + 1
End If
End Sub
18,2 17,2 19,2
String Between Two Strings
Option Explicit
Sub gsbtsTEST()
Const lStr As String = "CE"
Const rStr As String = "]"
Const sString As String = "name[CE18.2]-abritraryinfo"
Dim ResString As String
ResString = GetStringBetweenTwoStrings(sString, lStr, rStr)
Dim ResValue As Double
If IsNumeric(ResString) Then
ResValue = Val(ResString)
End If
Debug.Print ResString, ResValue - 1, ResValue, ResValue + 1
End Sub
Function GetStringBetweenTwoStrings( _
ByVal sString As String, _
ByVal lStr As String, _
ByVal rStr As String, _
Optional ByVal CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod = vbTextCompare) _
As String
Dim lPos As Long: lPos = InStr(1, sString, lStr, CompareMethod)
If lPos = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim rPos As Long: rPos = InStr(1, sString, rStr, CompareMethod)
If rPos = 0 Then Exit Function
lPos = lPos + Len(lStr)
If lPos < rPos Then
GetStringBetweenTwoStrings = Mid(sString, lPos, rPos - lPos)
End If
End Function

How to stop numbers being repeated in this VBA script

I have found this VBA script (running in powerpoint) and I just wanted to know how to stop numbers from being repeated. I did some google searches and I think the solution would be to create an array, and have the selected number go into the array. The script would then generate a new number as long as it skips all numbers in the array.
I'm just not sure how to implement this as I do not know VBA.
here is the script:
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Dim chosenNum As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Sub randomNumber()
lowRand = 1
maxRand = 10
For k = 1 To 10
chosenNum = Int((maxRand - lowRand) * Rnd) + lowRand
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = chosenNum
End With
For I = 1 To 1
Sleep (50)
End Sub
Any thoughts? Thanks.
This will collect 10 unique single digit numbers (0 to 9) into a string and then split them into an array. As each is returned to the slide, 1 is added so the resut is 1 to 10.
Sub randomNumber()
Dim lowRand As Long, maxRand As Long, strNum As String, chosenNum As String
Dim k As Long, vNUMs As Variant
lowRand = 0: maxRand = 10: strNum = vbNullString
For k = 1 To 10
chosenNum = Format(Int((maxRand - lowRand) * Rnd) + lowRand, "0")
Do While CBool(InStr(strNum, chosenNum))
chosenNum = Format(Int((maxRand - lowRand) * Rnd) + lowRand, "0")
strNum = strNum & chosenNum
Next k
vNUMs = Split(StrConv(strNum, vbUnicode), Chr(0))
For k = LBound(vNUMs) To UBound(vNUMs)
With ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Slide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = vNUMs(k) + 1
End With
For I = 1 To 1
Sleep (50)
Next k
End Sub
I just wrote this to help you. The function is designed to return random integer numbers in the range you specify until all numbers in the range have been returned when it will then return -1. There is a test sub included to show how to use the function to get all numbers from 5 to 10.
' Copyright (c) 2015 YOUpresent Ltd.
' Source code is provide under Creative Commons Attribution License
' This means you must give credit for our original creation in the following form:
' "Includes code created by YOUpresent Ltd. ("
' Commons Deed #
' License Legal #
Option Explicit
Option Base 0 ' Explicitly set the lower bound of arrays to 0
Private iUsed As Integer ' count of all used numebrs
Public arrTracking() As String
' Purpose: Returns a random number in a specified range without repeats
' Inputs: iLow - integer representing the low end of the range
' iHigh - integer representing the high end of the range
' bReset - boolean flag to optionally reset the array
' Outputs: returns an integer number or -1 if all numbers have been used
' Example first call: myNum = GetRandomNumber(10, 5, true)
' Example subsequent call: myNum = GetRandomNumber(10, 5)
Function GetRandomNumber(iLow As Integer, iHigh As Integer, Optional bReset As Boolean) As Integer
Dim iNum As Integer ' random number to be generated
Dim InArray As Boolean ' flag to test if number already used
' Reset the tracking array as required
If bReset Then ReDim arrTracking(iHigh - iLow)
' If we've used all of the numbers, return -1 and quit
If iUsed = iHigh - iLow + 1 Then
GetRandomNumber = -1
Exit Function
End If
' Repeat the random function until we find an unused number and then
' update the tracking array, uncrease the counter and return the number
Do While Not InArray
iNum = Fix(((iHigh - iLow + 1) * Rnd + iLow))
If arrTracking(iNum - iLow) = "" Then
arrTracking(iNum - iLow) = "used"
iUsed = iUsed + 1
InArray = True
GetRandomNumber = iNum
'Debug.Print iNum & " used"
End If
End Function
' Purpose: Test sub to get all random numbers in the range 5 to 10
' Inputs: None
' Outputs: Debug output of 6 numbers in the range 5 to 10 in then immediate window
Sub GetAllRand()
Dim iRndNum As Integer
' Get the initial number, restting the tracking array in the process
iRndNum = GetRandomNumber(5, 10, True)
Debug.Print iRndNum
Do While Not iRndNum = -1
iRndNum = GetRandomNumber(5, 10)
Debug.Print iRndNum
End Sub
Here's a UDF that you can use to populate an array with unique random numbers:
Function GetRandomDigits(amount As Integer, maxNumber As Integer) As Variant
With CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
j = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, maxNumber)
If Not .Contains(j) Then .Add j
Loop Until .Count = amount
GetRandomDigits = .ToArray()
End With
End Function
And here's an example of how to use it:
Sub MM()
Dim nums As Variant
nums = GetRandomDigits(10, 100)
For Each num In nums
Debug.Print num
End Sub

VBA Command Button array

I'm currently working on a project where I'll be selecting up to 5 items to compare to each other, with the results being displayed in up to a 5x5 dynamic grid. My objective is to have this grid be composed of command buttons such that the caption of each button is the percent similarity between the row and column items, and on clicking the button, the units that are common between the row and column items will be displayed in a message box.
I more or less know how to generate the actual array of buttons. However, everything I've read suggests that I need to create a class to handle the button clicks, since I don't feel like making 20 subroutines that all have the same code in them. I have not been able to get this class to work properly, and I could use some tips. Here's what I have so far.
In a class module named DynButton:
Public Withevents CBevents as MSForms.CommandButton
Private Sub CBevents_Click()
DisplayOverlappedUnits 'Sub that will display the units that are the same
'between items i and j- may use Application.Caller
End Sub
And in the userform itself:
Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
Dim NumItems as integer
Dim ComparisonArray() as DynButton
Dim ctlButton as MSForms.CommandButton
'QuestionList() is a public type that stores various attributes of the
'items I'm comparing.
'This code determines how many items were selected for comparison
'and resets the item array accordingly.
For i=1 to 5
If QuestionList(i).Length>0 Then
End If
Redim ComparisonArray(1 to NumItems, 1 to NumItems)
For i = 1 to NumItems
For j=1 to NumItems
Set ctlButton=Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", Cstr(i) & Cstr(j) & cb)
With ctlButton
.Height= CB_HEIGHT 'These are public constants defined elsewhere.
.Width= CB_WIDTH
If i = j Then .visible = False
.Caption= CalculateOverlap(i,j) 'Runs a sub that calculates the overlap between items i and j
End With
Set ComparisonArray(i,j).CBevents = ctlButton
End Sub
Currently, I get a "Object with or Block variable not set" when I hit the Set ComparisonArray line, and I'm stymied. Am I just missing something in the class module? Thanks in advance for the help.
Edited to add: I tried to model the class code in part off of this article, but again I haven't got it to work yet.
Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
Dim NumItems as integer
Dim ComparisonArray() as DynButton '<<<< should be a Global variable
As soon as Userform_Initialize completes, ComparisonArray() will go out of scope and no longer exist: you need to make that a Global variable in your form so it will be around to handle any events.
Your code seems correct and interesting. The only (bug) I could see is:
Redim ComparisonArray(1 to NumItems, 1 to NumItems)
Set ComparisonArray(i,j).CBevents = ctlButton
The problem is that your array holds null references. You have not created your DynButton objects yet. You must explicitly creat the objects in your array.
Redim ComparisonArray(1 to NumItems, 1 to NumItems)
For i = 1 to NumItems
For j = 1 to NumItems
Set ComparisonArray(i,j) = new DynButton
Set ComparisonArray(i,j).CBevents = ctlButton
Also, declare the array ComparisonArray as a member object of the form, not as a local variable in Form_Initialize.
Only copy paste
Option Private Module
Option Explicit
Private Const i_total_channels As Integer = 100
Sub createArrayOfbuttons()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
f_create_buttons 5, 5, 30, 5, True
End Sub
Sub clearArrayOfButtos()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
Private Function f_create_buttons(Optional posLeft As Integer = 0, Optional posTop As Integer = 0, _
Optional sizeSquare As Integer = 20, Optional distBetween As Integer, Optional buttonColor As Boolean = False)
'create customized buttons to channel choice.
Dim i_ch_amount_x As Integer
Dim i_ch_amount_y As Integer
Dim i_size_X 'size of square button
Dim i_size_Y 'size of square button
Dim i_stp_X As Integer 'step in X
Dim i_stp_Y As Integer 'step in Y
Dim i_dist_bte_buttons As Integer 'distance between buttons, in X and Y
Dim i_pos_ini_X As Integer 'initial position
Dim i_pos_ini_Y As Integer
Dim it_x As Integer 'iterator
Dim it_y As Integer 'iterator
Dim amount As Integer 'channel acumulator
Dim FO_color As Integer 'index from 1 to 12 to change background color of button
i_pos_ini_X = posLeft
i_pos_ini_Y = posTop
'create dimensions of square
i_size_X = sizeSquare
i_size_Y = i_size_X 'to create a square Y need same size of X
'distance between squares
i_dist_bte_buttons = i_size_X + distBetween 'to shift distance change laste value of expression
i_stp_X = i_pos_ini_X
i_stp_Y = i_pos_ini_Y
i_ch_amount_x = Int(Sqr(i_total_channels)) 'total channels in switch (i_ch_amount_y * i_ch_amount_x)
i_ch_amount_y = i_ch_amount_x
amount = 1
FO_color = 1
For it_y = 1 To i_ch_amount_x
For it_x = 1 To i_ch_amount_y
f_create_button amount, i_stp_X, i_stp_Y, CSng(i_size_X), CSng(i_size_Y), FO_color
i_stp_X = i_stp_X + i_dist_bte_buttons
amount = amount + 1
If buttonColor Then
FO_color = FO_color + 1
End If
If FO_color > 12 Then 'return FO to 1
FO_color = 1
End If
Next it_x
i_stp_X = i_pos_ini_X
i_stp_Y = i_stp_Y + i_dist_bte_buttons
Next it_y
amount = 0
i_ch_amount_x = 0
i_ch_amount_y = 0
i_size_X = 0
i_size_Y = 0
i_stp_X = 0
i_stp_Y = 0
i_pos_ini_X = 0
i_pos_ini_Y = 0
i_dist_bte_buttons = 0
FO_color = 0
End Function
Private Function f_create_button(index As Integer, posLeft As Integer, posRight As Integer, _
Box_width As Single, Box_height As Single, Optional FO As Integer)
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, posLeft, posRight, Box_width, Box_height). _
With Selection
.Name = "ch_" & index
.Text = index
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Bold = True
If FO = 9 Then
.Font.Color = vbWhite
.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End If
.Font.Size = 10
.Interior.Color = fiber_color(FO)
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End Function
Public Function fiber_color(Optional FO As Integer = 1) As Long
'use with a index in FO from 1 to 12
Select Case FO
Case 1
fiber_color = 65280 'green
Case 2
fiber_color = 65535 'yellow
Case 3
fiber_color = 16777215 'white
Case 4
fiber_color = 16711680 'blue
Case 5
fiber_color = 255 'red
Case 6
fiber_color = 16711823 'violt
Case 7
fiber_color = 19350 'brown
Case 8
fiber_color = 13353215 'pink
Case 9
fiber_color = 0 'black
Case 10
fiber_color = 16711680 'cinza
Case 11
fiber_color = 32767 'orange
Case 12
fiber_color = 16776960 'aqua
Case Else
fiber_color = 65280 'verde
End Select
End Function
Private Function f_clear_array_of_buttons()
Dim i_ch_amount_x As Integer
Dim it As Integer
i_ch_amount_x = i_total_channels
On Error GoTo sair
If ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count <> 0 Then
For it = 1 To i_ch_amount_x
ActiveSheet.Shapes("ch_" & it).Delete
Next it
End If
i_ch_amount_x = 0
it = 0
End Function

How can I list all the combinations that meet certain criteria using Excel VBA?

Which are the combinations that the sum of each digit is equal to 8 or less, from 1 to 88,888,888?
For example,
70000001 = 7+0+0+0+0+0+0+1 = 8 Should be on the list
00000021 = 0+0+0+0+0+0+2+1 = 3 Should be on the list.
20005002 = 2+0+0+0+5+0+0+2 = 9 Should not be on the list.
Sub Comb()
Dim r As Integer 'Row (to store the number)
Dim i As Integer 'Range
r = 1
For i = 0 To 88888888
If i = 8
'How can I get the sum of the digits on vba?
ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1) = i
r = r + 1
End If
End Sub
... Is this what you're looking for?
Function AddDigits(sNum As String) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
AddDigits = 0
For i = 1 To Len(sNum)
AddDigits = AddDigits + CInt(Mid(sNum, i, 1))
Next i
End Function
(Just remember to use CStr() on the number you pass into the function.
If not, can you explain what it is you want in a bit more detail.
Hope this helps
The method you suggest is pretty much brute force. On my machine, it ran 6.5min to calculate all numbers. so far a challenge I tried to find a more efficient algorithm.
This one takes about 0.5s:
Private Const cIntNumberOfDigits As Integer = 9
Private mStrNum As String
Private mRng As Range
Private Sub GetNumbers()
Dim dblStart As Double
Set mRng = Range("a1")
dblStart = Timer
mStrNum = Replace(Space(cIntNumberOfDigits), " ", "0")
subGetNumbers 8
Debug.Print (Timer - dblStart) / 10000000, (Timer - dblStart)
End Sub
Private Sub subGetNumbers(intMaxSum As Integer, Optional intStartPos As Integer = 1)
Dim i As Integer
If intStartPos = cIntNumberOfDigits Then
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = intMaxSum
mRng.Value = Val(mStrNum)
Set mRng = mRng.Offset(1)
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = 0
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To intMaxSum
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = CStr(i)
subGetNumbers intMaxSum - i, intStartPos + 1
Next i
Mid(mStrNum, intStartPos, 1) = 0
End Sub
It can be sped up further by about factor 10 by using arrays instead of writing directly to the range and offsetting it, but that should suffice for now! :-)
As an alternative, You can use a function like this:
Function isInnerLowr8(x As Long) As Boolean
Dim strX As String, inSum As Long
isInnerLowr8 = False
strX = Replace(CStr(x), "0", "")
For i = 1 To Len(strX)
Sum = Sum + Val(Mid(strX, i, 1))
If Sum > 8 Then Exit Function
Next i
isInnerLowr8 = True
End Function
Now change If i = 8 to If isInnerLowr8(i) Then.

How can I go about adding a ProgressBar to this code which calculates CRC32 checksum in VB.NET?

Thanks for reading - I am using the class below to calculate the CRC32 checksum of a specified file.
My question is how would I go about reporting the progress of file completion (in %) to a progressbar on a different form. I have tried (i / count) * 100 under the New() sub but I am not having any luck, or setting the progress bar with it for that matter. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
Public Class CRC32
Private crc32Table() As Integer
Private Const BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 1024
Public Function GetCrc32(ByRef stream As System.IO.Stream) As Integer
Dim crc32Result As Integer
crc32Result = &HFFFFFFFF
Dim buffer(BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Dim readSize As Integer = BUFFER_SIZE
Dim count As Integer = stream.Read(buffer, 0, readSize)
Dim i As Integer
Dim iLookup As Integer
Do While (count > 0)
For i = 0 To count - 1
iLookup = (crc32Result And &HFF) Xor buffer(i)
crc32Result = ((crc32Result And &HFFFFFF00) \ &H100) And &HFFFFFF
crc32Result = crc32Result Xor crc32Table(iLookup)
Next i
count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, readSize)
GetCrc32 = Not (crc32Result)
End Function
Public Sub New()
Dim dwPolynomial As Integer = &HEDB88320
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
ReDim crc32Table(256)
Dim dwCrc As Integer
For i = 0 To 255
Form1.CRCWorker.ReportProgress((i / 255) * 100) 'Report Progress
dwCrc = i
For j = 8 To 1 Step -1
If (dwCrc And 1) Then
dwCrc = ((dwCrc And &HFFFFFFFE) \ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF
dwCrc = dwCrc Xor dwPolynomial
dwCrc = ((dwCrc And &HFFFFFFFE) \ 2&) And &H7FFFFFFF
End If
Next j
crc32Table(i) = dwCrc
Next i
'file complete
End Sub
End Class
'------------- END CRC32 CLASS--------------
'-------------- START FORM1 --------------------------
Private Sub CRCWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles CRCWorker.DoWork
For i = CurrentInt To dgv.Rows.Count - 1
CRCWorker.ReportProgress(0, i & "/" & Total_Files)
Current_File_Num = (i + 1)
SetControlText(lblCurrentFile, Str(Current_File_Num) & "/" & Total_Files)
result = CheckFile(SFV_Parent_Directory & "\" & dgv.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value, dgv.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value)
Select Case result
Case 0 ' missing file
UpdateRow(i, 2, "MISSING")
'dgv.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value = "MISSING"
Missing_Files = Missing_Files + 1
SetControlText(lblMissingFiles, Str(Missing_Files))
Case 1 ' crc match
UpdateRow(i, 2, "OK")
' dgv.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value = "OK"
Good_Files = Good_Files + 1
SetControlText(lblGoodFiles, Str(Good_Files))
Case 2 'crc bad
UpdateRow(i, 2, "BAD")
' dgv.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value = "BAD"
Bad_Files = Bad_Files + 1
SetControlText(lblBadFiles, Str(Bad_Files))
End Select
If CRCWorker.CancellationPending = True Then
e.Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CRCWorker_ProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles CRCWorker.ProgressChanged
Dim val As Integer = e.ProgressPercentage
ProgressBar2.Maximum = 100
ProgressBar2.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
End Sub
Function CheckFile(ByVal tocheck_filepath As String, ByVal expected_crc As String) As Integer 'returns result of a file check 0 = missing 1 = good 2 = bad
If File.Exists(tocheck_filepath) = False Then
Return 0 'return file missing
End If
Dim f As FileStream = New FileStream(tocheck_filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 8192)
Dim c As New CRC32()
crc = c.GetCrc32(f)
Dim crcResult As String = "00000000"
crcResult = String.Format("{0:X8}", crc)
End Function
It appears your .ReportProgress() call is in the New() subroutine, which is the part that makes the lookup table for the CRC calculation. The New() subroutine is called once, before the main CRC routine. The main CRC routine is the one that takes up all the time and needs the progress bar.
Shouldn't the progress bar updating be in the GetCrc32() function? Something like this:
Public Function GetCrc32(ByRef stream As System.IO.Stream, _
Optional prbr As ProgressBar = Nothing) As UInteger
Dim crc As UInteger = Not CUInt(0)
Dim buffer(BUFFER_SIZE) As Byte
Dim readSize As Integer = BUFFER_SIZE
Dim left As Long = stream.Length
If Not (prbr Is Nothing) Then ' ProgressBar setup for counting down amount left.
prbr.Maximum = 100
prbr.Minimum = 0
prbr.Value = 100
End If
Dim count As Integer : Do
count = stream.Read(buffer, 0, readSize)
For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
crc = (crc >> 8) Xor tbl((crc And 255) Xor buffer(i))
If Not (prbr Is Nothing) Then ' ProgressBar updated here
left -= count
prbr.Value = CInt(left * 100 \ stream.Length)
End If
Loop While count > 0
Return Not crc
End Function
In Windows Forms BackgroundWorker Class is often used to run intensive tasks in another thread and update progress bar without blocking the interface.
Example of using BackgroundWorker in VB.Net
The problem is when you use use the form in your code without instantiating it Form1.CRCWorker.ReportProgress((i / 255) * 100) there is a kind of hidden "auto-instantiation" happening and new instance of Form1 is created each time.