IntelliJ wrapping comments in Javascript - intellij-idea

Is it possible to wrap long comment lines in IntelliJ in javascript files? I have turned on line wrapping as shown in the settings below, but when I do a code reformat, it doesn't wrap the line.

It's not supported yet on code reformatting, added a new feature request, please vote.

I'm using IntelliJ 14 on a Mac, which has a Fill Paragraph command. Access it via the awesome universal Command-Shift-A action search feature. Works like a charm!


How to add line breaks to Redmine markdown in code highlighting?

The Redmine textile formatting guide directs us to use code highlighting like so:
<pre><code class="ruby">
Place your code here.
And while line breaks are preserved within <pre> tags, once I add the <code class="python">, it removes all line breaks and places all the text on a single line. And of course, hacks like (which answered this question) or html tags don't work because it's still wrapped inside <pre>.
I've tried wrapping each individual line with <code></code> all within one <pre></pre>, but that didn't work. I've tried adding double spaces to the end of each line, and additional new lines in between but to no avail.
And while the Redmine guide above says code highlighting relies on Rouge, my version of Redmine uses CodeRay, whose website examples handle line breaks perfectly.
Thanks in advance!
Things are working ok for me. See my screenshots. Perhaps your theme is affecting that.
I'm using Abacus office 1.3.4 theme on Redmine v3.2.
Could any plugins that you have installed be causing that?

Visual Studio Code Formatting fail on save

I've started learning React Native.
I'm using Visual Studio Code as my editor.
I've set up the boiler plate and started the app. But whenever I change a .js file and hit save, VSCode is messing up all the formatting.
I thought I could sort this in the settings.json file but after googling for a while and playing around I can't find the correct setting.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Setting file is default one:
UPDATE: I re-installed vscode. Then set up a basic js file with a react native tag and a html tag. I added in:
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"javascript.format.enable": false
To my settings.json file and the problem still occurs:
The problem is having tags in a js file, I just don't know how to tell vscode to ignore them?
I found out what this was by looking though the extensions. Thanks to #wgj for the hint.
Turns out it was the JS-CSS-HTML formatter. I looked through the instructions and have removed the auto save for now. I'll have to work out the specific settings for this.
It uses js-beautify so if anyone knows the settings I should be looking at would be much appreciated.
I had a similar problem and it turned out my ultimate culprit was...
So I simply disabled it for the workspace.
Same here, all my HTML format messed up after saving, I disable "JS-CSS-HTML Formatter" and problem solved
In the end, what did the trick was changing the file format from JavaScript to JavaScript React on the bottom toolbar.
All my HTML format messed up in js after saving, I disable "JS-CSS-HTML Formatter" and restarted vscode, problem solved.
I found my solution to this problem by converting my components file extension from js to jsx. No more issues and everything is working fine.
Disable js-css-html formatter.
if you are using prettier and beautify together, override the setting as :
"beautify.ignore": [
Use Prettier Code Formatter instead of Beautify. Works perfectly for language mode Babel JavaScript
You should search for "format" in settings.json. You'll find a whole lot of TypeScript/JavaScript formatting tweaks in there, but the one that stands out to me is:
// Defines space handling after opening and before closing non empty brackets.
"javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets": false
Alternative, you're not a fan of formatting at all, you can turn it off entirely:
// Enable/disable default JavaScript formatter.
"javascript.format.enable": true,
However, a lot of my formatting options come from language server extensions, so if you're using one for React Native specifically, be sure to check the attributes in settings.json, or the docs to see if there are any attributes you can add.
Add this on settings.json file. Whether you are using any extension or not, use this code. It works fine for me:
Solution 1: Just Disable JS-CSS-HTML Formatter
Solution 2: Press Ctrl+, (open settings) after that search Code formatted and change none --> Prettier
If you don't have prettier install from the extension's marketplace.
i just had this problem , apparently its because of the beautify/prettier , try to disable both , then restart Vs code (your editor) . but then if u really want to use prettier , go under its extension settings and make sure its in strict with whitespaces and toogle around a few other settings and you should be fine , cheers .
Just turning off format on save option from the settings would work.
You can select JavaScript React in the task bar under Select Language Mode.
You can try one of the following
uninstall other formatters which are not required. To check how many formatters you have just press ctrl + shift + p or command +shift + p (mac) and type format document after that a menu will appear showing you your formatters
press ctrl + shift + p or command +shift + p (mac) and type settings and click on open users settings and then search for format on save and check the box
that's it!!
changing the file format from JavaScript to JavaScript React on the bottom toolbar worked just fine for me
I have tried all methods but the problem is solved completely by this:
-> Open setting.json
-> "files.associations": {
"*.js": "javascriptreact"
->Add above lines and press save the problem will solve
You can type the following command string when creating your project
npx create-react-app name-of-app react-complete-guide
or the following, if you have create-react-app installed already
create-react-app name-of-app react-complete-guide

Can't always set React Native breakpoints in Chrome

While debugging my React Native app in Chrome, I'm often unable to set breakpoints in the Sources tab. When I click on a line of code to add the breakpoint, a breakpoint is added instead to the next function declaration line in my module.
This doesn't happen in all of my source modules, but often enough that it prevents me from debugging efficiently.
I'm currently using RN 0.22 but this has been happening on older versions of RN as well (e.g. RN 0.18).
This problem maybe caused by babel. When use normal function and arrow function together, it happened.
"sourceMaps": "inline" in .babelrc fixed this for me.
I've only experienced this issue under the following conditions:
1) The .js file contains multiple functions, and
2) Attempting to set a breakpoint within a function that is not the last function in the .js file
So, a partial workaround is to move a function such that it is the last function in the .js file. Or, you could assign a single function per file. Either way, you will be able to set breakpoints.
This is far from ideal, but it's the only "solution" I've found so far.
I had the same issue, and I have a cozy solution for now :
I put the word "debugger" in the file which I want to debug.
I refresh the browser to see that it stops.
after it stops, I can add as much as breakpoints as I want and remove the "debugger" word from file
Try this package
just install the package and run react-breakpoint-fix from the terminal.
This fixed it for me. I'm using react-scripts#3.x

How do I turn on syntax highlighting for StringTemplate templates (*.st) in intellij?

I have a string template file (.st) in IntelliJ that I would like to see syntax highlighting on. How can I turn this on? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
The best solution is to use HTML syntax for *.st files. You can set this in Preference > File types > HTML.
Short answer is - you can't.
Someone must first implement a syntax highlighter plugin for the format.
The StringTemplate author, Terrence Parr, has begun work on such a plugin for String Template 4 but it does not support the older .st file format.
I tried the plugin. Even on .stg files it is not ideal if you use a dark editor theme.

How to disable code formatting for some part of the code using comments?

I'd like to selectively disable the IntelliJ IDEA code formatter for a portion of code just like I can in Eclipse. Does IntelliJ support this feature, and if so, how do I use it?
Since version 13 it's possible to wrap the code with
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on
IntelliJ IDEA v.2018+:
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style
IntelliJ IDEA v.2016+:
Preferences > Editor > Code Style
IntelliJ IDEA v.14+:
Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Formatter Control
You can change the formatter control markers, as long as they're in comments.
Ensure formatter markers in comments are enabled, as shown in the following figure:
Note for Carlos' answer of #formatter:off and #formatter:on to work, you may need to enable the preference first:
Discovered via How to config intellij-idea not format some part of the code?
IDEA-56995 Disabled code formatting per region using comments
In xml files, use:
<!-- #formatter:off -->
<!-- #formatter:on -->
Obsolete answer from 2010:
No, it's not possible right now, I've submitted a new issue which you can track.
As a temporary solution you can use external formatter plug-in for IDEA which can utilize Eclipse code formatter (I didn't check whether this particular option is supported).
It's currently not possible to exclude entire files (like regression test data xmls) from formatting. See