I have what I think should be a simple question but for the life of me cannot solve it myself. I'm just trying to do a simple search on a table.
Select *
From dbo.Case
Where dbo.Case.CountyName='Milwaukee'
I keep getting this error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Case'.
I've also tried taking off the "dbo" and it still does not work.
What am I doing wrong? (Using SQL Server 2008)
CASE is a reserved keyword. You will need to enclose it in [] to use as a an identifier such as a database, column, or table name:
Select *
From dbo.[Case]
Where dbo.[Case].CountyName='Milwaukee'
Case is a reserved word in SQL, so you need to put square brackets around it.
I am facing the problem while executing the query in SQL Server management studio.
Error is
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near '`'.
For reference, screenshot is attached.
enter image description here
Assistance required in solving the issue.
The error is making reference to the ` character that you're surrounding your column names with. When creating a table the columns do not need to be surrounded by anything (unless it is a name containing a space which would need to be enclosed in square brackets).
I am trying to query from a database called physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.diagnoses_icd
PostgresSQL returns the following error message:
quan.sql:273: ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"
LINE 132: from `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.diagnoses_icd` icd
I think it is caused by the dash. If I change the `for ' the same error comes up
quan.sql:273: ERROR: syntax error at or near
Any clue on how to fix that?
You would need to quote that schema name, using double-quotes:
select ...
from "physionet-data".mimiciii_clinical.diagnoses_icd
Note that quoting an identifier makes it case-sensitive. You would need to ensure that the character case the schema was created with matches the one you are using here.
Using identifiers that require quoting is not a good idea in general; as you are fiding out, this requires quoting them every where you use it later on. If that's not too late, I would recommend changing the schema name to a name that does not require quoting.
I have a function that returns a table that will need to be called remotely. Since this functionality is not supported by SQL at the moment, I will need to utilize OPENQUERY to do the following
However, I keep getting a syntax error when I put in the ip address for the linked server. Linked server is setup properly from the looks of it. I am getting the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'OPENQUERY'.
The script is:
(where N's are the digits of the defined linked server's IP address).
Intellisense is putting the red line under OPENQUERY and the linked server argument
I have tried unquoting the ip address, and bracing it instead of quoting and all are yielding errors. Thoughts?
You need to select from the openquery so the syntax is
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([Linked_Server],'SELECT * FROM dbo.DBarBillers')
I am recieveing the error below when I try to run this SQL, no idea why and been stuck at it for a while now, can any of you spot the problem
Microsoft Access Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in FROM clause.
/student/s0190204/wip/group-add.asp, line 54
It says the error is on line 54 which i marked out. However the problem is likely from the SQL.
set userRs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
groupcheck="SELECT * FROM Group"
54> userRs.Open groupcheck,conx, adOpenkeyset, AdLockOptimistic
Thanks for all help!
GROUP is a reserved keyword in most RDBMS. Surround it in square brackets to use it as a table or column identifier in MS Access, thereby distinguishing it from GROUP BY.
groupcheck="SELECT * FROM [Group]"
Group is a keyword in most database. so use another name for your table
or you can use the query as SELECT * FROM [Group]
To learn more about the reserved keywords in sql server,
Reserved Keywords List
I am creating a database by using following schema ...... using microsoft sql server....
CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/`stacks`/*!40100
USE `stacks`;
/*Table structure for table `answers` */
Got An error like this ...while executing , i dont know....
Error : Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 15
Incorrect syntax near '`'.
would any one pls help on this.....
Many Thanks in advance ....
Did you look up SQL Server CREATE DATABASE and identifier syntax?
All you need is CREATE DATABASE stacks;
Your code is for MySQL
It looks like your syntax is from MySQL. Why do you have back-ticks and "default character set"? This is not SQL Server syntax. Please see the SQL Server docs for CREATE DATABASE: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176061.aspx