See how much was donated to a particular Thing - flattr

Say you want to have a kickstarter-like site using Flattr, where you create a Thing for each individual user. How would you be able to tell (with the API) how much each user Flattr'd? It wouldn't update right away (it would have to update at the first of each month), but would it be possible at all? If there's no way to do this, could you tell how much a particular Flattr'd to you in total?

In the details of each months revenue reports there's a link to download that revenue report as a CSV-file which you could then import into your system to find out how much each thing has received. The information is not yet exposed through the API (see this question) so you would have to download the files manually - luckily there's only twelve months a year so it's not too much work to do :)
The CSV-file contains these columns:
period - Date in the format of YYYY-MM
id - The internal numeric id of the flattr thing
flattr url - The URL to the thing on
url - The original URL that the thing is pointing to
clicks - The amount of clicks for the thing during the period
revenue - The revenue for the thing during the period
clicks total
So - as you see you can't see how much each individual click has been worth if a thing has received more than one click and you can't either see which users it is that has clicked the thing (you can however see some of the users by asking the regular API for more information, but since some users are anonymous you can't figure out who they are without asking them for permission to do so).
If you really need to know if a user has flattred something, then you can force them to flattr the thing through your system by having them authenticate with your system using the Flattr API - that way you will at least know if a flattr has been made by the user or not, but you will still have trouble trying to figure out how much their flattrs are worth - but that's kind of the point with Flattr - that people should spend whatever they personally feel comfortable with rather than spending what others think they should be spending.


LinkedIn r_basicprofile only returns current position, not past positions

While it would seem to be a bug, it's always been true that LinkedIn's r_basicprofile API permission only returns the user's current positions, while r_fullprofile returns current and past positions. But with today's announcement that r_fullprofile will require enrollment in LinkedIn's partnership integration program, this difference has a real consequence: Many LinkedIn-integrated sites will no longer be able to get past positions.
My question is to LinkedIn API folks: Is it deliberate that past positions are not returned for r_basicprofile requests? Hopefully not, and hopefully this could be fixed. Alternatively, three_past_positions could be enabled for r_basicprofile... That'd give us something to work with.
If everything is working as intended, and no changes will be forthcoming, how difficult will it be to join the partnership program? Do you foresee many companies and start-ups being able to join?
I think that #JoseR answer was extremely close... the part that was missed was that of within the 'field' description it states:
positions -> An object representing the member's current position
so, if the member has ten 'current' positions, it will return ten, but if they only have one, then just one is returned... so, to get the r_fullprofile is your next best option (with application of course)
As we can see in is supposed that now in the basic profile we are going to get all the positions, at least it does not say anything about any restriction to the current ones.
But please I'm +1 in this question. It would be good to have some confirmation from the linkedIn staff that, when accessing the new API, we are going to get all the positions.
Thank you.

get +1 date timestamp or for google plus activities/posts

I am trying to get some information about the post people do in google plus. In particular I am interested in the "+1"'s.
Either from the google api or directly from the google plus web site you can get the total count and name of the people who did "+1". But, I would be interested in getting the time or timestamp of the "+1"'s. Does anyone knows if it is possible or how can I do that?
Help is always appreciated
Thanks to all,
As you can see at, the only data we return for a +1 is a list of the +1-ers, as well as the total number of people who +1'ed the item you are looking at.
If you would like to request additional data, please file a feature request in our Issue Tracker: It would really help if you could be as detailed as possible in the type of data you would like to see and how you would ideally use that data.
If you're dealing with your own website and only care about +1s for pages on your own domain, you could use Google Analytic's social information to see how +1s change over time. You wouldn't get information about who did the +1ing.

Solution for listening to file once/download

I have which is a small webshop im doing for a customer. She sells various stuff but she has meditations on .mp3 and on discs. The customers can choose to buy:
a disc which is then sent to their home address.
one listening to one part of a meditation or one listening to all parts in a meditation
some items are also available for download for another price.
So question is how do I solve this? We use PayPal at her site to make the payments and I know that after a payment I can redirect the users to a "thankyouforthepurhase"-page if I want to. That leads me to think that one option is to take the users to that page where they can download/listen, but I dont know how to "connect" the shopped item with the isplayed files to be downloaded and/or listene once too and how to limit this. I mean if the page is someone that have made the purchase can just copy that address and go straight there.
There is also a idea about codes in some way. If they make a purchase they get a code sent to them for download or listening, but how do I generate this code which has to be unique everytime and the password ha to change everytime someone has entered it so someone dont save the code as well.
Well im kinda out of ideas and not sure how to do this. I just wanna wrap this project up but I think I hve to solve this for her.
I guess the solution depends on how much control (or security) she feels is required. If all you need is a reasonable confidence that a user has paid, then you can be much more relaxed about the whole thing.
The 'thanks' page could easily provide the content in concert with the transaction id paypal will return - you can use this to control what is shown. If you're not too worried about a 'listen-once' item being replayed, or 'download' being downloaded a bunch of times then you can avoid a bunch of edge-case stuff (where download fails or listen-once feed dies halfway, etc) and simply serve links to content based on the transaction.
If its abused then you can put effort into locking down content, serving mp3 streams from one-time links, tracking downloads in a database etc, but that will cost significantly more (in both time and server resources) so if you can, try simple first :)

Trac plugin to send email number of new and closed tickets and their details based on define schedule

I am looking for a way or a plugin so that trac sends me email about the number of new or closed tickets (and some information about these tickets also ) for a specific duration lets say for the last three days.
Basically I need to know how many tickets have been created in last week and how many of them have been closed at the end of week.
Of course the email only should be sent to the admin and not to all the users.
For additional Trac funcionality we have Trac plugins, yes. And the first place to look for them is .
The excellent TagsPlugin in use overthere already delivers some hints on resources tagged with notification or notifications. The most comprehensive and mature solution is certainly TracAnnouncer with a just reworked configuration interface providing a highly sophisticated opt-in and opt-out subscription system. Unfortunately digest notification are not integrated today.
Still there are other plugins, that fill in the gap, i.e. check the XMailPlugin. It claims to do configurable instant, daily and weekly notifications, so this may be for you. Since this is a relativly new plugin, you should expect some pending issues, but the author might be very open to your suggestion. If you're becoming a heavy user giving valuable test feedback and a bit lucky too, asking kindly could be enought to make things happen.
There's a slightly different way to solve this problem that doesn't require any plugins. First, create a custom "timeline" view that displays the information that you want. In your example, this would be all "opened and closed tickets" starting from "today" and going back three days. When viewing this custom view, you should see a link at the bottom of the page that says "RSS Feed" (on my system, the resulting URL looks something like this: http://myserver/timeline?ticket=on&max=50&authors=&daysback=3&format=rss). Click on this link to subscribe to the feed using your web browser, email client, or other program capable of reading feeds. Now, you can view the results live at any time. What you can do at this point is only limited by the capabilities of your feed reader app, but most can at least be configured to notify you when the feed is updated.

User Fast Switching Ideas Needed

I'm looking for ideas on how to implement some type of fast login scenario for an application that will allow employees to quickly login.
I work with an organization that has employees rotate every 30 minutes to a different location. If there are 3 employees, then the first employee won't come back to the checkout station for an hour. The checkout station is a higher traffic area where different things are borrowed by customers. Right now they have a generic login, but the organization wants to track which employee checked out/in a borrowed item. The problem is when they rotate there are customers there many times and having them logoff and login either via a workstation login or an application login is too slow for customer service.
Any suggestions?
I think a fingerprint reader would work well for logging in users. Then, they wouldn't have to type anything to log in.
There are plenty of biometric SDKs online that should be able to help you with this. And, I think some commercial readers will do something similar already, so you wouldn't even need to write any code.
Here's an article on Microsoft's Upgraded Fingerprint Reader
Also, you can have them scan once to log in, and once they are logged in, they can scan again to get logged completely out of the system (instead of just locking the screen or forgetting to log out and walk away.)
Use an application-level login, but make it only based on typing in their employee ID. This will simply identify who they are, exchanging security for speed while not giving up identity. Using employee ID's for this is a good way of guaranteeing uniqueness. I've seen systems like this work in retail, and it's really fast. Employees get used to typing this number into the console.
I'm not sure if it's in your budget but this sounds like a good use for those little button 1-wire devices. Basically it's an electronic "key" that is about the size of a button and can be read very quickly.
So Employee A goes to the station, puts his button on the pad(takes like 2 seconds) and he's logged in. When he needs to leave he pushes one button to log out, then employee B can come and log in, etc etc.
a picture of the button: