"ambiguous" mapping from CLR to EDM - asp.net-mvc-4

I understand that Code First used to have a problem (or maybe still does) when you have two classes with the same name in different namespaces. I have found numerous posts about this. I have something a little... different?
Well, however they "fixed" it, they made it worse. I don't HAVE two classes with the same name, I have ONE class. I promise you, you are not seeing double. The class name that appears below is exactly the same, and there is not other classname.
The mapping of CLR type to EDM type is ambiguous because multiple CLR types match the EDM type 'Classname'. Previously found CLR type 'App.Domain.Classname', newly found CLR type 'App.Domain.Classname'.
I get this error repeated many times (for different class names) when I attempt to create a new controller with the Template "MVC controller with read/write actions and views, using Entity Framework."

If you are having more than one edmx file in same module this problem will be occur. And even within those edmx it may have same kind of two entity was exist. This is framework issue from ef4. But it can be resolve by.changing the entity name manually.' Which was created by edmx generated. Or simple add one more dump column in any one.of the entity. In first way we should do more changes in all the entity class as well as reference entity class also.


EF 4.4 Duplicate class name in diff. namespace causing issues

I'm using the code-first approach (per se) in EF, however, I'm using T4 to generate a class per table, and then creating the associations in a separate partial file. I know I can use the edmx to generate poco's with table-per-type but thats not a route I want to go down.
It appears to work until I have a class name that's the same as another class, even though both classes are in different namespaces.
The solutions I've found seem to solely revolve around fixing the metadata in the connection string, however, since I have no edmx (csdl, ssdl, msl) I'm not sure how to correct the issue. Here's a related question, but the solution doesn't appear to be something that will help me - Can't have the same table names in different entity framework models?
Unfortunately just renaming the class is not a solution for us.
Here's the error:
The mapping of CLR type to EDM type is ambiguous because multiple CLR
types match the EDM type 'AppConfig'. Previously found CLR type
'Utility.AppConfig', newly found CLR type 'Config.AppConfig'.
Apprently this is fixed in EF 6 - for code first only.

Linq to Xml VS XmlSerializer VS DataContractSerializer

In my web method, I get an object of some third party C# entity class. The entity class is nothing but the DataContract. This entity class is quite complex and has properties of various types, some properties are collections too. Of course, those linked types are also DataContracts.
I want to serialize that DataContract entity into XML as part of business logic of my web service. I cannot use DataContractSerializer directly (on the object I receive in the web method) simply because the XML schema is altogether different. So the XML generated by DataContractSerializer will not get validated against the schema.
I am not able to conclude the approach I should follow for implementation. I could think of following implementation approaches:
LINQ to XML - This looks ok but I need to create XML tree (i.e. elements or XML representation of the class instance) manually for each type of object. Since there are many entity classes and they are linked to each other, I think this is too much of work to write XML elements manually. Besides, i'll have to keep modifying the XML Tree as and when the entity class introduces some new property. Not only this, the code where I generate XML tree would look little clumsy (at least in appearance) and would be harder to maintain/change by some other developer in future; he/she will have to look at it so closely to understand how that XML is generated.
XmlSerializer - I can write my own entity classes that represent the XML structure I want. Now, I need to copy details from incoming object to the object of my own classes. So this is additional work (for .NET too when code executes!). Then I can use XmlSerializer on my object to generate XML. In this case, I'll have to create entity classes and whenever third party entity gets modified, I'll have to just add new property in my class. (with XmlElement or XmlAttibute attributes). But people recommend DataContractSerializer over this one and so I don't want to finalize this unless all aspects are clear to me.
DataContractSerializer - Again here, I'll have to write my own entity class since I have no control over the third party DataContracts. And I need to copy details from incoming object to the object of my own classes. So this is additional work. However, since DataContractSerializer does not support Xml attributes, I'll have to implement IXmlSerializable and generate required Xml in WriteXml method. DataContractSerializer is faster than XmlSerializer, but again I'll have to handle the changes (in WriteXml) if third party entity changes.
Which approach is best in this scenario considering performance too?
Can you suggest some better approach?
Is DataContractSerializer worth considering (because it has better performance over XmlSerilaizer) when incoming entity class is subject to change?
Should LINQ be really used for serialization? Or is it really good for things other than querying?
Can XmlSerializer be preferred over LINQ in such cases? If yes, why?
I agree with #Werner Strydom's answer.
I decided to use the XmlSerializer because code becomes maintainable and it offers performance I expect. Most important is that it gives me full control over the XML structure.
This is how I solved my problem:
I created entity classes (representing various types of Xml elements) as per my requirement and passed an instance of the root class (class representing root element) through XmlSerializer.
Small use of LINQ in case of 1:M relationship:
Wherever I wanted same element (say Employee) many times under specific node (say Department) , I declared the property of type List<T>. e.g. public List<Employee> Employees in the Department class. In such cases XmlSerializer obviously added an element called Employees (which is grouping of all Employee elements) under the Department node. In such cases, I used LINQ (after XmlSerializer serialized the .NET object) to manipulate the XElement (i.e. XML) generated by XmlSerializer. Using LINQ, I simply put all Employee nodes directly under Department node and removed the Employees node.
However, I got the expected performance by combination of xmlSerializer and LINQ.
Downside is that, all classes I created had to be public when they could very well be internal!
Why not DataContractSerializer and LINQ-to-XML?
DataContractSerializer does not allow to use Xml attributes (unless I implement IXmlSerializable). See the types supported by DataContractSerializer.
LINQ-to-XML (and IXmlSerializable too) makes code clumsy while creating complex XML structure and that code would definitely make other developers scratch their heads while maintaining/changing it.
Is there any other way?
Yes. As mentioned by #Werner Strydom, you can very well generate classes using XSD.exe or tool like Xsd2Code and work directly with them if you are happy with the resulting classes.
I'll pick XmlSerializer because its the most maintainable for a custom schema (assuming you have the XSD). When you are done developing the system, test its performance in its entirety and determine whether XML serialization is causing problems. If it is, you can then replace it with something that requires more work and test it again to see if there is any gains. But if XML serialization isn't an issue, then you have maintainable code.
The time it takes to parse a small snippet of XML data may be negligible compared to communicating with the database or external systems. On systems with large memory (16GB+) you may find the GC being a bottleneck in .NET 4 and earlier (.NET 4.5 tries to solve this), especially when you work with very large data sets and streams.
Use AutoMapper to map objects created by XSD.EXE to your entities. This will allow the database design to change without impacting the web service.
One thing that is great about LINQ to XML is XSD validation. However, that impacts performance.
Another option is to utilize LINQ and Reflection to create a generic class to serialize your object to XML. A good example of this can be found at http://primecoder.blogspot.com/2010/09/how-to-serialize-objects-to-xml-using.html . I am not sure what your XML needs to look like at the end of the day, but if it is pretty basic this could do the trick. You would not need to make changes as your entity classes add/remove/change properties, and you could use this across all of your objects (and other projects if stored in a utility DLL).

mapping entities with relations backed by obfuscated fields with NHibernate

And here goes yet another question on NHibernate.
This one most likely doesn't have a desired answer, but still - let's give it a try.
I'm currently putting all the efforts into mapping a domain model onto the database using NHibernate. This domain model comes from a framework which is heavily obfuscated. (Not that I have worked a lot with obfuscated code before, but this one in most of the places can be translated neither by Reflector, nor by Resharper.)
Everything went more or less fine until I faced an entity with a required many-to-one relationship represented by a property with no setter with obfuscated backed field.
Is it possible to reference this obfuscated field somehow? A very special IPropertyAccessor?
If not, how can I load a fully constructed entity? The only option to inject a related object is by using a constructor that accepts it. But at the time of instantiating of an entity being loaded, neither IInstantiator nor IInterceptor has any data of it apart from the key. Any other extension points that suit my need?
To allow NHibernate to access your field instead of property you can use this in your mappings:

Multiple ClassMaps classes in NHibernate

Is this possible in fluent nhibernate having multiple mappings for one table? Lets suppose i have a Users table.
Once i want it to be apped exactly like in file UserMap1.cs, and some times I would rather prefer mapping from UserMap2.cs.
I don't need to switch configurations while app is running. I just have to choose a proper one at the beginning.
Thanks in advance:-)
This might be a hack, but you could possibly put your two mappings into separate namespaces. Then you could add mappings from either one namespace or the other depending on your needs.
You're using Fluent NHibernate, so you're likely using the Mappings.FluentMappings object. I normally invoke AddAssemblyFrom (providing a type in the assembly containing mappings). You may need to invoke the Add or Add(Type type) method to add them invididually. My thought is to use MEF to attribute your ClassMap subclasses and add metadata in select cases to determine which ones to inject.

NHibernate: completely overriding base domain entity

I have a situation where I have a Common.Domain.Person and Specific.Domain.Person.
First one should be provided as a part of a common package.
Second one appears when common package has to be customized to fit the needs of specific project.
In the object model, it can be easily implemented with inheritance.
In the NH mapping, however, I have encountered a small problem.
I can create an NHibernate <subclass> mapping, but that would require me to use an discriminator. However, I know that if specific person class was inherited, then common class instances will never be used within this specific project.
What is the best way to implement this without adding discriminator column to the base class (since there are no different cases to discriminate)?
this is what i wanted and nhibernate supports it using xml entities. Unfortunately this feature has been borked since (at least) NH v2++.
see also Using Doctype in Nhibernate
A work-around could be to inject these properies programmaticaly when you create the SessionFactory (Dynamic Mapping)
see also http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2008/05/01/Dynamic-Mapping-with-NHibernate.aspx
Just map the Specific.Domain.Person and leave Common.Domain.Person unmapped.
If you are not saving instances of it, NHibernate does not need to know about it.