How do I compute an average of calculated averages in MS reportviewer/rdlc? - reportviewer

I've searched here and elsewhere on the web and have not found this exact problem/solution.
I'm building an rdlc report using the MS reportViewer - the report I'm creating is based on an existing spreadsheet where the average price across 6 months is calculated individually for each month, then the average of those prices is calculated as the 6 month period average price. Whether I agree with that methodology or if it's correct is irrelevant, I just need to know how to get an rdlc to do this.
For example:
Month Price1 Price2 Delta
May-12 $31.54 $30.03 $1.51
Jun-12 $36.27 $34.60 $1.67
Jul-12 $44.19 $42.00 $2.19
Aug-12 $38.96 $37.06 $1.90
Sep-12 $36.89 $35.08 $1.81
Oct-12 $35.57 $33.97 $1.60
Average $37.24 $35.46 $1.78
(sorry for the lack of a screen snip, I'm new and the system won't let me post an image...)
I've created a tablix that does the monthly averages computation - I use a group in the table to group the 6 months of data by month (and then hide the hourly price data so you only see the month total row) but I'm stuck on how to calculate the bottom row of the table which is the average of each column. (the average of the averages is not the same as the average of all 6 months of prices from the underlying data - that's what I've learned in this process... IOW, that was my first solution :-) )
What I tried to do to get the average of the averages was give the month total cell a name, MonthlyAvgPrice1, then in the bottom row, used this expression:
As I kind of expected, this didn't work, when I try to run the report, it gets a build error saying "The Value expression for the textrun 'Price1PeriodAvg.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers."
Hopfully I've explained this well, does anyone know how to do this?

Actually it is not clear from the question that how are you in particular binding the data to the report items, But from the given information what I understand is that you can
Try like this:
Right Click the tablix row and insert a row below
In the cell where you want to have this Average of Averages insert the following expression
and similarly insert expression =Sum(Fields!Price2.Value)/6 and =Sum(Fields!Delta.Value)/6 in the other cells where you want to display the Averages
Of Course, you will change the Field names Price1,Price2 etc to the fields that you are getting the values from.


Power pivot ytd calculation

Ok, I have watched many videos and read all sorts and I think I am nearly there, but must be missing something. In the data model I am trying to add the ytd calc to my product_table. I don't have unique dates in the product_table in column a and also they are weekly dates. I have all data for 2018 for each week of this year in set rows of 20, incrementing by one week every 20 rows. E.g. rows 1-20 are 01/01/2018, rows 21-40 are 07/01/2018, and so on.
Whilst I say they are in set rows of 20, this is an example. Some weeks there are more or less than 20 so I can't use the row count function-
Between columns c and h I have a bunch of other categories such as customer age, country etc. so there isn't a unique identifier. Do I need one for this to work? Column i is the sales column with the numbers. What I would like is a new column which gives me a ytd number for each row of data which all has unique criteria between a and h. Week 1 ytd is not going to be any different. For the next 20 rows I want it to add week1 sales to week2 sales, effectively giving me the ytd.
I could sumproduct this easily in the data set but I don't want do that. I want to use dax to save space etc..
I have a date_table which does have unique dates in the main_date column. All my date columns are formatted as date in the data model.
I have tried:
This simply replicates the numbers in the sales column, not giving me an ytd as required. I also tried
=calculate(sum(products[sales]) ,datesytd(date_table[main_date]))
I don't know if what I am trying to do is possible. All the youtube clips don't seem to have the same issues I am having but I think they have unique dates in their data sets.
Id love to upload the data but its work stuff on a work computer so cant really. Hope I've painted the picture quite clearly.
Resolved, after googling sumif dax, mike honey had a response that i have adapted to get what i need. I needed to add the filter and earlier functions to my equarion and it ended up like this
Calculate (sum(products[sales]),
filter (sales, sales[we_date] <=earlier(sales[we_date]),
filter (sales, sales[year] =earlier(sales[year]),
filter (sales, sales[customer] =earlier(sales[customer]))
There are three other filter sections i had to add, but this now gives me the ytd i needed.
Hope this helps anyone else

How to handle monthly and yearly values

I have a Fact table that holds what are more or less, sales goals. The ETL process that populates it, generates 12 "weighted" values into seperate rows, one per month. Each row however, also includes a field that holds the yearly value. I do this with unpivot. This all works. Now Im trying to get at this data in the cube with an SSRS report. The problem seems to be that I can query and see the results that include either the yearly goal values or the monthly, weighted values, but not both in the same set.
[update for fact table details]
My Fact table looks something like this:
When I load this fact table via the ETL, I get the date key associated with each monthly value (MonthlyWeightedTarget). That will be 12 seperate records, but each one will have the same yearly value. Im not including next years value as a seperate column, because there are seperate records already associated with that year.
Basically, the users define a set of goals associated with a given year. Then I am applying a "weighting" to generate 12 seperate "monthly" records, which total up to the yearly target goal. Hope this makes sense.
What I need to see is something like this result:
Account Name
I created a calculated member for the NextYrGoal, but now Im not sure I even need it.
What would be a good approach for handling the above (getting the ytd, yearly and next year values) ?
If I was getting at these values with TSQL, I would sum on the monthly values, and just include the associated yearly and next years values, grouping by account, year-goal, next-year-goal

Filter PowerPivot based on multiple Date Criteria

I am trying to apply some Time Intelligence functions in my PowerPivot workbook concerning projects and money received for them. I have three relevant tables; Matters, Payments, and a Date Table.
Each matter has a creationDate, and a closureDate(from a linked table). Likewise, each payment has a date. I have reporting set up decently, but am now trying to use Time intelligence to filter this a bit more clearly.
How can I set a PowerPivot Pivot Table up so that the only Matters which show are those which existed within the period selected. e.g. If I select a slicer for 2014, I don't want to show a matter created in 2015, or one which was closed in 2013. The matter should have been active during the period specified.
Is this possible?
You want to show all the matters EXCEPT those where the CreationDate is after the upper limit of the date range you are looking at or the ClosureDate is before the lower limit of the date range you are looking at.
Assuming you have a data structure like this, where the left-hand table is the Matters and the right-hand one is the Payments:
If you have a calculated field called [Total Payments] that just adds up all the payments in the Payments table, a formula similar to this would work:-
[Payment in Range]:=IF(OR(MIN(Matters[Creation Date])>MAX('Reporting Dates'[Date]),MAX(Matters[Closure Date])<MIN('Reporting Dates'[Date])),BLANK(),[Total Payments])
Here is the result with one month selected in the timeline:
Or with one year selected in the year slicer:
NOTE: in my example, I have used a disconnected date table.
Also, you will see that the Grand Total adds up all the payments because it takes the lowest of all the creation dates and the highest of all the closure dates to determine whether to show a total payment value. If it is important that the Grand Total shows correctly, then an additional measure is required:
[Fixed Totals Payment in Range]:=IF(COUNTROWS(VALUES(Matters[Matter]))=1,[Payment in Range],SUMX(VALUES(Matters[Matter]),[Payment in Range]))
Replace the [Payment in Range] in your pivot table with this new measure and the totals will show correctly, however, this will only work if Matters[Matter] is used as one of the fields in the pivot table.
Use filters & the calculate function.
So, if you're Summing payments, it would look like.....
Payments 2014:= CALCULATE( SUM([Payments]), DateTable[Year]=2014)
The Sum function takes the entirety of payments & the filter function will only capture payments w/in 2014, based on the data connected to your date table.

Single aggregate column / running value sum on chart

We're currently porting some excel reports to SSRS. One of those reports has a graph where the last column is the MTD (Month to date) average for both series (Availability and Availability Goal) just like the example below:
I did some research about RunningValue() but whenever I did it it would add a second bar to my graph (the running value would have the same group).
Is it possible to have only one aggregate column (just like the screenshot) ?
Thanks in advance,
One way would be to force the average through the SQL query. For example, if your resulting table shows days of the month, and the Availability value, you could UNION a "dummy" day (max days of the month + 1) with the averaged value. You can either add an addition column to your SQL for the label names, i.e. the "dummy" day would show "Average", or in SSRS you can change the Label expression to replace the last value with a text.

SSRS Reporting Services calculating 2 sums if parameter is true

I have a simple income and covers served per day report, I need to calculate the variance % difference between this years income and last years income, but excluding any sites that opened this year.
I have the following expression however the results it returns are way out from what I am expecting:
=sum(iif(Fields!New_Site.Value=False And Fields!netSalesLY.Value<>0,CDbl(Fields!netSalesTY.Value/Fields!netSalesLY.Value),CDbl(0)))
New_Site is a Boolean parameter to filter out new/old sites, and both netsalesTY and netsalesLY are integer values.
Any ideas?
The first thing I notice is that you're not referencing the New_Site parameter, you're referencing the New_Site field in your formula. If you wanted to reference the New_Site parameter, you would do it as
Not sure which you are really wanting to use.
Also, I may be misunderstanding what number you're trying to calculate, but if I understand you correctly, you're using the wrong formula. You're not using the percent difference formula, which will return the percent of this years sales related to last years sales, not a difference between the two. If what you want to know is the percent difference between the two years, it would be calculated as:
(Fields!netSalesTY.Value - Fields!netSalesLY.Value) / Fields!netSalesLY.Value
So if last year your netSales were $100,000 and this year they are $85,000, your current formula would return 85%, whereas the formula I just mentioned would return -15%, thus showing the decline in sales. So with the formula I gave you, a negative number would represent a decrease from last year to this year and a positive number would represent an increase from last year to this year.
Hope this helps!