Android emulator on windows 8 Touch enabled deskptop/laptop - windows-8

I understand that for Multi-Touch support, we need to have a device in place for testing the Androind application.
In this context, I am wondering if I can do the testing of touch based actions on Android application through Android emulator which is running on a touch enabled Windows 8 laptop?

I'm not an authority on the topic, but I have installed BlueStacks and used Android apps with touch on Windows 8 without a problem. At least the basic testing can be done, but as to whether or not it's capable of doing refined or performance testing I'm not sure.


Adobe AIR EXE on Windows Store as AppX

I'm currently trying to know if I can release a couple of my games on Windows Store. The games are single-file executables and they do not require any additional software installed nor installation. More to say, they performed very well on Steam.
I don't plan to use in-app purchases or ads. The games support any screen resolution and both mouse and touch input and fullscreen mode.
So is there a way to publish a "not-Visual-Studio" app on Windows Store?
I have found this thread on Windows Dev Center but not sure if the guy succeed with his trial and it seems he was talking about releasing air app, not a standalone .EXE .
Any help?
Adobe Air is not a way you can create a windows store app. There is a windows desktop bridge for converting .net apps to windows store apps. There is an ios bridge to convert apps created objective c to windows store apps. There is also a way to convert web apps to windows store apps. I am not aware of any way to convert an adobe app air to a windows store app.

Windows 8 metro apps array

I need to switch between metro apps backwards and forwards. Is there a way to get an array of metro apps or the number of metro apps running?
I am making a desktop app!
No, your app doesnt know what other apps are running. This is also a security feature and by design.
If all apps are made by you, you could use URI protocols (Can I open a Windows 8 application with a URL?) to make the apps call each other. But this is not really "switching", it's a protocol activation which starts an app if it's not already running. As far as I know, this is the only way of making one Windows 8 app call another Windows 8 app (except for other (unsuitable) activations such as file activation).

Develop iPhone App on Windows / Compile on Remote Mac

I realize it's been asked countless times whether iPhone apps can be built in Windows and that the simple answer is no, with workarounds such as using VM or even something like Dragon SDK which requires the app to be written in C/C++, but I would like to build an app using Objective C.
My question is can the code for an iPhone app not be developed on a Windows computer, uploaded to a remote Mac computer, compiled on the Mac, and then downloaded back to Windows to install via iTunes? I don't want to buy a Mac mini to get my feet wet with iPhone development, but I don't want to be limited to writing an HTML 5 app using Phone Gap or similar.
If nothing else, wouldn't it be possible to develop the app directly on a remote / virtual Mac using a remote desktop connection?
If either of these are possible, does anyone know of a company offering such a service? If not, what would be a likely reason that it hasn't been created? It seems like there would be enormous demand.
Perhaps is what you are looking for.
I believe what you're trying to do is not possible but how about MonoTouch ?
Using .NET on Windows technologies to develop iPhone and other apps ?

Developing for WP8 with only WP7 device?

I don't understand from today's WP8 event: will I be able to develop apps working on both 7.5 and 8, having only one 7.5 (7.8) device for testing?
I don't like WP emulator, even though it's better than iOS/Android ones. I know that in Visual Studio 2012 it will become even better. But still!
Current devices running Windows Phone 7.X will be able to be upgraded to Windows Phone 7.8 but not Windows Phone 8.
If you want to use a feature that is specific to WP8 you'll either have to wait for hardware or use the eumlator (when available).
I don't like WP emulator
But you should. The emulator for Windows Phone 8 is a full featured Hyper-V emulator, that can even run unmanaged code.
As pointed out by Matt, you'll not be able to do any deployment of Windows Phone 8 apps to your Windows Phone 7 device, and as such you'll need a new device, or use the emulator.
And as the SDK is likely to be released before any devices, I'll strongly encourage you to do development in the emulator until the real devices are on the market.
You'll have to use Windows Phone 8 emulator, or cross your fingers that the equivalent to XDA-Developers for Windows Phone roots your model of phone and is able to get Windows 8 working(hint: unlikely)
The Windows Phone 8 emulator is really very nice though. The only big troubling thing about it is that it requires hardware Hyper-V support and Windows 8. This means you can't run the phone emulator inside of most virtualization technologies. However, I've been using VMWare 9 which appears to include an "unsupported" feature to allow Hyper-V to work though.. So your only choice for running the phone emulator is to either buy VMWare 9 or upgrade a physical machine to Windows 8

How to Test Sencha Touch apps in windows

So I am developing a Sencha Touch application in Windows. I want to test how this is going to behave on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry phones.
I'd rather not make it public just to test it by navigating to it from each OS physically, although I will be doing that before our official release. How can I emulate the phones on windows. Is there anything I can use to emulate Blackberry/iPhone on a windows machine just to test how the web page is going to be rendered in those devices?
I know the Android emulator I can run through Eclipse, but what about the other two?
You need a Mac to run the iPhone/iPad simulator. Blackberry can be done on windows though:
You might also consider delivering them to these devices as apps using phonegap, which plays nicely with sencha touch.
If you just want to see how the app would look and behave while developing, just use Google Chrome. You can enable the very good 'developer tools' to do various checks.
Install and run on Ripple Chrome Extension
Check out the number of devices / platforms it supports
iPhone 3G / 4
Nexus One
Nexus S etc..
In order to start developing applications using Sencha Touch, it is highly
recommended that you have a working web server where you can host your
application. It's possible to develop Sencha Touch applications, viewing local
folders with your web browser. Without a web server you won't be able to test
your application using any mobile devices.
You can run the application on your web browser by using:
Using Safari web browser to examine your Sencha Touch application during
development, and the Safari Web Inspector is a huge part of that. Both Chrome
and Firefox have similar tools (Chrome Developer Tools and Firebug for Firefox),
but as iOS devices use Safari for their web browser.