Big Query | Error: Not Found: Project <project-id> - google-bigquery

I'm getting the below error in Big Query Browser Tool.
Error: Not Found: Project
Have verified that, Big Query API is turned ON and billing also enabled.
Please let me know the solution for this.

I had found that this error occurred if (when) cookies were disabled in your browser. Let me know if this resolves this issue. You may also test via other methods, i.e. API, etc... to make sure that your account is actually enabled - Here's the URL - URL to BigQuery API documentation

See BigQuery error in query operation : Project id not found.
It looks like there is an issue with projects that were created via appengine. Let me know if that is the case for your project.


Bigquery to Redshift data transfer using AWS SCT failing?

I am trying to migrate data from Bigquery to Redshift using this article. I followed through and successfully got till "Start the Local Data Migration Task".I had to setup AWS profile to access "Data Migration View(Other)". AWS profile was setup using access key and access secret of an admin user account in AWS.
What am I missing ?However, upon starting the task I keep getting following error:
class cannot be cast to class ( and are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
I tried to check AWS documentation and looked around but this error is not listed anywhere. I cannot seem to understand that, why is type casting from FileCredentials to UserCredentials is being done ?
Anyone faced a similar issue or can point me in right direction please ?
Based on my testing, I have determined that this is an issue in the 1.0.670 version of SCT. A request has been submitted to correct the issue. In the meantime, to allow you to continue with your project, please revert to AWS-SCT version 1.0.666 using this link.
You will have to uninstall SCT and the extractor agent then reinstall and configure the previous version(s) as you did before.

WT 8-1: Getting HTTP GET on resource '' failed: not found (404)

I'm doing mule 4 training and currently I'm on WT 8-1. I followed all the steps as they told and when I run the project it deployed successfully. But when I call "http://localhost:8081/american" from postman it gives me the following error.
Although the status is Started on Runtime Manager as below.
In API Manager the status is Active as well.
And I cannot figure out what's the issue. Can anyone please tell me what should I do?
Really appreciate the help 🙂
Likely your app deployed locally is not calling the right URL for the API deployed in CloudHub. Maybe the URL should be or something like it.

Connecting IntelliJ Idea Servers to what info is actually needed?

I'm trying to configure IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.2 in order to get the tasks from a private repository on
To do that I have to create the corresponding entry in the Servers window.
Now, I don't have the faintest idea about how I should fill the Servers form in IDEA.
What URL I have to use for Server URL ?
What token ?
Any advice? Thx in advance.
UPDATE: Based on the information mentioned in the issue IDEA-193736, the connectivity problem with the new GitLab Issues API (V4) should be fixed when the update 2018.2 is released.
The URL didn't work for me as the API URL was updated to V4 on GitLab. So, after some trial and error I was able to make it work by completing the following steps:
Create a Personal Access Token on GitLab ( with API and read_user access permissions
In IntelliJ (or Pycharm in my case), the Server URL should be (with the question mark at the end)
The token is the Personal Access Token that was generated previously
Also, don't forget to increase the connection timeout to 15000 milliseconds under the Tasks section in the Settings (Settings => Tools => Tasks).
Task Server Screenshot
Hope it helps someone else.
[EDIT] This answer was valid in '17, when it was created. For an up to date anwer, pls see other answers in the thread.
So, here's how to do it.
First of all, go to gitlab.
Access with your data and get a personal access token.
Then, you can configure IntelliJ Idea with the following values:
You can now check all your GitLab's issues directly in Idea, as shown here below.

Unable to add connector update from Mulesoft exchange

I am using AnypointStudio 3.7 and trying to install object-store plugin from exchange. but when I click on install button I got an error displaying the message
"There was a problem loading the update site located at"
The same error also occurs in order to install other plugins/connector like box from same repository.
I have tried to add the plugin from Help->Install New software window but there also getting the same error.
error getting here is :
"Unable to read repository at"
However I am able to install the updates from other sites like Anypoint update, DevKit etc but not able to install updates from connector update site.
Please anyone help me to find the reason why Anypoint is behaving like this:
FYI , I am using proxy setting in my machine. Could it be the cause of failure?
Thanks in advance !!
Instead of adding from exchange, you can also try an option to add new software from Help -> Install New Software -> work with "Anypoint connector update site" -> specify "objectstore" in search. Select the appropriate ve
#Md. Sadique Ansari ... Please check this url from your browser first because this error mostly due to network firewall setting.
Are you assessing this in your organization network ??
I spotted the message about this in the error logs...googling lead me here...
I noticed, in my attempts to manually test the urtl in a browser that some paths got flipped to I changed the url in preferences to use HTTPS...and now no errors in the log!
(No updates either but...)

Mondrian Can't find Schema in VFS when used in a Webapp

I have a webapp that I'm trying to use Mondrian within. And I'm getting the following exception when I try to open a connection:
Caused by: mondrian.olap.MondrianException: Mondrian Error:Internal error: Virtual file is not readable: /WEB-INF/olap/mycube.xml
I have tested this cube using a plain J2SE program from the command line, and it works fine. However, when I tried to execute the same cube in my web application I get the error above. My connect string is the following:
This is very similar to what I've found in the Mondrian web application. However, somehow that application has installed the ServletContext in the VFS, but there is exactly zero documentation out there that I can find through google about any sort of special configuration for mondrian in a web application.
I have worked around the issue by setting the path to the schema to be absolute reference instead of relative to webapp context. While this has allowed me to continue testing it is not a suitable solution to the problem. I'm looking for a answer on how to that fix the exception that allows a webapp context relative URL.
I think you need to specify the work file in the Catalog,
I cant recall if it was absolute path or not, try both again.
I would also double check the connection string just to make sure it's written properly. Also, here is a link that might end up helpful if you don't have it already.
Try to add jndi:/ at the beggining of your path: