IDEA: How to change toolbar color indicating whether particular line is covered by tests? - intellij-idea

I've embraced the darker side of productive coding and now find the "line covered" and "line not covered" color not too flashy and not sufficiently distinctive. I'd like to make it brighter (bright green and bright red would be nice)
How can i change it please?

You can change the colors in settings, but not the opacity which is hardcoded:
If it's not possible to achieve what you want by changing the color, submit a request to make the opacity configurable.


How do I change the background color of the upper right hand corner of VS Code?

Can someone please tell me the workbench.colorCustomizations option to change the background color of the upper right area of VS code? It is driving me crazy going through all the options and I can't find it. Is there a guide that tells you what all of these areas are? It is so hard to guess what the tags means.
I have a theme that I like but I just want to darken the background because it is a bit too light for my eyes.
I believe you are looking for the area where the tabs are placed, which includes under those split, etc., icons to the right:
"editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground": "#ff0000"
see in general
from theme color reference that is the best source for figuring what applies where.

Filling in Hollow Area Only for Bootstrap Glyphicon

I'm using Bootstrap glyphicons for a web app and love the flexibility of being able to leverage them as fonts, since that's what they are, not graphics. However, I'm running into a challenge with the glyphicon-remove-sign icon, which has a colored circle surrounding an otherwise empty "x". I like the default look of the black surrounding the "x" and want to use it to close a rounded-cornered iframe. But, because that "x" is empty, it displays whatever is behind it:
Ideally, I'd want to have that hollow "x" be a different color like white, easy enough to do with background colors, except that creates a box around the otherwise vectored font and looks unsightly for my usage, which has multiple colors to contend with behind the icon:
The question is: is there a way to just fill in the empty space inside the hollow area of this glyphicon without this kludgy-looking box? I looked at using a clip-path with the background color, but that won't work with IE. I welcome any recommendations anyone may have for a fix here -- thanks in advance.
create a wrapper div of the glyphicon, give it border-radius as to imitate the circle streching it and then give that background color

XAML Theme Brushes - Switching Dynamically, cursor doesn't change

First Off, I found this extremely useful page on theme brushes:
So Roughly, on startup for WinRT/XAML I am setting my theme brush for a textbox in a stylesheet:
Foreground = TextBoxDisabledForegroundThemeBrush
Background = TextBoxDisabledBackgroundThemeBrush
Which at run time makes the textbox appear as: white border, transparent background and grey text. Which I was hoping it would make it transparent, white border and white text.
On my Tapped event, I change the textbox to:
Foreground = TextBoxButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush
Background = TextBoxButtonPressedForegroundThemeBrush
Which is supposed to be black background, white text and white border. Which seems right, but the cursor is back and you cannot see it.
First question is, am I doing this right to change my text color? I want to change the textbox so once it is selected it stays a changed color. I think this is correct. But I am not sure if I should be setting Foreground or maybe a Font Style instead?
Unfortunately you can't change caret color so if you want your TextBox editable - you should keep the background white or otherwise light. Otherwise, controlling the look of your control in its various states is best done using VisualStateManager and that is easiest to manipulate using Blend.

Background color of a Gtk.TextView - can't see selection

I successfully changed the background color of a Gtk.TextView (GTK3) with method override_background_color:
I also override the foreground color.
Unfortunatelly in that case making a selection in the text is invisible.
How can I modify the background and foreground color of a TextView without loosing the visible text selecting?
It's best to format the text in a GtkTextView by using GtkTextTags. You can apply any sort of text formatting(background & foreground colors, font, size, weight, etc..) to any portion of the text.
Click here for an example.
Hope that helps!
By the way, what you're doing is changing the style of your TextView. In Gtk it's best to stay away from doing this, especially if you aren't in a controlled environment or plan on releasing your software for others to use, because gtk's philosophy is to leave the styling and theming up to the end user for their own personal touches/needs.
This is why you are getting some unwanted results by overriding style colors.
In terms of a GtkTextView it does however offer simple formatting of the text(even support for adding images/widgets) via use of GtkTextTags as the link shows above.

How to apply the window-frame roundTextured bezel style to an NSButton that's not in the window frame?

If you can edit the title and make it shorter, good on ya. Which is to say, sorry for the title length :P
In the HIG:
Scroll down to the section "Window Frame Controls". Buttons with NSTexturedRoundedBezelStyle draw differently when placed in an NSToolBar (darker gradient).
Putting HIG questions aside, I need the darker bezel for a button that is not in the window frame. It seems there is some flag which I am missing.
I can obviously just draw it myself, but wanted to check if there's just something totally obvious I am missing here?
Kind regards,
As of Lion, the Round Textured button is translucent, which means that some of the background shows through it. That's why it looks different in the toolbar, because there's a darker background behind it.
There is no magic flag to change this behaviour, the only way to give it a darker appearance would be to place it on a darker background.