get all tableview cells, even the non visible - objective-c

I need to loop through tableview cells in different sections to calculate something in each one; however when I try to do this:
CustomCell * c = (CustomCell *)[self.table cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:i]
if the section "i" is not visible I can't get the content inside.
I must say that the content I want to calculate in each cell will vary before I call the calculate method, so I can't populate the tableview then calculate.
Any ideas?

You should not be performing calculations based on the content of UITableViewCell objects, because they fundamentally belong to the presentation layer; there should be no calculations going on in the presentation layer, only hiding and displaying things.
For calculations, you should go directly to the layer from which your UITableViewDataSource gets its data (presumably, that would be your model classes) and do the calculations there. Better yet, move the calculation to the model layer, and put out a method for getting it on demand.
If you are modifying the existing code written by someone else, start by examining the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method in the UITableViewDataSource to see from where it gets its data. Presumably, that place has all the data available, regardless of whether it is showing on the screen or not.


In UICollectionView why do we have dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:forIndexPath:

instead of the normal
This dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:forIndexPath: requires us to register stuffs. Which is annoying.
The question does not ask why we bother dequeing cell at all. I know why. This question ask why we do not dequeue UICollectionView the way we dequeue UITableView
For performance reasons, a collection view's data source should generally reuse UICollectionViewCell objects when it assigns cells to items in its collectionView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method. A collection view maintains a queue or list of UICollectionView objects that the data source has marked for reuse.

Modifying the results of a Core Data fetch request before displaying them

I've got an application which pulls back data from a database using Core Data, and displaying it in a custom cell in a UITableView, via an NSFetchedResultsController. I'd like to randomly insert a different type of custom cell every now and then (say, between every 10 and 20 cells), which will NOT get its data from that same database, and will be a different subclass of UITableViewCell.
I'm a little stumped on how I get in the middle of the NSFetchedResultsController and the UITableView Data Source methods. I have various options which allow the data that's pulled in to be sorted, filtered, etc., so I can't rely on using indexPath or anything like that.
What's the best approach to doing something like this? I know I can access fetchedObjects of the NSFetchedResultsController – is copying and modifying that the right way forward? Create, say, fetchedObjectWithInterstitialCells, and feed all of the Data Source and Delegate methods with the contents of that array?
Is there a better way / are there alternative ways to do it? I'll need to be able to retain the ability to sort / modify / filter the data from the database, while at all times keeping these interstitial cells at that same interval of randomly between every 10 and 20 cells.
I would consider one of the following three operations:
A: Insert objects into the database that are pulled along with the other data, but has properties to differentiate them enough to display the different subclass of the UITableViewCell. Probably the easiest way out, unless you have a very difficult datamodel.
B: If you can group your data from the data store into sections by using the sectionNameKeyPath-attribute on the NSFetchedResultsController, go for the NSFetchedResultsController + UITableViewDataSource-approach, and then return [[self.fetchedResultsController sections] count] + numberOfInterstitialCells; inside numberOfSectionsInTableView:.
In cellForRowAtIndexPath you would then need to override the section-info from the indexpath in order to switch between the right object from FetchedResultscontroller and your interstitial cells. This is probably a cumbersome and difficult way to do it, but if you are on iOS6 using parentContexts, the benefit from having implemented the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate is awesome
C: Fetch the objects with a normal fetchrequest and put them into a mutable array in which you insert your interstitial cells, before you load your view and feed your UITableViewDataSource with this array. As easy as option A, but you won't get the benefits of having the NSFetchedResults-Controller.

NSBrowser setRowHeight, not supported for browsers with matrix delegates

I have an NSBrowser and try to use setRowHeight, but I get the error:
"setRowHeight: is not supported for browsers with matrix delegates."
I really don't understand what this means, and if someone could help me out by either telling me how to fix it or even just what a matrix delegate is, it would be much appreciated.
A delegate is a helper object that you tell the NSBrowser instance about either by using -setDelegate: in code or hooking the delegate outlet up in IB (the NIB editor). It is commonly used to fill the browser's data, determine programmatically the layout options, etc.
If you have a delegate assigned in your NSBrowser instance, you are expected (required) to give the row height using the delegate method:
- (CGFloat)browser:(NSBrowser *)browser heightOfRow:(NSInteger)row inColumn:(NSInteger)columnIndex
Which will allow you to optionally set the row height on a per-row basis, but in your case, you can safely return a constant.
A NSBrowser creates one instance of NSMatrix per column. The browser itself only manages the columns and leaves row management entirely to the matrices. The matrices display cell objects (NSCell or subclasses of it). A cell is a simple displayable object that knows nothing but how to draw itself. Unlike a view (NSView and subclasses), it never manages an own drawing context, it also doesn't belong to a window (and thus won't ever directly access the window's drawing context) and it knows nothing about the "view hierarchy" (superviews, subviews, view order, constraints, etc.), it just manages some properties, some state and knows how to draw itself to a drawing context provided.
If your delegate works with items (the docs speak about "the item delegate methods"), the developers of NSBrowser thought it's unlikely that you ever want to deal with matrices directly, thus the browser will control all the display aspects for you. You are only supposed to hand out items (basically arbitrary objects) in your delegate and answer questions about them by implementing various delegate methods. E.g.: What is the root item? Is item x a leaf item or has children? How many children does it have? What's child number n of item x? What display object (string, image, etc.) shall I use to display that item?
If you don't work with items, you have to work directly with the cells (NSBrowserCell, a subclass of NSCell) that the matrix owns and is going to display. In that case you are said to be a "browser matrix delegate". That means the browser will only ask you how many rows a column has, setup a matrix with cells for you for that column and finally pass every cell once to your delegate, so you can do something meaningful with it, e.g. fill it with displayable content, otherwise the cell would just be empty, and teach it all the stuff the browser has to know (e.g. setting the leaf property).
As a matrix based delegate has to deal with cells directly, it can as well also deal with the matrices directly and in fact that his exactly what you have to do here. E.g. if you want that all rows of your browser have a height of 50 points, implement the following NSBrowser delegate method:
- (void)browser:(NSBrowser *)browser
NSMatrix * matrix = [browser matrixInColumn:column];
CGSize cellSize = [matrix cellSize];
if (cellSize.height != 50) {
cellSize.height = 50;
matrix.cellSize = cellSize;
[matrix sizeToCells];
Every matrix created by the browser is passed to that method at least once before it gets displayed on screen. In case that matrix is not using a cell height of 50 already, we change that and finally tell the matrix to re-layout; that is important as otherwise it won't recalculate its total height. The if is only to avoid that we call sizeToCells more often than necessary as this call may be rather expensive. In this example all columns get equal row height but of course you can set a different row heights per column.

iOS storyboard: how to handle dynamic, floating content?

My App contains a news-section. I'm trying to create a View in my storyboard which will show an news item. A news contains of a title, a date, an image, and some text.
Content like this would be easy to display in HTML since it's content is floating, but as far as I understand iOS elements have a fixed size. I think a UILabel could be fine for title and date, UIImage for the image and a UITextView for the text. I think all elements should be inside a scroll view. The problem is, that the title for some news will fill one line but for other news multiple lines.
How can I handle a setup like this in a storyboard? A link to a guide, tutorial would be fine.
There are a lot of different ways you could approach this. Ultimately you have control of the size of any of these elements at runtime. From a UX point of view you'd probably want to keep at least some of the elements fixed in size (e.g., the image and the scrollview representing the total size of the news item). That would leave playing with the relative sizes of the title and the detail. If you want to show the entire title you can use the sizeWithFont method (or one of its variations) of the NSString class to calculate how much space to use for the title, and allocate space from the remaining amount to the detail as desired.
UPDATED: I might add that I intended this as a general strategy, not specifically aimed at the new iOS 5 Storyboard functionality.
UPDATED: Well, no tutorial but here are some general guidelines (at least about the way I might tackle it).
I'd set up a NewsItem class that encapsulates the elements that you describe here, similar to what I've laid out in the example image. How you expose NewsItem is something of a matter of taste; you might want to start with a UITableView as a container as it would make managing a NewsItem collection simpler. I'd subclass UITableViewCell as NewsItemTableViewCell, and generate a nominal layout for a NewsItem using Interface Builder. So in the example image, a news item would correspond to one table row.
The main part that you are asking about is identified by the red and blue frames in the image. Using the above approach, I would add logic in the NewsItemTableViewCell to calculate the extent of the title -- this assumes that the View (in this case, the NewsItemTableViewCell) has explicit knowledge of the Model (the underlying data for the news item) in the form of a reference (i.e, an instance of a NewsItem class
that contains the items you've described retrieved from a web service). If the width of the title is greater than the default width of the red frame, I'd adjust the height of the red frame (increasing it) at the same time decreasing the height of the blue frame. This kind of approach avoids having to include extra logic for differing cell heights within the table.
An alternative I often use is to have a Controller class mediate between the View and the Model. This can be useful when you have a requirement that your table contain different kinds of cells; it also makes tableview cell reuse much simpler. In this case, declare a base class. This might look something like:
#protocol GenericCellController
- (UITableViewCell*) tableView:(UITableView*)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;
- (void) tableView:(UITableView*)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;
and then:
#interface NewsItemTableCellController : NSObject<GenericCellController> {
NewsItem* newsitem;
You then set up a collection of table cell controller objects. This has the advantage that when you implement tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: in your tableview controller code, you only have to delegate to the cell controller object at the appropriate row. What's more, you can refer to it using a superclass designation; e.g., in a hypothetical NewsItemTableViewController class you might have:
- (UITableViewCell*) tableView:(UITableView*)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*) path {
NSObject<GenericCellController>* cellController = [cellControllerArray objectAtIndexPath:indexPath.row];
UITableViewCell* cell = [cellController tableView:tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
return cell;
This approach allows you to have any class derived from NSObject in the collection and polymorphically use delegation to have the derived class handle the rendering logic. The derived Controller class has its own implementation of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: with a corresponding UITableViewCell-derived subclass as described above.
If you decide to go this way, there are numerous examples of the basics of tableviews and their controllers that you can use as a preface to implementing these ideas.

Memory limit to number of items in table view

Is there a memory issue regarding the number of items in the list I am displaying in my table view? If the user keeps adding items will the application eventually crash or something due to memory issues?
To answer your questions:
There's no black and white answer to this. To try my best to explain, think of UITableView as sort of like a visual data array. In fact, most people (myself included) use a source data object like an NSArray or an NSDictionary to provide the display data for a UITableView. All the memory limitations that would apply to these objects (arrays and dictionaries) apply to your UITableView, assuming your UITableView is set up properly and you're using the recommended techniques for reusing cells. What this boils down to is: Is it possible to have a very large UITableView? - Yes. How long though, this I don't know. I've created UITableViews with complex subclassed cells and 200 rows and they worked fine. It depends on how you set up the table and the data source you're using. Bear in mind again that the limitation is due to the data source. Have an extremely large array and eventually your device will throw a memory warning. As a best practice, use pagination. There are tonnes of tutorials online to enable paging on UITableViews. Lazy load your images (if any) if they are being downloaded.
Yes you can. You can do lots of amazing things if you're creative enough while subclassing UITableViewCells. Otherwise, you can use the standard UITableViewCell as well. There are two labels on there: The textLabel and the detailTextLabel. Use these two to display the data you want.
Your UITableViewDelegate has a didSelectRowAtIndexPath method which you can implement. As long as your view controller housing the UITableView is set to be it's delegate, it will respond to didSelectRowAtIndexPath.
Just empty the array you're using as a data source (bear in mind that your numberOfRowsInSection data source method MUST use the array count) and call reloadData on the UITableView
EDIT: The question got edited, so only point 1 from the above 4 points applies to the question :) The others are nice to know though
Nothing table-specific, but yes, you will run out.
The most important thing is probably to use dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: in your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: delegate method. This basically cuts down memory usage to the number of visible cells (plus one being scrolled into view).