Rails how to write Bootstrap popover in an index file - ruby-on-rails-3

I have a Bootstrap popover working in a Rails form:
<%= f.input :r_desc, :label => 'Description', :input_html => {:rows => '10', :class => "span8", "data-content" => 'Uses Textile styling', "data-title" => 'TEXTILE'} %>
That uses the :input_html to place the popover contents.
But, how do I write one into a Rails index line?
<td><%= screencast.desc %></td>
I'd like to add this to the screencast.desc:
rel="popover" data-content="<%= screencast.desc %>" data-original-title="Description">
But, I'm not sure how to place that code into the screencast.desc display code.
Update -----
This works - but, it's not exactly what I want. It turns the data field into a button.
<td><%= screencast.title %></td>
Update 2 ---- THIS WORKS!
<td><a rel="popover" data-content="<%= screencast.desc %>" data-original-title="Description"><%= screencast.title %></a></td>

This works:
<td><a rel="popover" data-content="<%= screencast.desc %>" data-original-title="Description"><%= screencast.title %></a></td>


Update don´t get the value of local when doing an update using i18n

I have tried to use i18n internationalization in my application.
It works very well when I do a Show (index), Create, and Edit. My problem is when I do an update.
When I press the update button I don´t get the :locale value back
Normaly I get these values back.
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
level: '5_3'
menu_item: '5'
menu_level: '5_3_1'
action: index
controller: communication_mails
locale: dk
The URL looks like:
When I press the Edit button I get these values back. (The “Button” is a link). Locale is still ok.
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
level: '5_3'
menu_item: '5'
menu_level: '5_3_2'
action: edit
controller: communication_mails
locale: dk
id: '2'
The URL now looks like:
My problem is when I now press the “Update” button under the form field the redirection don´t get the value of locale back... It instead uses the ID.
--- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
level: '5_3'
menu_item: '5'
menu_level: '5_3_1'
action: index
controller: communication_mails
locale: '2'
The URL now looks like:
My route looks something likes this:
scope "/:locale" do
resources :communication_mails
resources :communication_mails do
collection do
get 'communication_mails'
post 'communication_mails'
put 'communication_mails'
root :to => redirect("/dk/tests/")
match '/communication_mails/:id/edit(.:format)', :to => 'communication_mails#edit'
match '/communication_mails/:id/', :to => 'communication_mails#index'
match '/communication_mails', :to => 'communication_mails#index'
My Controller is made like this.
def edit
#communication_mail = CommunicationMail.find(params[:id])
#show_calendars = Calendar.where(:calendar_priority => '1')
#show_email_text = CommunicationMail.find_by_sql("SELECT calendars.id,
calendar_name, communication_mail_headline, communication_mail_text
FROM calendars LEFT OUTER JOIN communication_mails
ON communication_mails.communication_mail_calendar_id = calendars.id
WHERE communication_mails.communication_mail_priority = '1'")
def update
#communication_mail = CommunicationMail.update(params[:id], params[:communication_mail])
#show_calendars = Calendar.where(:calendar_priority => '1')
#show_email_text = CommunicationMail.find_by_sql("SELECT calendars.id,
calendar_name, communication_mail_headline, communication_mail_text
FROM calendars LEFT OUTER JOIN communication_mails
ON communication_mails.communication_mail_calendar_id = calendars.id
WHERE communication_mails.communication_mail_priority = '1'")
if #communication_mail
redirect_to communication_mails_path(:menu_item => '5', :level => '5_3', :menu_level => '5_3_1'),
:notice => 'Opdateringen af E-mail tekst lykkedes'
redirect_to communication_mails_path(:menu_item => '5', :level => '5_3', :menu_level => '5_3_1'),
:notice => 'Opdateringen af E-mail tekst lykkedes IKKE'
I have solved many questions by looking through these pages. But I can´t find an answer to this one.
I hope some one can help me out. Thanks in in advance.
My routes looks like this:
GET /:locale/communication_mails/communication_mails(.:format) communication_mails#communication_mails
POST /:locale/communication_mails/communication_mails(.:format) communication_mails#communication_mails
PUT /:locale/communication_mails/communication_mails(.:format) communication_mails#communication_mails
GET /:locale/communication_mails(.:format) communication_mails#index
POST /:locale/communication_mails(.:format) communication_mails#create
GET /:locale/communication_mails/new(.:format) communication_mails#new
GET /:locale/communication_mails/:id/edit(.:format) communication_mails#edit
GET /:locale/communication_mails/:id(.:format) communication_mails#show
PUT /:locale/communication_mails/:id(.:format) communication_mails#update
DELETE /:locale/communication_mails/:id(.:format) communication_mails#destroy
The form I use to send and update the data
<%= form_for(#communication_mail) do |f| %>
<table class="toggle_header2">
<td class="nobr width50px font_size13 font_weight_bold color03 border_left">
<%= t('forms.calendar') %>
<td class="color03 border_right">
<%= collection_select(:communication_mail,
{:include_blank => true },
{:prompt => true})
<td class="nobr width50px font_size13 font_weight_bold color03 border_left">
<%= t('forms.headline') %>
<td class="color03 border_right">
<%= f.text_field :communication_mail_headline, :class => 'width350px' %>
<td class="nobr align_top font_size13 font_weight_bold color03 border_left">
<%= t('forms.text') %>
<td class="color03 border_right">
<%= f.text_area :communication_mail_text, :class => 'width350px' %>
<td class="color03 border_left">
<%= f.hidden_field :communication_mail_priority, :value => '1' %>
<td class="color03 border_right">
<% if action_name == 'edit' || action_name == 'update' %>
<%= f.submit t('buttons.update') %>
<% else %>
<%= f.submit t('buttons.insert') %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
If you pick your :locale value from params, you have incorrect approach in your routing.
Update: be sure you are passing :locale value to your routing helpers on update action.
This code will generate routes with scope only for index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy actions.
scope "/:locale" do
resources :communication_mails
This code will add additional routes to :communication_mails, but without scope.
resources :communication_mails do
collection do
get 'communication_mails'
post 'communication_mails'
put 'communication_mails'
Solution is to combine. You have to define :scope for all of your :communication_mails actions.
scope "/:locale" do
resources :communication_mails do
collection do
get 'communication_mails'
post 'communication_mails'
put 'communication_mails'
Please read documentation about routing (it is basics): http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html

Displaying a pdf in fancybox on rails3 uploaded with carrierwave?

I'm attempting to have fancybox display a pdf in a iframe, right now it currently just downloads the pdf to the users computer, I'd like to have it viewable in the browser inside the modal/fancybox.
current view is:
<% for issue in #issues %>
<td><%= issue.date %></td>
<td><%= link_to "view pdf", issue.pdf_url, :class => "fancybox" %>
<td><%= link_to "Show", issue %></td>
<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_issue_path(issue) %></td>
<td><%= link_to "Destroy", issue, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td>
<% end %>
I figure there is a way i could use the google doc viewer found here but i'm not entirely sure how i would create the link? and how would i test locally since the viewer would obviously not be able see the pdf if i'm running from a localhost.
What solutions are available for rails? I'd like to host the pdfs locally.
Also is there a way to use rmagick to generate a png or jpg of the 1st page to use as a preview?
I went ahead and tried using this as my link however it pulls an error.
<%= link_to "view pdf", 'http://docs.google.com/gview?url=#<%= issue.pdf_url %>', :class => "fancybox" %>
error is
/app/views/issues/index.html.erb:10: syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting ')'
...);#output_buffer.safe_concat('\', :class => "fancybox" %>
... ^
you cant use erb code inside erb.
Use as following:
<%= link_to "view pdf", 'http://docs.google.com/gview?url=#{u(issue.pdf_url)}', :class => "fancybox" %>
url encode issue.pdf_url

Is it possible to use MetaSearch on checkboxes for strings?

I have an index page of Users that I want to filter with a search form using MetaSearch. However the values I want to search when I checkbox is clicked are stored as strings. For example, here's a form I want to apply MetaSearch to:
<% form_for(current_user.profile) do |f| %>
<table id="careerCriteria">
<td class="normal"><%= current_user.profile.hometown %></td>
<td><%= check_box_tag :hometown %></td>
<td class="normal"><%= current_user.profile.current_city %></td>
<td><%= check_box_tag :current_city %></td>
<td class="normal"><%= current_user.profile.past_city %></td>
<td><%= check_box_tag :past_city %></td>
<% end %>
My User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :profile, :dependent => :destroy
I don't want to use a search button. I want the filter(s) to be applied when the checkbox (or checkboxes) are clicked. I'm new to programming so any help would be appreciated!
You'll need a little ajax & query to accomplish this.
Here's a good article to show you how to make the checkbox submit the form.
What you'll want to do is create an action in the controller that handles your search. Here's an example of a search action...
def search
if params[:term].blank?
raise "You must provide search criteria."
params[:term] = "%#{params[:term]}%"
conditions = " Description LIKE :term"
#careers = Career.all(
:conditions => [conditions, params],
:offset => params[:offset],
:limit => params[:limit]
respond_with #careers
You'll also need to setup a route for this search for this action.
resources :careers do
get "search/:term/:offset/:limit.:format", :action => "search", :constraints => { :offset => /\d+/, :limit => /\d+/ }
Once you get the form submitting to this action you should be able to use jQuery to update the results.
Now keep in mind if you don't want to use Ajax & jQuery to load the results you can do so, you'll just take the remote action out of the form tag and it will refresh the whole page.

Why is Rails displaying memory addresses on my page?

My view:
<h1><%= #territory.name %></h1>
<%= link_to 'List of Territories', territories_path %>
<%= render 'shared/address_form' %>
<%= #addresses.each do |address| %>
<td><%= address.name %></td>
<td><%= address.street %></td>
<td><%= address.district %></td>
<td><%= address.note %></td>
<% end %>
The form I render here is:
<%= form_for [#territory, #new_address] do |f| %>
<%= f.label :address %><br />
<%= f.text_area :address %>
<div class='file-wrapper'>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>
Here is the territories controller, where the instance variable addresses is defined:
class TerritoriesController < ApplicationController
def index
#territories = Territory.all
def show
#territory = Territory.find(params[:id])
#new_address = #territory.addresses.build
#addresses = #territory.addresses
Why is Rails displaying
#<Address:0x7e088224>#<Address:0x7e0881d4>#<Address:0x7e088134>#<Address:0x7e088094># <Address:0x7e087ff4>#<Address:0x7e087f54>#<Address:0x7e087eb4>#<Address:0x7e087e14>#<Address:0x7e087d74>#<Address:0x7e0bce48>
after the form and before the table?
Check your layouts (app/views/layouts/*). Most likely you have included some ERB code in the one that is being rendered with this page that displays these addresses. Is that the full code of your view?
Edit: I found your solution. Right now, you have <%= #addresses.each ... %>. The each method runs the block on all elements, and then returns the list of elements. You do not want this code to be displayed. Remove the = so that <%= is just <%
You have some view code somewhere (in a layout or a view helper) that is implicitly calling the to_s method of your Address model instances. Look for something like <%= #address %>.
As you have seen, the non-overridden behaviour of the to_s method is to output the memory address of the object instance.
Those are not memory addresses. Those are instances of your Address class. If you'd override the to_s method in that class, you'd see that output there instead. And the reason you see those object printed out is your use of <%=. Changing this line
<%= #addresses.each do |address| %>
to this
<% #addresses.each do |address| %>
should fix it.
First: I can see no form in your view.
Second: Your view looks ok.
Have a look at your layout files.

how to query in view ruby on rails

i have this in the controller
#ads = Ad.all(:joins => 'LEFT JOIN states ON ads.state_id = states.id')
but i have problem to query field of states table.
any idea?
<% #ads.each do |ad| %>
<td><%= ad.title %></td> <- title is ad field.no problem
<td><%= ad.name %></td> <- name is states field.problem at here
<% end %>
I don't think this will work unless you have associations set up. Unless performance is a concern, you may just want to use the association without joins
class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :state
class State < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :ads
#ads = Ad.all
<% #ads.each do |ad| %>
<td><%= ad.title %></td>
<%= ad.state.name %>
<% end %>
I think you need to put this: ads.state_id = states.id like this: #{ads.state_id = states.id}
The #{ } will evaluate the ruby code inside. Otherwise what you have is just text inside a string.
I'm not quite sure what your issue is, though, so I'm not totally sure that will fix it.