How to use <= inside an XML element? - sql

I have a config.xml file that contains a SQL query. The query will end up getting read and performed in c#. However, I need to know how to write the query contained inside the XML element. The problem is that the query uses <= in a WHERE statement. The '<' part of the query causes the XML to think it is supposed to esacpe the element, I think. How can i include this basic select statement in the XML file? I noticed > works fine. Obviously, I could swap the order of the comparison, but I want to know how I can specifically include < please.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Source>Data Source=XXX-XXX; Initial Catalog=MyData;Integrated Security=True</Source>
<Query>Select * FROM Info WHERE EffectiveDate <= GETDATE() </Query>

Use a CDATA block. Then you wouldn't have to encode your query.
For example:
Select * FROM Info WHERE EffectiveDate <= GETDATE()

You could encode the < character in the config file < and decode it for use.


Error: XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it

The functionality is like, we could write the plane SQL queries in XML and then we could import that xml in Product to see the changes in database.
In Update statement, I need to use the below update query. But getting 'XML declaration must be the first node in the document' error when trying to set column value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Metadata ClientSchemaVersion="1.1" Name="DummyName">
Set //In next line, error is comming
ColumnName='<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-16le'' ?><scenario xmlns='Text'><id>12345</id><title>
WHERE Condition
How I could achieve that use case. Could someone help me out here.
Note- The same Update Query is working fine if ran in SQL Server directly
Two XML declarations (<?xml ... ?>) are not allowed in an XML document. Only one is permitted, and it must be at the very top of the document.
Here are two ways you can repair your XML:
Remove the second XML declaration. The default for that SQL-embedded XML will then be XML version 1.0 with UTF-8 encoding.
If the processing application supports it, wrap the SQL in a CDATA section such that the SQL-embedded XML document is no longer parsed as XML.
... SQL with embedded XML that can contain its own XML declaration ...
See also
Error: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed

Field value query with special character and unfiltered search returning unexpected results?

Field value query is giving unexpected results when any special character(#,=,#,$,%,^,*) is passed.
please find the 4 sample docs I have inserted in to ML.
CTS Query :
cts:field-value-query("Sample","######*()", ("unwildcarded")),
On running this query I am getting all the documents.
As per my understanding, it should return an empty sequence.
please find below the field I have created.
Field (in XML format) :
<field xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
Index setting:
If I will add any alphabet(s) in the search string it will give me the correct results.
Please help me to resolve this issue?
Try passing "exact" as an option to cts:field-value-query:
cts:field-value-query("Sample","######*()", ("exact")),
MarkLogic has an index for exact values to help in cases like this. Note it's only on when you have both case sensitive and diacritic sensitive indexes enabled (which you do). I know this works for cts:element-value-query so I expect it will for cts:field-value-query as well.
Use instead the 'exact' option in the field-value-query.
This requires the fast diacritic- and case-sensitive options, but you already have those enabled.
You can also try xdmp:plan before and after using 'exact' to see the effect on the query plan.
In the 'tokenizer overrides' option for your field, add these special character(#,=,#,$,%,^,*) as words (select 'word').
These special characters are not considered for matching by default. You need to override the default tokenizer to include them as words.
May I know what output are you expecting on passing this cts:element-word-query(xs:QName("journalTitle"),"=====S") for the above given for xmls.
Changing the one character searches to true in database config, resolves the issue in element-word-query.

Xml node name Parsing using SQL

I need to get the value of the tag "supervisor....." The problem is that those tag name are dynamic, they change for each person. I have tried using Extract value but it works only if you use a static tag name.
It is in Oracle environment.
Thanks for your help.
XML Extract
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<supervisorCalcAttributes classType="Ht">
<SupervisorId10977 classType="s">Matt, Clinton</SupervisorId10977>
<SupervisorId4753 classType="s">Bob, Sponge</SupervisorId4753>
SQL Query
Extractvalue( xmltype('<root>'||txndata.data_cache||'</root>'),
'root/TRANSACTION[1]/TransCtx[1]/supervisorCalcAttributes[1]/**LineItem**[1]' ) as test
from hrc_txn_data txndata, hrc_txn_header txnhe
where txnhe.transaction_id=txndata.transaction_id

XML parsing error in SQL Server stored procedure

I want to parse the below XML in a SQL Server stored procedure and update some tables based on this XML. I have implemented the same using OPENXML but now there is one more line added to the beginning of the XML, because of which am getting unexpected errors. Is it possible to somehow skip the first tag alone while parsing
Parsing code :
set #Lead= (select lead
from openxml(#DOCHANDLE,'/DBO.TBLLEADS',2) with (lead INT 'LEAD'))`
XML here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Well, not the most elegant solution, but will get it back to working:
Before you prepare your XML document, run this statement on the variable containing the XML:
SET #XMLVariable = REPLACE(#XMLVariable, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>', '')
Basically you're leveraging the REPLACE function to replace the unnecessary header string with nothing.

SQL and escaped XML data

I have a table with a mix of escaped and non-escaped XML. Of course, the data I need is escaped. For example, I have:
As you can see, the data in the Node tag is all escaped. I can use a query to obtain the Node data, but how can I convert it to XML in SQL so that it can be parsed and broken up? I'm pretty new to using XML in SQL, and I can't seem to find any examples of this.
You have not given enough information about your end goal, but this will get you very close. FYI - You had two missing ; both after comment&gt
declare #xml xml
set #xml = '
select convert(xml, n.c.value('.', 'varchar(max)'))
from #xml.nodes('Root/InternalData/Node/text()') n(c)
The result is an XML column that you can put into a variable or cross-apply into directly to get data from the XML fragment.
Your best bet might be to look into a HTML Decoding UDF. I did a quick search and found this one:
You may want to modify it so it only decodes > and <. The one above seems to go above and beyond your needs.
#Cyberkiwi's solution seems to be a bit cleaner. I will leave this up in case the version of SQL Server you are running doesn't support his solution.