I need to translate the following query from SQL into an Entity Framework query. Can anyone please help.
var query3 = string.Format(#"
ON Eventlog.SerialNumber = Boxes.SerialNumber
INNER JOIN Employees
ON Eventlog.EmployeeId = Employees.EmployeeId
ActionId = {4}
AND Boxes.Deactivated = 0
AND ( ('*' = '{0}')
OR (Boxes.SerialNumber = '{0}') )
AND ( (-1 = {1})
OR (Employees.EmployeeId = '{1}') )
AND EventTime >= '{2}'
AND EventTime <= '{3}'
", boxFilter3, ReportEmployeeIdFilter, ReportStartDate, ReportEndDate, actionFilter);
Something like this should work:
var query = (from log in context.Eventlog
join box in context.Boxes
on log.SerialNumber equals box.SerialNumber
join employee in context.Employees
on log.EmployeeId equals employee.EmployeeId
where log.ActionId == actionFilter
&& box.Deactivated == 0
&& (boxFilter3 == "*" || box.SerialNumber == boxFilter3)
&& (ReportEmployeeIdFilter == -1 || employee.EmployeeId == ReportEmployeeIdFilter)
&& log.EventTime >= ReportStartDate
&& log.EventTime <= ReportEndDate
select new
T-SQL query:
T1.Date_ PreviousDate_,
MIN(T2.Date_) AS Date_,
DATEDIFF(MINUTE, T1.Date_, MIN(T2.Date_)) AS MinutesDiff
FROM IesLogs T1
ON T1.DiskId = T2.DiskId
where T1.DiskId = 2 AND T2.Date_ > T1.Date_ AND T1.Row = T2.Row
GROUP BY T1.ID,T1.UserId, T1.ServerId, T1.DiskId, T1.Date_, T1.[Row]
ORDER BY T1.DiskId, T1.[Row], T1.Id
I am getting more data than I expected.
var result = (
from i in context.IesLogs
join i2 in context.IesLogs
on i.DiskId equals diskId into i2left
from i3 in i2left.DefaultIfEmpty()
i.UserId == userId
&& i3.Date > i.Date
&& i.Row == i3.Row
group i3 by new {i.Id, i.ServerId,i.DiskId, i.Row, PreviousDate = i.Date, i3.Date} into logs
orderby logs.Key.DiskId, logs.Key.Row,logs.Key.Id ascending
select new IesLogStatisticsDto
Id = logs.Key.Id,
ServerId = logs.Key.ServerId,
DiskId = logs.Key.DiskId,
PreviousDate = logs.Key.PreviousDate,
Date = logs.Min(x => x.Date),
Row = logs.Key.Row,
DateDiff = Convert.ToInt32((logs.Min(x => x.Date) - logs.Key.PreviousDate).TotalMinutes)
I'm getting 12 when I should be getting 6 data. How Can I solve this ?
I think the reason why I'm getting a lot of data is the(i3.Date > i.Date) in the code blog above but I have to implement this line.
Your LINQ query has wrong grouping. You have to remove i3.Date from grouping key.
A little bit refactored:
var query =
from i in context.IesLogs
join i2 in context.IesLogs
on i.DiskId equals diskId into i2left
from i2 in i2left.DefaultIfEmpty()
i.UserId == userId
&& i2.Date > i.Date
&& i.Row == i2.Row
group i2 by new {i.Id, i.ServerId, i.DiskId, i.Row, PreviousDate = i.Date} into logs
orderby logs.Key.DiskId, logs.Key.Row, logs.Key.Id ascending
select new IesLogStatisticsDto
Id = logs.Key.Id,
ServerId = logs.Key.ServerId,
DiskId = logs.Key.DiskId,
PreviousDate = logs.Key.PreviousDate,
Date = logs.Min(x => x.Date),
Row = logs.Key.Row,
DateDiff = Convert.ToInt32((logs.Min(x => x.Date) - logs.Key.PreviousDate).TotalMinutes)
SELECT COUNT(*) as Avalied
FROM LeaveMaster as lm
JOIN LeaveSubsidary as ls
ON lm.TransMasterId = ls.TransMasterId
WHERE lm.SystemCode = 'abc123' AND lm.EmployeeCode = '0014' AND lm.Status ='Approved'
Group by ls.Leave_Type
How would you convert the above sql query to linq? Thanks :)
Edit :
from p in db.PY_LeaveTransactionMasterTAB.AsEnumerable()
join e in db.PY_LeaveTransactionSubsidaryTAB.AsEnumerable() on p.LV_TransMasterId equals e.LV_TransMasterId into grp
where p.SystemCode == SysCode && p.EmployeeCode == EmpCode && p.Status == "Approved"
group grp by e.Leave_Type // This line is invalid Why?
The above is what I have tried so far, why can't I do e.Leave_Type or what is the right way to do group grp by e.Leave_Type?
You could try this:
(from p in db.PY_LeaveTransactionMasterTAB
join e in db.PY_LeaveTransactionSubsidaryTAB on p.LV_TransMasterId equals e.LV_TransMasterId
where p.SystemCode == SysCode && p.EmployeeCode == EmpCode && p.Status == "Approved"
group new {p,e} by new {e.Leave_Type } into gr
select new
Leave_Type = gr.Key.Leave_Type ,
Count = gr.Count()
How to convert INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in the following SQL query to LINQ to SQL? Thanks!
SELECT transactions.postdate,
transactions.clientkey AS TransClientKey,
transactions.type AS TransType,
Isnull(clients.nostmt, 0) AS CliNoStmt,
Isnull(aging.nostmt, 0) AS AgeNoStmt,
FROM ((pmtchecks
INNER JOIN transactions
ON pmtchecks.transkey = transactions.transkey)
INNER JOIN clients
ON transactions.clientkey = clients.clientkey)
ON ( transactions.clientkey = aging.clientkey )
AND ( pmtchecks.debtorkey = aging.debtorkey )
WHERE ( pmtchecks.debtorkey = 36927 )
AND ( transactions.status = 0 )
AND ( transactions.postdate <= '31-May-2012' )
AND ( ( transactions.postdate >= '01-May-2012' )
OR ( clients.clientno = 'UNKNOWN' ) )
ORDER BY pmtchecks.checkdate,
Hi this is kind of dummy code i cnt say its exactly right but the idea will be exactly same to get the result
var anonymousType= (from pm in pmtchecks
join tr in transactions
on pm.transkey equals tr.transkey //INNERJOIN
join cl in clients
on tr.clientKey equals cl.clientKey
join ag in aging
on pm.debtorkey equals ag.debtorKey into ljoin //Left Join
from lj in ljoin.DefaultOrEmpty()
where pm.debortkey==36927 && tr.status==0 && tr.postdate<="31-May-2012" && tr.postdate>="01-May-2012" //u will have to change this to date format first
Select new {PostDate=tr.postdate, TransClientKey=tr.clientkey,TransType=tr.type,ClientNo=cl.clientno,CliNoStmt=cl.nomst ?? 0,AgeNoStmt=ag.nomst ??0,Pmtchecks=pm } //Anonymous type from this you can extract the values and fill to your custom type
Hope this will help.
LINQ Query Samples
var pmtchecks = from p in urcontext.pmtchecks
join t in urcontext.transactions on p.transkey equals t.transkey
join a in urcontext.aging on t.clientkey equals a.clientkey into details
from d in details.Where( a => ( a.debtorkey == p.debtorkey)).DefaultIfEmpty()
where (p.debtorkey == 36927 && t.status == 0 && t.postdate <= '31-May-2012'
&& (t.postdate >= '01-May-2012' || c.clientno == 'UNKNOWN' ))
orderby p.checkdate, p.checkno
select new
// TransClientKey = t.clientkey, //only works if TransClientKey is property
t.type ,
//TransTypet = t.type ,//property
//CliNoStmt = c.nostmt ?? 0,//property
//AgeNoStmt = nostmt ?? 0,//property
//p. ... //follow above for p columns
I am almost done converting a MySQL app to Linq2SQL but struggling to get my head round this last SQL query
FROM Pages a
INNER JOIN Pages b ON a.MetaDescription = b.MetaDescription
AND a.PageID <> b.PageID
WHERE a.DomainID = #reportid
AND b.DomainID = #reportid
AND LENGTH(TRIM(a.MetaDescription)) > 0
Could anymore give me some syntax help on how I would create this query in Linq2SQL?
Any help greatly appreciated
It goes like this:
var DuplicatePages =
from a in DBContext.Pages
join b in DBContext.Pages on a.MetaDescription equals b.MetaDescription
where (a.PageID <> b.PageID) && (a.DomainID == ReportID) &&
(b.DomainID == ReportID) && (a.MetaDescription.Trim().Length > 0) &&
(a.URL < b.URL)
orderby a.URL
select new { Url = a.URL, DuplicateUrl = b.URL };
That's pretty straigtforward:
var reportId = ...;
var duplicates =
from a in db.Pages
from b in db.Pages
where a.MetaDescription == b.MetaDescription
where a.PageID != b.PageID
where a.DomainID == reportId
where b.DomainID == reportId
where a.MetaDescription.Trim().Length > 0
where a.URL < b.URL
orderby a.URL
select new { Url = a.URL, DuplicateUrl = b.Url }
Ok, first I thought I had a problem with how I was querying things. But apparently the problem lies in how linq translates my query to sql.
Here's my linq:
var items = (from p in ctx.bam_Prestatie_AllInstances
join q in ctx.bam_Zending_AllRelationships on p.ActivityID equals q.ReferenceData
join r in ctx.bam_Zending_AllInstances on q.ActivityID equals r.ActivityID
orderby p.LastModified descending
where r.PrestatieOntvangen >= vanaf && r.PrestatieOntvangen <= tm
select new Data.BAMPrestatieInstance
Aanvaard = p.PrestatieAanvaard,
Contactnummer = r.ContactNr,
Identificatie = p.Identificatie,
Foutmelding = ((p.Foutmelding == "" || p.Foutmelding == null) && p.PrestatieAanvaard == null) ? "De prestatie is bezig met verwerkt te worden." : p.Foutmelding.Replace("\r\n", " "),
Ontvangen = p.PrestatieZendingOntvangen,
Uitvoerdatum = p.Uitvoerdatum.Replace('-', '/'),
Zender = r.Zender,
PrestatieCode = p.PrestatieCode,
ZendingsNr = r.Zendingnummer.ToString(),
GroepsAanvaarding = r.Identificatie
Which gets translated in:
SELECT TOP (100) [t3].[Zender], [t3].[ContactNr] AS [Contactnummer], [t3].[Identificatie], [t3].[value] AS [Uitvoerdatum], [t3].[PrestatieZendingOntvangen] AS [Ontvangen], [t3].[PrestatieAanvaard] AS [Aanvaard], [t3].[value2] AS [Foutmelding], [t3].[PrestatieCode], [t3].[value3] AS [ZendingsNr], [t3].[Identificatie2] AS [GroepsAanvaarding]
SELECT [t2].[Zender], [t2].[ContactNr], [t0].[Identificatie], REPLACE([t0].[Uitvoerdatum], #p0, #p1) AS [value], [t0].[PrestatieZendingOntvangen], [t0].[PrestatieAanvaard],
WHEN (([t0].[Foutmelding] = #p2) OR ([t0].[Foutmelding] IS NULL)) AND ([t0].[PrestatieAanvaard] IS NULL) THEN CONVERT(NVarChar(3800),#p3)
ELSE REPLACE([t0].[Foutmelding], #p4, #p5)
END) AS [value2], [t0].[PrestatieCode], CONVERT(NVarChar,[t2].[Zendingnummer]) AS [value3], [t2].[Identificatie] AS [Identificatie2], [t2].[PrestatieOntvangen], [t0].[LastModified]
FROM [dbo].[bam_Prestatie_AllInstances] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[bam_Zending_AllRelationships] AS [t1] ON [t0].[ActivityID] = [t1].[ReferenceData]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[bam_Zending_AllInstances] AS [t2] ON [t1].[ActivityID] = [t2].[ActivityID]
) AS [t3]
WHERE ([t3].[PrestatieOntvangen] >= #p6) AND ([t3].[PrestatieOntvangen] <= #p7)
ORDER BY [t3].[LastModified] DESC
As you can see, first it selects EVERYTHING and then it takes the top 100 and does the where. Why is this? Why can't it directly do the top 100, I think the problem why my queries run so long is because of this. Is there a better way to construct my linq query then?
Try this:
var items = from p in ctx.bam_Prestatie_AllInstances.OrderByDesc(p => p.LastModified).Take(100)
join q in ctx.bam_Zending_AllRelationships on p.ActivityID equals q.ReferenceData
join r in ctx.bam_Zending_AllInstances on q.ActivityID equals r.ActivityID
where r.PrestatieOntvangen >= vanaf && r.PrestatieOntvangen <= tm
select new Data.BAMPrestatieInstance
Aanvaard = p.PrestatieAanvaard,
Contactnummer = r.ContactNr,
Identificatie = p.Identificatie,
Foutmelding = ((p.Foutmelding == "" || p.Foutmelding == null) && p.PrestatieAanvaard == null) ? "De prestatie is bezig met verwerkt te worden." : p.Foutmelding.Replace("\r\n", " "),
Ontvangen = p.PrestatieZendingOntvangen,
Uitvoerdatum = p.Uitvoerdatum.Replace('-', '/'),
Zender = r.Zender,
PrestatieCode = p.PrestatieCode,
ZendingsNr = r.Zendingnummer.ToString(),
GroepsAanvaarding = r.Identificatie
Since the sort applies only to your first table, I'd try to force the order by and take 100 to be applied before the join.