How to export IntelliJ theme? - intellij-idea

When i modified my color scheme, IntelliJ asked me to save it as a new one. Is is possible for me to export this theme on one computer in order to reimport to a different one?

File | Export Settings (enable just the Color Schemes or the set of options that you need to export). On another machine use File | Import Settings.
See also the help section.

If you just want a way to only export the color scheme:
Go to File | Settings on Windows or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences on Mac. Then, go to Editor→Color Scheme, click the icon that looks like a cog/gear, and click Export.


Is it possible to disable the auto format by copy&past in IntelliJ?

When I copy&past my source files IntelliJ autoformat the file content. E.g. change the order of imports.
How can I disable this behavior?
You can change this behaviour under Settings/Preferences (on macOS) | Editor | General | Smart Keys | Reformat on paste
In "Setting" --> "Editor" --> "CodeStyle"-->"Java" you find a tab imports. There you can change this behavior

PhpStorm open file and replace the previous

I have an issue with my PhpStorm 2019.2.5, when I open a file and I want an another file, the IDE replace the previous file.
I can't have more one file open :(
Can you help me ?
Accordingly to your screenshot ( I do not see any editor tabs there which suggests that you may have disabled them (on purpose or accidentally). If you set to not to show editor tabs then IDE will work as if only 1 tab is opened -- that's the current behaviour.
To resolve it: go to Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Editor Tabs and set Tab Placement option to be Top.

How I can import Code Style from WebStorm to Visual Studio Code?

I want to share TypeScript Code Style settings. I can export them from File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | TypeScript in a JSON or XML format from WebStorm.
Is it possible to import the settings into a VScode somehow?
In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Editor | Code Style, select the desired scheme from the list, and click the Show Scheme Actions button.
Select one of the following options:
Copy to IDE: select this option to store the selected scheme in the global level.
WebStorm saves the new code style with the specified name to the config/codestyles/<code_style_name>.xml file under the WebStorm home directory.
Copy to Project: select this option to store the selected scheme in the project level.
The selected code style is saved to: .idea/codeStyles/codeStyleConfig.xml.
Duplicate: select this option to make a copy of the selected scheme and store it in the same level.
In the Scheme field, type the name of the new scheme and press Enter to save the changes.
Apply changes and close the dialog.

How to change color of active tab

As the title, I want to change color of active tab to make it to be more different from other. I went through but it's not enough!
Is there any way to do that?
I just found out in intellij, it's "file scope" that controls a file's background in project pane as well as in the tabs. Here is the steps to add/modify current scope/tab background.
The default Darcula theme sets the "Tests" scope to this dark green color which is very close to the tab control background. I always lost track of which tab is activated when it's one of the test files. Hope this helps.
The Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin provides a simple way of solving this problem.
Go to File -> Settings.
In Plugins type "Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter into the search box.
Click on the "Search in repositories" link.
Select the Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter and click on the green Install button.
Close the window and restart IntelliJ
The active tab should now be highlighted in purple. If required, a different color can be chosen via File -> Settings -> Tools -> Active Tab Highlighter Plugin -> Background (clicking on it brings up a color picker). I personally went with a less garish dark gray color (AAADAA).
An alternative way, Setting > File colors:
check Enable File Colors, Use in Editor Tab
uncheck Use in Project View
add new scope with your color (ex: Project Files with orange color)
For IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 (Community Edition)
You can change it in settings:
Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Editor | Tabs | Selected Tab
There you can change Background and customize the view in other ways.
Although the question is quite old, when I googled the problem, this link was in the first three results, so I'll add my 5 cents as well.
Even though I could not find the way to brighten the color of an active tab alone, I was able to solve the problem by changing the color for a given scope altogether. In my case, it was the Tests scope, set to the default green, where the active tab was barely distinguishable from inactive ones, so I went to Settings > Appearance & Behavior > File Colors (exact location may depend on your Idea's version), selected the Tests scope and selected Custom color; the exact RGB value that worked for me was 1A7250. As a side-effect, the test directory's background color in the Project view also changed, which may or may not be a bad thing.
Regards, hope this helps.
I was losing the track of active tab using the darcula theme, in a test directory with a newly created file and staged with git. I ended up changing the File status color.
You will have to make a copy of your theme first:

IntelliJ - How to use same tool window location for all projects?

I moved some tool windows around, for example Structure shows on right instead of left. When I open a new project, everything goes back to default. I tried to export settings from one but it didn't work
Window | Store Current Layout as Default