how to calculate total number of L Prasent in my table with in 1 year for a person - sql-server-2005

I want to make a web app for salary management. In which I want to calculate total number of leaves with in a year if there is more than 16 L present in my table than it will count as A absent.
How to make procedure for this?
Any help is appreciated.

Perhaps this could work.
WHERE Absent=1 and EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID)


SQL calculating running total as you go down the rows but also taking other fields into account

I'm hoping you guys can help with this problem.
I have a set of data which I have displayed via excel.
I'm trying to work out the rolling new cap allowance but need to deduct from previous weeks bookings. I don't want to use a cursor so can anyone help.
I'm going to group by the product id so it will need to start afresh for every product.
In the image, Columns A to D are fixed and I am trying to calculate the data in column E ('New Cap'). The 'New Cap' is the expected results.
Column F gives a detailed formula of what im trying to do.
Not sure what I've done for the post to be marked down.
The formula looks like this.
You want the sum of the cap through this row minus the sum of booked through the previous row. This is easy to do with window functions:
select t.*,
(sum(cap + booked) over (partition by productid order by weekbeg) - booked
) as new_cap
from t;
You can get the new running total using lag and sum over window functions - calculate the cap-booked first, then use sum over() for the running total:
select weekbeg, ProductId, Cap, Booked,
Sum(n) over(partition by productid order by weekbeg) New_Cap
from (
select *, cap - Lag(booked,1,0) over(partition by productid order by weekbeg)n
from t

How to Caluculate data per year per employee

I need to find a way to calculate total salary per employee per year
I have a list of employee's data which i need to sum their total salaries per each employee per year
below is sample data
This is basic use of SQL that would be covered in any class, book, or online course. In general you should not ask these "how do you code it" questions on this site but instead ask questions about code you have already written, we are not here to write it for you we are here to help if you have problems. On the other hand it is easy:
select employee_no, year, sum(sal_amount)
from table_name_you_did_no_say
group by emplyee_no, year
You could make yourself a formula like this:
salary_per_annum = salary_per_month * 12
What you really need to do is to first categorize your staff based on the salary they earn.
If they earn allowances/bonuses, you could make a different calculations for that too and then add the both values.
If you're talking of an SQL query, for each employee, you could loop:
select sum(salary) * 12
If you're looking to calculate and group, you could have:
select employee_num, sal_year, salary from tbl_payrol group by emplyee_num, sal_amount

How to count employees that have been promoted?

I'm trying to figure out how to come up with a calculation or query to count the number of employees by grade promoted on each pay period.
*count the number of records who's value in grade have increased by pay period.
Sample solution:
Year Payroll Period Count
2018 16 2
2019 6 1
2019 10 1
I've tried pivot and queries in access but I think this needs to have an inner join to identify specific employees who got promoted. thanks for the assistance.
code in excel that seems to work but needs to be transferred in access due to the number of records. I think inner join would make this work. =AND(B2<>B3,C2=C3,D3>D2)
Based on EXCEL, you can derive your solution, assuming that your records are in sequence for columns Year, Payroll, Employee & Grade.
Add another column to determine if there is a grade increase for that particular Payroll Period.
For excel cell reference sake, "Year" is in cell A1
Set formula of 1st cell of this column to false
For the next cell in this new column, set it as such:
The above checks if there is a grade increase for that particular Payroll Period.
The explanation of the formula in sequence is as such, 1. Check if year same (A3=A2), 2. Check if Payroll Period is different(B3<>B2), 3. Check if Employee is the same (C3=C2) and finally 4. Check if there is a change in grade (D3=D2).
Copy this formula down to the rest of your range.
Next, you can start to pivot.
Add your pivot table from your table/range with the following
Filter Grade Increase to true and also change the values aggregation of Employee from Sum to Count.
You will get the following:
I would rename Count of Employees to make it more meaningful.
One caveat for the above approach is that if the grade was increased at the beginning of the 1st Payroll Period of the year, the increase won't be captured. For such, you can remove the year check from the formula A3=A2.
Doing a bit of research, perhaps you can do
select t1.*, (t1.Grade > t2.Grade) as Grade_Increase
from YourTableName t1 left join YourTableName t2 on
t1.Employee = t2.Employee and
(((t1.Year - 2018)*26) + t1.Payroll_Period) =
(((t2.Year - 2018)*26) + t2.Payroll_Period - 1) -- -1 to get the prior record to compare grades
What the above does is essentially joining the table to itself.
Records that are 'next in sequence' are combined into the same row. And a comparison is done.
This was not verified in Access.
Substitute 2018 with whatever your base year is. I'm using 2018 to calculate the sequence number of the records. Initially I thought of using common table expressions, rank and row_number. But access doesn't seem to support these functions.

Calculation of weighted average counts in SQL

I have a query that I am currently using to find counts
select Name, Count(Distinct(ID)), Status, Team, Date from list
In addition to the counts, I need to calculate a goal based on weighted average of counts per status and team, for each day.
For example, if Name 1 counts are divided into 50% Status1-Team1(X) and 50% Status2-Team2(Y) yesterday, then today's goal for Name1 needs to be (X+Y)/2.
The table would look like this, with the 'Goal' field needed as the output:
What is the best way to do this in the same query?
I'm almost guessing here since you did not provide more details but maybe you want to do this:
SELECT name,status,team,data,(select sum(data)/(select count(*) from list where name = FROM (SELECT Name, Count(Distinct(ID)) as data, Status, Team, Date FROM list) as q

MDX- Divide Each row by a value based on parent

I am in a situation where I need to calculate Percentage for every fiscal year depending on distinct count of the rows.
I have achieved the distinct count (fairly simple task) for each year city-wise and reached till these 2 listings in cube.
The first listing is state wide distinct count for given year.
Second listing is city wise distinct count for given year with percentage based on state-wide count for that year for that city.
My problem is that I need to prepare a calculated member for the percentage column for each given year.
For eg, In year 2009, City 1 has distinct count of 2697 and percentage raise of 32.94%. (Formula used= 2697/8187 ).
I tried with ([Measures].[Distinct Count])/(SUM(ROOT(),[Measures].[Distinct Count])) but no luck.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
PS: City wide sum of year 2009 can never be equal to statewide distinct count of that year. This is because we are calculating the distinct count for city and state both.
You need to create a Region Hierarchy for this, like State -> City. The create a calculation like below. Then in the browser put your Hierarchy on the left and the sales and calculated percentage in values.
([Dim].[Region].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Salesamt]) /
([Dim].[Region].CurrentMember.Parent, [Measures].[Salesamt]) = 0,
([Dim].[Region].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Salesamt]),
([Dim].[Region].CurrentMember.Parent, [Measures].[Salesamt])