There is button in West region to refresh the center region. But it didn't working. Can anyone help me about it.
I am using viewport as the frame.I'm new in ExtJS.
If you give provide some code that will be helpful to address your question.
If you want to update the charts, get the id of the charts and update the charts with the data. If you want to add totally different components by removing the existing, you can do many ways.. below is one among them.
var center = Ext.getCmp('centerRegionId');
center.add({xtype:panel});//new component
I am trying to create a chart that displays the data that came from the api that is supposed to be like this image
as for the date and the size of the columns, no matter how many data are coming
I have two problems:
1- I don't know Make the widget flexible so that the column always appears the same size
2- I don’t know. Make the date the same as what is needed. It is displayed in the same form in the API
how can I fix it
For making a widget flexible and appear the same size you can use BoxConstraints by adding Container or SizedBox as parent widget and defining height and width.
I am new to Vue and ApexCharts and trying to learn. I am trying to plot a bar chart where the bar does not cover the data label. I know this can be controlled by the "offsetX" value in chart option (as documented here: However, it did not fix it. I'm assuming because of the big difference between numbers, the bar had to behave that way.
Any help, please?
I'm new to I iPhone development. Here I'm doing an web service application in which I'm displaying company details with the help of labels. Now while showing address of the company i'm stuck with a problem.
Company is having more than one locations. How to add address labels dynamically and push my below content down the view. Here i'm getting all the data from server.
Please guide me on this issue.
Thanks in Advance
I may suggest you to put your labels in a table view and increase the number of cells as the location number increases. Put all the below content in the last cell as anew view. I am not sure what all contents you are having below. This one is possible. You may try.
How could I achieve a page layout in which I could scroll horizontally to the right, to display a content on the page that is wider than the page itself? Something very similar to the "Store" App...
Tried scrollviewer encasing stackpanel, grids or others and no result. I looked at the samples that are generated from the Store project templates but those are also different. I guess it shouldn't be so hard but can't figure it out...
I'm trying to obtain something like this :
I want to display a content, divided into columns, which continues from a column to another. Tried also with WrapGrid, but no success... Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thank you.
If you are going implement something similar to Article view, please read this page News apps on MSDN. It gives you information about what should you use to build apps like News apps, check the Your app's article view part:
For more info about best practices for fonts, such as size, color, and
weight, see Guidelines and checklist for text and typography
(JavaScript) or Displaying and editing text (C#/VB/C++). In Windows
Store apps written using XAML, you can use the RichTextBlock and
RichTextBlockOverflow controls to manage text overflow. For an
example, see XAML text display sample.
Im trying to create a uiview horizontal touch slider. Similar to how the google page store is designed on android. I was thinking i would just put a bunch of uiviews (as pages) inside a single huge uiview and just drag the uiview along on touchevent. But i also need to detech which is the active view to perform post requests and itd need to loop. Any suggestions? Tutorials?
I think the appropriate answer for your question would be "Horizontal UITableView". Checkout these code shared on GitHub.
Another Example for Horizontal Table View
You can design cells as per your need to show. Also you will get each active cell when you click it in didSelectRow.
Hope it works for you.