Stylus middleware in Express not working? - express

In I have
stylus = require("stylus")
app.use stylus.middleware
debug: true
src: __dirname + "/stylus"
dest: __dirname + "/public/css"
compile: (src) ->
return stylus(src)
I included the styles in layout.jade like:
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/css/styles.css")
But in Chrome network tab, I see canceled for styles.css why is that?
When I point the browser directly to /css/styles.css, I get
Cannot GET /css/styles.css
Whats wrong? How do I fix this?

Do you have the static middleware properly configured and working and positioned AFTER the stylus middleware in your middleware stack? The stylus middleware is just going to read the .styl file and write the corresponding .css file but it expects the static middleware to then find the .css file and serve it.
Also note that your src and dest file hierarchies should correspond directly. By that I mean even counting all intermediate directories if you list the recursive contents of one directory (ls -R or similar) then the ONLY difference should be src contains .styl files and dest contains exactly corresponding .css files. Don't tack a /css prefix onto one but not the other, for example.

Recently I run into the same issue and as long as #PeterLyons answer is correct I found that adding the extra slash after css directory name also seems to fix the problem.
(without coffee)
var stylus = require('stylus');
app.configure(function() {
src: __dirname + '/stylus',
dest: __dirname + '/public/css/' // <-- additional slash after "css"
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Not sure if this is stylus version-related issue and wasn't/was present before but still it's quite confusing to me.

This has been driving me crazy for a few hours so I thought I'd share :)
I serve my external files from /public
So my stylesheets are in /public/styles. All I had to do was put my .styl files in a folder called /styles in the root of my project.{
debug: true,
src: __dirname + '/',
dest: __dirname + '/public/',
compile: compile
I got around the whacky path requirements as I'm always going to ask for styles in /styles
GET /styles/website.css serves /styles/website.styl from the root / directory of the project

this worked for my
function compile(str, path) {
return stylus(str)
.set('filename', path)
{ src:'/public/css'
, compile: compile
put your file.styl in public.css it will be compiled there too!
the problem must be the src directory, it seems you are pointed to modules/stylus, anywhere I am not an exprert but this way works


Ignore specific components and assets from being added to dist folder in Nuxt

I have a multiplatform Nuxt 2.15 project with the following structure:
assets/platform1/... //contains fonts, images and config files
I've wrote the following plugin to dynamically register different platform's components unders the same name to be able to reuse most of my pages:
export default ({ store }) => {
const config = store.state.platform.config
Vue.component('NewsCard', () => import(`#/components/pages/news/${}`))
The problem that after platform1 build, output dir contain assets from platform2 which increases size. At the same time sass or vue loader tries to parse style of vue template's part for components that are not used and not referenced in platform1, throwing errors about missing sass variables...
I know that nuxt allows to define ignore property in nuxt.config.json (or .nuxtignore) but that only works for pages and layouts...
I tried to configure webpack rules by modifiying nuxt.config.js extend property:
const fontsLoader = config.module.rules.find(i => String(i.test) === String('/\\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\\?.*)?$/i'))
fontsLoader['exclude'] = new RegExp(`assets/(?!${platform})`)
and actually that removed fonts from dist folder but it started to throw warnings: that these files doent have appropriate webpack loader. The same behaviour I observed when tried to exclude specific vue components from vue-loader.
So doesnt seem like a good solution after all..
Becides, the same approach didnt work for images inside assets folder:
const imgLoader = config.module.rules.find(i => String(i.test) === String('/\\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|webp|avif)$/i'))
imgLoader['exclude'] = new RegExp(`assets/(?!${platform})`)
all the images are still added to dist...
Is there a way to tell nuxt (or webpack via nuxt config) to ignore specific folders with fonts and images under the /assets folder and specific vue components that are not pages or layouts?

how to force clearing cache in chrome when release new Vue app version

I created an app with vue-cli and then I build the dist folder for production.
The app is deployed on IIS with flask backend and works fine.
The problem occurs when I have to make some changes and I have to redo the deployment. After this, users call me because app doesn't work but if I clear the chrome cache, the app works fine again.
How can I fix this problem? Is there a method to clear chrome cache automatically when I release a new application version?
my dist folder
deployment: copy and paste folder dist on IIS
if files in dist folder are correct, maybe the problem is in axios cache? i have make some changes also to rest apis
I had the same problem and changing (incrementing) the version number in package.json before running the build command fixed it.
For example by default the version number is set to "0.1.0"
package.json file:
"name": "project-name",
"version": "0.1.1",
"private": true,
If you use vue-cli, then it has built-in webpack configs for building dist. And in fact it adds hash-names to output files.
But if it was removed somehow, you can add it back to webpack config like
output: {
filename: '[name].[hash].bundle.js'
And your app will looks like this:
And even more, you do not need to handle how all this stuff will be added to html, coz webpack will figure it out for you.
You need to add a version query to your js file. This is how a browser can know if the file has changed and needs to download the new version.
So something like:
<script src="main.js?v=1.1"></script>
<script src="main.js?v=1.2"></script>
Assuming this is nothing to do with service worker/PWA, the solution could be implemented by returning the front-end version.
(resp) => {
let fe_version = resp.headers['fe-version'] || 'default'
if(fe_version !== localStorage.getItem('fe-version') && resp.config.method == 'get'){
localStorage.setItem('fe-version', fe_version)
window.location.reload() // For new version, simply reload on any get
return Promise.resolve(resp)
You can also ensure the fe-version is returned based on any sort of uniqueness, here I have used the commit SHA.
Full Article here:
You can't access the browser's cache, that would be huge a security flaw.
To fix it, you must send some headers with your flask responses telling the browser not to cache you app.
This is an example for express.js for you to get the idea:
setHeaders: function (res, path, stat) {
res.set('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') // HTTP 1.1
res.set('Pragma', 'no-cache') // HTTP 1.0
res.set('Expires', '0') // Proxies
You can read a lot more about caching in here.
This is an older post, but since I could not find the solution for this problem online, ill just post this here in case someone else might find it usefull.
I added the hash to the appllication chunk files via the webpack.mix.js file by adding:
output: {
chunkFilename: 'js/[name].js?id=[chunkhash]',
This adds a fingerprint to the actual chunks and not just the app.js file. You can add a version name to the app.js file aswell by adding version(['public/js/app.js']); at the end of the file, or add filename: '[name].js?[hash]' to the output block.
My complete webpack.mix.js:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
output: {
chunkFilename: 'js/main/[name].js?id=[chunkhash]',
}).js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').vue()
.postCss('resources/css/app.css', 'public/css', [
In my laravel blade file I used
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>
to load the app.js file with the correct version fingerprint.
The answer for me was caching at my DNS provider level.
Basically, I'm using Cloudflare DNS proxy and they are caching the website so in development mode I was not getting the code updates.
I had to clear the cache many times to get anything to change. I had to wait a significant period of time before anything update.
Turned it off and it stopped doing that.
the method I want to suggest
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js?time=') }}{{ time() }}" defer></script>
add below script in publc/index.html
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "<%= BASE_URL %>sample.js?t=" + timestamp;
could you try ?
Also it's possible that the component it self needs a unique key :
<my-component :key="unique" />

webpack-dev-middleware serve/fallback to the public directory

Project structure:
Webpack is building the app into the public folder
At the same time I have some static assets located there, like:
What I want:
I want to run my express app with the webpack-dev-middleware for the dev purposes
I want that all the requests for the static assets (which are not processed by webpack) were served from the public folder
How I tried to do that:
first attempt
app.use(require('webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, {
stats: { colors: true }
app.use('/', feathers.static(app.get('public'))); // express.static
This works good, until you have index.html in the public folder. If you have it there - the static one would be served, NOT the one which is the actual version according to the webpack-dev-middleware.
second attempt
Then I thought - probably I must use express.static only for the production case, I removed it. Now I was not able to open /assets/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css
third attempt (hack which works right now)
Finally I made it work, but I'm not satisfied with the current solution. I manually put all the assets directory into the webpack realm by extending the webpack config with this:
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
{ from: 'public/assets/', to: 'assets' },
{ from: 'node_modules/bootstrap/dist/', to: 'vendor/bootstrap/dist' }
however this method assumes that one need to point every static file which he wants to be served by webpack-dev-middleware
Any thoughts are appreciated.

include client side js in express.js

I've build a new app with an express-generator so i've got public dir with javascripts i guess for a client side. But i can't get access to this files.
My app.js has for an absolute path
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
But when i put on my index.html page on the bottom of the body like this
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/main.js">
i've got an error inside a console with a 404 regarding to this script.
you need to install stylus and nib npm modules
var express = require('express')
, stylus = require('stylus')
, nib = require('nib')
function compile(str, path) {
return stylus(str)
.set('filename', path)
{ src: __dirname + '/public'
, compile: compile
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'))
I am developing something similar. I have my javascript files inside js folder in public folder. This is my link to javascript and I am not getting any error:
<script src="js/options.js"></script>
I think you needed to remove a common slash in "src" tag or properly close the "script"

sails.js less livereload with grunt watch not working

I got my less files compiled in css perfectly by grunt and I see result in .tmp/public/styles
So now livereload with grunt-contrib-watch should be made naturally in sails generated project ?
Or do I have to make a special configuration ?
I found that in tasks/pipeline.js file but not sure of what to do.
// CSS files to inject in order
// (if you're using LESS with the built-in default config, you'll want
// to change `assets/styles/importer.less` instead.)
var cssFilesToInject = [
I saw in the file tasks/ :
###### `sails lift`
Runs the `default` task (`tasks/register/default.js`).
And in the file default.js we got :
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('default', ['compileAssets', 'linkAssets', 'watch']);
But watch.js file is missing in the folder...
What should it be ?
Watch does only looking for files that have changed and execute less, sass, injection and so on - but it doesn't make a reload.
You can add this in task/config/watch.js