configuration file of consts to many classes - objective-c

Using objective c , I have 2 classes that are using hardware, and are written in c +objC .
The other classes in the project are objective c, and they create instance of those classes.
My question .
Lets say I have classA.m and classB.m . they both have an integer const that needs to be the same say : const int numOfSamples=7;
I am seeking for the best solution to create some configuration file, that will holds all this const variables, that both A and B can see them .
I know some ways,but I wonder whats the RIGHT thing to do .
I wonder if I can just create a : configuration.m and write them into it .
to use a singleton file that holds all globals .
Number 1 seems to me the best , but how exactly should I do it ?

For approach 1 to work, you need to define two files:
a header file where you declare all of your constants;
a .m file where your constants are defined and initialized.
In your example:
/* .h file */
extern const int numOfSamples;
/* .m or .c file */
const int numOfSamples = 7;
Then, you include the .h header in every other file where you need those constants. Notice the extern keyword, this will declare the variable without also defining; in this way, you can include the .h file multiple times without having a duplicate symbol error.
The approach I suggest is the correct way to handle global variables in a C program.
Now, if global variables are a good thing or not, well, that is a longer story.
Generally speaking, global variables are tricky and go against a 40 years long effort towards better encapsulation (aka, information hiding) of data and behavior in a program (see "On the Criteria to Be Used in Decomposing Systems Into Modules", David Parnas, 1972).
To further explain this, one aspect of the problem is exactly what you mention in your comment: the possibility of one module changing the value of a global variable and thus affecting the whole behavior of the program. This is recognizedly bad and leads to uncontrollable side effects (in any non trivially sized program).
In your case, I think things are a bit different, in that you are talking about "configuration" and "const" values. This is an altogether different case than the general one and I think you could safely use a header file of consts to that aim.
That said, you understand that the whole theme of configuration is a huge one, in general. E.g., you could need mechanisms to change your program configuration on the fly; in this case the constant variable header approach would be not correct. Or, your program configuration could depend on the state of some remote system (imagine: you are logged in vs. you are not logged in).
I can't guarantee that using a header file is the best approach for your case, but I hope that the above discussion and the example I gave you can help you figure that out.

I think the best way is to use a plist file with all your configuration values.
If you have few configuration values, you can use the Info.plist file.


How can I make the origin of aliases in Cypress more apparent from the it/spec files?

My team is using aliases to set some important variables which are used within the it('Test',) blocks.
For example, we may be running the following command in a before step:
Then the setupSomeDynamicData() method exists in a another file (ex: commands.js) and the setupSomeDynamicData() method may setup a couple aliases:
setupSomeDynamicData() {
Now we go back to our spec/test file, and start using these aliases:
it('A small example test', function () {
// do some stuff...
// do some stuff...
// do some stuff...
The problem is that unless you're the person who wrote the code, it's not obvious where this.String1, this.String2, or this.String3 are coming from nor when they were initialized (from the perspective of since the code that initializes the aliases is being executed in another file.
In the example, it's quite easy to Ctrl+F the codebase and search for these aliases but you have to really start doing some reverse engineering once you have more complex use cases.
I guess this feels like some sort of readability/maintainability problem because once you setup enough of these and the example I provided starts to get more complex then finding out where these aliases are created can be inconvenient. The this.* syntax makes it feel like you'd find these aliases variables somewhere within the same file in which they're being used but when you don't see any sign of them then it becomes evident that they've just magically been initialized (somewhere/somehow) and then the hunt 🕵🏼‍♂️ begins.
Some solutions that come to mind (which may be bad ideas) are:
Create JS objects with getters/setters. This way, it'll be a bit easier to trace where the variable you're using was "set"
Not use aliases, and instead, use global variables that can be imported into the spec/test files so it's clear where they are coming from then run a before/after hook to clear these variables so that the reset-per-test functionality remains.
Name the variables in a way where it's obvious that they are aliased and then spread the word/document this method within my team so that anytime they see this.aliasedString2 then they know it's coming from some method that performs these alias assignments.
I'm sure there may be a better way to handle this so just thought I'd post this question.

Description format for an embedded structure

I have a C structure that allow users to configure options in an embedded system. Currently the GUI we use for this is custom written for every different version of this configuration structure. What I'd like for is to be able to describe the structure members in some format that can be read by the client configuration application, making it universal across all of our systems.
I've experimented with describing the structure in XML and having the client read the file; this works in most cases except those where some of the fields have inter-dependencies. So the format that I use needs to have a way to specify these; for instance, member A must always be less than or equal to half of member B.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.
After reading the first reply I realized that my question is indeed a little too vague, so here's another attempt:
The embedded system needs to have access to the data as a C struct, running any other language on the processor is not an option. Basically, all I need is a way to define metadata with the structure, this metadata will be downloaded onto flash along with firmware. The client configuration utility will then read the metadata file over RS-232, CAN etc. and populate a window (a tree-view) that the user can then use to edit options.
The XML file that I mentioned tinkering with was doing exactly that, it contained the structure member name, data type, number of elements etc. The location of the member within the XML file implicitly defined its position in the C struct. This file resides on flash and is read by the configuration program; the only thing lacking is a way to define dependencies between structure fields.
The code is generated automatically using MATLAB / Simulink so I do have access to a scripting language to help with the structure creation. For example, if I do end up using XML the structure will only be defined in the XML format and I'll use a script to create the C structure during code generation.
Hope this is clearer.
For the simple case where there is either no relationship or a relationship with a single other field, you could add two fields to the structure: the "other" field number and a pointer to a function that compares the two. Then you'd need to create functions that compared two values and return true or false depending upon whether or not the relationship is met. Well, guess you'd need to create two functions that tested the relationship and the inverse of the relationship (i.e. if field 1 needs to be greater than field 2, then field 2 needs to be less than or equal to field 1). If you need to place more than one restriction on the range, you can store a pointer to a list of function/field pairs.
An alternative is to create a validation function for every field and call it when the field is changed. Obviously this function could be as complex as you wanted but might require more hand coding.
In theory you could generate the validation functions for either of the above techniques from the XML description that you described.
I would have expected you to get some answers by now, but let me see what I can do.
Your question is a bit vague, but it sounds like you want one of
Code generation
An embedded extension language
A hand coded run-time mini language
Code Generation
You say that you are currently hand tooling the configuration code each time you change this. I'm willing to bet that this is a highly repetitive task, so there is no reason that you can't write program to do it for you. Your generator should consume some domain specific language and emit c code and header files which you subsequently build into you application. An example of what I'm talking about here would be GNU gengetopt. There is nothing wrong with the idea of using xml for the input language.
the resulting code can be both fast and compact
there is no need for an interpreter running on the target platform
you have to write the generator
changing things requires a recompile
Extension Language
Tcl, python and other languages work well in conjunction with c code, and will allow you to specify the configuration behavior in a dynamic language rather than mucking around with c typing and strings and and and...
dynamic language probably means the configuration code is simpler
change configuration options without recompiling
you need the dynamic language running on the target platform
Mini language
You could write your own embedded mini-language.
No need to recompile
Because you write it it will run on your target
You have to write it yourself
How much does the struct change from version to version? When I did this kind of thing I hardcoded it into the PC app, which then worked out what the packet meant from the firmware version - but the only changes were usually an extra field added onto the end every couple of months.
I suppose I would use something like the following if I wanted to go down the metadata route.
typedef struct
unsigned char field1;
unsigned short field2;
unsigned char a_string[4];
} data;
typedef struct
unsigned char name[16];
unsigned char type;
unsigned char min;
unsigned char max;
} field_info;
field_info fields[3];
void init_meta(void)
strcpy(fields[0].name, "field1");
fields[0].type = TYPE_UCHAR;
fields[0].min = 1;
fields[0].max = 250;
strcpy(fields[1].name, "field2");
fields[1].type = TYPE_USHORT;
fields[1].min = 0;
fields[1].max = 0xffff;
strcpy(fields[2].name, "a_string");
fields[2].type = TYPE_STRING;
fields[2].min = 0 // n/a
fields[2].max = 0 // n/a
void send_meta(void)
rs232_packet packet;
memcpy(packet.payload, fields, sizeof(fields));
packet.length = sizeof(fields);

Write a compiler for a language that looks ahead and multiple files?

In my language I can use a class variable in my method when the definition appears below the method. It can also call methods below my method and etc. There are no 'headers'. Take this C# example.
class A
public void callMethods() { print(); B b; b.notYetSeen();
public void print() { Console.Write("v = {0}", v); }
int v=9;
class B
public void notYetSeen() { Console.Write("notYetSeen()\n"); }
How should I compile that? what i was thinking is:
pass1: convert everything to an AST
pass2: go through all classes and build a list of define classes/variable/etc
pass3: go through code and check if there's any errors such as undefined variable, wrong use etc and create my output
But it seems like for this to work I have to do pass 1 and 2 for ALL files before doing pass3. Also it feels like a lot of work to do until I find a syntax error (other than the obvious that can be done at parse time such as forgetting to close a brace or writing 0xLETTERS instead of a hex value). My gut says there is some other way.
Note: I am using bison/flex to generate my compiler.
My understanding of languages that handle forward references is that they typically just use the first pass to build a list of valid names. Something along the lines of just putting an entry in a table (without filling out the definition) so you have something to point to later when you do your real pass to generate the definitions.
If you try to actually build full definitions as you go, you would end up having to rescan repatedly, each time saving any references to undefined things until the next pass. Even that would fail if there are circular references.
I would go through on pass one and collect all of your class/method/field names and types, ignoring the method bodies. Then in pass two check the method bodies only.
I don't know that there can be any other way than traversing all the files in the source.
I think that you can get it down to two passes - on the first pass, build the AST and whenever you find a variable name, add it to a list that contains that blocks' symbols (it would probably be useful to add that list to the corresponding scope in the tree). Step two is to linearly traverse the tree and make sure that each symbol used references a symbol in that scope or a scope above it.
My description is oversimplified but the basic answer is -- lookahead requires at least two passes.
The usual approach is to save B as "unknown". It's probably some kind of type (because of the place where you encountered it). So you can just reserve the memory (a pointer) for it even though you have no idea what it really is.
For the method call, you can't do much. In a dynamic language, you'd just save the name of the method somewhere and check whether it exists at runtime. In a static language, you can save it in under "unknown methods" somewhere in your compiler along with the unknown type B. Since method calls eventually translate to a memory address, you can again reserve the memory.
Then, when you encounter B and the method, you can clear up your unknowns. Since you know a bit about them, you can say whether they behave like they should or if the first usage is now a syntax error.
So you don't have to read all files twice but it surely makes things more simple.
Alternatively, you can generate these header files as you encounter the sources and save them somewhere where you can find them again. This way, you can speed up the compilation (since you won't have to consider unchanged files in the next compilation run).
Lastly, if you write a new language, you shouldn't use bison and flex anymore. There are much better tools by now. ANTLR, for example, can produce a parser that can recover after an error, so you can still parse the whole file. Or check this Wikipedia article for more options.

Objective C - Why do constants start with k

Why do constants in all examples I've seen always start with k? And should I #define constants in header or .m file?
I'm new to Objective C, and I don't know C. Is there some tutorial somewhere that explains these sorts of things without assuming knowledge of C?
Starting constants with a "k" is a legacy of the pre-Mac OS X days. In fact, I think the practice might even come from way back in the day, when the Mac OS was written mostly in Pascal, and the predominant development language was Pascal. In C, #define'd constants are typically written in ALL CAPS, rather than prefixing with a "k".
As for where to #define constants: #define them where you're going to use them. If you expect people who #import your code to use the constants, put them in the header file; if the constants are only going to be used internally, put them in the .m file.
Current recommendations from Apple for naming constants don't include the 'k' prefix, but many organizations adopted that convention and still use it, so you still see it quite a lot.
The question of what the "k" means is answered in this question.
And if you intend for files other than that particular .m to use these constants, you have to put the constants in the header, since they can't import the .m file.
You might be interested in Cocoa Dev Central's C tutorial for Cocoa programmers. It explains a lot of the core concepts.
The k prefix comes from a time where many developers loved to use Hungarian notation in their code. In Hungarian notation, every variable has a prefix that tells you what type it is. pSize would be a pointer named "size" whereas iSize would be an integer named "size". Just looking at the name, you know the type of a variable. This can be pretty helpful in absence of modern IDEs that can show you the type of any variable at any time, otherwise you'd always have to search the declaration to know it. Following the trend of the time, Apple wanted to have a common prefix for all constants.
Okay, why not c then, like c for "constant"? Because c was already taken, in Hungarian notation, c is for "counter" (cApple means "count of apples"). There's a similar problem with the class, being a keyword in many languages, so how do you name a variable that points to a class? You will find tons of code naming this variable klass and thus k was chosen, k as in "konstant". In many languages this word actually does start with a k, see here.
Regarding your second question: You should not use #define for constant at all, if you can avoid it, as #define is typeless.
const int x = 10; // Type is int
const short y = 20; // Type is short
const uint64_t z = 30; // Type is for sure UInt64
const double d = 5000; // Type is for sure double
const char * str = "Hello"; // Type is for sure char *
#define FOO 90
What type is FOO? It's some kind of number. But what kind of number? So far any type or no type at all. Type will depend on how and where you use FOO in your code.
Also if you have a fixed set of numbers, use an enum as then the compiler can verify you are using a valid value and enum values are always constant.
If you have to use a define, it won't matter where you define it. Header files are files you share among multiple code files, so if you need the same define in more than one place, you write it into a header file and include that header file wherever that define is needed. What you write into a code file is only visible within that code file, except for non-static functions and Obj-C classes that are both globally visible by default. But unless a function is declared in a header file and that header file is included into a code file where you want to use that function, the compiler will not know how this function looks like (what parameters it expects, what result value it returns), so it cannot check any of this and must rely that you call it correctly (usually this will cause it to create a warning). Obj-C classes cannot be used at all, unless you tell the current code file at least that this name is the name of a class, yet if you want to actually do something with that class (other than just passing it around), the compiler needs to know the interface of the class, that's why interfaces go into header files (if the class is only used within the current code file, writing interface and implementation into the file is legal and will work, too).
k for "konvention". Seriously; it is just convention.
You can put a #define wherever you like; in a header, in the .m at the top, in the .m right next to where you use it. Just put it before any code that uses it.
The "intro to objective-c" documentation provided with the Xcode tool suite is actually quite good. Read it a few times (I like to re-read it once every 2 to 5 years).
However, neither it nor any of the C books that I'm aware of will answer these particular questions. The answers sort of become obvious through experience.
I believe it is because of the former prevalence of Hungarian Notation, so k was chosen because c stood for character. ( )

const vs enum in D

Check out this quote from here, towards the bottom of the page. (I believe the quoted comment about consts apply to invariants as well)
Enumerations differ from consts in that they do not consume any space
in the final outputted object/library/executable, whereas consts do.
So apparently value1 will bloat the executable, while value2 is treated as a literal and doesn't appear in the object file.
const int value1 = 0xBAD;
enum int value2 = 42;
Back in C++ I always assumed this was for legacy reasons, and old compilers that couldn't optimize away constants. But if this is still true in D, there must be a deeper reason behind this. Anyone know why?
Just like in C++, an enum in D seems to be a "conserved integer literal" (edit: amazing, D2 even supports floats and strings). Its enumerators have no location. They are just immaterial as values without identity.
Placing enum is new in D2. It first defines a new variable. It is not an lvalue (so you also cannot take its address). An
enum int a = 10; // new in D2
Is like
enum : int { a = 10 }
If i can trust my poor D knowledge. So, a in here is not an lvalue (no location and you can't take its address). A const, however, has an address. If you have a global (not sure whether this is the right D terminology) const variable, the compiler usually can't optimize it away, because it doesn't know what modules can access that variable or could take its address. So it has to allocate storage for it.
I think if you have a local const, the compiler can still optimize it away just as in C++, because the compiler knows by looking at its scope whether or not anyone is interested in its address or whether everyone just takes its value.
Your actual question; why enum/const is the same in D as in C++; seems to be unanswered. Sadly there exists no good reason for this choice whatsoever. I believe that this was just an unintentional side effect in C++ that became a de facto pattern. In D the same pattern was needed, and Walter Bright decided that it should be done as in C++ such that those coming from that place would recognize what to do ... In fact, before this rather IMHO silly decision, the keyword manifest was used instead of enum for this usecase.
I think a good compiler/linker should still remove the constant. It's just that with the enum, it's actually guaranteed in the spec. The difference is primarily a matter of semantics. (Also keep in mind that 2.0 isn't complete yet)
The real purpose of enum being expanded syntactically to support single manifest constants, from what I understand, is that Don Clugston, a D template guru, was doing some crazy stuff with templates. He kept running into long build times, ridiculous compiler memory usage, etc. because the compiler kept creating internal data strucutres for const variables. One key thing about const/immutable variables compared to enums is that const/immutable variables are lvalues and can have their address taken. This means there is some extra overhead for the compiler. This usually doesn't matter, but when you're executing really complicated compile-time metaprograms, even if const variables are optimized away, this is still significant overhead at compile time.
It sounds like the enum value will be used "inline" in expressions where as the const will actually take storage and any expression referencing it will be loading the value from the memory storage.
This sound similar to the difference between const vs. readonly in C#. The former is a compile-time constant and the later is a run-time constant. This definitely affected versioning of assemblies (since assemblies referencing a readonly would receive a copy at compile time and would not get a change to the value if the referenced assembly was rebuilt with a different value).