What is the difference between "system/subsystem" and "software" in a SSS vs SRS? - requirements

What is the difference between a System/Subsystem Specification (SSS) and a Software Requirements Specification (SRS)? I am struggling to find a precise definition between System/Subsystem and Software. I know that the SRS is more detailed than the SSS in that it includes mentions of interface of how it interacts with other software and hardware. However,I still can't make the connection of how the SRS relates back to the SSS.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

A SSS specifies something with at least one atom in it. A SRS specifies something with no atoms in it, but, specifically a set of instructions intended to be executed by a processor.


How to obtain test cases

Recently I focused on the static analysis software, especially the Indus and and Soot Java frameworks. I want to test these software. Can anyone can provide comprehensive test cases? I think the test cases I write are not typical enough.
My standard advice in evaluating static analysis tools is to test them on the real software you’ll be using them for: “Pitfall II: Don’t buy a tool based on bugs it finds in other people’s code. Before you commit to a static analysis tool, make sure that it finds important bugs in your real code. Bugs found in open source or demo code can be very impressive; but your organization’s code, while it’s under development (which is the cheapest time to find bugs) will be very different from code which has already been made public.” Supplemental Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, http://pobox.com/~flash/Static_Analysis_Deployment_Pitfalls.pdf.
Your best bet is to contact the vendors of these software packages and ask them for test cases. It is in their own interest to have as many as possible right now.
One way of obtaining test cases is holding onto the input files you get from your users when things break -- maybe distill the input to the least amount of input necessary to trigger the bug in the broken version, and make sure newer versions work correctly.

Does "DO-178B level A" prohibits optimizing compilers?

There is an "DO-178B" level A and level B certification for airborne systems. Does it prohibit using of optimizating compilers?
E.g. Some compilers will reorder instructions to get more performance. Does DO-178B lev.A or lev.B prohibits this reordering?
Most modern CPU have such reordering builtin in the hardware. Are they allowed to be used within DO-178B lev.A softare/hardware systems?
First, and critically: For this type of question, if the answer matters, you need to get a formal professional opinion from someone who is competent to provide it, or discuss this with your certification authority. Any reply you will get here should not be relied on.
With that said, I will assume you are asking from a point of curiousity and will not be relying on the answer in any meaningful way, and I will attempt to answer in that vein. I am not a professional, and this is not professional advice.
The most on-point documentation I could find online with a quick search was this FAA guideline paper about a related topic: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/air_cert/design_approvals/air_software/cast/cast_papers/media/cast-12.pdf. This paper describes the conditions under which one must do verification of the generated object code rather than the source code. In particular, it gives a number of examples that will occur even in non-optimized code -- automatic variable initialization and exception handling are a couple of examples. On compiler optimization, it notes:
Compiler optimization is another area addressed under section 4.4.2a of DO-178B/ED-12B. This involves the analytical determination that the optimization features do not compromise the ability of the test cases to demonstrate requirements-based testing and structural coverage consistent with the software level. This is a separate issue from the traceability and additional verifications issues addressed by Section 4.4.2b. This is outside the scope of this paper.
I do not have a copy of DO-178B handy to read section 4.4.2a, but I would note that (a) there are procedures for handling other cases where the object code does not correspond to the source code in a one-to-one manner, and (b) this pretty strongly implies that compiler optimization is discussed rather than outright prohibited.
It's also pretty clear from a number of the discussions in that paper that the answer to "we can't trace things between the source code and the object code" is to validate the object code in some manner -- in other words, there is a solution other than prohibiting such things.
Thus, I would conclude that at least some compiler optimizations must be permitted.
In particular, the sort of reordering that you describe is quite traceable, and it seems almost certain to me that it would be permitted.
DO-178B is not absolute and is open to interpretation. If you switch off optimisation there is no questions and nothing to explain. By sticking to the most obvious interpretation you avoid having to sell your interpretation to certification authorities later on and opening your self up to questions about how you did things.
When you optimise your code it is hard to do the source to instruction traceability that is required for level A. In addition if you are using Do-178B getting that extra 5% out of your software is not your greatest concern. The ease of completing all the required certification steps should be your primary concern since that is what is going to be sucking up all your time.
The hardware part of your question is interesting. For software optimisation code is not just reordered it is changed as well. But for hardware the code is not changed to get higher speed only the execution order. I have to ask around to get more info on what the thinking is on this.
I have only superficial knowledge of DO-178B (I do not work day-to-day with it, but I build tools for people who do).
The standard takes traceability very seriously. High-level requirements are declined into low-level requirements, which are implemented by the source code, which is compiled by the compiler. At each of these steps, one must be able to justify what was done in terms of the specifications produced by the previous step.
For the compiler, this means that one must be able to read the assembly and trace one particular instruction to the source code statement that caused this instruction to be generated.
So, in short, yes, I think this prohibits most optimizations.
Concerning the hardware this software is run on, it is verified differently (but I guess just as stringently). The relevant standard is then DO-254, and I do not know anything about it.
With optimization, you need to verify the generated code at the object assembly language level. There are compiler suites and libraries for embedded real-time multitasking that have been previously verified in other projects, giving you a comfort level that they can be verified again - but you still need to verify the code used in your application.
To avoid delays and having to explain things just turn off optimizations and cache. This makes the code deterministic. Also try not to use GCC if possible and go for a qualified compiler such as IAR or DDCI or Irvine Compilers or something. Instead of trying bang the screw with a fancy hammer get a screw driver that works for the screw. Because when that plane crashes with 200 people on board, with mothers, fathers and children and they find out that the compiler reordered code and that caused the failure you will wish that you only had the right screw driver.

Can PMD be customized to fully support a new language?

Can PMD be customized to fully support a new language, in a reasonable amount of time. I mean I know that technically almost anything can be done, but im wondering if this can be done in a reasonable amount of time? E.g. < 2 weeks
This page mentions how to write a CPD parser http://pmd.sourceforge.net/cpd-parser-howto.html
But is this just for copy / paste detection? Does writing a CPD parser give me full support of PMD in terms of rile sets?
I would guess not, but I'm not a PMD expert (and I have my own bias, check my bio).
The issues are:
Can you define a syntax for my langauge quickly (maybe, depending on how good you are, how messy the language is, and the strength of the parsing machinery offered by PMD)
Can you define the semantics of my language so that "semantic checks" provided by PMD work. You have to do this, because syntax tells you (and a tool) literally nothing about semantic of the syntax. I would guess that the PMD tool 'semantic checks' are pretty wired into the precise details of Java; if you language matched java perfectly, this would be zero work. But it doesn't, or you wouldn't be asking the question. And langauge semantics differences, even minor ones, cause discontinuous changes to the interpreation of the code. Before you get to doing even "serious" semantics, you're likely to have to build a symbol table mapping identifiers in the code to declarations (and the "semantic" type) for those symbols. Based on tool infrastructure I work with, this step alone takes 1-2 months for a real language.
Lastly, you are likely to have to code special PMD checks that are specific to your langauge. That takes time and energy, too.
I build generic compiler-type machinery (parsers, flow analyzers, style/error checkers) and get asked the equivalent of this question all the time WRT to our machinery. We try to have a lot of machinery available, try to make it easy to integrate new langauges, and we've been working on trying to make this "convenient and fast" for 15+ years. Its still not convenient, and there's no way to do this with our tools in a few weeks. I doubt PMD is better.

Where to find good examples or Templates for Configuration Management Plans?

Documentation is not the favorite area of a developer but an important area to fulfill if you want to have standards in the organization. We are trying to put together a new Configuratio Mgmt Plan to setup Change Controls, Backups strategies and other fun things, like the process from development, staging to production.
I will like to have your opinions on good examples or probably a good start for CMP process.
If you would like some list of the item in software configuration management plant, this links provide an example: http://www.scmwise.com/software-configuration-management-plan.html
However, please notes that the content of SCM plan is highly dependent on your company standard and the process during software development itself.
I usually refer cmcrossroads.com for such information. The site is not organized well but has lots of info. Another very useful resource is nasa.gov (I know).
Rather than me listing out the index of a CM plan, I would recommend you to check this link out: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ivv/pdf/170879main_T2401.pdf
Some quick pointers for setting up CM process:
You absolutely need the
management's/corporation's backing.
Without them pushing, no one will
adhere to the process.
SCM is like police/postal service. No one remembers them until something goes wrong. In your case, it is a good sign if no one talks (complains) about your implemented SCM process.
Open source SCM systems are at par with the other kind. Depending on the intensity of your project, you may have to do several POCs to determine which system suits your needs.
This is a vast topic; I would recommend Alexis Leon's book if you are stuck.
Software development related all kind of documents are available as part of Rational Unified Process[RUP]. You can find those at:
Configuration management Plans
RUP templates
RUP templates

Real time scripting language + MS DLR?

For starters I should let you guys know what I'm trying to do. The project I'm working on has a requirement that requires a custom scripting system to be built. This will be used by non-programmers who are using the application and should be as close to natural language as possible. An example would be if the user needs to run a custom simulation and plot the output, the code they would write would need to look like
variable input1 is 10;
variable input2 is 20;
variable value1 is AVERAGE(input1, input2);
variable condition1 is true;
if condition1 then PLOT(value1);
Might not make a lot of sense, but its just an example. AVERAGE and PLOT are functions we'd like to define, they shouldn't be allowed to change them or really even see how they work. Is something like this possible with DLR? If not what other options would we have(start with ANTRL to define the grammar and then move on?)? In the future this may need to run using XBAP and WPF too, so this is also something we need to consider, but haven't seen much if anything on dlr & xbap. Thanks, and hopefully this all makes sense.
Lua is not an option as it is to different from what they are already accustomed to.
Ralf, its going to reactive, and to be honest the timeframe for when the results should get back to the user may be 1/100 of a second all the way up to 2 weeks or a month(very complex mathematical functions).
Basically they already have a system they purchased that does some of what they need, and included a custom scripting language that does what I mentioned above and they don't want to have to learn a new one, they basically just want us to copy it and add functionality. I think I'll just start with ANTRL and go from there.
it's small, fast, easy to embed, portable, extensible, and fun!
Lua is definitly the best choice for soft real-time system (like computer games).
See http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ for detailed benchmarks.
However, last time I checked, Lua used a mark-and-sweep garbage collector which can lead to deadline-violation and non-deterministic jitter in real-time systems.
I believe that you could use theoretically use the DLR, but I'm unsure about support in an XBAP (partially trusted?) scenario.
If you host the DLR you would quickly be able to take advantage of IronRuby or IronPython scripting. You would want to look at these implementations when creating your own language implementation. If you post your question to the IronPython mailing list I'm sure you would get a better reply around the XBAP scenario, and some of the developers there created ToyScript.
What kind of real-time requirement are you trying to fulfill? Is the simulation a hard real-time simulation (some kind of hardware-in-the-loop simulation ==> deadline is less than 1/1000 second)?
Or do you want the scripting-system to be "reactive" to user-input ==> 1/10 should be sufficient.
I am no expert regarding MS DLR, but as far as I know, it does not support hard real-time systems. You may want to take a look at the real-time specification for Java (RTSJ)
Firstly I think that defining your own language is not the way to go.
Primarily because the biggest productivity gains you can get for programmers or non-programmers are the development tools. You (and 99.9% of the rest of us) are not going to write tools as good as what is out their.
Language design is hard.
Language support and documentation, also hard
I would recommend looking for a pre-built solution. If you could find a language that can lock down some functionality, that would be a good starting point. MatLab would be the first that comes to my mind.
Lastly, ditch the natural language part, BASIC, COBOL and YA-TDWTF-Lang all tried and failed at it.
Full disclosure: I work for a company that is developing a generalized domain specific language "system". It's targeted at data-in/text-out applications so it's not apropos and it's not yet to beta. The result is I'm somewhat knowledgeable and biased.