Running CMD command on windows service -

I have created a windows service that requires executing an EXE file with the CMD process. I have used the following code:
Str = "C:\PCounter\Staff\account.exe CHARGE " & Name & " " & Amount & " TO" & Id
Dim procStartInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(Str)
procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
Dim proc As New System.Diagnostics.Process
proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo
However the above code will return
system cannot find the file specified
I have tried same code on the Windows form, and its works fine. To make sure the path is correct I have added a text file in the same location as EXE file, and load the content of the text file in the service. It works fine.
I can't think of anything else; I really would appreciate it if you can help me on this.

ProcessStartInfo has two properties. One for the executable to run, and the other for the arguments to pass to the executable. The symantics for the Arguments property are the exact same as the command line.
You can not include the arguments in the same property as the executable. They must be separated.

Create service:
sc create Vm-Symantec04 binPath= "\"C:\App32\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmrun.exe\" -T ws start \"D:\VM\Sym04\Sym04.vmx\" nogui" depend= "VMAuthdService/VMnetDHCP/VMUSBArbService/VMware NAT Service" start= auto
Delete service:
sc delete Vm-Symantec04


manual entry in cmd window works, VBA executing CMD works, but not VBA when I use run (so I can hide the window)

SECOND EDIT/UPDATE: tried the path change recommendations, did not see any changes to the command string, still does not work. I re-wrote the code to use a fixed text file instead of a random temp file so I could monitor the contents of the file during execution. Able to conclusively show it is the
oShellObject.Run sCommandStringToExecute & " > " & sShellRndTmpFile, 0, True
code line that doesn't behave as expected. Still works with the w32tm command line, but not with the ntpq command line. With ntpq command, no changes made to the file, no error flags. I also tried out (again) the exec version of this problem where the window is supposed to flash a bit before it gets hidden programmatically. I get the expected reslut using exactly the same command string, cut and pasted into the other code. So the same command line works with manual entry into CMD, into PowerShell, and in the .exec code version, not the .run code version.
End of second edit. -------------------
EDIT: more debugging... ntpq -p works if I do .exec instead of .run, but then of course can't hid the cmd window. Extra test code at the end.
This Works: If I run these two commands in manually opened cmd window, or PowerShell window, both give the expected results.
w32tm /stripchart / /dataonly /samples:3 /rdtsc /period:1
ntpq -p
The second, ntpq -p, is bundled with NTP windows software from the home of the Network Time Protocol project that gives similar information to windows' w32tm when NTP is set up to look at the same time service computer as in the w32tm command.
This Doesn't work:
When I try to use these two command string when running CMD functions hidden using the classic "write to file" method shown in SO here and other places, the w32tm version gives the same results as the manual version, but the ntpq version just returns "error".
I read every single one of the recommended links for this question as well as searching OS and Google, and have not found an answer.
I am stuck on next step to troubleshoot the problem...only thing I could think of was to run the commands manually to confirm they work there. I can't imagine it being a administrator privileges issue since I can run them both in CMD line or PowerShell windows opened at normal rights level.
What should I look at next?
Here is the test code.
Option Explicit
Sub TestShellRun()
Dim sCmd As String, sReturnNTP As String
sCmd = "w32tm /stripchart / /dataonly /samples:3 /rdtsc /period:1 " ' /packetinfo"
sCmd = "%ComSpec% /C %SystemRoot%\system32\" & sCmd
sReturnNTP = fShellRun(sCmd) 'good return value, same as manual cmd line
Debug.Print sReturnNTP
sCmd = "ntpq -p"
sCmd = "%ComSpec% /C %SystemRoot%\system32\" & sCmd
sReturnNTP = fShellRun(sCmd) 'ERROR return value, even though manual cmd line has good values
Debug.Print sReturnNTP
End Sub
Public Function fShellRun(sCommandStringToExecute) As String
' This function will accept a string as a DOS command to execute.
' It will then execute the command in a shell, and capture the output into a file.
' That file is then read in and its contents are returned as the value the function returns.
' "myIP" is a user-selected global variable
Dim oShellObject, oFileSystemObject, sShellRndTmpFile
Dim oShellOutputFileToRead
Dim iErr As Long
Set oShellObject = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set oFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sShellRndTmpFile = oShellObject.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") & oFileSystemObject.GetTempName
On Error Resume Next
oShellObject.Run sCommandStringToExecute & " > " & sShellRndTmpFile, 0, True
iErr = Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0
If iErr <> 0 Then
fShellRun = "error"
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo err_skip
fShellRun = oFileSystemObject.OpenTextFile(sShellRndTmpFile, 1).ReadAll
oFileSystemObject.DeleteFile sShellRndTmpFile, True
Exit Function
fShellRun = "error"
oFileSystemObject.DeleteFile sShellRndTmpFile, True
End Function
sCommand = "ntpq.exe -p"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShellExec = WshShell.Exec(sCommand)
strOutput = WshShellExec.StdOut.ReadAll
Debug.Print strOutput
Your fShellRun function didn't work due to error in temporary file path. Here is fixed version.
Function fShellRun(sCommandStringToExecute) As String
'invalid file path without path separator between directory path and filename!
sShellRndTmpFile = oShellObject.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%") & _
'valid path with path separator between directory path and filename
sShellRndTmpFile = oFileSystemObject.BuildPath( _
Environ("temp"), oFileSystemObject.GetTempName)
End Function

Get the path to an execuatble in

I'm making a task manager type program and I need to get the path to every file. I don't want to find out the directory off my own executable. Just external files.
This is the beginning of getting the executable:
For Each OneProcess As Process In Process.GetProcesses
To find the directory and file name of any Process use MainModule.FileFileName
Here is sample code to help
System.Diagnostics.Process mm22= System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")[0];
string stp = mm22.MainModule.FileName; //location of the executable with filename
I had the same problem.. browse for answers, got close but it wasnt what i was excepting, then i saw GetProcessesByName which reminded me of i changed it to GetProcessById.
For Each p In System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses()
ListBox1.Items.Add(p.ProcessName & " - " & p.Id.ToString() & " - ")
Dim id = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString.Split("-")(1).Trim
Dim p As System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(id)
MsgBox( p.MainModule.FileName)

VB.Net Self Deletion after 5 days

Im have to execute the following code.
Dim Info As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo()
Info.Arguments = "/C ping -n 1 -w 3000 > Nul & Del """ & Application.ExecutablePath.ToString & """"
Info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
Info.CreateNoWindow = True
Info.FileName = "cmd.exe"
The code will delete the file on execution. How can I code my program so the function is called 5 days after first execution.
Thanks in advance.
you might do the following
1- create a windows service application, check this link to get more information
Developing Windows Service Applications
2- use timer , check this link to get more information
Windows service and timer
hope this will help you

Running a advanced java call from

I need to run a small piece of Java code (Java is the only option in this case)
I have the jar file in the resources as JSSMCL(the extension is not required to run it, of this I am sure :P) I know I use Path.GetFullPath(My.Resources.ResourceManager.BaseName)
but no mater how I do it it fails, I have tried so many ways i have lost count!
this is the command that I need to run:
java -cp "JSSMCL.jar" net.minecraft.MinecraftLauncher username false
You can use System.Diagnostics.Process class and its method to start/run the external process.
Refer to the following code part to run the Command using Process
Sub Main()
' One file parameter to the executable
Dim sourceName As String = "ExampleText.txt"
' The second file parameter to the executable
Dim targetName As String = "Example.gz"
' New ProcessStartInfo created
Dim p As New ProcessStartInfo
' Specify the location of the binary
p.FileName = "C:\7za.exe"
' Use these arguments for the process
p.Arguments = "a -tgzip """ & targetName & """ """ & sourceName & """ -mx=9"
' Use a hidden window
p.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
' Start the process
End Sub
Use the Coding part like below, may be it works
-jar "compiler.jar" --js_output_file="myOutput.min.js" --js="input1.js" --js="input2.js"
Have a look at this link for your problem

Running powershell scripts from within a .NET windows app

I'm needing to run scripts from within a windows app.
I've got the scripts running in the background fine;
Using MyRunSpace As Runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace()
Using MyPipeline As Pipeline = MyRunSpace.CreatePipeline()
MyPipeline.Commands.AddScript("import-module -name " & moduleName &
vbCrLf &
"(get-module -name " & moduleName & ").version")
Dim results = MyPipeline.Invoke()
'Do something with the results
End Using
End Using
However, i now need to be able to have the powershell run (not in the background) eg. When prompts occur;
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
I'm currently looking into the Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost namespace to see if i can use something like;
Dim config = RunspaceConfiguration.Create
ConsoleShell.Start(config, "Windows PowerShell", "", New String() {""})
Can anyone advise me please???
EDIT: I've fudged it a bit with this;
Public Function RunPowershellViaShell(ByVal scriptText As String) As Integer
Dim execProcess As New System.Diagnostics.Process
Dim psScriptTextArg = "-NoExit -Command ""& get-module -list"""
'Dim psScriptTextArg = "-NoExit -Command ""& set-executionPolicy unrestricted"""
'Dim psScriptTextArg = ""-NoExit -Command """ & scriptText & """"
execProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Environment.SystemDirectory & "\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\"
execProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "powershell.exe"
execProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = psScriptTextArg
execProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True
Return execProcess.Start
End Function
But there's gotta be a better way??
There is a distinction between the PowerShell engine and its host. What you're wanting is to run the engine within your application but then fire up a separate host (which also is hosting the PowerShell engine) to handle prompts. You might want to look into modifying your application to act as a host itself. You could then react to prompts (read-host) and pop dialog boxes or whatever. Take a look at this relevant PowerShell namespace. Also check out this blog post on creating a simple PSHost.