Numpy loop using an index - numpy

I'm a newbie and was trying something in python 2.7.2 with Numpy which wasn't working as expected so wanted to check if there was something basic I was misunderstanding.
I was calculating a value for a triangle (trinormals) and then updating a value per point of the triangle (vertnormals) using an array of triangle indexes (trivertexidx). As a loop I was calculating:
for itri in range(ntriangles) :
vertnormals[(trivertidx[itri,0]),:] += trinormals[itri,:]
vertnormals[(trivertidx[itri,1]),:] += trinormals[itri,:]
vertnormals[(trivertidx[itri,2]),:] += trinormals[itri,:]
As this was a little slow I thought it could be modified to :
vertnormals[(trivertidx[:,0]),:] += trinormals[:,:]
vertnormals[(trivertidx[:,1]),:] += trinormals[:,:]
vertnormals[(trivertidx[:,2]),:] += trinormals[:,:]
However this doesn't give the same results. Is there another simpler way to write the loop? Any pointers appreciated. Note the intent here was to get a single value for each entry in vertnormals and then normalise the result.

Numpy has a function bincount that can be very helpful in situations like this. The two lines bellow are the the same when the elements of index are unique, but different when index has repeated values:
A[index] += W
A += np.bincount(index, W, minlenght=len(A))
I believe you want the behavior of the second, but you're code is a little more complex because A, index, and W are not 1d. You can try something like this,
import numpy as np
N = len(vertnormals)
for j in range(vertnormals.shape[-1]):
vertnormals[:, j] += np.bincount(trivertidx[:, 0], trinormals[:, j], minlength=N)
vertnormals[:, j] += np.bincount(trivertidx[:, 1], trinormals[:, j], minlength=N)
vertnormals[:, j] += np.bincount(trivertidx[:, 2], trinormals[:, j], minlength=N)
Hope that helps.

If I am understanding your question well, you have m points from which you have formed n triangles, and trivertidx is an array of shape (n, 3) holding values in the range [0, m), where trivertidx[j] is the list of the 3 points making up the j-th triangle.
trinormals then is an array of shape (n,) holding a value assigned to each triangle, and you want vertnormals to be an array of shape (m,) holding, for each point, the sum of the values assigned to each triangle that point is a vertex of.
If the above is right, the following example should show why your second code is not working properly:
>>> a = np.arange(5)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> a[[1,2,0,2]] += 1
>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 3, 4])
Even though the element in position 2 shows up twice in the left hand side, what happens is that two copies of the same value have 1 added, and then the incremented value is copied twice to the same position.
To vectorize this summation you would need an array of shape (n, m) where the value at position [j, k] is True if vertex k is part of triangle j, False if not. You could build that array like this:
trivert = np.zeros((n, m), dtype='bool')
trivert[np.arange(n).reshape(n, 1), trivertidx] = 1
Once you have this array, you can get your sums for each vertex as
vertnormals = np.sum(trivert * trinormals.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0)


How to find matrix common members of matrices in Numpy

I have a 2D matrix A and a vector B. I want to find all row indices of elements in A that are also contained in B.
A = np.array([[1,9,5], [8,4,9], [4,9,3], [6,7,5]], dtype=int)
B = np.array([2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 18], dtype=int)
My current solution is only to compare A to one element of B at a time but that is horribly slow:
res = np.array([], dtype=int)
for i in range(B.shape[0]):
cres, _ = (B[i] == A).nonzero()
degElem = np.append(res, cres)
res = np.unique(res)
The following Matlab statement would solve my issue:
find(any(reshape(any(reshape(A, prod(size(A)), 1) == B, 2),size(A, 1),size(A, 2)), 2))
However comparing a row and a colum vector in Numpy does not create a Boolean intersection matrix as it does in Matlab.
Is there a proper way to do this in Numpy?
We can use np.isin masking.
To get all the row numbers, it would be -
If you need them split based on each element's occurence -
[np.flatnonzero(i) for i in np.isin(A,B).T if i.any()]
Posted MATLAB code seems to be doing broadcasting. So, an equivalent one would be -

how to avoid split and sum of pieces in pytorch or numpy

I want to split a long vector into smaller unequal pieces, do a summation on each piece and gather the results into a new vector.
I need to do this in pytorch but I am also interested to see how this is done with numpy.
This can easily be accomplish by splitting the vector.
sizes = [3, 7, 5, 9]
X = torch.ones(sum(sizes))
Y = torch.tensor([s.sum() for s in torch.split(X, sizes)])
or with np.ones and np.split.
Is there a more efficient way to do this?
Inspired by the first comment:
indices = np.cumsum([0]+sizes)[:-1]
Y = np.add.reduceat(X, indices.tolist())
solves it for numpy. I am still looking for a solution with pytorch.
index_add_ is your friend!
# inputs
sizes = torch.tensor([3, 7, 5, 9], dtype=torch.long)
x = torch.ones(sizes.sum())
# prepare an index vector for summation (what elements of x are summed to each element of y)
ind = torch.zeros(sizes.sum(), dtype=torch.long)
ind[torch.cumsum(sizes, dim=0)[:-1]] = 1
ind = torch.cumsum(ind, dim=0)
# prepare the output
y = torch.zeros(len(sizes))
# do the actual summation
y.index_add_(0, ind, x)

Numpy - Find spatial position of a gridpoint in 3-d matrix (knowing the index of that gridpoint)

So I think I might be absolutely on the wrong track here, but basically
I have a 3-d meshgrid, I find all of the distances to a testpoint at all of the points in that grid
import numpy as np
#crystal_lattice structure
x,y,z = np.linspace(-2,2,5),np.linspace(-2,2,5),np.linspace(-2,2,5)
xx,yy,zz = np.meshgrid(x,y,z)
point = np.array([1,1,1])
d = np.sqrt((point[0]-xx)**2 + (point[1]-yy)**2 + (point[2]-zz)**2)
#np.shape(d) = (5, 5, 5)
Then I am trying to find the coordinates of he gridpoint that is the closest to that test point.
My idea was to sort d (flatten then search), get the index of the lowest value.
low_to_hi_d = np.sort(d, axis=None) # axis=0 flattens the d, going to flatten the entire d array and then search
lowest_val = low_to_hi_d[0]
index = np.where(d == lowest_val)
#how do I get the spatial coordinates of my index, not just the position in ndarray (here the position in ndarray is (3,3,3) but the spatial position is (1,1,1), but if I do d[3,3,3] I get 0 (the value at spatial position (1,1,1))
Use that index on my 3d grid to find the point coordinates (not the d value at that point). I am trying something like this, and I am pretty sure I am overcomplicating it. How can I get the (x,y,z) of the 3-d gridpoint that is closest to my test point?
If you just want to find the coordinates of the closest point you are right, you're on the wrong track. There is no point in generating a meshgrid and calculate the distance on so many duplicates. You can do it in every dimension easily and independently:
import numpy as np
x,y,z = np.linspace(-2,2,5),np.linspace(-2,2,5),np.linspace(-2,2,5)
closest=lambda x,p: x[np.argmin(np.abs(x-p))]
I'm not completely sure that this is what you want.
You can find the index of the minimum d with:
idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(d), d.shape)
(3, 3, 3)
and use this to index your meshgrid:
xx[idx], yy[idx], zz[idx]
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Transform a numpy 3D ndarray to a symmetric form with respect to a specific index

In the case of a matrix mat n x n, i can do the following
sym = 0.5 * (mat + mat.T)
the operation gives the desired result sym[i,j] = sym[j,i]
Suppose we have a 3D array ndarr[i,j,k], where i,j,k 0,1,...n,
then ndarr is n x n x n. The idea is to obtain the following "symmetric" form
nsym[i,j,k] = nsym[j,i,k] using ndarr. I tried this:
import numpy as np
# Generate some random matrix, n = 5
ndarr = np.random.beta(0.1,1,(5,5,5))
# First attempt to symmetrize
sym1 = np.array([0.5*(ndarr[:,:,k]+ndarr[:,:,k].T) for k in range(5)])
The problem here is that sym1[i,j,k] != sym1[j,i,k] as it is required. In fact I obtain sym1[i,j,k] = sym1[i,k,j], symmetric under the exchange of the last two symbols!
# Second attempt
sym2 = 0.5*(ndarr+ndarr.T)
Same problem here and sym2 is symmetric with respect the second index sym2[i,j,k]=sym2[k,j,i].
To resume, the goal is to find a symmetric form for a 3D array with respect to the third index and to preserve the values in the diagonal for the original ndarr[i,i,i].
The problem here is that you're not using the correct transpose:
sym = 0.5 * (ndarr + np.transpose(ndarr, (1, 0, 2)))
By default, np.transpose and the .T property will reverse the order of the axes. In your case, we want to only flip the first two axes: (0,1,2) -> (1,0,2).
EDIT: The reason your first attempt failed is because you were concatenating each symmetrized matrix along the first axis, not the last. It's more clear if you make ndarr with shape (5, 5, 3):
In [16]: sym = np.array([0.5*(ndarr[:,:,k]+ndarr[:,:,k].T) for k in range(3)])
In [17]: sym.shape
Out[17]: (3L, 5L, 5L)
In any case, the version above with np.transpose is cleaner and more efficient.

Slice 3D ndarray with 2D ndarray in numpy?

My apologies if this has been answered many times, but I just can't find a solution.
Assume the following code:
import numpy as np
A,_,_ = np.meshgrid(np.arange(5),np.arange(7),np.arange(10))
B = (rand(7,10)*5).astype(int)
How can I slice A using B so that B represent the indexes in the first and last dimensions of A (I.e A[magic] = B)?
I have tried
A[:,B,:] which doesn't work due to peculiarities of advanced indexing.
A[:,B,np.arange(10)] generates 7 copies of the matrix I'm after
A[np.arange(7),B,np.arange(10)] gives the error:
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Any other suggestions?
These both work:
A[0, B, 0]
A[B, B, B]
Really, only the B in axis 1 matters, the others can be any range that will broadcast to B.shape and are limited by A.shape[0] (for axis 1) and A.shape[2] (for axis 2), for a ridiculous example:
A[range(7) + range(3), B, range(9,-1, -1)]
But you don't want to use : because then you'll get, as you said, 7 or 10 (or both!) "copies" of the array you want.
A, _, _ = np.meshgrid(np.arange(5),np.arange(7),np.arange(10))
B = (rand(7,10)*A.shape[1]).astype(int)
np.allclose(B, A[0, B, 0])
np.allclose(B, A[B, B, B])
np.allclose(B, A[range(7) + range(3), B, range(9,-1, -1)])