Why isn't the animateActiveItem function animating in Sencha Touch - sencha-touch

I have the following code in my app class:
switchMainView: function (newView, config) {
if (this.currentView != false) {
this.currentView = Ext.create(newView, config);
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.currentView, { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' })
Which can be called from any controller. However, it is not showing the animation. Any ideas what is wrong with it?

According to sencha guys :
AnimateActiveItem(activeItem,animation ) will
Animates to the supplied activeItem with a specified animation. Currently this only works with a Card layout. This passed animation will override any default animations on the container, for a single card switch. The animation will be destroyed when complete.
viewport: {
layout: {
type: 'card'
add above code in app.js

This is because the "this.currentView" view isn't part of the viewport yet. Use this line before the animateActiveItem line:
This should make it work.


SwiftUI NavigationLink not displaying view until physical rotation then all is ok?

The opening view of App is blank with a Back Button. However, the intended view will appear after complete rotation of physical device (before touching anything) or by tapping the Back Button on the displayed empty view.
This is a weird bug. After that rotation (to landscape and back to protrait) everything is peachy-keen-o.
I am aware that adding: .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()) to the NavigationView will sorta resolve the problem. But this solution is a poor fix for my App's needs.
Is there a command to intentionally rotate device in code to resolve this? Or some other fix to get that first view to appear without counting on the user to rotate the device?
I've tried various solutions with no luck.
Below is a quick setup of the problem.
struct FirstView: View {
#Binding var viewNum: Int?
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("View One")
Button {
viewNum = 2
} label: {
Text("Go to 2nd view")
.onAppear {
viewNum = 1
struct MainView: View {
#State var selection: Int? = 1
var body: some View {
// VStack {
NavigationView {
List {
NavigationLink("First View", tag: 1, selection: $selection){ FirstView(viewNum: $selection)}
NavigationLink("Second View", tag: 2, selection: $selection){
Text("View 2").padding(20)
Button {
selection = 1
} label: {
Text("Go to first view")
// .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle())

Extending Sencha Touch Text Field

I am trying to extend the TextField to initialize the value based on the location information. The following code does what i need.
Ext.define("Tasks.view.LatitudeField", {
extend: 'Ext.field.Text',
xtype: 'latitudefield',
initialize : function()
console.log("Component Initialized ");
But when the field is displayed, I can't click on the x icon to clear the text. The x icon is not clickable at all.
Call the parent method in your initialize method:
initialize: function() {
console.log("Component Initialized ");

How can I get a view in Sencha Touch 2 from within a controller by calling a function automatically generated by the ref config?

I have defined a controller in Sencha, that includes a refs attribute referencing my view, yet whenever I call the automatically generated "get" function to get the view, based on the refs attribute, it returns undefined. Here is my example:
I have the following controller in app/controller/Locals.js:
Ext.define('MobileUnion.controller.Locals', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
// Base class methods.
launch: function () {
init: function () {
config: {
refs: {
localsEditorView: 'localseditorview',
control: {
localsEditorView: {}
slideUpTransition: { type: 'cover', direction: 'up' },
onEditLocalsCommand: function() {
activateLocalsEditor: function() {
var localsEditorView = this.getLocalsEditorView();
console.log(localsEditorView); // Returns "undefined" to console.
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(localsEditorView, this.slideUpTransition);
I have the following view in app/views/LocalsEditor.js:
Ext.define('MobileUnion.view.LocalsEditor', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
alias: 'widget.localseditorview',
config: {
html: 'This is the new view which should show up on top!'
So, in the above example, if I call this.getLocalsEditorView() from within my controller, I get "undefined" even though I set a refs attribute as localsEditorView: 'localseditorview' and I defined MobileUnion.view.LocalsEditor to include an alias of widget.localseditorview. I feel like I should get the view when I do this.
By the way, I did define the view in the views attribute of my app.js, so that's not it.
Further information: there's no actual error being returned in my webkit console. Just the call to console.log() noted above in my controller returns undefined, rather than the view object.
Question: What do I have to do to make this function return the view, and not undefined? Any help would be appreciated. I've looked to make sure it's not just a typo; it does not seem to be.
The "refs" is to create references to existing components. So far all you've done is declare a class, from what you've posted you've never instanced it anywhere.
You might want to read the docs about autoCreate here:

button tap not reacting when view gets added a 2nd time

When an item from a list gets selected i execute the following lines of code.
this.details = Ext.create('EventManager.view.EventInfoView');
so i create a new view, and push it on a navigationview.
In my controller i listen for a tap on an acceptEventButton which is inside newly created view.
Ext.define('EventManager.controller.eventController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
acceptEventButton: '#acceptEventButton'
control: {
"acceptEventButton": {
tap: 'onAcceptButtonTap'
The first time this view gets placed on the navigationview, the button tap works.
When i hit the back button and push another view the button does nothing.
I'd like to solve this by doing the logic as it is now. I'd rather not add the eventlisteners myself while i'm creating the view and then push it.
Any ideas where this problem resides and how to fix?
A new version of sencha architect was released which allows adding not listed properties.
I solved this by adding an action field on my button, and in my controller reacting to that action.
xtype: 'button',
id: 'acceptEventButton',
ui: 'confirm',
text: 'Accept',
action: 'acceptEvent'
and in my controller i have the following lines of code
control: {
"button[action=acceptEvent]": {
tap: 'onAcceptButtonTap'
i faced same problem earlier and it was solved by setting autoDestroy: false,at config of my navigationView
its very well working after applying false to this autoDestroy property.hope it will work for you too.
You should change your query as follows:
control: {
"button[id='acceptEventButton']": {
tap: 'onAcceptButtonTap'
As an extra information: You can also use xtype in these queries.
For example if you have a navigationview as follows:
Ext.define('app.view.Pages', {
extend: 'Ext.NavigationView',
xtype: 'pages',
and you push a list to it like this:
Ext.define('app.view.ItemList', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
xtype: 'itemlist',
then you can write your query as follows:
control: {
"pages itemlist": {
itemtap: 'onItemTap'

How do I get a Sencha controller to respond to a swipe event in a view?

I have a dataview that I would like to detect a swipe on. It'd be great if I could listen for that in the controller, but as far as I understand I can't do that. My testing bears this out. So instead I need to listen in the view for the event. Currently I'm doing that in the initialize method of my data view like so:
initialize: function() {
var el = Ext.get("list");
el.on('swipe', function(event) {
So a couple of things:
Is my understanding correct, that I have to listen for DOM events like this in the view?
Is this the best way to set the swipe listener on the dataview? I couldn't seem to make it work through the config object.
How do I then let my controller know about the swipe? It will need to manipulate the view when the swipe happens (like change the view size). What are the best practices in this area?
Thanks in advance.
It is always better to put the events for a component inside the controller. So, first create a ref for that dataview in your controller.
refs : {
listView : 'list' //Or a selector to get the reference
control : {
listView : {
// Dataview has an "itemswipe" event - not "swipe" event
itemswipe : function(dataview, index, target, record){
//Do here what you want
This should work (not tested).
I think this is what you are after, its the same idea just changing the scope to the controller:
Ext.define('app.controller.myListControler', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
config: {
refs: {
list: { selector: 'myList', autoCreate: true, xtype: 'myList' }
init: function () {
launch: function () {
this.getList().on('swipe', this.onSwipe);
onSwipe: function (event) {