I'm writing a Windows Store App. It is a share target that allows the user to update product photos that are used in the main application. When the user shares a photo from another app, and chooses my app as the target, it allows the user to select the products that they want to update, displays both the old photo and the new photo that was shared, then gives the user the option to replace the photo. The process of finding the product to update involves the user entering text in a TextBox.
There are a couple of problems. First, it seems that the page that I get to work with when used as a share target is only a flyout, not the full screen. So, right off the bat, I only have less than half the screen to work with (the left half).
The other problem is that the tablet's on screen keyboard immediately comes up and covers the lower half of the screen because the TextBox has focus. So now, only the upper left quarter of the screen is visible, which gives me very little real estate to work with.
Is this just a normal thing that I have to deal with, and does everyone just design their share target window to use only that tiny amount of space? Or does anyone have any other solutions?
Nothing prevents you from handling the presentation of the soft keyboard.
.GetForCurrentView().Showing += (s, e) => { /* do something */ };
Moreover, nothing prevents you from adjusting your UI to account for the height of the soft keyboard so your UI remains completely usable.
var _KeyboardHeight = (int)e.OccludedRect.Height;
I know you would prefer this be handled by the operating system. It's not. I am sorry about that. It is what it is. At least we can account for it.
Best of luck!
I’m not sure what are these called:
I mean the Show code with my wire stats, Show Memory indicator, etc..
Basically, I’m mostly interested so this autocomplete menu would only show files, or at the very least would prioritise files. How can this be achieved?
I’m in version 2022.2.1.
That popup is called Search Everywhere and you are on an "All" tab that includes combined results from Classes, Files, Symbols, Actions etc.
Either manually switch to the desired tab (using a mouse or by hitting Tab needed number of times) or invoke this popup for the desired search from the start. For that just use the shortcut for Navigate | File... (Ctrl + Shift + N here on Windows keymap).
Found the solution.
These things are called Actions, and the can be disabled in menu that appears after clicking the small funnel icon in the top right:
I tested, these changes seem to 'survive' a restart.
Yes, at the moment it is remembered only during the session.
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-229285 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified about any progress.
(P.S. The same happens with Find in Files popup (IDEA-143972) and a few others similar popups as well)
When starting our vba-access-application (which is done by a VBE-add-in which starts a VBA-function) we used to close the navigation-pane with this code:
DoCmd.SelectObject acMacro, "Autoexec", True
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide
As I started to use the built-in search/filter bar inside the navigation-pane, this code did not work anymore when the macro "Autoexec" is not visible. So I changed it to:
DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide
This seems to work fine as long as there are any search results left. When I write "nothing with that name" inside the search bar(=the filter), the navigation pane will not close.
Does anyone know a way to close the navigation pane even if there is no search result visible?
DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryModifiedDate"
DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide
In order for the command DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide to successfully close the Navigation Pane, the Navigation Pane must have the focus. But for an Access window to have the focus, a control within the window must have focus. It turns out that the NavigateTo command will never place the focus in the Search textbox, so if the search results are blank and there is nothing to select, then focus will not change to the Navigation Pane (even though technically the Navigation Pane's selected group may have been updated.)
If you play with the Navigation Pane long enough, you'll find that the Navigation search results and textbox are reset when switching between the highest-level Navigation categories. Hence my suggested code... it changes between two Navigation categories so that the search results are cleared during that action, so that the Navigation window will eventually gain focus when one of its listed objects finally gets focus.
(Really, using the NavigateTo command in this case is just a stupid trick to place focus on the Navigation Pane. It's just another glaring deficiency of the Access interface that there is no direct commands/objects for controlling the Navigation Pane.)
I suggest you don't write any code—but just use the built in Access settings to prevent (hide) the nav pane.
So work, then you hold down the shift key during startup.
(shift key by-pass).
The shift key development dance:
You will find that you can launch + develop a lot of code and work on forms/reports without having to exit.
However, you STILL will have done a shift key start-up bypass. The reason of course is that on start up, you code may well hide the ribbon. (Or launch a custom one). Same goes for start-up form—it may run a bunch of code, ask for logon, check table links.
And then there is the start-up settings you have. You likely have a start-up form (you don’t want that running). You likely have un-checked the display nav pane, but you need this during development. And what about if you have a custom ribbon? (Again a setting in tools→options). And use special keys—again turned off for users, but REQUIRED for developers.
And then there is the auto keys macro. This is used to re-purpose the F1 key (help—either disable or launch your own custom help—say a pdf or word file).
And any re-purpose such as say an f12 to popup some custom search box etc.
So, all of these custom setup is going to be rather LARGE amount of settings. Many will be from tools→options (main form, ribbon, etc.). And some will be from your code.
You REALLY (but REALLY) can’t code out all of these settings, and some require a re-start anyway. In a typical application there really going to be a lot of settings that are changed for your users vs you as the developer.
On start-up you thus hold down shift key. This will not only prevent your start up code from running, but ALSO your start up settings – even things like nav pane, and especially the tools→settings area (shift key ignores most of those settings).
So during a day of development, I will do this shift key dance all day long.
However, there are two tricks and shortcuts you can use here that will minimize this exit + re-enter down to a dull roar.
One great tick is to always place a custom compact repair button on the QAT. So QAT button is now ONE mouse click and always available to you. So if I am working on a form in design mode, flipping into view mode will often suffice, but in those cases where I need a full exit + re-start to test? I don’t even save the form, I just do a quick simple one click on that QAT compact + repair button.
One click! (Might have to answer yes to save). At this point, the application will re-start without you having to exit. And you don’t hold down the shift key—so all your start up settings run. You now flipped into user test mode, and it only took ONE mouse click.
This allows you to flip from developer mode and into “user test” mode with ease and only one mouse click.
So you can now run your application as it will appear to the end user.
To flip back into developer mode, just one simple click on your custom C+R button. (And you HOLD down shift key). This will flip you back into developer mode (you nav pane, your function keys, everything and all those start up settings are now ignored – you are free to develop without all those hassles and issues in your way). Full wide open use of Access as if no settings at all occurred.
And as noted, you get a c+r to boot, and you need + want to do that multiple times during the day anyway.
And as noted, for a good many changes, you not have to do this flip and can stay in developer mode.
Of course in some cases your “user mode” will REALLY lock down the Access and thus you have to exit (you lose the QAT trick). So you often be able to jump from developer to user, but not back the other way. Again, you not have to run + test everything in user mode all the time, but often some global variables, start up, password stuff will force this issue on you.
So, in this case?
I use a quick hit of alt+f4 to exit the application. AT this point, the accDB file should STILL be highlighted in the windows explorer. So, now it just a quick tap of the enter key to re-launch the accDB. And if wanting “user mode”, then simply don’t hold down the shift key. Do some testing, now alt+f4, and then a simple quick tap of the enter key (we back to the windows file explore and that accDB file is highlight). However, this time you WILL hold down the shift key, and thus you now back into developer mode.
And often, I will call my start up code before testing.
Ctrl+g (jumps to debug window), type in MyStartup
(MyStartup is assumed to be your first start up routine that does all that setup and THEN launches the main form – so in some applications I don’t use the built in start-up form setting, but use the autoexec macro to call my main start up routine (MyStartup)
So in a good many cases, I don’t have to exit Access to flip into test mode.
And of course some reports and forms can be used, viewed, developed on without having to full run the application with all that “user” start-up code stuff.
So some report might work, but then again it may well require some form to be open for it to work. (Or a system wide function and company name setting may be required + set in your start up code). So how badly you need to exit vs that of being able to do “some” development will often vary here.
So I will say that often I am forced to exit + re-load the application (alt+f4, tap enter key). So it only really 2 key combo to exit out and re-load/re-enter Access.
At the end of the day, if you can’t use that QAT shortcut suggestion, then you will exit + re-enter MANY MANY times during the day.
As noted, for a good number of forms etc., then you can flip between view and design mode. (But you of course be running access without all that start up crap stuff that prevents you the developer from working).
The simple matter is at the end of the day, there is going to be FAR MORE settings then just the nav pane (or lack of) that going to mess up your development process. So, the above shift key dance and QAT suggestion ALSO solves all of the OTHER many settings, and does so without you having to write one line of code to deal with this issue.
Of course, once all is working, then you will compile the application down to an accDE. And then apply the shift key by-pass code to that to lock the application further down.
A quick search of Apple's Human Interface Guidelines and Developer Library yields an unequivocal guideline:
Users, and not apps, place menu bar extras in the menu bar.
Anecdotal data backs that up: submitting an app where - upon quit of a dock process/main view, the extra is left running - yields a tidy rejection.
Now - I'm a User experience designer (UXD) who typically plays, I mean, works in the mobile and web space. So please pardon my lack of Obj C chops, thanks.
I understand well the guideline and behavior/pattern: apps like Skitch, Wunderlist, Evernote, et al however very clearly leave the extra (often termed HelperApp) running in the menu bar on quit of main app. They all, do offer explicit user toggle of this w/i preferences.
There's no additional Human Interface Guidelines w/ specifics around handling this requirement for user control. Must this be included in onboarding? Dialog at 1st quit? Again: I can speak to best behavior UX wise, but my (very senior) dev wants the mandate - how are others not getting rejected?
Focus: what means of user control is/are mandated to avoid rejection?
Known/given: include in preferences
Other: ???
After hours of searching online and Apple Dev guidelines, I humbly bring this question here. There simply isn't time to play a carnival game of requirements: guess, get rejected, repeat. Thanks in advance.
Do you have a button somewhere in your user interface that adds the menu extra to the menu bar? Or does your app just do it automatically without the user telling it to do so?
I think that's the distinction, your app must only add an extra when instructed to do so. Also if the primary purpose of your app is to create a menu extra (eg, I have one that puts a calendar in the menu bar) then just launching the app is an implicit instruction, so it can be added automatically.
Ultimately, this rule really is vague and can't be clarified. What it comes down to, is that there should not be many menu extras in a user's menu bar unless the user explicitly chooses to have them. So unless your app really needs a menu extra, you must disable it by default.
If you think the reviewer should have allowed your app through then reply to the rejection explaining your position. I've had an app change to approved once after doing that.
If they still reject your app, then you can appeal the app rejection.
Alternatively, just disable the menu extra by default and have a button somewhere to add it to the menu bar.
Also, all of this assumes you are using NSStatusItem and not the "real" menu extra system — which is a private API. Only NSStatusItem menu extras can be placed in the app store as far as I know.
I am developing an app that allows the user to make certain changes to tiles on the Windows 8 start screen. When a change has been made within the app, the user will be shown a "View my changes" button. Clicking the button should bring the user back to the start screen.
I have looked into different ways of closing/suspending the app programmatically (and thus taking the user to the start screen), but I have not found a way to achieve this using WinJS. Throwing an exception closes the app, but this seems like a very dirty workaround. Any suggestions?
I'm assuming you are creating secondary tiles and want to show the users what they look like? #mydogisbox is right in that this kind of functionality has probably been deliberatly excluded.
I'd recommend to just do an in-app 'view changes' of whatever changes to secondary tiles the user might have made. In general, I'd argue that this would be a better user experience because you will keep the user engaged within your application and not be essentially kicking them out of the experience.
How would I go about locking a screen like Keychain does, meaning preventing all access to Dock, menubar, desktop, etc. Basically just a black screen that I can add a password field to, for the user to return to the desktop? I am well aware of the Carbon method, but I want the NSApplication method because this is an all Cocoa application.
If you can get away with not writing this code yourself, all for the better. It is usually a terrible idea to write your own code to lock the screen, considering the number of vulnerabilities that have been found in screen locking code over the years. If you have a Carbon call that can do it, go ahead and use that... don't worry about the "purity" of your Cocoa code.
However, if you decide to write this yourself, here's what you do:
First, capture all the screens using CoreGraphics. See: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/QuartzDisplayServicesConceptual/Articles/DisplayCapture.html
Next, create a new NSWindow and put it in front of the window that's used for capturing the screens. You'll have to call a CG function to get the "order" of the black window covering each screen, and order the new window in front of that. Normally, the black window has an order so far forward that everything is behind it. Put a password field in the window. Do NOT use an ordinary text field or write your own code for password input. The password input field has a ton of special code in it so you can't copy text out of it, and other programs can't listen to keystrokes while you're typing into a password field. So use the one that Apple provides.
Last, put the computer in "kiosk mode". This mode allows you to disable alt-tab, user switching, the menubar and dock, and even the ability to force quit. See: http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/KioskMode/Introduction/Introduction.html
It's not a lot of code, it just uses a few different APIs so you'll spend most of your time bouncing between API docs. I suggest writing the screen lock code as its own application (just add a new application target to your Xcode project) and then put the screen locker inside your application bundle. This used to be (as of 10.4) how Apple Remote Desktop implemented the "Lock Screen" functionality, but I can't find the app anymore.
I believe the Cocoa replacement to the SetSystemUIMode API was not introduced until 10.6.
If you can live with Snow-Leopard-only code, the answer is - setPresentationOptions: on NSApplication.