Third-Party Code and Git - objective-c

When developing iOS applications, I frequently use third-party code from GitHub and reusable classes I created myself. What I have been doing is cloning the source code into a specific folder somewhere in ~/Documents, where I kept all the library code. Then I would drag the source files into the Xcode project and code away, with a local Git repository keeping track of the changes in my own source code. So far so good, but I recently found a severe problem: I wanted to switch back to a older version of my Xcode project and found that it did not compile anymore because it used an older version of the third-party code, and nowhere had I stored which version it used!
How is this problem usually solved? I have looked briefly into Git submodules, but I'm not sure if it's the right thing. I also briefly read about CocoaPods, but could I also use that for libraries I created myself?

It is actually solved with git submodule: the idea is to reference an exact commit for each submodule you need, allowing you to go back in the history, and find the coherent set of commits you need for your project to compile then.
(More in this answer)
However, that does require a slight change in your working tree structure, since each submodule would become sub-directories of the parent repo which represents your project.
Note also that it (git submodule) is useful for source dependencies.
CocoaPods would be more for building the binaries you depend on (binary dependency).


Is it possible to "stuff" one ROS package into another ROS package?

I am working on a ROS package to be deployed on our lab robots. There is a feature in my package requires a third party ROS package. I don't think this package is released yet, at least I couldn't find it at ROS wiki document site. The dependent package is called ros_msg_parser for subscribing topics without knowing their msg type beforehand. Here is the link to the repo. (
I need to mention that we use ubuntu 16.04 in all our devices. And we program with ROS, and C++.
My intention is to deploy my own ROS package to the robot without worrying about if the ros_msg_parser package is installed on the device or not.
I know a couple of ways to do it:
Use a .so library file. (We don't think this approach is the ideal way to proceed for us, since the .so library is going to be a black box for other colleagues in lab in future, and no way to know its version and so no.)
Release ros_msg_parser ROS repo and use it as a ros eco-environment program, such as std_msgs.
And at last, (not we want) we could build/install this ros_msg_parser package on all our devices.
I have also researched on externalpackage_add, to build/install ros_msg_parser as a third party library. Then I realized that I am using a ros package as my dependency, not really the standard way of build && cmake && install. Correct me if I am wrong.
I have desired package working alright now, by catkin_make the ros_msg_parser package in my working space together.
I am just wondering if any one can help me with things like if there is any approach I can do or any where I can research on my own to fulfill my goal.
Thanks in advance.
Furtunately, I have got some help from team to solve this problem. It is rather simpler than I imagined.
Here are the steps that we took to implementation:
git clone the ros pacakge source and only copy the source files to a folder called your_third_party_folder/ parallel to your_main_work_space/src folder. Remember to remove your git clone histories etc, you will only need the source files, otherwise your main work space won't work well with your own repo. Due to a dirty repo prompt, you will not be able to push our third_party project to your repo. Maybe there are another ways to solve this, but it is just simpler to copy the source files to a folder where want.
work on your two CMakeLists.txt files, make sure to inlcude, link and target some libraries to pass catkin_make
and don't forget to add_subdirectory(YOUR_THIRD_PARTY_PACKAGE) in your main workspace CMakeLists.txt file.
Note it took me quiet some time to fix the compiling process, but finally the third_party project is installed with no .so file and no local library installation.

git submodule vs npm package?

I'm using git submodule to build and shared components between projects. The project is not in production yet, so, at this point submodule is serving well.
But I'm concerned about maintenance and deploy, would be a good idea transform it into a npm package ?
An npm package will allow fragmentation across different package versions. On the other hand, git submodules have a bit of a learning curve, and the tooling is really not that good. With git submodules, you have all the source in one folder.
If it's at all possible, I'd recommend using a plain monorepo for all projects. You may need to create build time variables (via babel plugin/s), you may need some sort of "live config" get served from the backend. I worked with git submodules for a year and I've recently worked with a project that uses npm to share code.
I would recommend using only one git submodule, for all shared code, instead of several submodules. I would strongly consider using lerna, and use your one git submodule to track lerna's packages directory. And if the team decides they don't like git submodules, you can easily make this repo a sibling git repo, instead of a submodule. However, above all this, I'd recommend using a plain monorepo.
Here's a great talk on monorepo's from Netflix: (strong focus on discouraging npm-style packages)
Here's google's infamous monorepo talk:
This is a great site to read to help you think about good development flows: (it primarily advocates for the monorepo approach)
If you are developing software for different clients(different people/companies paying you for similar projects), and have some agreement that they should be at least ~80% the same, you may really enjoy using build flags to help get started on splitting functionality, but I'm sure you should very proactively keep the code around the build flags clean, and refactor into re-usable components/packages. Give each client some sort of build-flags.json. Build flags should be named for features only, which in theory can all be individually toggled. Some code may be totally custom for each project, in this case, you may want to consider using dynamic imports, but generally this is a pain point I have yet to fully cross, although I have plenty of unrefined ideas around this.
If a monorepo is just not happening, I would actually recommend using npm packages+separate repos over git submodules, assuming you can do good semantic versioning of the package. (And, yalc seems to be a good tool for linking together packages, as opposed to the standard npm/yarn link)
My findings after trying both lerna, npm workspaces and git submodules. I find it is not a case of the one vs the other.
The reason why I say this is because one can have submodules that are part of the monorepo. Doing exactly this made my development experience better as I could clone an existing project and actively develop it within the bigger project (monorepo). I could then contribute back to the cloned project once satisfied with the changes. This is something that you cannot do with npm workspaces alone. Hence my argument that it is not a case of one vs the other. They solve different problems and can therefore complement each other.
Before using npm workspaces I would use npm link all the time. npm workspaces makes this use-case of developing with multiple packages more convenient. Even when the team you work with does not use a monorepo; you could use one to develop multiple packages and test them in conjunction. Once satisfied, you can push the individual repos. This is something you cannot do with git alone.
Maybe you can think of more novel ways of combining the features of npm and git.

Is nuget appropriate for daily development workflow?

I am looking at nuget for improving automatic handling of dependencies (both internal and third party) during development.
A long as you develop through the CI Build Server, all is good:
get latest source for A and B, where B depends on A
fix bug in A
build A
check into source control
CI Build Server initiated
new nuget package is created and placed in corporate repository
build B (which will get the updated A package)
run B to verify that the bug in A was fixed
n. repeat n times
However, I'm wondering if it is possible to work locally as a single developer, without having to wait for the CI Build Server to produce a new package?
Nuget has a feature Package Restore, which will download all dependencies automatically on build. You can also list the repository order that the Package Restore should look for packages.
If the workflow could become:
get latest source for A and B, where B depends on A
fix bug in A
build A
(building creates a local nuget package)
run B to test the (resolved) bug in A (should now use our local nuget package, not local repository)
...repeat n times
check into source control
CI Build Server initiated
new nuget package created in corporate repository
Is this possible using Visual Studio, MSBuild, a CI Build Server and nuget? I'm especially interested in the making of local packages while developing locally.
Note that I have native projects, although except the generation of nuget package post-build, this would be a workflow that I hope should work for both C# and C++ projects.
The solution I have now, though far from ideal, is what I could figure out works best. Oh! and it is a work in progress so it WILL change in the coming weeks/months as I figure out how to get around the kinks.
I mostly have to deal with managed DLL right now but I do have some native code and worst, multi-platform native code to deal with eventually.
Create a local repository, basically just a folder and configure it in your list of nuget feeds.
Then I created a task (MSBuild) that will package the project and output it in the local repository's root folder. Make sure the version of your package is always increasing. Presently I do this manually by editing the assembly version.
Once built, update your other projects that reference it, I usually do this though the package manager console (update-package).
Each projects that was updated, bump up their version rinse lathe and repeat until you get to your top-most project (the actual program).
Once everything is nice and good and you are ready to commit then the build system should do it's own packaging and send it to your official repository.
The Good
No clogging of the repository and build system with intermediary development versions, that garbage remains (as it should) local.
Local repos are super easy to set-up, can even be done without changes to VS though the global nuget config.
This is friendly to both paradigms of package recover or checking-in packages with the project. That said I would recommend not checking in the packages you built locally but rather one that was committed to your local repository ideally through the build system. What's built local should remain local.
The Bad
Still much more complicated than just adding projects to a solution.
The deeper (or wider) your dependency tree the bigger the pain.
The Ugly
Makes some native nuget behaviors quite quirky and annoying :
Update operation takes forever if your VS is connected to a version system (perforce for me). I hear they "solved" the problem, would hate to see how it was before if it was worst that it is now !
Having nuget change non-code reference back to never copy is a major pain.
If Only
Configure the desired state of a content dependency (copy always, never or newer) directly from the nuspec and be done with it ! (oh and same story with ClickOnce content status include, exclude etc)
Make the update operation quick, 2 minutes for a dozen project is just insane, especially if the ultimate goal is to manage 500+.
Perhaps a hybrid mode where locally we work with projects inclusion but the build system would work with nuget dependency (and build them if necessary)
If you are to parse the project do follow MSBuild parsing rules and honor the conditional statements.
There are still issues I have yet to figure out like how to manage multiple branches of the code in the repository. How to handle version conflict further up the food chain. In a large project (ultimately we have to bring 500+ separate projects together in a single application executable, conflicts are expected).
I would love to bring all the goodness of sane dependency management à la Maven but thus far I did not find nuget to be mature enough to even think of proposing it to the dev team.
Certainly. In our solutions, NuGet parks the libraries in the "packages" directory of the solution's hierarchy which is ultimately kept in TFS. This allows for complete solution check-outs that includes the required libraries. If it's your intention to update the libraries normally provided by NuGet, you'll need to update the dependent projects' references to point to the project containing the updated code normally provided by the NuGet process.
Prior to checking-in your regular solution work (not the NuGet related libs,) make sure the solution's NuGet libs are up to date, and the references in the solution point back to the NuGet installed libs. Of course, you'll check-in and fetch the NuGet related libs beforehand.

Cocoa ConnectionKit Framework Dependencies

I'd like to use ConnectionKit in a project, but haven't yet been able to compile the framework.
I haven't been able to find a definitive list of external projects that ConnectionKit depends on. I've attempted to include projects that fit my best guess, but nothing has worked so far.
Does anyone know exactly what projects / libraries ConnectionKit requires?
To take my comment and turn it into an answer: it appears that ConnectionKit already includes many of its dependencies by default. However, there are two Git submodules that you're going to have to install for this framework to compile: "libssh2_sftp-Cocoa-wrapper" and "DAVKit".
The easiest way to install them is to cd to the framework directory once you've cloned it, and to run git submodule update --init libssh2_sftp-Cocoa-wrapper DAVKit.

Alternatives to Git Submodules?

I feel that using Git submodules is somehow troublesome for my development workflow. I've heard about Git subtree and Gitslave.
Are there more tools out there for multiple repository projects and how do they compare ?
Can these tools run on Windows ?
Which is best for you depends on your needs, desires, and workflow. They are in some senses semi-isomorphic, it is just some are a lot easier to use than others for specific tasks.
gitslave is useful when you control and develop on the subprojects at more of less the same time as the superproject, and furthermore when you typically want to tag, branch, push, pull, etc all repositories at the same time. gitslave has never been tested on windows that I know of. It requires perl.
git-submodule is better when you do not control the subprojects or more specifically wish to fix the subproject at a specific revision even as the subproject changes. git-submodule is a standard part of git and thus would work on windows.
git-subtree provides a front-end to git's built-in subtree merge strategy. It is better when you prefer to have a single-repository "unified" git history. Unlike the subtree merge strategy, it is easier to export changes to the different (directory) trees back out to the original project, but it is not as automatic as it is with gitslave or even git-submodule.
repo is in theory similar to gitslave, but not as well documented for non-android operations that I have found. It is fairly dedicated to the Google Android development model and only natively supports a handful of git commands (though you can run arbitrary commands) and the limited native support doesn't support, for example, a centralized repository to push to and checking out a branch seems fairly difficult.
kitenet's mr is what you would want to use if you have multiple version control systems in use, but is mostly limited for git-only superprojects due to its lowest common denominator approach. There are ways to run arbitrary commands, but they are not as well integrated.
For some use cases, I have liked each of the following two simple approaches:
Nested repositories. If your software project has a plugin mechanism, with each plugin in its own sub-directory, it can make sense to git-ignore these plugin directories and, in your local filesystem, to make each of them into its own git repository. This way, all your files form a single directory tree, but are managed in different git repositories. It will not confuse git.
Per-package repositories. For software projects where you use some kind of source code package management system (gem / bundler, npm, pear or the like) it can make sense to put your re-used code into separate git repositories, then to make source packages from them, and then to install them with the package management tool into the parent project. Your parent project's git repository would only contain a reference to the required packages and their versions, while the actual code of these packages will be git-ignored as done with all other packages and external libraries as well. Compared to the nested repositories proposed above, this is a more elaborate approach as it allows to specify which package version is to be installed.
I currently use submodules for development and not just relating 3rd party libraries. There are some ways that you can make life easier with submodules, especially when they are the source of merge or rebase conflicts. Look to ls-tree to get the 2 commits involved on a conflict in the submodule. This is probably the most difficult part of submodules for people to deal with. For now scripting will make this much easier to work with. Future versions of Git should have better native support for dealing with them.
Hope this helps.
We encountered a similar issue when using Git submodules in projects where we had dependencies in a variety of languages. To deal with them, we built and open-sourced a tool called MDLR ("Modular") that gives you declarative version-controlled Git dependencies with similar functionality to Git submodules, but without the annoying workflow. You can install it and manage your dependencies with the instructions/downloads on the GitHub repo