How do you set what about:home is on webView, Obj-C - objective-c

I am creating a Cocoa web browser, and I noticed that if the webview loads a nil location, it just loads about:home. Since I have not set it, the page just appears white. Is there a way I can change what about:home looks like. Even if it is a simple .rtf file or something.
I looked around, but don't see any way to do this. Am I suppose to create a NSURL and set it to whatever file?
Thanks. Oh, and if code is ever needed, I would be glad to add it.

Try something like this:
// Inside your App Delegate
-(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
// Assuming WebView is called myWebView
NSString *currentURL = [myWebView mainFrameURL];
if(!currentURL) {
NSString *homeResource = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"home" ofType:#"html" inDirectory:#"default"];
NSURL *homeURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:homeResource];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:homeURL];
[myWebView loadRequest:request];
You'll need to have a pre-made file called home.html within a folder called default located in the Resources section of your project.
I suppose this isn't exactly replacing about:home, but you can always check for about:home and handle that appropriately as well.


How do you override the amount of redirects a webView can handle. Obj-C, Cocoa

This is really annoying me. I have a webView, and I am trying to get it too load However, because of the amount of redirects on that site, the webView does nothing. I know that the code for loading a webView works, and that URL is correct, as I get the didFailWithProvisionalLoadWithError message. That is how I know that it is the redirect problem.
I have looked all over, but can find no way to alter the amount of allowed redirects. I know that it is possible, as Safari can handle it. There has to be some kind of delegate method to override. No code today, as all my searches (4 days worth of them) have lead me to nothing.
If anyone has an idea, let me know. FYI, this is Cocoa (WebView) not cocoa touch (UIWebView). Thanks.
That for which you have been searching is
– webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener:
which is part of the WebPolicyDelegate protocol.
Read the documentation for WebPolicyDelegate, particularly the discussion for this delegate method. The documentation for WebPolicyDecisionListener describes the messages you can send to the listener. You might identify a redirect inside this delegate method, and you could instruct the decision listener to use or ignore it.
I appreciate the 50 points, but if I didn't help you solve your problem, I hardly think I deserve them, and that was enough guilt to motivate me to sit down and try out your problem.
I built a tiny app, one that isn't document based, or uses ARC or garbage collection. I turned off Auto Layout in the MainMenu.xib file, and simply placed an instance of WebView inside it. I modified AppDelegate to include an outlet for the WebView instance.
I then created fleshed out the -applicationDidFinishLaunching: stub like this:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSString *urlString = #"";
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[[[self webView] mainFrame] loadRequest:urlRequest];
and if I'm getting redirects, they don't seem to be affecting my ability to display the page.
Are we on the same page (no pun intended)?
Good news (or bad news, depending on your POV): Redirects were never the problem (though they did help to shed light on what was really going on).
When it comes to Google Drive, WebView isn't an approved browser. You can, however, fix that (N.B., below) by modifying the user agent string. Here's the revised code:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSString *urlString = #"";
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:urlString];
NSString *customUserAgent = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# Version/6.0.2 Safari/8536.26.17", [[self webView] userAgentForURL:url]];
[[self webView] setCustomUserAgent:customUserAgent];
NSURLRequest *urlRequest = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[[[self webView] mainFrame] loadRequest:urlRequest];
N.B.: The user interface appears to be fully functional, but even so, Google may change its means of determining what the browser is and break this scheme, so consider yourself warned. You might want to explore their SDK for possible alternate means of accessing Google Drive.
As always, good luck to you in your endeavors.
According to the WebView reference class in the Apple documentation, you have to set a delegate that conforms to the webframeloaddelegate protocol.
[webView setFrameLoadDelegate:object];
Then in object, you have to set this method:
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender willPerformClientRedirectToURL:(NSURL *)URL delay:(NSTimeInterval)seconds fireDate:(NSDate *)date forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame

QLPreviewController not working in iOS 6

In iOS 6 the QLPreviewController no longer loads a PDF from a URL. It works fine in iOS 5. I have implemented the QLPreviewControllerDataSource methods as documented here.
#pragma mark - QLPreviewControllerDataSource
- (NSInteger)numberOfPreviewItemsInPreviewController:(QLPreviewController *)controller {
return 1;
- (id <QLPreviewItem>) previewController: (QLPreviewController *) controller previewItemAtIndex: (NSInteger) index;
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL URLWithString:#""];
return fileURL;
This works perfectly in iOS 5, however in iOS 6 the console outputs:
Couldn't issue file extension for path: /XTAL/PDF_Instructions/Test_File.pdf
Have you tried using fileURLWithPath instead of URLWithString? I had other issues that were fixed by doing so.
Also not sure if QLPreviewController will handle remote URLs. If not, you could download the file and then display it.
I downloaded the file from remote url and saved locally, then I display the PDF using the QLPreviewController .In iOS 6 its working.
First i saved the file from remote url using the following code :
NSString *local_location;
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"sampleData" ofType:#"plist"];
path = NSTemporaryDirectory();
local_location= [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"My_Invoice.pdf"]];
ASIHTTPRequest *request = [ASIHTTPRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString: remoteurl]];
[request setDownloadDestinationPath:local_location];
[request startSynchronous];
For showing the Pdf :
QLPreviewController* preview = [[QLPreviewController alloc] init];
preview.dataSource = self;
[self presentModalViewController:preview animated:YES];
QLPreviewController delegate methods are :
- (NSInteger) numberOfPreviewItemsInPreviewController: (QLPreviewController *) controller
return 1;
- (id <QLPreviewItem>)previewController:(QLPreviewController *)controller previewItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
return [NSURL fileURLWithPath:local_location];
I am having a similar issue and seems like it might stem from a stricter enforcement of the file-type URL of QLPreviewItem
#property (readonly) NSURL *previewItemURL;
This property is used by a Quick Look preview controller to get an item’s URL. In typical use, you would implement a getter method in your preview item class to provide this value.
The value of this property must be a file-type URL.
If the item is not available for preview, this property’s getter method should return nil. In this case, the Quick Look preview controller displays a “loading” view.
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
Declared In
UPDATE: I have opened a bug with Apple dealing with this issue for iOS 6 and it seems they have aced it as a bug so may offer a fix in the near future. The bug I opened had to do with using custom NSURLProtocols for the preview, but may apply to other aspects as well.
Link to class
But note that QLPreviewController expects a URL to a local resource
You would need to download and save the PDF file locally first and then create a proper file URL to the local file.

Opening Keynote files in uiwebview

I'm very new to objective-c, but I've learned how to create a uiwebview. I'm trying to open a keynote file in uiwebview using this code from Apple's dev site:
-(void)loadDocument:(NSString*)documentName inView:(UIWebView*)webView
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:documentName ofType:nil];
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[webView loadRequest:request];
// Calling -loadDocument:inView:
[self loadDocument:#"" inView:self.myWebview];
However, I'm getting the error "Use of undeclared identifier 'self'" Do I need to declare the identifier 'self' in WebViewController.h? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
No, you do not, self is basically "this" in Java and other languages. Looks to me that myWebView is not a property and therefore does not have a getter, and self.myWebview is trying to get the getter. You could try:
[self loadDocument:#"" inView:myWebview];
Other possibility that comes to mind is that the method implementation for loadDocument is after the call to the method and not before. This really is not a problem unless you don't have the method declared in your interface like this:
#interface myClass
- (void)loadDocument:(NSString *)sender inView:(UIWebView) webView;

Get url variable

I have a application on iPad 1 and a PDF with several links.
The client will click on that link and I need to get its variables values and use it on my application.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance
Use a UIWebView and load the PDF in it. Something like this (note - it's untested but should get you on the right track!):
NSString* basePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
NSURL* baseurl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:basePath];
[self.webView loadData:MIMEType:#"application/pdf" textEncodingName:nil baseURL:baseurl];

nsstring - out of scope

-(void)loadWebAdress:(NSString*)textAdress {
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;
adressurl=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://%#", textAdress];
NSURL *url=[NSURL URLWithString:adressurl];
NSURLRequest *requestObj=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[webview loadRequest:requestObj];
although url takes it's value from adressurl, adressurl is all the time out of scope when checked in debugger. what is going on? i would like to use it in some other places too. not only in this method. because is out of scope, the app crashes. But, I repeat, it is the one who gives its value to url.
It depends on where the adressurl variable is declared. Since it is generated from the method parameter, it seems odd that you'd want to use it elsewhere in the code. If you have it as a static variable, it could be getting stomped by other code. (For example, if you set it to one value in this method, and another elsewhere, it's not unusual to get crashes, especially if you don't coordinate or synchronize between the two. One reason to avoid globals/statics.) You're free to use the same local variable name in different methods if you like.
Here's what I'd suggest doing instead: (Note: I've fixed some typos.)
- (void) loadWebAddress:(NSString*)textAddress {
[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://%#", textAddress]];
[webview loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]];
This is shorter and avoids unnecessary variables. Since the "http://" prefix is fairly common, it doesn't seem like reusing that will provide that much benefit. Is there something else I'm missing?
Edit: To clarify a typo in my comment, you can get the URL as a string from the UIWebView as follows:
[[[webview request] URL] absoluteString]
This uses the following methods chained together:
-[UIWebView request]
-[NSURLRequest URL]
-[NSURL absoluteString]