In yii how to access other tables fields - yii

I am creating project in yii framework. I am having table as-
Qbquestion QbquestionOption
-questionId -optionId
-question -questionId
-userId -option
-isPublished -isAnswer
In QbquestionOption controller i want to access Qbquestion tables fields. I had written quesry as-
where $number is some random number.
When i am using its fields as= $Question->isPublished then its giving error as "trying to get access to property of non-object"
Statement var_dump($Question) is showing all record and all values of Qbquestion table. So how can i access records?
Please help me

$Question is an array of models you cannot call model function on that..
what you can do is:
$questions = Qbquestion::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("questionId"=>$number));
foreach($questions as $question)
or you can use findByAttribute to get single result..

findAllByAttributes returns an array of objects.
If you just want one question, use findByAttributes instead, then it should work as you want.

Try As I don't know your relation n all. Just give a try. I'll post other answers if it don't works. Also tel me in which table isPublished field is? If it in other table as your title mentioned you need to change it as echo $qRec->OtherTableRelationArrayKey->isPublished;
foreach($Question AS $qRec)
echo $qRec->isPublished;
echo "<br />";


Laravel: toSql function not displaying query correctly

I am trying to diedump the query on my index screen using this line of code:
dd(DB::table('members')->where('name', '=', 'Tycho')->toSql());
Now the problem is that when I am displaying the query on my screen I get this:
"select * from `members` where `name` = ?"
My final goal of these lines of code is that I can save offline queries and execute them when the application is online. Unless someone has a solution for this, I'll have to save the queries in a database.
You are seeing the ? placeholders as Laravel uses Prepared Statements.
See Ijas Ameenudeen's answer on another SO question which details how to add a toRawSql() macro on the Eloquent builder which will replace the placeholders with the bindings that you supplied to the original query.
This is because you are using the toSql method, you can use the getBindings method to get the values / bindings.
$query = DB::table('members')->where('name', '=', 'Tycho')->toSql();
// will give the raw query with bindings.
$sqlWithBindings = str_replace_array('?', $query->getBindings(), $query->toSql());
You can try this:
DB::table('members')->where('name', '=', 'Tycho')->get();
echo "<pre>";

can there be a tooltip with data from the database

I need to know can there be a tooltip populated with data from database to be displayed in the tooltip.
something like the tooltip should contain
name stauts
abc active
xyz active
pqr active
name and status are retrived from db
I need this tooltip onmouseover, am using CJSON decoded to render the content
i did go google but hardly did find that i would throughly understand and implement.
can anyone out there has any ideas for what am looking.
There is a extension named yii-bootstrap, which described clearly here.
For using tooltip easily in this extension, just look here.
I use cluetip for this. Its not related to Yii but will give you some idea :
function renderInfoTips(opts){
var elements=$('#'+opts.form).get(0).elements;
for(i=0; i<;i++){
var clue_opts={arrows:true,splitTitle: '|',closePosition: 'title',sticky:true,dropShadow:false,mouseOutClose:true,
onShow:function(ct, ci){
if(!$.browser.webkit) $(ct).css('top',$(ct).position().top- 30+'px');
function setInfoTipsJavascript($form_id,infotips){
if (count($this->infotips) <1 ) return '';
//get all tip names
//get tips details from db
$query="select name, description from infotips where FIND_IN_SET(name ,'$names_csv')";
//run the query, in Yii you have to use InfoTipsModel , I have skipped that portion
//$infotipS , lets say this is query object
$this->infotips[$tip['name']]['tip']="<a href='javascript:void(0)' class='infotip' title='|{$tip['description']}'> </a>";
$script="\nrenderInfoTips({\"form\":'{$form_id}', \"tips\":{$tips}});\n\n";
echo $script;
I am sharing this hoping this will give u some idea. Its obvious you have to : create infotips table, a model for that, and create a widget etc to fetch infotips related to your form fields . As someone suggested, if you are using Bootstrap, you have better way to do that.

List Members based on extended profile fields in buddypress

I'm working on getting a list of members based on the fields they selected on the extended profiles fields in buddypress. Here is my code:
$membership_group = "Orange Membership";
$db_query = "SELECT user_id FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 33 AND value = \"" .$membership_group ."\"";
$match_ids = $wpdb->get_var($db_query);
$get_these_members = 'include=' .$match_ids;
if (bp_has_members($get_these_members, 'per_page optional=9')) {
//Some Codes here
The result is returning just the first member it gets from the query instead of a list of members. Please say what I'm doing wrong.
I think you should dive into the class BP_Core_User and its method get_users. It supports meta_key and meta_value.
You can also try to make just a search by field value. So pass an argument s to bp_has_members.
And per_page optional=9 is a wrong syntax.
returns a single var !
This is what you want:
Then fix the syntax error mentioned by slaFFik

Yii framework - picking up field value from other model

I have been struggling with this, i have two models and showing data in Cgridview with one model, this model contains some id's whose values are in different table
So, i have added
'value'=> 'TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw)->areaoflaw'
which is giving this error
"Trying to get property of non-object"
Might be due to this reason that the some records doesn't exist in the TblAreaoflaw. Can't we check in this line through isset?
When i put static value, it work well, like
'value'=> 'TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk(5)->areaoflaw',
Could anyone please help
thanks a lot
The error you get is because this expression TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw) is returning null. This means that you are effectively trying to get null->areaoflaw which won't work (this is what the error message "Trying to get property of non-object" clarifies).
My best guess is that $data->typeoflaw returns a non-existing primary key for the TblAreaoflaw model.
Make sure :
TblAreaoflaw is actually a model, I doubt its Areaoflaw
You have database specified primary key which is the id (5) you are passing
'value'=> '(TblAreaoflaw::model()->FindByPk($data->typeoflaw)->areaoflaw) ?
: "default or null value"'
Obviously substitute the null string to whatever you want. You may need to adjust the condition to use !empty() or similar, but see how it goes. (And if you do that or aren't using PHP 5.3, use the full ternary expression.)

Does CDbcommand method queryAll() in yii return indexed entries only?

I am trying to retrieve data from a simple mySql table tbl_u_type which has just two columns, 'tid' and 'type'.
I want to use a direct SQL query instead of the Model logic. I used:
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
$userArray = $command->select('type')->from('tbl_u_type')->queryAll();
return $userArray;
But in the dropdown list it automatically shows an index number along with the required entry. Is there any way I can avoid the index number?
To make an array of data usable in a dropdown, use the CHtml::listData() method. If I understand the question right, this should get you going. Something like this:
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();
$userArray = $command->select('tid, type')->from('tbl_u_type')->queryAll();
echo CHtml::dropdownlist('my_dropdown','',CHtml::listData($userArray,'tid','type'));
You can also do this with the Model if you have one set up for the tbl_u_type table:
$users = UType::model()->findall();
echo CHtml::dropdownlist('my_dropdown','',CHtml::listData($users ,'tid','type'));
I hope that gets you on the right track. I didn't test my code here, as usual, so watch out for that. ;) Good luck!