IBM Worklight - Sencha Touch app shows white screen - sencha-touch

I am new for sencha touch, so to start with it , I downloaded a (sencha touch + worklight) project from given link and imported in eclipse . it is getting build and running perfectly when I run it in worklight console i.e localhost:8080/console but when I run it in android emulator it shows blank white screen . and gives error, i have attached log file here apart from this even I tried few more project all of them shows blank white screen.
I tried to run it in different AVD i.e Android 2.1, 2.2 , 2.3 but I get same problem.
I don`t know where is the problem whether in Worklight or Sencha Touch.

The Sencha edition of Worklight Starter has been recently re-written for Worklight 6.0.
You can try this new version from this location:
See if that helps guiding you instead of the very oudated projects you have linked to.

After running into this same issue myself and finally working out how to solve it, I thought I'd share.
You need to Deploy the Worklight Adapter before you build and test your project.
Here is how:
Open WorklightStarter_Sencha project in Eclipse, open the adapters folder and highlight the WorklightStarterAdapter folder.
From the menu bar select Run -> Run As -> Deploy Worklight Adapter.
Now build and deploy your project.


After migrating 6.1 project to mobilefirst platform 6.3, application getting stuck on splash screen

I have migrated my 6.1 project to 6.3 its getting stuck on splash screen. After sometime it showing white screen.
its not calling initOptions function also or else deviceready also. Is there any solution?
Without the requested sample application to debug we cannot help further.
The only alternative is to replicate your app in a new project and application in MobileFirst Studio 6.3 by copying over the contents of the HTML, JS and CSS (and any custom native code you may have implemented).

'WLAuthorizationManagerPlugin' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin

I have a hybrid app I am building for iOS. It uses Adapter authentication which has been working fine.
I recently updated from MobileFirst Studio 6.3 to 7.0. At the same time, I updated Xcode to version 6.3. My app continues to work fine and authenticates with the backend fine when run through the Browser Simulator, but running on a simulator or real device from Xcode, I get a connection timeout error. The console contains this: ERROR: Plugin 'WLAuthorizationManagerPlugin' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin. Check your plugin mapping in config.xml.
I see lots of questions on SO for "plugin not found or is not a CDVPlugin", but since this is a MobileFirst plugin, I wouldn't expect it to suddenly go missing. Could this be fallout from the update?
Is this a sample project from the MFP Developer Center, or an application of your own.
Either way, you can create a new project and add the iPhone environment and compare your project's native\config.xml with the new project's native\config.xml and correct yours accordingly.

Worklight 6.0 - Steps to fix IBM App Center for iOS8?

I am using IBM Worklight 6.0 with December 14th fix.
I am trying to use IBM App Center client for iOS8.
I have seen multiple discussions about this issue:
IBM Worklight Application Center iOS unresponsive to touch events
IBM App center not working for iOS8
I copied the project from my server, where the fix is installed, and built for iOS, but when I inspect the mobile App, I can see that the application is using Dojo 1.9.0.
> dojo.version.toString();
"1.9.0 (29469)"
I can see that the IBM App Center mobile client does not use Dojo Toolkit, but includes a dojo.js file (with a size of 1.2MB).
My question is : What are steps to build IBM App Center for Worklight 6.0, knowing that the fix is installed (Both Worklight studio and server)?
Do I need to manually change dojo.js file with a newer version? if yes, where can I find such file?
The AppCenter installation contains an Application Center Installer application project.
This is a Worklight project with the iPhone environment. The app that is generated from it is the Installer application that you need to install on a device, and from which the user will then install any subsequent applications distributed via Application Center.
Make sure you are using the provided Worklight project; there are no additional changes to be done to to project (other than using your own bundleId, ...).
It could be that you are missing the Dojo library in your workspace?
You can generate it by creating a new Worklight project and application using the Dojo wizard in Studio.
When you received the fix, it contains a new project for IBM app centre.
You need to get this project and import it to your Eclipse Environment and rebuild the IBM app centre (APK and IPA) files.
You have to redeploy these files to IBM app centre console and re-download them on your iOS8 devices.
I believe the iOS8 fix starts from version V6.2, and we have downloaded fix v6.2.0.1.
So, I'm not sure about V6.0.
Please verify with IBM.

Worklight Mobile Simulator file not found error

I'm using Worklight 6.1 Studio on a OS-X Mavericks, and get the following error while launching the Mobile Browser Simulator. This appears in the Liberty Server console, and the simulator never loads in the browser.
[WARNING ] SRVE0190E: File not found: /dojo/dojo/_base/kernel.js
Any ideas on why this could be happening?
Please edit the question and explain how exactly you are loading the MBS.
The MBS is part of Worklight Console (and available only in the Worklight Studio Eclipse plug-in).
The proper way to interact with it, is like so:
Create an app, add an environment, etc...
Right-click on the application folder > Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
Right-click on the project folder > Open Worklight Console
Click on the preview app of the environment
Then, the MBS will load and preview your app within it.

Tips/help to debug no apk file

My environment :
Eclipse sdk 3.7.2
Worklight pluin 5.0.5
Android sdk 2.2
First I tried a simple Hello World, everything works fine, android native project was created and I see the corresponding apk file was generated after a build and deploy.
Next I imported a sample project, successfully got it run on the test (localhost) server, able to see the expected result on the android Mobile Browser Simulator but the problem now is I am not seeing the corresponding android apk file got generated (the android native project was created). No errors on the logs, Any idea what could be the problem? How one debug such a problem.
APK will be generated under \bin\ folder once you run your app for the first time.
Connect your Android device to dev machine via USB cable (assuming you got Android SDK etc installed), right click on Android project and do Run as->Android app.
The app will be installed and started on Android device. APK will be generated in \bin folder.
In general, you don't need the device, same thing can be done with emulator.
You can also do an export on the android application project. This is what you would do if you are looking at doing some key signing. This is the way you would want to export it if you are uploading to Google play or an enterprise app store.
Keep in mind, Worklight doesn't build your .ipa, .apk, or etc. It builds you compile ready resources. It will build you the folder structure and the project layers needed to build in the corresponding Native Environment (for apple, you would export to xcode, build it, and run).