WebMatrix Nested WebGrid VB code - vb.net

I have looked at the code in both the following posts:
formatting in razor nested webgrid, replied to by nemesv in October 2011 and
Razor Nested WebGrid, replied to by Chad Moran in April 2011.
They both seem to be close to my problem but the code is C# based, I believe, and I am having difficulty converting it to VB. I am also not sure they are exactly where I am at. I am particularly bemused by the following line, because of the two equals signs and double reference to subGrid.
WebGrid subGrid = subGrid = new WebGrid(item.SubItems)
I am also not sure whether topGrid and subGrid are just generic names, used for the purpose of illustration, or whether they are key words.
As a very relevant aside I will mention that this point in my web page project has held me up for five years now (I am not exaggerating - I just stopped working on the project for two years because of it). I have tried using ASP in VWD and now Grid View in WebMatrix and I hope I will not fail again.
Database record
Fields: Publisher_Name, Publisher_City, Series_Published, No_of_Series
Record Example: Price Stern Sloan, Baltimore, JKLMNO, 6
My two planned grid names
Publishers_Grid (top)
Series_Grid (sub)
What I am trying to do
For each of the characters in the string JKLMNO, access a second table, where each letter is the primary key for a record in that table.
Retrieve the value of the field, Back_Cover_Image, in that second table, which will be the file name or, at least, the unique part of the file name, for the image to be displayed.
If I go with the partial unique bit of file name approach, build the full file names for the images. And then -
Display as a second web grid row, the images thus pointed at, in the record example, that would be 6 images.
Thus I would end up, for the example record, something like the following (I have used XX to stand for an image): -
Price Stern Sloan Baltimore XX XX XX XX XX XX
I certainly I hope I am not wasting the valuable time of experts who I greatly admire. I'm just trying to achieve something that seems quite simple to me, having originally been a PL/1 programmer, 30 years ago, and a great user of nested arrays within that language, but I just can't work out the syntax in VB, Razor and WebMatrix.
I look forward to some constructive answers, and please do use VB.
My WebMatrix page so far
Layout = "~/Shared/Layouts/_Layout.vbhtml"
Dim HWB_Database As Database = Database.Open("How_and_Why_Wonder_Books")
Dim HWB_Publishers_All_sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM Publishers ORDER BY Publisher_Code"
Dim Publishers_Data = HWB_Database.Query(HWB_Publishers_All_sqlCommand)
Dim Publishers_Grid = New WebGrid(Publishers_Data)
End Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>How and Why Wonder Books - Publishers</title>
<div style="margin-left: 100px">
<p style="Width: 1020px; border-width: 1px" class="InstructionsHeader">
Click on a publisher to see the list of titles produced under that imprint, click on a thumbnail to see details of that series type.
<div id="Publishers_Grid_Display">
#Publishers_Grid.GetHtml(columns:= Publishers_Grid.Columns(
Thank you for your promptings and encouragement.


Scrapy - Cleaning up text[/p] from nested links[/a] etc

I am new to python and scrape as well. Nevertheless, I spend a few days trying to scrape news articles from its archive - SUCCESSFULLY.
PROBLEM is that when I scrape CONTENT of the article <p> that content is filled with additional tags like - strong, a etc. And as such scrapy won't pull it out and I am left with news article containing 2/3 of the text. Will try HTML below:
<p> According to <a> Japan's newspapers </a> it happened ... </p>
Now I tried googling around and looking into the forum here. There were some suggestion but from what I tried, it did not work or broke my spider:
I have read about normalized-space and remove tags but it didn't work. Thank you for any insights in advance.
Please provide your selector for more detailed help.
Given what you're describing, I'd guess you're selecting p/text() (xml) or p::text (css), which is not going to get the text in the children of <p> elements.
You should try selecting response.xpath('//p/descendant-or-self::*/text()') to get the text in the <p> and all it's children.
You could also just select the <p>, not its text, and you'll get its children as well. From there you can start cleaning up the tags. There are answered questions regarding how to do that.
You could use string.replace(,)
new_string = old_string.replace("<a>", "")
You could integrate this into a loop which iterates over a list that contains all of the substrings that you want to discard.

How do I select a particular dynamic div, using Selenium when I don't have a unique id or name?

Only the content of the div is unique. So, in the following dynamically generated html, only "My Article-1245" is unique:
<div class="col-md-4 article">
My Article-1245
<p>O ephemeral text! Here today, gone tomorrow. Not terribly important, but necessary</p>
How do I select the edit/delete link of this specific div, using Selenium? assertText/verifyText requires an element locator, but I do not have any unique id/name (out of my control). There will be many such div blocks, with other content text, all dynamically generated.
Any help would be appreciated.
If text 'My Article' appears each time, you may use following:
//For Delete
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'My Article-')]/a[text()='Delete']"));
//For Edit
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h2[contains(text(),'My Article-')]/a[text()='Edit']"));
Hope it meets your requirement :)
Matching by text is always a bad automated testing concept. If you want to keep clean and reliable test scripts, then :
Contact your web dev to add unique identifiers to the elements
Suck it up, and create selectors based on what's there.
You are able to create a CSS selector based on what you want.
What you should do is create the selector using parent-child relationships:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.article:nth-child(X) a[href^='delete']"));
As I am ignorant of your appp, this is also assuming that all of your article classes are under the same parent. You would substitute X with the number of the div you want to refer to. e.g.:
<div id="someparent">
<div class="...article" />
<div class="...article" />

dijit.InlineEditBox with highlighted html

I have some dijit.InlineEditBox widgets and now I need to add some search highlighting over them, so I return the results with a span with class="highlight" over the matched words. The resulting code looks like this :
<div id="title_514141" data-dojo-type="dijit.InlineEditBox"
data-dojo-props="editor:\'dijit.form.TextBox\', onFocus:titles.save_old_value,
onChange:titles.save_inline, renderAsHtml:true">Twenty Thousand Leagues <span
class="highlight">Under</span> the Sea</div>
This looks as expected, however, when I start editing the title the added span shows up. How can I make the editor remove the span added so only the text remains ?
In this particular case the titles of the books have no html in them, so some kind of full tag stripping should work, but it would be nice to find a solution (in case of short description field with a dijit.Editor widget perhaps) where the existing html is left in place and only the highlighting span is removed.
Also, if you can suggest a better way to do this (inline editing and word highlighting) please let me know.
Thank you !
How will this affect your displayed content in the editor? It rather depends on the contents you allow into the field - you will need a rich-text editor (huge footprint) to handle html correctly.
These RegExp's will trim away XML tags
this.value = this.displayNode.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]*>/, " ").replace(/<\/[^>]*>/, '');
Here's a running example of the below code: fiddle
<div id="title_514141" data-dojo-type="dijit.InlineEditBox"
data-dojo-props="editor:\'dijit.form.TextBox\', onFocus:titles.save_old_value,
onChange:titles.save_inline, renderAsHtml:true">Twenty Thousand Leagues <span
class="highlight">Under</span> the Sea
<script type="dojo/method" event="onFocus">
this.value = this.displayNode.innerHTML.
replace(/<[^>]*>/, " ").
replace(/<\/[^>]*>/, '');
The renderAsHtml attribute only trims 'off one layer', so embedded HTML will still be html afaik. With the above you should be able to 1) override the onFocus handling, 2) set the editable value yourself and 3) call 'old' onFocus method.
Alternatively (as seeing you have allready set 'titles.save_*' in props, use dojo/connect instead of dojo/method - but you need to get there first, sort of say.

Dojo query based on 2 attributes values

I have a webpage with 2 iframes having the same id (yes, that is the problem but I do not make the code, only using it), but with different style. So I would like to query (using dojo) the iframe having given id (to complicate the thing, id includes dots) AND given style (the one with style="").
I have tried many different queries but none work.
Please help !!!
try THIS
<iframe id="iframe.1" style="background-color:red">
<iframe id="iframe.1" style="">
var query1 = dojo.query('iframe[id="iframe.1"][style="background-color:red"]');
var query2 = dojo.query('iframe[id="iframe.1"][style=""]');

Split table data in SQL and replace with results

I need to remove a bunch of unneeded data from each table based on split parameters.
My SQL table is storing a bunch of HTML for caching, The data is already in SQL and it's growing to be quite large so now I want to split some of the data I don't use from each table based on a string and update the table with the new results.
cacheHTML table is holding data like this
... (a bunch of data I don't need)
<first div>
... (the data I do want to save)
... (data I don't care about also)
I only want whats inside the first div and to remove all the html up to that point.
Is there any easy method for this? I need to do this to 5k rows of cached data...
I need a function or method to say give me everything between string1 till string2 then replace the table with the results. Any help would be appreciated Thanks!
You could do something like this. Will only work if you always need the text inside the first div in the html string. Im assuming SQL Server as database system but it could probably be translated to others pretty easily.
Sample html string:
<title>Stuff i dont need</title>
<h1>Stuff i dont need</title>
<p>I dont need any of this data</title>
<div>This is the data i need to save!</div>
<h3>Dont need this</h3>
<div>Wont need this either!<div>
SQL to do the update:
SET htmlText = REPLACE(SUBSTRING(htmlText, CHARINDEX('<div>', htmlText, 0), CHARINDEX('</div>', htmlText, 0) - CHARINDEX('<div>', htmlText, 0)), '<div>', '')