How to synchronize UIScrollView image with another UIImageView - objective-c

I'm designing a game that has a large hex style map in a UIScrollView and a 1/10th scale "mini map" in another view. The mini map has a rectile that is used to indicate the current area visible in the scroll view. What's the best way to position the rectile to synchronize it with the main map?

You can get your UIScrollView's contentOffset whenever you'd like. You could check this value in the UIScrollView delegate method - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView. Once you have the contentOffset you should divide that by your UIScrollView's contentSize minus it's frame.size. That gives you a float, that float can then be used to determine the positioning of the rectile in the smaller view. Some code below to show what I'm talking about. I'm just going to give you the x positioning example. rinse and repeat for y positioning.
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
CGFloat xRat;
CGFloat xPos;
xRat = scrollView.contentOffset.x/(scrollView.contentSize.width - scrollView.frame.size.width);
The xRat is the percentage (in float format) that the scroll view has scrolled. So just use xRat to position the rectile along the x-axis by that percentage.


How to customize a NSSlider

I'm trying to implement a custom slider in Cocoa with 5 values. See my demo project, which can be downloaded here:
I've subclassed the NSSliderCell and implemented methods like drawKnob:(NSRect)knobRect and drawBarInside:(NSRect)cellFrame flipped:(BOOL)flipped etc.
I'm facing some issues:
I'm not able to position the knob correctly regarding to the background image. I know that I'm able to change the knob's frame, and I've tried doing some calculation to position the knob correctly, but I'm not able to make it work for my custom slider. Could someone please help me with this?
The height of my custom slider background is 41px. In the drawBarInside:(NSRect)cellFrame flipped:(BOOL)flipped I change the height of the frame to 41px as well, but the entire background is not visible. Why?
I've noticed that the included images (the background and knob) are flipped vertically. Why? Note that the border top is darker in the background compared to the bottom, but this is reversed when I draw the background.
I found a mistake in your calculation of the x position of the knob rectangle: You used the height of the image where you should have used the width.
The cell drawing is being clipped to the frame of the control. Maybe you could expand the control frame when your cell awakes.
You need to use the NSImage method drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:respectFlipped:hints:, and pass YES for the respectFlipped: parameter. Apple's controls generally do use flipped coordinates.
Added: Expanding the frame in awakeFromNib doesn't seem to work, the frame gets set back. Here's something that does work. Instead of overriding drawBarInside:flipped:, add this override:
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSRect controlFrame = [controlView frame];
float bgHeight = self.backgroundImage.size.height;
if (controlFrame.size.height < bgHeight)
controlFrame.size.height = bgHeight;
[controlView setFrame: controlFrame];
drawInRect: [controlView bounds]
fromRect: NSZeroRect
operation: NSCompositeSourceOver
fraction: 1.0
respectFlipped: YES
hints: NULL];
[self drawKnob];

How to get the padding from the edge of the UITableview to the UITableViewCell

On the iPad, the Grouped style tableview's cells are inset deeper from the edge of the tableview than on the iPhone.
I need to retrieve the Left and Right distances from the edges of the tableview to where the cell begins. What i'm referring to is similar to "Margins". I read the UITableview API up and down and can't find a property that returns this.
I need to use this in calculation to compute where to position content in my cells.
Thanks in advance!
I haven't tested this but i'm pretty sure you should just be able to pick up the frame of both and then compare from there.
CGRect cellFrame = yourCell.frame;
CGRect tableFrame = yourUITableView.frame;
The CGRect values are (x coordinate, y coordinate, width, height).
Also you can just print out the frames using :
NSLog(#"your cell frame is %#",NSStringFromCGRect(yourCell.frame);
NSLog(#"your table frame is %#",NSStringFromCGRect(yourUITableView.frame);
I solved this with overriding the layoutSubviews call for the iPad and setting the grouped view margins to what I want them to be, rather then what the apparently hidden value is. Other answers in Stack point out that it can vary from 10 to 45 pixels in width.
In your CustomTableViewCell class
- (void)layoutSubviews
CGRect f = self.bounds;
f = CGRectInset(f, 10, 0);
self.contentView.frame = f;
self.backgroundView.frame = f;
You could force it to keep contentView and backgroundView to be equal to that of the TableCell width which is that TableView width, but in this case I still wanted my grouped view to be inset a little bit. It also allows you to better match with a custom header/footer view which will go edge to edge without work.

UIScrollView - Custom Map - Prevent marker subview on map from scaling with map

I have a custom map of a limited area, and have it set up to correctly show the users' location. The map is a 1600px square image within a UIScrollView.
I have a crosshair image to show the current location of the user, which at zoomScale 1.0 is the desired size. When I pinch and zoom the scrollView, the crosshair scales with it. I would like to have the subview remain the same size on screen.
I haven't been able to find any information on this, what would be the best way to go about this?
If there is anything I can provide you with to help the answer, please let me know.
Many thanks!
Having looked in to this further, there is a UIScrollViewDelegate method - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale which I tried using to take the marker's current center and size, then adjust, but this only scales at the end of the zoom. I would prefer to have the marker remain the same size while the user is zooming.
Cake has provided a great answer below, but I haven't been able to implement this in the way I imagined it would be.
I have the UIImageView as a placeholder, with alpha set to 0. This placeholder moves around relative to the map to show the user location. This operates as I expect it to. Unfortunately, this resizes with the map, as it is a subview of the map (so it stays in place).
Taking Cake's below answer, I have created the non-scaling crosshair image, and added it as a sibling subview to the scrollview. The maths, once Cake had pointed them out, were quite simple to get the new frame for the crosshair:
CGPoint ULPC =;
float zs = scrollView.zoomScale;
CGRect newFrame = CGRectMake(((ULPC.x * zs) - scrollView.contentOffset.x) - 20, ((ULPC.y * zs) - scrollView.contentOffset.y) - 20, 40, 40);
Where the image is 40points wide. This matches the centers perfectly.
The problem I now have is that I cannot get the crosshair image to stay locked to the placeholder.
I have tried using a self calling animation as such:
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.05
options:(UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear )
userLocationDotContainer.frame = newFrame;
} completion:^(BOOL finished){
// Call self
[self animateUserLocationAttachment];
As soon as I start scrolling/zooming, this locks the animation so that the crosshair just sits in place until I release the scrolling/zooming, then it correctly updates it's location.
Is there any way I can get around this, or an alternative method I can apply?
Many thanks
EDIT 3 -
I've re-accepted Cake's answer as it covers 90% of the issue. Further to his answer I have implemented the ScrollViewDelegate methods scrollViewWillBeginDragging: andscrollViewWillBeginDecelerating: to scale the placeholder to match the current size of the crosshair relative to the map, show the placeholder (that is a subview of the map image) and hide the crosshair image. The delegate method scrollviewWillBeginZooming:withView: does not show the placeholder because it scales with the map. As Cake recommends, I'll make a new question for this issue.
The counterpart methods (scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale:, scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: and -scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:`) all hide the placeholder, and re-show the crosshair.
The question is old but for the future similar questions I've recently resolved a similar problem applying the hint of Andrew Madsen of another post.
I'had a UIScrollView, with an UIImageView in it. Attached to the UIImageView I had many MKAnnotationView (those are my subviews that I didn't want scaling with the superview).
I did subclass UIImageView and implement setTransform: method like here:
#import "SLImageView.h"
#implementation SLImageView
- (void)setTransform:(CGAffineTransform)transform
[super setTransform:transform];
CGAffineTransform invertedTransform = CGAffineTransformInvert(transform);
for (id obj in self.subviews)
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[MKAnnotationView class]])
[((UIView *)obj) setTransform:invertedTransform];
This works perfectly!
Create another crosshair image that's associated with the view or view controller that contains the scrollview. Then have this one always snap to the center of the crosshair image you already have. Then, hide your original crosshair image. Then you can avoid having the scrollview scale the disassociated crosshair, and it should stay the same size.
Relative coordinate systems
Each view in cocoa touch has a frame property that has an origin. In order to position an object owned by one view properly relative to another view, all you have to do is figure out the differences in their origins. If one view is a subview of another, then this isn't too difficult.
Get the origin of the container view
Get the location of the subview inside of the container view
Get the origin of the subview
Calculate the difference in the positions of the origins
Get the location of the object you want to overlap (relative to the subview)
Calculate the location of the object you want to overlap relative to the container view
Move your crosshair to this position
Swift equivalent for Mick's answer:
class MapContainerView:UIView {
#IBOutlet var nonScalingViews: [UIView]!
override var transform: CGAffineTransform {
didSet {
guard let nonScalingViews = nonScalingViews else {
let invertedTransform = CGAffineTransformInvert(transform)
for view in nonScalingViews {
view.transform = invertedTransform

iOS OpenGL layer and UIScrollView

I'm creating a drawing app on the iPad where the user can draw and scroll through the drawing. (Think of a canvas 4000 pixels wide with a view port width of 1024) At the moment, I'm using OpenGL for the drawing, and with a width of 1024, it works great. When I change the frame size of the UIView to 4000, I get "failed to make complete framebuffer object 8cd6". When I reduced it to a width of 2000, I ended up getting "wacky" results. I know I can manipulate the frame correctly, as having a frame width of 500 creates the correct result.
I was also thinking of leaving the width 1024 and moving the camera of the OpenGL layer, but how would that work with the UIScrollView that I setup? So I'm unsure on what to do at the moment. Any advice?
Thanks in advance
P.S. The code is largely based of GLPaint sample Apple provides here
I think you'd be best off with the scheme you suggest towards the end — keeping the OpenGL view static and outside of the scroll view, and moving its contents so as to match the movement of the scroll view.
Assuming you're using a GLKView, implement your glkView:drawInRect: so that it gets the contentOffset (and, probably, the bounds) properties from your scroll view and draws appropriately. E.g. (pretending you're using GLES 1.0 just because the matrix manipulation methods are so well known):
- (void)glkView:(GLKView *)view drawInRect:(CGRect)rect
// displayArea will be the area the scroll view is
// currently displaying; taking just the bounds would
// likely be fine too
CGRect displayArea;
displayArea.origin = scrollView.contentOffset;
displayArea.size = scrollView.bounds.size;
// assuming (0, 0) in the GL view is in the centre,
// we'll adjust things so that it's in the corner ala
// UIKit
CGPoint centre = CGPointMake(
displayArea.origin.x + displayArea.size.width*0.5f,
displayArea.origin.y + displayArea.size.height*0.5f);
// apply the scroll as per the scroll view
// so that its centre is aligned with our centre
glTranslatef(-centre.x, -centre.y, -1);
/* rest of drawing here */
Then connect yourself as a delegate to the scrollview and just perform:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
[glView setNeedsDisplay];
To ensure the GL redraws whenever the scroll view is scrolled.
I would strongly recommend to do your zooming in panning with your OpenGL camera instead of trying to use it in a UIScrollView. It will be a little more work to set up, but ultimately the way to go IMHO.

How to make vertical CCScrollView align to top?

I have a vertical CCScrollView on iOS where height is not divisible by cell height.
So, cells align to the bottom of CCScrollView.
Is there any way to make CCScrollView align to top?
I have not used the CCScrollView, but I have tried another UIScrollView implementation for cocos2d and I think the same way I solved this could apply. Set your scrollview's contentOffset to ccp(0.0, scrollview.contentSize.height - scrollview.size.height) instead of ccp(0.0, 0.0). Then, adjust the position of your content based on your scrollview's contentSize. For instance if you wanted your content's position to be ccp(x, y) as it appears, you could do something like
content.position = CGPointMake(x, scrollview.contentSize.height - scrollview.size.height + y)
size is the view size of the scrollview, but I'm not sure what the actual property for scrollview is since I haven't used it.
Use below code works for me:
[self.scrollView setContentOffset:ccp(0, -self.scrollView.container.contentSize.height + self.scrollView.boundingBox.size.height) animated:NO];